So.... what are you guys getting your SOs for the holidays?


20 (100%)
Yes, I am looking for ideas. We don't give gifts typically (haven't for a long time actually) but this year I think I want to break tradition.
Make it rain and then whine about taxes.;)

But seriously, if you've been together for so long, wouldn't you know better than anyone else as to what to get your own wife?

I'm with dmaul and we don't celebrate shit except for bdays. Even then, we don't do anything special or buy anything just for that occasion.
I tried the "we're not giving gifts" compromise last year and then bought her something anyway. Let me tell you, I'll never do that again.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I tried the "we're not giving gifts" compromise last year and then bought her something anyway. Let me tell you, I'll never do that again.[/QUOTE] this is more interesting than the OP.:lol:
[quote name='dohdough']Make it rain and then whine about taxes.;)

But seriously, if you've been together for so long, wouldn't you know better than anyone else as to what to get your own wife?[/QUOTE]

Eh... when you've been together this long you kind of run out of ideas, unfortunately. Plus, she never spends money on herself and I honestly don't think she wants anything. Low maintenance. She's had a very busy/tiring year so I thought I'd try to do something nice (which will probably backfire). The only thing I know for sure that she would like is more rain and less taxes. ;)

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I tried the "we're not giving gifts" compromise last year and then bought her something anyway. Let me tell you, I'll never do that again.[/QUOTE]

Haha - I did that the first year we agreed on no gifts. It's probably been about 7 or 8 years since then so I'm going to make the mistake again this year.
[quote name='lordopus99']Combined gift to ourselves. Some new lamps we had been eyeing. Exciting, eh?[/QUOTE]

This is strangely cute. I'm picturing this couple sitting around on Christmas morning saying I LOVE LAMP over and over to each other.
Got her a Keurig coffeemaker, the 50 year Bond blu ray set, The Mass Effect SR2-Normandy fig, and some misc stuff.

She got me a SCV Fightstick, a few NES games, some Mario wall decals for my future game room, and some other misc stuff.
[quote name='dohdough']
I'm with dmaul and we don't celebrate shit except for bdays. Even then, we don't do anything special or buy anything just for that occasion.[/QUOTE]

Birthdays we've done dinner and beers (we both love good beer).
Its always been my experience that if you were listening , shes already told you what she wants or needs multiple times over the year. Push comes to shove : Event tickets/plans.
And not the same old tickets to see Trixter , it has to be out of the ordinary like a play or an Opera
[quote name='dmaul1114']Nada. We're both atheists and both hate the consumerism of the secular side of Xmas so we agreed on no gifts.[/QUOTE]

That's funny because I'm atheist and LOVE Christmas. I love giving gifts. Even though I recognize it as a celebration of the solstice, I ok with Santa and all that nonsense because I like the spirt of Christmas.

Having it be commercialized doesn't bother me at all since I never believed in the baby jesus interpretation to begin with.

To answer OP's question: some photography stuff.
[quote name='confoosious']That's funny because I'm atheist and LOVE Christmas. I love giving gifts. Even though I recognize it as a celebration of the solstice, I ok with Santa and all that nonsense because I like the spirt of Christmas.

Having it be commercialized doesn't bother me at all since I never believed in the baby jesus interpretation to begin with.

To answer OP's question: some photography stuff.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I don't care about that aspect of it when in comes to the commercialization/consumerism and do get gifts for my parents, brother and his family etc. who are more gungho about celebrating it.

It's just that neither of us are big on consumerism in general and feel that people, especially in America, are very wasteful in buying themselves (and others in this case) crap they don't need and often don't even really want (especially when buying people unasked for gifts).

We'd both rather save our money, retire earlier, spend it on memorable things like traveling, concerts etc. rather than buying knickknacks we don't need, more movies/games/books when we don't have much time to watch/play/read what we already have as we both work long hours etc.
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Lexus is250 for my babe :D

its not new, but she has been eye balling it since it appeared on the lot.[/QUOTE]

Is this the same girl you were crying and moaning about after breaking up with you who you only dated for 7 months for?

