So, my own stupidity just cost me $50 and Raving Rabbids


4 (100%)
Edit: I'm posting my post from way on down this thread to my first post for any new readers. The bottom line is that I'm getting Rayman, and that people are just too kind! Thanks to all


You all are really a terrific bunch!!!! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the kind offers to help pay for the game, sell me one cheap, etc etc. It really does make me feel good about people again!

That said, I am *not* going to take anyone up on their offers! Just knowing people are this nice means a heck of a lot.

I went onto tradegamesnow last night and made an offer for a 360 game I didn't really mind to part with--so I'm getting Rayman that way. It ends pretty well

Plus I found another Wii game for $25 on clearance last night (Barnyard, but still!) at Target. So that's cool.

I learned a good lesson and feel very lucky that my loss was so minimal.

Thanks for all the kind words and offers--and for letting me use up the board to vent!


I feel sooooo stupid right now. I went to Wal-Mart to exchange a video game (long story in itself)...they don't have the right game, so I get a more expensive one and pay the difference. I was excited to pick up Rayman Raving Rabbids for the Wii.

Then I go shopping. At one point I am looking at big items and lay my bag down. Next thing I know, its gone.

I know, I know--I shouldn't have kept the bag while shopping and I shouldn't have laid it down. I'm mad at myself for being so stupid, and I'm disappointed that it was that easy for a thief to take advantage of my stupidity--what does that say about people.

What's worse is I wasted some 2 hours retracing my steps 100 times just in case... I'm also a bit peeved at the Wal-Mart staff for not showing the remotest bit of sympathy. Now, I know they can't do much in this case, and I know they make low pay....but still. I was treated like a horrible person for asking them to take my name and number down in case someone were to actually turn it in. Sigh!

I'm also sad that I'll have to blow another $50 to get this game--and that it will taint the enjoyment of it.

A very sad BrerDan
(but also one who knows full well that in the big scheme of things, this is really nothing)
CAG'ers should donate a bit of money and buy this guy a copy of Rayman. Or someone could give him theirs. We gotta have some nice people around here somewhere.
[quote name='Scorch']CAG'ers should donate a bit of money and buy this guy a copy of Rayman. Or someone could give him theirs. We gotta have some nice people around here somewhere.[/QUOTE]

I'd put in- I oversaved for my anime con, so I've got extra right now. :D
While I don't have any money to donate for you, I will give you the heads up that Rayman will very likely be $30 at BB or CC sometime in the next month (Red Steel is once again, if that is any indication).
the same thing happened to me when I was trying something on a clothing store

the next thing I know my two bags from all the shopping from the past two hours were gone...
i did almost the same thing over xmas at walmart. I was buying a few thing and was using a walmart gift card. You have to swipe the gift card and then scan it on the scanner. well i swipe the card and then lye it on the scanner and Must of forgot to pick it up cause when i got out to the car i couldnt find the card. i went back into the store and they said they never saw a gift card lying there. lost around 30 bucks on the gift card i had left.

never expect anyone working at Walmart to really help you out. Last summer i found 10 bucks in one of those self checking machines and say to the worker

Me: the last person left this cash behind
Worker: What do you want me to do

that is why unless i have to shop at walmart i dont
This is what you get for going to Wal-Mart. Go to a Wal-Mart store, deal with the Wal-Mart culture.
I've done a lot less intelligent things, and lost things worth a lot more than a video game. I'm still alive.

Still, it's shitty that you can't take your eye off your things for a second while you're in public...although, living in the midwest (even in big, bad Minneapolis), you don't seem to hear things like this as often. My condolences, but at least you'll never do that again--you can be thankful the time that made you learn was only about $50.
[quote name='BrerDan']I feel sooooo stupid right now. I went to Wal-Mart to exchange a video game (long story in itself)...they don't have the right game, so I get a more expensive one and pay the difference. I was excited to pick up Rayman Raving Rabbids for the Wii.

Then I go shopping. At one point I am looking at big items and lay my bag down. Next thing I know, its gone.

I know, I know--I shouldn't have kept the bag while shopping and I shouldn't have laid it down. I'm mad at myself for being so stupid, and I'm disappointed that it was that easy for a thief to take advantage of my stupidity--what does that say about people.

What's worse is I wasted some 2 hours retracing my steps 100 times just in case... I'm also a bit peeved at the Wal-Mart staff for not showing the remotest bit of sympathy. Now, I know they can't do much in this case, and I know they make low pay....but still. I was treated like a horrible person for asking them to take my name and number down in case someone were to actually turn it in. Sigh!

I'm also sad that I'll have to blow another $50 to get this game--and that it will taint the enjoyment of it.

A very sad BrerDan
(but also one who knows full well that in the big scheme of things, this is really nothing)[/QUOTE]

I lost my first DS system at the airport before I ever even opened it up (on launch day nonetheless). Took it out of the box while in the parking garage and was planning to find a plug in the airport to charge it on while I waited. I went to get something out of my front seat and left the DS sitting on my trunk (with bags and other stuff). When I came back I didn't realize it was gone at first (who would take something like that when I am 5 FEET AWAY!?). Eventually I ended up doing the same thing you did. Retracing steps, etc.

