So...Nintendo Conference 'tonight'

So while I stare blankly at the screen and wait for this mofo to start up, I've been reading the posts/news at the sites that provide the news feed.

I'm getting the feeling that these folks are taking for granted that the conference will not contain launch info. Was I ignoring this sentiment before now, or is this something that's just cropped up in the past 16 hours?
[quote name='Genocidal']You don't appear to be online. Blocking all who aren't on your buddy list perhaps?[/QUOTE]

No I forgot that I didn't have AIM installed on the box at the moment......

And I still want to know what became of the Yangmote? ;)
Well, don't I feel like an ass for staying up past my bedtime.

Nintendo doesn't even have the decency to toss me some bullshit throwaway "innovation" like slapping a pissant speaker on a remote. They give me a sequel I saw a mile away and an RTS I never really cared for. Hope the Germans got something out of it.
Well they gave Ze Germans a war game. Ho ho ho.

I think the only thing this event taught me is that I need to boycott IGN. Forever.
So to recap, for those of you tuning in during the morning:

-Pink DSL for Europe in Late October.
-Mario Strikers Wii
-Batallion Wars Wii

Thats all.
[quote name='Genocidal']Looks like September 14th it is?[/quote]
So what's the significance of September 14?

Disappointing conference, but I guess we shouldn't have expected much. Cause I'm sure whatshisface Nintendo Germany guy was going to have the honor of releasing the price and date over anyone from NoJ or NoA.
I read the transcript over at Eurogamer and what was the deal with Mini Super Mario World that is part of Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2? The text was confused and didn't make a lot of sense, other than this might be a minigame in MvDK2.
So how are companies supposed to start taking preorders next week (which I guess was just a rumor) if Nintendo is too stupid to give the release date. They are obviously hiding the fact that they don't know anything yet or they would have said. This is not good marketing at all, since now they are annoying the fanboys that care about the system.

It's scary to see Mario Strikers and to see the exact same graphics. As much as I've been looking forward to the Wii, it is coming clear that this system is nothing more than a Gamecube with a motion-sensing controller that can play older games. They claimed it was more powerful than all of the current-gen systems, but I see nothing that looks remotely like an Xbox game.
Y'know, I hope the way some of you follow Nintendo isn't reflective of how you all handle relationships. Some of yinz are pussywhipped by Reggie and co!

(though I agree with the general sentiment that sez "give us a price and launch availability, since I plan on being an early adopter and wanna preorder ASAP!")
Wii comes out before x-mas.
It will cost less than $250.
Games will be $50 and under.
There will be many quality games at launch.

Instead of going apeshit over the lack of news you think you deserve, put some $$$ in a seperate savings account, and just wait until something is released.

Its kind of annoying that someone is bringing out a fun, new feeling console and everyone bitches about the info that does NOT matter yet.
Very anticlimatic press conference. I wonder when they'll announce considering they don't go to TGS last I checked and haven't had a spaceworld since '01.
To be honest, I think we did it to ourselves; I know I did. I expected the release date info and got all worked up to find I was wrong. Oh well, the info will eventually come out, until then enjoy the new Wii info.
Thanks Nintendo for wasting our time... again. Is there anywhere else that they could annouce it or are we having an MTV special in the states?
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Wii comes out before x-mas.
It will cost less than $250.
Games will be $50 and under.
There will be many quality games at launch.

Instead of going apeshit over the lack of news you think you deserve, put some $$$ in a seperate savings account, and just wait until something is released.

Its kind of annoying that someone is bringing out a fun, new feeling console and everyone bitches about the info that does NOT matter yet.[/QUOTE]

Very true.

Am I pissed that the GD conferenece was basically horseshit? Yes, yes I am. Am I mad at Nintendo for not yet releasing a date or pricepoint? Not really. Truth is; I'm sure even Nintendo doesn't know the price or date -- I'm willing to bet that the issue has been argued back and forth a billion times since E3. All I say is don't worry about it, we'll have a date and price soon enough.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Very true.

Am I pissed that the GD conferenece was basically horseshit? Yes, yes I am. Am I mad at Nintendo for not yet releasing a date or pricepoint? Not really. Truth is; I'm sure even Nintendo doesn't know the price or date -- I'm willing to bet that the issue has been argued back and forth a billion times since E3. All I say is don't worry about it, we'll have a date and price soon enough.[/QUOTE]
Knowing Nintendo, the price and launch depend a great deal upon what Sony and MS do. I'm sure their prices (whether MS cuts theirs), and when they launch (when Gears of War was launching) mattered a great deal to how Nintendo planned their launch.

I also imagine that since they're meeting with the media, they are probably figuring out when they can get the cover of Time or Newsweek. Stuff like that is set months in advance sometimes (assuming no big story pushes it off the cover or into a little box).
[quote name='SpottedNigel']
Its kind of annoying that someone is bringing out a fun, new feeling console and everyone bitches about the info that does NOT matter yet.[/QUOTE]
There's not much bitching, just a lot of disappointment. If people are excited about the console and curious about the launch info, what is that to you to get annoyed about?

