So, the drunk girl thinks I'm an ass

[quote name='scsg75']Apparently, people think I'm constantly pissed off and am angry all the time, even though I'm not. I just never really smile a lot even though I'm relatively happy.[/quote]

He said, with a "Crow" avatar :)
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you're talking to these girls and shit, you're a lecherous asshole. If you keep to yourself you're a stuck-up asshole.

Face it man, we're assholes...just depends on what kind of asshole you want to be. You're an honest asshole, and you did the right thing.[/quote]


Who gives a shit what other people think. As long as you can accept the decision yourself that's all that matters.

Besides those hoes were probably crawling with disease.
Ohio University. And to clear things up, only the one girl had the accent. Yeah, I would rather have the approval of fine upstanding cheapasses, but the way things are sucks. Restraint also isn't really the word I would choose, "respect" might be a better phrase. Respect for her and mine own. I guess part of the reason I'm so down too is that I'm not living the "college life". I've made an effort to not party/drink (after what happened over the summer. Pants off, not knowing what happened) and "higher education" looks less and less fun. I'm considering moving back home and going to a private university nearby so I can have my own apartment and better job, then doing my Master's somewhere else. It's difficult when the lifestyle you've chosen doesn't agree with the consensus of a majority, but as gamers, we all have a little experience with that. ;)
[quote name='crickett003']I respect what you did (or did not do). You could have seriously taken advantage of the situation, but you showed much restraint and self-control.[/quote]

Ditto, besides they were drunk, drunk ppl mostly talk nonsense and the other times, the truth.
Don't worry about transferring just yet, RF. The best thing I got from college, aside from all the fun I had, was the opportunity to learn more about myself than any other circumstance in life.

I spent 4 years learning exactly what kind of man I wanted to be...if you can do that at OU, then stay at OU. If you feel you'll do a better job closer to home, then so be it. I went to a fairly large school (20k students) and must say that what I learned about myself in college I could only have done by being on my own, away from home, with tons of people around and only myself to turn to when the shit hit the fan.

1 and a half years out, I feel like I came out of college a better man, more sure of myself and what I want out of life. If you can do that at OU, then maybe you should consider staying, rather than worrying about transferring.

As for the partying/drinking thing...

I will admit that I did my fair share of all that (and I have the liver, or lack thereof, to prove it) and this is what I have to say. It's a hollow existence with a little more sex and excitement than otherwise. When I ran in those circles, I found myself feeling bipolar, swinging from immense highs (beautiful women, night after night) to huge lows (hangovers during finals). What I found was that I could balance the social and academic life, but that I could save more energy by not balancing the two, and choosing less extreme forms of pleasure. So I cut back on my boozing and tailhunting, and became a better man for it. I am consoled knowing that I can turn on the party vibe at any moment, and also that I am in control of it. Some people go out and party just because they don't want to hear about how much fun it was the next day. When I found myself feeling that way, I knew it was time to cut it back a bit.
....Where do you live in?

I m a shy person, but no 1 ever call me an asshole, in fact they respect me of being a shy person.

It's good to live in a friendly place....
You're definitely not an ass. You just proved you've got self-control and can restrain yourself, a very valuable thing to have. I applaud you, RF. :applause:
If I were in your situation at the time of these events I would of....

Step one: fuck the whore, drunk or not....they know what they're doing....drunk is just an excuse for the next day.

Step two: Donkey punch the bitch in the back of the head at orgasm.

Step Three: Scream " Your my pig Bitch! " loud enough for her friend to hear.

Step Four: Walk out of sluts room with your pants over your shoulder and tell the friend in the living room that you just bust, but if she sucks your balls your can stand at attention again.

Step Five: Slam the friend in the "Cinnamon Ring".

Step Six: Drop a pint and a half of "throat yogart" all over her face finishing the "hat trick".

Step Seven: Leave a picture of the whole incident on her doorstep the next day. Meaning, you should always carry a camera, or at least a cell phone camera.

The End
[quote name='Mookyjooky']If I were in your situation at the time of these events I would of....

Step one: shaq-fu the whore, drunk or not....they know what they're doing....drunk is just an excuse for the next day.

Step two: Donkey punch the bitch in the back of the head at orgasm.

Step Three: Scream " Your my pig Bitch! " loud enough for her friend to hear.

Step Four: Walk out of sluts room with your pants over your shoulder and tell the friend in the living room that you just bust, but if she sucks your balls your can stand at attention again.

Step Five: Slam the friend in the "Cinnamon Ring".

Step Six: Drop a pint and a half of "throat yogart" all over her face finishing the "hat trick".

Step Seven: Leave a picture of the whole incident on her doorstep the next day. Meaning, you should always carry a camera, or at least a cell phone camera.

The End[/quote]


That's sooo wrong.
Reality's Fringe]Ohio University. And to clear things up said:
Whatever you do, DO NOT MOVE BACK HOME!!! I never left home for college and now I see that as one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Get your own apartment if you have to but stay away from home. You'll be a better man for it.