I'm going to tell you right now this is a mistake, unless she is wifey or even somebody you have had a long committed relationship with then go for it. If you do decide to go for pleas for the love of god, make her put it in her name and don't cosign and and/or have it in your name.

I'm sorry to call you out like this but I don't want you making a monetary mistake like this and it happens all the time.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I tried the "we're not giving gifts" compromise last year and then bought her something anyway. Let me tell you, I'll never do that again.[/QUOTE]

Please elaborate!

[quote name='Javery']Eh... when you've been together this long you kind of run out of ideas, unfortunately. Plus, she never spends money on herself and I honestly don't think she wants anything. Low maintenance. She's had a very busy/tiring year so I thought I'd try to do something nice (which will probably backfire). The only thing I know for sure that she would like is more rain and less taxes. ;)

Haha - I did that the first year we agreed on no gifts. It's probably been about 7 or 8 years since then so I'm going to make the mistake again this year.[/QUOTE]

It does get harder especially for my wife, she doesn't like spending money and the stuff I know she likes she is so picky about so I really can't surprise her. I do know one thing, you can't go wrong with jewelry!

But.... if you really want an idea I bought my wife a Clairsonic from Sephora last year and she loved it, if she likes taking care of herself in that manor she will really like this!
[quote name='kodave']People seem to be fonder of things like vacations or activities than something wrapped in a box.[/QUOTE]

This is what I did.

Spent a few grand on a spontaneous vacation to France. (I had a good reason.) Got back a few weeks ago. Gonna be honest, I intend to be a relatively cheap bastard for Christmas.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Birthdays we've done dinner and beers (we both love good beer).[/QUOTE]

We do the same sans beers, but we usually just hit up one of our regular spots...cause they're that good...heh
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Lexus is250 for my babe :D

its not new, but she has been eye balling it since it appeared on the lot.[/QUOTE]

I truly hope this ends in disaster. It's what you deserve for being a moron.
[quote name='confoosious']That's funny because I'm atheist and LOVE Christmas. I love giving gifts. Even though I recognize it as a celebration of the solstice, I ok with Santa and all that nonsense because I like the spirt of Christmas.

Having it be commercialized doesn't bother me at all since I never believed in the baby jesus interpretation to begin with.

To answer OP's question: some photography stuff.[/QUOTE]

That's funny because my extended family doesn't believe any of that stuff either, but we all celebrate it anyways. I don't think we're all atheists, but we don't really have a religious affiliation.

edit: And what is this thing with Chewie that you guys are talking about?
I have come to the conclusion that women are hard to buy for. Most guys want something specific (Xbox, Playstation, legos, etc.). Women, on the other hand, like shoes, purses, jewelry - things guys can fuck up.

Of course I am speaking in generalities...
[quote name='dohdough']We do the same sans beers, but we usually just hit up one of our regular spots...cause they're that good...heh[/QUOTE]

Do you guys from Boston even enjoy Samual Adams or did it outgrow that local brewery feeling? I used to drink it when it was less popular and all they had at least in California was just there name brand beer.

I wonder how far this beer has traveled, anybody out of state heard of Hanger 24? It's a local brewery that is getting really popular around here.

@dohdough, here is the story
[quote name='skiizim']

Please elaborate!

Its not particularly that interesting of a story. It's just I thought I'd be clever because I wanted to get my girlfriend something but I didn't want anything in return so I just went along with "yeah, we're not gonna get anything for each other."

So Christmas rolls around, I get her some jewelry and a couple other things. She's excited to open it for about 3 seconds and then she says something like "but I didn't get you anything" which I didn't mind in the least because I didn't want or need anything. I never understood it when I was younger but now that I'm getting older I'm understanding that feeling a little more, not wanting people to buy you things or make a big deal for you. So really, I didn't care, or even expect her to do get me anything, I really did just get her something because I wanted to. She was quite upset with me though because she felt bad that she hadn't gotten anything based on the premise that we were both holding off on gifts.