There've been other negative nancies trolling about Wii forum topics with speculation/rumors at their core. The trolls will chime in with post about rationality and what Nintendo "owes" the public. The nancies will then take it upon themselves to discuss this behavior though no one in the forum is curious about anything other than Nintendo speculation/rumors or the discussion thereof.

My feeling is that those nancies go find posts/forums they find less annoying and take their discussions (which only they find interesting) elsewhere. I find whining over the PS3 release annoying--therefore, I don't read posts with titles like "OMFG 600 LLOLOS :p".

If people speculating about the Wii annoys you, then piss off: given the nature of Nintendo's release of information, there are a lot of people creating speculation threads that you should stay out of. If the rumors and speculation make you want to discuss the irrationality of gamers when it comes to rumors/speculation on console launches, take it to Off-Topic, start up a thread, and revel in the glory of having started a meaningful discussion.

In short, 1. if you don't like rumors/speculation, don't open a thread that clearly contains rumors/speculation and 2. STFU or take it elsewhere.
Where are the tits...?

I remember recently someone posted a mock-up design for a Wii game using the feet where the Wii-mote was strapped on to your shoe. Anyone expect this for Strikers? Just kidding...
[quote name='TUBAPRO1']Where are the tits...?[/QUOTE]
The live feed at Eurogamer made a big deal about the nipples on the lass who was modeling the Pink DS Lite. The feed indicated that she had two (2) nipples. We're expecting more on this come 14 Sept.
[quote name='dothog']There's not much bitching, just a lot of disappointment. If people are excited about the console and curious about the launch info, what is that to you to get annoyed about?

There've been other negative nancies trolling about Wii forum topics with speculation/rumors at their core. The trolls will chime in with post about rationality and what Nintendo "owes" the public. The nancies will then take it upon themselves to discuss this behavior though no one in the forum is curious about anything other than Nintendo speculation/rumors or the discussion thereof.

My feeling is that those nancies go find posts/forums they find less annoying and take their discussions (which only they find interesting) elsewhere. I find whining over the PS3 release annoying--therefore, I don't read posts with titles like "OMFG 600 LLOLOS :p".

If people speculating about the Wii annoys you, then piss off: given the nature of Nintendo's release of information, there are a lot of people creating speculation threads that you should stay out of. If the rumors and speculation make you want to discuss the irrationality of gamers when it comes to rumors/speculation on console launches, take it to Off-Topic, start up a thread, and revel in the glory of having started a meaningful discussion.

In short, 1. if you don't like rumors/speculation, don't open a thread that clearly contains rumors/speculation and 2. STFU or take it elsewhere.[/quote]

Awww, somebodys balls dropped today. Good for you!

This wasnt a thread for rumors or speculation, it was a thread for the Wii appearance at the convention. I came to read about peoples feelings on the new BWii, or the new strikers game. Reading that people where pissed at the ideas they made in thier own head, that gets kind of annoying.

BTW, responding to posts like mine above (A rant. I'll give you that) with another rant is just stupid (especially since I'll have a return rant....damn vicious cycle).
[quote name='SpottedNigel']
This wasnt a thread for rumors or speculation, it was a thread for the Wii appearance at the convention. I came to read about peoples feelings on the new BWii, or the new strikers game. Reading that people where pissed at the ideas they made in thier own head, that gets kind of annoying.[/QUOTE]

I think you're missing the point. Nintendo had some idea of what journalists and fanboys alike thought this was going to be. Nintendo knows that we can read a calender and furthermore, they can see how much the gaming community is anticipating their new system. At this point, they are totally dicking with us, and I think we have every right to be pissed. Take a look at their bogus press release that had the Wii date hidden in it, and the various fake release dates that we keep hearing.

Simply put, the Wii release date and price completely overshadowed any and everything that Nintendo could have done with this conference the way Sony's price announcement overshadowed everything they did at E3. The lack of an announcement is incredibly disappointing especially when the two new announcements were expected and sequels to games no one will buy a Wii over.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Awww, somebodys balls dropped today. Good for you!

This wasnt a thread for rumors or speculation, it was a thread for the Wii appearance at the convention. I came to read about peoples feelings on the new BWii, or the new strikers game. Reading that people where pissed at the ideas they made in thier own head, that gets kind of annoying.

BTW, responding to posts like mine above (A rant. I'll give you that) with another rant is just stupid (especially since I'll have a return rant....damn vicious cycle).[/QUOTE]
Mine wasn't a rant. It was telling you the nature of things and where you could take your rants (off-topic). If you see that a thread is predominately speculations and rumors, don't pretend like a mislabeled thread title gives you license to act surprised and annoying by speculations and rumores.

