So what shit games did you buy?

Rampage so far. $30 though...not too bad. I'll give it more then 3 minutes next time. Still have yet to play Monkey Ball, Trauma, or Rayman. Someday.
I am mixed on Rayman. On one hand the games are fun, but the game isnt in widscreen or progressive which hurts it.
[quote name='Scrubsy']I am mixed on Rayman. On one hand the games are fun, but the game isnt in widscreen or progressive which hurts it.[/QUOTE]

Thats odd, you would think widescreen and progressive would be standard in game development now, especially for games that are supposed to be ported to other consoles....
None that I know of yet. Winners are Wii Sports (didn't buy that of course), Trauma Center, and Rayman (at least it was funny for the half hour my fiancee played it, I haven't touched it yet). Definitely some that may be undesirable, but I haven't made the decision to open them yet.
Zelda Wii Sports, and Excite Truck are all pretty fun. I couldnt decide between COD3 or RS and i got COD3. It is just ok. There is a very steep learning curve and its hard to get used to.
My girlfriend's brother bought Red Steel and we tried it on my Wii on my 50" DLP. I found it confusing and for some reason these weird spots kept showing up all over the place (I thought it was perhaps the fact that I don't have my component cables yet), but other games' graphics (Zelda, Super Monkey Ball and Wii Sports) looked fine. Hopefully it's not the game itself. Oh well, I probably won't be playing that game any time soon, if at all.
I bought Red Steel the other day and after reading the reviews I don't plan on opening it. Going to give trauma center a shot instead.
Red Steel is pretty so-so, but I've only given it an hour or two. I support Ubi Soft for their efforts but it really could use more polish.
[quote name='kjauburn']I bought Red Steel the other day and after reading the reviews I don't plan on opening it. Going to give trauma center a shot instead.[/quote]

That's a good idea. I wish I had listened to the reviews.
[quote name='daroga']Is Red Steel as lacking as was feared?[/quote]I hope not, cause I was really looking forward to trying out a shooter on this console, and waiting till next year for Metroid would be sad. Especially since I made a pact that I would finish play Metroid Prime 1 and 2 first, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Maybe CoD3 would suffice, but you always know that CoD4 is around the corner, which is the reason I never bit on the first two. Especially when CoD4 Wii will actually have multiplayer.
[quote name='daroga']Is Red Steel as lacking as was feared?[/quote]

Well, kinda, yeah :whistle2:(

It's really hard to control. The aiming is too sensitive. It's almost impossible to maintain control of your character when there's a ton of people shooting at you from all different directions. The sword fighting is fun, but its not "$50 dollars" fun.

If you don't want it that bad, then don't get it. You should only get it if you really, really wanted to play it.
I picked up Red Steel and I found that after getting used to the controls, that I liked it. Even the sword fighting. That's after an hour or so of play so things can still change.

I too wanted to try an FPS at launch, and so far, I don't regret my purchase at all.

As a side note, if you play this game and stop before accomodating to the control scheme for guns and swordplay, you will not like this game. From there, it's your own opinion.
COD3 was tough to play for the first hour which got me nervous. after that tho it got really fun. once u get the controls it becomes pretty intense.
After about an hour I finally started to get the hang of the controls. It's still kind of difficult, but the game is definetly more fun once you start to get it.

I enjoy playing it, but I still wish I got Excite Truck instead.
I got Zelda and Rayman in addition to Wii Sports. Goddamn fuckers at EB were out of Excite Truck by the time I got there. How do you run out of fucking EXCITE TRUCK? I figured Zelda would be sold out if anything. I'm having a good time with all the games so far, none of them are shitty.
[quote name='blackiverson']COD3 was tough to play for the first hour which got me nervous. after that tho it got really fun. once u get the controls it becomes pretty intense.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I feel the same way. I'm about two hours in, and it's really, really fun. If you want an FPS for launch, CoD 3 is definitely the way to go.
I'm going to hope that Blockbuster has two of Marvel, CoD3, and Red Steel for rent so I can make use of my free rental coupons. That will make my life a lot easier.

Hopefully Excite Truck remains as fun as I thought it was with the demo, the fiancee has voiced interest in that one.
Is there any difference besides controls for M:UA and the PS2 version? As fun as it is to have games for a new system, $20 o BF is too good to pass up.
Another luck-out here - Sports has been a ball, my husband's in love with Zelda, and I fell in love with Rayman once I got to the first dance-off minigame. (Miserilou FTW!)
[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']I only have Zelda. Not shitty. However, it is just as I feared the aiming feels too sensitive to me.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure you can adjust the sensitivity.
[quote name='iufoltzie']Thats odd, you would think widescreen and progressive would be standard in game development now, especially for games that are supposed to be ported to other consoles....[/quote]

I played rayman today on my plasma and it was widescreen to me.. Did you set the Wii to widescreen ?
I picked up Zelda & Monkeyball, and havent tried out either yet.