See, the thing I didn't really take into consideration is that if the roles had been reversed and she had bought something for me when I didn't get her anything I would have felt bad about it as well. It was a tense couple of days but eventually she was less upset with me.
[quote name='skiizim']Do you guys from Boston even enjoy Samual Adams or did it outgrow that local brewery feeling? I used to drink it when it was less popular and all they had at least in California was just there name brand beer.

I wonder how far this beer has traveled, anybody out of state heard of Hanger 24? It's a local brewery that is getting really popular around here.

@dohdough, here is the story[/QUOTE]

Yeah, we still drink a lot of it and is still popular. My beer snob friends make fun of me for still liking it though...LOLZ

And thanks for the links dudes!

edit: HAHAHA...oh yeah, I remember now. But holy shit, he shouldn't even be considering getting a car for his gf. That's like...dumb...especially at 20 years old.
Still with her? I'm surprised she got that upset over it, I figured most woman would see past that; Once you think you got them pegged they throw a curve ball at you!
[quote name='skiizim']Still with her? I'm surprised she got that upset over it, I figured most woman would see past that; Once you think you got them pegged they throw a curve ball at you![/QUOTE]

Gave her a diamond ring about 5 months later... Didn't get anything in return that time either but she didn't seem to mind as much ;)
I replaced a "mythical" set of leopard print Mickey Mouse ears, made her a set of leopard print Oswald ears and got her a Disneyland Annual Pass.

I got a few games and a box of cookies.

My girlfriend and I are officially children. :D
Vitamin water and some dong bags so we can bang later ;)

Really, though... I keep an ear out for anything she says she wants and file it away. She had had found a fancy vegan leather jacket online that I waited to go on sale and ordered it. Will probably get her something else small, and we'll just spend a lot of time together. We're both in school and work a lot, so quality timeage is the most important thing.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Nada. We're both atheists and both hate the consumerism of the secular side of Xmas so we agreed on no gifts.[/QUOTE]

My lady partner and I are both atheists too, but we aren't anti-gifts, we just don't put a big emphasis on it.
My wife and I don't get each other gifts at Christmas usually and this year is no different.

A question to the gift giving married couples: In our relationship, we have only joint bank accounts and we don't give each other allowance money or anything, we just spend what we need to and buy frivolous things from time to time if we feel like it without running it by the other person. So, if I were to ask my wife for say a Wii U and she bought it, it would just be coming out of our joint bank account anyway, so what's the point? Is it just having the excuse to buy some shit you want and not feel guilty about it?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']My wife and I don't get each other gifts at Christmas usually and this year is no different.

A question to the gift giving married couples: In our relationship, we have only joint bank accounts and we don't give each other allowance money or anything, we just spend what we need to and buy frivolous things from time to time if we feel like it without running it by the other person. So, if I were to ask my wife for say a Wii U and she bought it, it would just be coming out of our joint bank account anyway, so what's the point? Is it just having the excuse to buy some shit you want and not feel guilty about it?[/QUOTE]

I think that is part of it. We are set up the same way - I think it's just wanting to do something nice.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I truly hope this ends in disaster. It's what you deserve for being a moron.[/QUOTE]

Definitely not a wise choice of present for someone that just dumped you after 7 months at 20 years old or whatever.
I suppose mostly boring stuff for my wife: A few articles of clothing because she never buys any for herself. A dress and a couple half-zip sport-type tops - she picked them out, a cookbook (the Forks Over Knives one), a new EP and t-shirt from one of her favorite bands (Elephant Revival - this is her big surprise), and a variety of vintage xmas ornaments which I usually spread out over 12 days or so and hang them on the tree but this year we are doing the elf on the shelf thing with my daughter (2 year old) so Cashews the elf is bringing them (among other ca-raaazy elf antics...)