[quote name='O-Dog']Nah, dude, you're just a nice guy. Expect to finish last, have a job, a shit know the drill.

Supposedly we still win in the end.

Not sure about finishing last O-Dog. I certainly thought I was destined for a life of solitude. I was much like Mr. Fringe here in my younger days except I strayed from the path he is on and it turned around and bit me in the ass. (Try grasping the concept of fatherhood at 19 years old.)

Luckily, I found the most beautiful gem of a woman in my wife. She's everything I ever wanted and then some. I'd say I won in the end. Stick to your guns Fringy, just don't move home.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']If I were in your situation at the time of these events I would of....

Step one: shaq-fu the whore, drunk or not....they know what they're doing....drunk is just an excuse for the next day.

Step two: Donkey punch the bitch in the back of the head at orgasm.

Step Three: Scream " Your my pig Bitch! " loud enough for her friend to hear.

Step Four: Walk out of sluts room with your pants over your shoulder and tell the friend in the living room that you just bust, but if she sucks your balls your can stand at attention again.

Step Five: Slam the friend in the "Cinnamon Ring".

Step Six: Drop a pint and a half of "throat yogart" all over her face finishing the "hat trick".

Step Seven: Leave a picture of the whole incident on her doorstep the next day. Meaning, you should always carry a camera, or at least a cell phone camera.

The End[/quote]

The only problem I see in your logic is that the Donkey Punch only works on anal. Otherwise, I believe that it is a very comprehensive and effective list.

To address O-Dog, I'm not completely hell-bent on transferring right now but it is most assuredly under serious consideration. Being hundreds of miles from home makes it difficult to keep up on things especially when you don't have any money or a car. I figure that I could just attend the private university in my hometown (which isn't bad, by the way) after I get an apartment, and then take my GRE and head into a Masters program when I'm older and wiser.
I do have some serious thinking to do, however, and a decision must be made before registering for the winter quarter. I don't know when or where society accepted that you have to be boorish and callow to "fit in", as it were, but it makes it hard to adjust. I'm trying though, and things might turn out for the better. I appreciate everyone's kind words; good to know I'm not alone.
Well, well, well, we have a drunken topic and that would've been the ideal place for this... but allow the Horse to add his 2 cents. I would say you should use this experience as an opportunity to open up more to the people in your dorm. Obviously not beyond what you're comfortable with, but just start hanging out with them. The worst this does is open up opportunities to meet new people, and the more people you meet the better. The key is to never limit yourself. Had it been me, well my freshman year I probably would've made out with one of them, sophomore both of them, and now I would've fucked them both had I had the chance, but that's because I probably would've been drunk too. I'm a bad horse.
You are such a very naughty horse.

Well, it seems that you're not obsessed with sex right now, so I'd say that you did tyhe right thing. Like the horse said, once you get older, you'll probally want to, ehrm... take advantafe of these lovely ladies. But what the hell do I know. I'm just a little kid.
Ha, hey, if I'm not at my sexual peak now (19), when is it? I'm not saying I didn't find them attractive, I did, but it was just wrong. It was all wrong, and if I did what "Big RF" wanted to do, then I'd be no better than the type of male I loathe. This is where you're opted out ZL, being a horse and all.
[quote name='CaptainObviousXl']good for you we should start a thread for peoples good deeds[/quote]again, we have to make a tread just for people that do good things
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Well, well, well, we have a drunken topic and that would've been the ideal place for this... but allow the Horse to add his 2 cents. I would say you should use this experience as an opportunity to open up more to the people in your dorm. Obviously not beyond what you're comfortable with, but just start hanging out with them. The worst this does is open up opportunities to meet new people, and the more people you meet the better. The key is to never limit yourself. Had it been me, well my freshman year I probably would've made out with one of them, sophomore both of them, and now I would've shaq-fued them both had I had the chance, but that's because I probably would've been drunk too. I'm a bad horse.[/quote]

Zenithian should have another sub-rank that reads "The raging alcoholic horse of CAG", or something to that extent :)

RF, you made the right decision. You built up good karma that night
Reality's Fringe, was this after you left my place? As far as all the school stuff goes we should talk at the gaming thing Friday. Believe me as someone that commuted and has finished four years of college, I have some insights on this.

If you run into people you don't wanna yap with again call me. I can probably create a couple hour diversion if I go off on a tangent on em. :) The guys that have Live on here know how I like to run off at the mouth.
Yeah, actually, it was right after I left your place. I tell you man, talk about a way to piss someone off. Oh well. I haven't seen them since then, but I'm just waiting until I'm pushed into suplexing one of them. I'll see ya Friday man.
Wow after the discusion about you being a virgin still on your bday! And You passed it up! What up with that? Naw thats cool man. I think if yoiu had done anything you would have been an ass either way. First if you don't then cause you did. Yoiu only had sex with me cause I was drunk! Then you could get in to the whole he rapped me thing. which I could imagaine as being a bad thing. I think you made the right decsiion. plus if she is that willing to have sex with you after never talking to you or vs. versa who many others have she been with? She might have crabbs!
bread's done