So, what are the chances of getting a Game Genie on the Virtual Console?

Chris in Cali

13 (88%)
Nintendo Entertainment System, fucking awesome. Castlevania, The Legend of Zelda II, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Kid Icarus, ect. All great games, great games that ARE SO FREAKING HARD I WILL NEVER EVER BEAT. These games and other have haunted me since I was a child, I want to finish them, but it's seemingly impossible. I would love to get on the Virtual Console, and hand my money over to Nintendo to download these game, but I won't because I know I can never beat these games.

So what do you think the odds are of Nintendo ever having some type of cheat functionality on the VC? Pretty slim, huh? I would personally be spending triple of what I currently do on the shop channel if Nintendo would add a feature like that. It's not like there are achievement points, or leaderboards that can be tampered with, it's just for my own personal enjoyment.
I'd say zero. No way in hell.

The only way to cheat on those old games is to either have the hardware (orignal system, game, and cheat device) or due it by illegal means on a computer.

But I'm with you... I bought a few games, can't beat any of them. I wouldn't mind something that would let us cheat though.
A Game Genie would kill the length and difficulty of a game (some people do like a challenge).

No chance at all.

Just play those games with cheats on the ultimate virtual console, your PC.
[quote name='zewone']A Game Genie would kill the length and difficulty of a game (some people do like a challenge).

No chance at all.

Just play those games with cheats on the ultimate virtual console, your PC.[/QUOTE]

Yes, some people do like a challenge, and that's good for them. Other people don't have the time, the patients, or the desire to deal with games that go beyond a challenge, and are just flat-out frustrating. For those who enjoy those high level of diffculty games, having a game genie wouldn't stop them, last time I checked I didn't say have a forced cheat sytem. It could be implemented easily, you could hit pause perhaps, and bring up a list of game specific cheats at your discretion.

I tried going to PC emulator route, but it just isn't the same as playing on my HDTV with the simplicity of the Virtual Console.
I think it would be hilarious if they put out the Game Genie on the VC. I used to joke about it all the time in regards to those incredibly hard games. What happened Chris, I thought you sold your Wii?
Ya know, even though the chanes are extremely slim.. I would like to see this happen.
Game Genie wasn't ALWAYS about making the game easier, just having some extra things to do makes all for a good time.

And he's right. This isn't like this being on XBL and could cheat your gamerscore or achievements. You're not cheating your way to the top of a leaderboard. It's just good fun PERSONAL use.

I LOVED my Game Genie!! I miss it :(
Not gonna happen. Nintendo hates Game Genies and other such devices and Galoob's products are probably in some kind of legal limbo...
I'm all for it, as long as the image for its use will have a crying baby. And that device will be called "The Ultimate Pussy Mode" and it'll make you check the box that says:

"I am a cry-baby who can't beat Metroid by myself. Waaaaah!"

Man, that would be awesome. They can charge you 100 points per each use of the "Ultimate Pussy Mode" and when you "win" - instead of showing you the ending, it'll show you a cry baby, and the picture would shake a little, just to be annoying, and you can pay another 100 points to see the actual ending.

On the other hand, maybe someone can start a website, where users can upload game guides that they write for it, including walkthroughs, maps, helpful hints, and complete guides. Man, that would be so awesome, but too bad nobody ever had that idea.
[quote name='Zen Davis']This idea is stupid. Either develop the skills to play a game or don't. Don't ask for a crutch.[/quote]

Over the years I've come to realize that people play games for different reasons, and some of them are for pure entertainment free of challenges that require lightning reflexies, trial-and-error, or rote memorization.

My brother, a casual gamer skillwise, plays lots of games but for entirely different reasons than intended by the original developers. He loves to use cheat devices not just to blow through a game but to do things he couldn't ordinarily do within the strictures of the game's rules. He likes to be able to jump 300 feet in the air, walk around on top of buildings that couldn't otherwise be reached, drive cars at 400 mph, etc. It's his source of joy and method of escapism, and I'm not one to judge him as unworthy of playing a game simply because we as hardcore gamers turn down our noses at cheat devices and see them as dishonorable. I'd rather see my brother actually enjoy playing these games than never bother to pick them up because they're too hard.

I also have to say that after entering into adult life and finding far less time to play games, I've used my fair share of cheats, especially when I'm faced with RPGs that all but require level grinding. A "quick level up" cheat to boost me another 5 levels or so helps me to avoid a dull chore and quickly get to the real meat of the game.
[quote name='MarioColbert']I'm all for it, as long as the image for its use will have a crying baby. And that device will be called "The Ultimate Pussy Mode" and it'll make you check the box that says:

"I am a cry-baby who can't beat Metroid by myself. Waaaaah!"