I don't know what she's getting me - probably just some odds and ends I've picked out this month. I do think there will be some sort of cigar surprise, possibly a beer surprise and she is making me some crocheted slippers - she just couldn't keep that a secret and also needed me to try them on.

We also just got a big fancy blender a month ago (which was suppose to be for *her* but I'm using it every morning to make smoothies with) so that's our big joint present I guess.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Gave her a diamond ring about 5 months later... Didn't get anything in return that time either but she didn't seem to mind as much ;)[/QUOTE]

She sounded like a keeper, glad to hear it worked out!

[quote name='advanced']I replaced a "mythical" set of leopard print Mickey Mouse ears, made her a set of leopard print Oswald ears and got her a Disneyland Annual Pass.

I got a few games and a box of cookies.

My girlfriend and I are officially children. :D[/QUOTE]

Which pass did you get, they are getting expensive now!!! I've been an AP for the past 10 or so years and Disney doesn't seem to know when to quit, I just hope they don't go past $650 next year, pretty soon I'm going to have to start paying for my daughter.
[quote name='skiizim']
Which pass did you get, they are getting expensive now!!! I've been an AP for the past 10 or so years and Disney doesn't seem to know when to quit, I just hope they don't go past $650 next year, pretty soon I'm going to have to start paying for my daughter.[/QUOTE]

The SoCal pass on monthly payments. Both of ours plus parking ended up being $50 a month or so. We'll go maybe once or twice a month depending on her schedule, but it's usually during the week anyway. We don't go during the summer months either, as I'm not a big fan of the crowds, so it works out pretty well.

The prices are pretty insane, but they really improved California Adventure, so it still seems worth it. I think, out of the two times we've gone since we got them on the 7th, we spent just as much, or even more, time in DCA than Disneyland proper, which is rare. Last time we did that was on the last day of the Electric Light Parade and it was because Disneyland was at capacity.
Moonrise Kingdom BR and a few bottles of Pliny the Elder. We're saving up for an apartment move when our contract ends early next year so the gifts were cheaper than normal.
I like the combined gift thing if that's possible for you and your wife. We got each other a WiiU this year. If she doesn't want anything expensive, keep it small and simple. Why not ask her about it? Tell her you want to do/buy something nice together.
[quote name='confoosious']After reading that other thread, I'm thinking the lexus will be the worst decision ever.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Can't wait for the inevitable follow up posts after Christmas.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']
A question to the gift giving married couples: In our relationship, we have only joint bank accounts and we don't give each other allowance money or anything, we just spend what we need to and buy frivolous things from time to time if we feel like it without running it by the other person. So, if I were to ask my wife for say a Wii U and she bought it, it would just be coming out of our joint bank account anyway, so what's the point? Is it just having the excuse to buy some shit you want and not feel guilty about it?[/QUOTE]

I've asked my married friends about that and gotten a variety of responses.

Some don't have joint accounts and keep everything separate (or have one joint account the each transfer money to for bills). So in that case they can truly buy each other gifts since they keep their incomes separate.

Some use it as a time to buy something they've both been wanting or go on a trip etc.

Others just view it as doing something nice for the other person. Buying them something they know they've wanted but haven't bought for themselves as a nice surprise etc.
Last year my girlfriend and I agreed upon no gifts as well. But I went out and spent like $10 on a new pair of pajama pants and some really fully socks and she loved them. Wears them all the time. My girlfriend is only 22, but I'm pretty sure girls always love stuff like that. :lol:

EDIT: I guess I also took her to the Shedd Aquarium. I forgot about that. Also a great gift if you have the opportunity. :)
[quote name='kodave']Yep. Can't wait for the inevitable follow up posts after Christmas.[/QUOTE]

approximately 12/31/2012: "she said I spoiled her too much with material things... and then drove off for a new years party to meet some new guy she said was deep and really got her, man."
bread's done