I've generally made it a habit to ignore posts in your style, but I thought I'd contribute just that once. I thought maybe you'd go to off-topic and post something, but I see that you'd prefer to troll here.

And my balls have been down for sometime now, resting comfortably in the faces of inarticulate trolls who don't know when to STFU.
So...besides Nintendo being a disappointment, etc. is anyone else excited for Strikers? It's probably become my favorite GCN party game of late and by improving some aspects of the gameplay, adding new features, AND making it have online play, I'm really looking forward to this. Yeah, I wanted to know the release info too, but this was a nice surprise.
[quote name='dothog']Mine wasn't a rant. It was telling you the nature of things and where you could take your rants (off-topic). If you see that a thread is predominately speculations and rumors, don't pretend like a mislabeled thread title gives you license to act surprised and annoying by speculations and rumores.

I've generally made it a habit to ignore posts in your style, but I thought I'd contribute just that once. I thought maybe you'd go to off-topic and post something, but I see that you'd prefer to troll here.

And my balls have been down for sometime now, resting comfortably in the faces of inarticulate trolls who don't know when to STFU.[/quote]

Shut the fuck up.

It's really easy to type. Try it some time.
[quote name='TUBAPRO1']So...besides Nintendo being a disappointment, etc. is anyone else excited for Strikers? It's probably become my favorite GCN party game of late and by improving some aspects of the gameplay, adding new features, AND making it have online play, I'm really looking forward to this. Yeah, I wanted to know the release info too, but this was a nice surprise.[/quote]
I'm interested in both that and Battalion Wars. Hopefully we get some idea of the release schedule for those soon.
[quote name='furyk']I think you're missing the point. Nintendo had some idea of what journalists and fanboys alike thought this was going to be. Nintendo knows that we can read a calender and furthermore, they can see how much the gaming community is anticipating their new system. At this point, they are totally dicking with us, and I think we have every right to be pissed. Take a look at their bogus press release that had the Wii date hidden in it, and the various fake release dates that we keep hearing.

Simply put, the Wii release date and price completely overshadowed any and everything that Nintendo could have done with this conference the way Sony's price announcement overshadowed everything they did at E3. The lack of an announcement is incredibly disappointing especially when the two new announcements were expected and sequels to games no one will buy a Wii over.[/quote]
They arnt dicking around with anybody. They most likely have some sort of promotinal calander of when they want info released. As someone earlier in the thread said, they probably have major magazine articles being written to coincide with the date/price reveal.

They are not catering to the "whims" of the frothing built in fan-base, but to the (hopefully) large group of new consumers.
[quote name='botticus']I'm interested in both that and Battalion Wars. Hopefully we get some idea of the release schedule for those soon.[/QUOTE]
After seeing Strikers, I would not be surprised at all to see it near launch, or early '07.

EDIT: By that, I mean, that it doesn't look like they're changing TOO much other than some new models, Wiimote control, and WiFi. It looks more like a yearly sports update of a game than a true sequel.
Talk about a let down. Damn Nintendo, can you just come out and tell us the shit!!!

Battalion Wars looks cool and there will be multiplayer so that's great, ut I think it's too soon for a sequel. It will most likely come out sometime in 2007, but I think they should wait until at least the end of 2008. Come out with the franchises but also NEW GAMES! It's a new system and Nintendo just shows two sequels. Very uncreative and disappointing.
meh, Kind of a let down by the lack of info but Nintendo seems to think everyone wants to steal stuff from them :roll: Im sure we will get info soon enough.

Edit: by the way if you have XBLive download Texas hold em, it's free to people who download it within the first 48 hours of today. LETS PLAY!
[quote name='Michaellvortega']meh, Kind of a let down by the lack of info but Nintendo seems to think everyone wants to steal stuff from them :roll: Im sure we will get info soon enough.

I know, it's not like that has...happened to them or anything in the past. The fools!
[quote name='Strell']I know, it's not like that has...happened to them or anything in the past. The fools![/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's not like any companies have copied their top secret controller that they hid for that very reason, or like another company is working on something to copy it.
[quote name='botticus']So what's the significance of September 14?[/quote]

Looks like some sort of super secret press event where they all get to play with their Wiis behind closed doors.
Are you guys talking about the Sony Tilt control? Oh PLEASE! That's like me making a kick ass fresh home made pizza and Strell makes a pizza flavored hot pocket. No way is the hot pocket(tilt control) as good as my pizza(Wii control) If Sony cant copy Xbox Live right there is no way in hell the can copy the Wiimote right. Nintendo is the only one that can make the motion sensing genre work period, if they can't do it no one can.

One small gripe,At this piont I don't see the sense in Nintendo holding the cards so close to themselves,IMO the hype machine(for the non-gaming informed) needs to start ASAP or Sony and MS will really own the market this holiday.
Since when were Battallion Wars, Super Mario Strikers and a new DS Lite color worthy of a press conference?

Thumbs down, Nintendo... thumbs *down*.
bread's done