Man, that would be awesome. They can charge you 100 points per each use of the "Ultimate Pussy Mode" and when you "win" - instead of showing you the ending, it'll show you a cry baby, and the picture would shake a little, just to be annoying, and you can pay another 100 points to see the actual ending.

On the other hand, maybe someone can start a website, where users can upload game guides that they write for it, including walkthroughs, maps, helpful hints, and complete guides. Man, that would be so awesome, but too bad nobody ever had that idea.[/quote]

No Game Genie.

But that's what codes within the game are for, easily looked up at a variety of sources, and most likely not removed from the game (though, to be fair, the password system in Kid Icarus VC was changed, which I believe removed the capability to put in all the older cheat codes).

The next time you boot up a Konami game, try pressing up up, down down, left right, left right, B A Start. Wonderful things may happen.
While I support the idea of adding Game Genie functions, who cant beat Metroid?

The original, while tricky, was fairly easy if you took the time to grab energy tanks.
I can see Ninja Gaiden (I destroyed several original NES controllers out of frustration due to cheap deaths on that series of games:bomb:) but Zelda II, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Castlevania??? C'mon those games weren't that hard!
[quote name='Strell']No Game Genie.

But that's what codes within the game are for, easily looked up at a variety of sources, and most likely not removed from the game (though, to be fair, the password system in Kid Icarus VC was changed, which I believe removed the capability to put in all the older cheat codes).

The next time you boot up a Konami game, try pressing up up, down down, left right, left right, B A Start. Wonderful things may happen.[/quote]

really? I tried for ages to input codes, but nothing worked. :(
[quote name='MarioColbert']I'm all for it, as long as the image for its use will have a crying baby. And that device will be called "The Ultimate Pussy Mode" and it'll make you check the box that says:

"I am a cry-baby who can't beat Metroid by myself. Waaaaah!"

Man, that would be awesome. They can charge you 100 points per each use of the "Ultimate Pussy Mode" and when you "win" - instead of showing you the ending, it'll show you a cry baby, and the picture would shake a little, just to be annoying, and you can pay another 100 points to see the actual ending.

On the other hand, maybe someone can start a website, where users can upload game guides that they write for it, including walkthroughs, maps, helpful hints, and complete guides. Man, that would be so awesome, but too bad nobody ever had that idea.[/quote]

That has to be one of the dumbest posts I have seen here. At least it had punctuation. Let me retort with about as much class but not as long winded,"Ur g4yzor!!!11! r0lflm40".

I would love to have a Game Genie. I loved playing Excitebike with Inf Turbo and jumping through top of the screen and coming through the bottom and landing on the track. It was much fun. Or Inf Papers on Paperboy and just letting a constant stream of papers fly from my little guy on the bike.
Zelda II is beatable. I wouldn't say I'm even that great at video games and I beat it a few years ago. I don't know about the other ones you mentioned but I do know Ghosts and Goblins is impossible.
[quote name='Chitown021']I can see Ninja Gaiden (I destroyed several original NES controllers out of frustration due to cheap deaths on that series of games:bomb:) but Zelda II, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Castlevania??? C'mon those games weren't that hard![/QUOTE]

Yea I remember beating Metroid and Zelda II as a kid.

The first time I played Kid Icarus was last year when it came out on the VC. I think it only took 3 sittings to beat. However, I did use a dungeon map from GameFaqs, it made things a million times easier.
I used to love playing in the hammer suit with the skywalker code in Mario 3.
What I would really like to do though is use my N64 controller and be able to play Sin and Punishment the way it was meant to be played.
Given that Nintendo sued Galoob over the game genie back in the day. I'd say the chances are somewhere below never.
My initial reaction was "lol"

Reading the OP: "rofl"

but the thought of weird hacks like moon jumps in SMB: "this could work." I loved trying to crash games and do weird stuff with the game genie. The SF2 snes boss code was freaking hot.
Never going to happen -- but would be pretty cool.

I liked using the Game Genie for wacky stuff like moon jumping, or extra long jumps in Mario games -- not so much for the level skipping stuffs. New, non-standard abilities were cool.
Never had a game genie, but I loved messing up my pokemon games with the missingno trick. I own 3 red/blue* cartridges, because I messed up 2 of them :D.

* 1 red and 2 blue for the curious
I remember just throwing random codes out there for Super Mario 1 and 3 and being infinitely more amused with the results more than the actual game.

Actually that's how I get my kicks now. Oh man, action replay is one of my best purchases.

And Jesus Christ, either some folks are trolls, or games really have become some serious fucking business and nobody told me. :/
Alot of these old games are now not as hard thanks to the internet. You could easliy find a guide to tell you where everything is in Metroid. It's not like the old days where if you didn't know where something was you were screwed.

Also if a boss is kicking your ass there are sure to be videos on youtube showing you the best way to beat them. And the Wii saves where you were when exit the game.

With all those advantages most of these old games should be much easier.
bread's done