And no, airport security was worthless. They took my name and number, and gave me a dumbfounded "uhhh...." when I asked them if they could simply rewind the cameras in the garage. By the time I got everything filed with them it was time to make my flight. Naturally I never heard from them again and when I tried to follow up I got (abbreviated version) more dumbness.

It took me a couple more months before I could stomach buying a replacement DS for the one I never even turned on...
No point in kicking yourself, this is just another lesson learned. Yes it was an expensive one but the more expensive it is, the less likely you are to do it again.
[quote name='Scorch']CAG'ers should donate a bit of money and buy this guy a copy of Rayman. Or someone could give him theirs. We gotta have some nice people around here somewhere.[/QUOTE]
I'd donate $6 or so to the cause
I hold onto my stuff very carefully for a reason, I've never lost anything but I've got a strong hate/distrust for humanity anymore.
dude if you get enough people, i'll donate some money (7 bucks) paypal fo sho. that's fucked up as I have been stolen from PLENTY of times, even by my own brother. ;/ that's already 13 from me and mr. macy.
I'd be in for $5. We're almost up to $20!

We all know the pain of having things stolen. For me, it was my binder of pokemon cards when I was younger.. like 10 or so. I didn't realize they weren't with me.. went back to the card store (had just done a tournament) and zilch. Nothing. I had so much fucking money invested in that.
I doubt they will help, but did you ask the Wal-Mart manager(s)/security if they could check the cameras to try and get an ID on the person?

Sorry to hear about the loss, OP.
I won a copy of Rayman in the Feb Goozex promo. It's stuck somewhere in the bowels of the USPS, but when it shows up I'll be glad to toss it up for the cause. If I get like $25 from any number of sources, I'd be happy to send it your way. I unfortunately sold my Wii a day before I found out I'd won the game, so I'm just gonna be selling it anyway. Anyway, if we can round up enough funds, I'll PM everyone once I get the game so I can collect the donations and ship out the game. I's free anyway, so what am I losing by selling it relatively cheap? Not much? Exactly :) I'd love to donate the whole thing, but finances are particularly tight right now.
I'd be happy to throw in $5-$10. Sorry about what happened, but don't beat yourself up about it. I think most of us have done something like that before.
Well, it looks like you might just be all set.

Mr Macy = $6
tiredfornow = $7
scorch = $5
Serialkilla = $5
BoSoxFan900 = $5-10

which means we've got $28-33 total. If we make that last one $5, we've got $28 which would cover shipping, DC, and the cost of the if it shows up and people are serious we're all set :)
Sorry to hear that, I might be able to through a couple bucks your way, I'd love to give ya more but im unemployed right now.
[quote name='tiredfornow']dude if you get enough people, i'll donate some money (7 bucks) paypal fo sho. that's fucked up as I have been stolen from PLENTY of times, even by my own brother. ;/ that's already 13 from me and mr. macy.[/quote]

about 10 years ago my brother stole all of my video games/systems from me to pawn for drug money. Genesis, NES, SNES, Game Gear (Blue one, nonetheless), Game Boy and at least 50 games including FF3. I had left them over at his house for a day or two and he claimed they were destroyed when the basement flooded (which is true about the flooding) but could not provide me with ANY of my things, no matter how horrid their condition.

So, yeah, I know what it's like to have things stolen. I have $0.57 in my PayPal I could donate. Unfortunately, that is all I can afford right now.

You all are really a terrific bunch!!!! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the kind offers to help pay for the game, sell me one cheap, etc etc. It really does make me feel good about people again!

That said, I am *not* going to take anyone up on their offers! Just knowing people are this nice means a heck of a lot.

I went onto tradegamesnow last night and made an offer for a 360 game I didn't really mind to part with--so I'm getting Rayman that way. It ends pretty well :)

Plus I found another Wii game for $25 on clearance last night (Barnyard, but still!) at Target. So that's cool.

I learned a good lesson and feel very lucky that my loss was so minimal.

Thanks for all the kind words and offers--and for letting me use up the board to vent!
sad to hear that, the most valuable thing I have got lost/stolen was my yugioh cards, I know it may sound pathetic but when I was in 6th grade Yugioh was the shit, I am in 10th now, I had the best cards in my school and right near my school we had a card store that would sell and take trade ins on yugioh cards. At my school, the winner of the battle would get to choose 1 card from the losers deck, I would end up winning like 5x a week and getting 5 great cards and losing about 1 time, and the comic store would give ~20 $ for those cards which I would put to a booster box and buy more cards.

In the end, I had all first edition Exodia in mint condition, worth ~350$ 3 red eyes black dragon, worth ~150, 3 Jinzo First Edition, ~100 and LOTS of other cards, I would say if I sold them all on ebay or to someone , yugioh was popular back then, I could have gotten easily 700-1000 dollars. I also had the best magic and trap cards.

So here is what happened, It was our party in 6th grade for graduation and I was in my last class, and we were watching a movie, the teacher asked me to go get some chips from her car which was in the parking lot right behind the class. So I went, and I left my backpack in the class, everyone in my school who played yugioh knew I had the best cards, one kid stole them and closed my backpack, he took the case that had them all in a protector. The protector was to big to fit in my pocket so that's why I didn't take it with me. I still should have and carried it, but I lost them all and couldn't do anything because my school wouldn't allow yugioh cards and my teacher said she couldn't do anything... I was crying and I asked her to just please check the backpacks and stuff but she didn't. I still remember the next year when I had the same teacher when one girl lost her favorite set of gel pens, she cried and the teacher got school security to come search everyones stuff until they found it...none the less i quit yugioh after that incident, really was so sad. Couldn't talk about yugioh or watch the show ever since.

I can donate 5$ if you need via paypal.
ouch, that was a sad story, Armans. i used to sell those Yu Gi Oh cards at TRU, and people were pretty fanatical for them (just like Pokemon cards). if it makes any of you feel better, my wife's car just got stolen 4 days ago. that stings BAD. we're fully insured but still...
Wow...sorry to hear that. Things you really are into hurt all the more....I definitely feel for you. I'm not surprised about the teacher--funny how girls are often treated better than boys.

Ah well...we all just learn and move on.

Hope you're enjoying 10th grade now.

[quote name='Armans']sad to hear that, the most valuable thing I have got lost/stolen was my yugioh cards, I know it may sound pathetic but when I was in 6th grade Yugioh was the shit, I am in 10th now, I had the best cards in my school and right near my school we had a card store that would sell and take trade ins on yugioh cards. At my school, the winner of the battle would get to choose 1 card from the losers deck, I would end up winning like 5x a week and getting 5 great cards and losing about 1 time, and the comic store would give ~20 $ for those cards which I would put to a booster box and buy more cards.

In the end, I had all first edition Exodia in mint condition, worth ~350$ 3 red eyes black dragon, worth ~150, 3 Jinzo First Edition, ~100 and LOTS of other cards, I would say if I sold them all on ebay or to someone , yugioh was popular back then, I could have gotten easily 700-1000 dollars. I also had the best magic and trap cards.

So here is what happened, It was our party in 6th grade for graduation and I was in my last class, and we were watching a movie, the teacher asked me to go get some chips from her car which was in the parking lot right behind the class. So I went, and I left my backpack in the class, everyone in my school who played yugioh knew I had the best cards, one kid stole them and closed my backpack, he took the case that had them all in a protector. The protector was to big to fit in my pocket so that's why I didn't take it with me. I still should have and carried it, but I lost them all and couldn't do anything because my school wouldn't allow yugioh cards and my teacher said she couldn't do anything... I was crying and I asked her to just please check the backpacks and stuff but she didn't. I still remember the next year when I had the same teacher when one girl lost her favorite set of gel pens, she cried and the teacher got school security to come search everyones stuff until they found it...none the less i quit yugioh after that incident, really was so sad. Couldn't talk about yugioh or watch the show ever since.

I can donate 5$ if you need via paypal.[/QUOTE]
Anytime your dealing with kids things WILL get stolen, especially things like cards and video games that can be easily sold for a profit to pawn or card shops. People used to be fanatical about Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon cards, especially pokemon cards. Even as an adult I received tons of advice to NEVER let my cards out of my sight because people would try to steal them, I was told to always keep my feet on top of the binder, and to have a zip-close binder so that people couldn't grab the cards from the top slots which is what always happened.

Sorry to hear about what happened to you, I guess I am very lucky because I never had anything stolen from me or lost anything, but then again I am very protective of my stuff, perhaps a bit too protective.

Walmart won't help you out at all, over here one woman lost an envelope with 500$ in cash here at walmart, turns out an employee knowingly stole the envelope, the story got so much publicity here that walmart was forced to give the woman a 500$ gift card, but they refused to give the woman her cash back even though an employee knowingly stole the money!

Sometimes shopping at walmart is unavoidable though, as over here its the only place you can take digital pictures to get printed. We had an incident where a woman tried to say she was with us and use a gift card (probably stolen) to purchase our stuff then take our money in exchange for the gift card, they didn't do jack about it. I just try to avoid the most busy times (saturdays and around the first of the month) and go on sunday nights or quiet weekday nights and that seems to eliminate most of the walmart crowd. Going with a group of people also helps, not a good idea to go into walmart alone at least at the store over here, especially when purchasing expensive and high-demand electronic items.
Sorry to hear that OP! Seems like even though there are actual Police officers in uniform, least at my Walmarts these days, doesn't seem to scare off shoplifters.

Reminds me when I was younger maybe about ten years ago. I would always check Walmart's glass case's bottom shelves for games that were marked for cheaper. I found a copy of Judge Dredd for the original GB at $5 and bought it. I set it down just for a little bit and then it was gone! Parents said to just let it go since it was only $5, but still that was a sad day for me at that age. I wonder if that was a good GB game or not.

I guess even at that age I was truly meant to be a CAG, even though CAG didn't exist yet! :)
So yeah, I guess I kind of understand and I wish I could help!
bread's done