I was torn betweeb Monkeyball and Rayman after reading good reviews for both. But I actually played excite truck at a kiosk a few days ago, and it was alot of fun too. I also want to get a fps game, but neither CoD3 or RS are doing it for me right now.

Question: Has anyone played the Monster Truck game? I want that clip-on steering wheel thing, but I dont want to get the crummy GT game that it comes with. But it also comes with the Monster Truck game, which I know nothing about.
[quote name='Khaman']Another luck-out here - Sports has been a ball, my husband's in love with Zelda, and I fell in love with Rayman once I got to the first dance-off minigame. (Miserilou FTW!)[/QUOTE]

The dance minigames in Rayman are fucking AWESOME and they have sold me on the game along with the rail shooter levels that are a lot like HOTD. It shows me how awesome HOTD would be on Wii. Sega, are you listening?
[quote name='David85']I haven't bought any PS3 games yet so no shit games for me.[/quote]


I had Red Steel preordered at TRU along with Zelda and my Wii. When I went to pick it up today I told them I no longer wanted to get Red Steel (didn't like the reviews so far and figured I'd wait on it). People looked at me like I was fucking nuts for not wanting it and apparently they only got enough for preorders so a few of them fought over it.

Ah well.. a shame too - I was really looking forward to it. For some reason the screen shots always looked blah to me.
I already picked up Zelda. I'm going to get Super Monkey Ball. I guess i'll wait for a cheap Red Steel. I do want to play it, though. I think i'll grab a Trauma Center instead. Zelda, SMB, Trauma Center, extra remote, extra nunchuck.. sounds about right
[quote name='cyphertink']I played rayman today on my plasma and it was widescreen to me.. Did you set the Wii to widescreen ?[/quote]
Yes, every other game is widescreen for me, but it had little black bars on the sides.
I picked up Zelda and Rayman today. I had Red Steel preordered, but they didn't have any copies and now I'm not sure if I'm going to get it.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Yeah, I feel the same way. I'm about two hours in, and it's really, really fun. If you want an FPS for launch, CoD 3 is definitely the way to go.[/quote]
Same as everyone else said except its much easier when you go to the options and play around with the sensitivity of the controls....I found it moving really fast and unstable when I first played it but after I configured it to my likings, its was really fun and easier to control...the driving is pretty fun.
Im pathetic. I didn't buy a game and have been playing Wii Sports all day, and im not at all ashamed to say it is the most fun i have had playing video games in quite awhile. Though tomorrow i will be going to get some games :)
Got Trauma Center and Zelda. no shit games (didn't buy red steel.) my next priority is a second controller set, then maybe rayman after that.
I don't think I got any bad games.

I haven't cracked open Monkey Ball yet, but neither Zelda, Excite Truck, nor Wii Sports has been disappointing to me in any way, shape, or form.

Best. Launch. Ever.
Rayman's a winner, I don't doubt Zelda, but Red Steel is still in the wrap. Is there a review other than 1up and GS? I'm waiting for the IGN vidreview.
[quote name='Scrubsy']Yes, every other game is widescreen for me, but it had little black bars on the sides.[/quote]

That is definitely weird..

I just popped mine in again and its full widescreen glory.

I have a 50 inch plasma, samsung.
Bought Zelda and Super Monkey Ball Today. To be honest, I haven't even played Zelda because I've had friends over and its not really a "party" type game. We played the hell out of Wii Sports and I would honestly have paid for this game. Tennis by itself kept us entertained for hours. Super Monkey Ball was "ok" at first but now it just "AWESOME". However, at some point during the day we got bored and ran down to blockbuster to rent some games. I rented Red Steel, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. As of now, I think Red Steel sucks and is way to annoying. Tony Hawk is alright. Marvel Ultimate Alliance seems to have some potential if I got into it a little more. I am actually having trouble playing all the new games I have gotten. Aside from the 6 games I have for Wii(including the 3 I rented), I bought those 3 burger king games for the 360 and I still need to beat Gears of War on Hardcore and Insane. I guess I have my Thanksgiving holliday planned out.
So far, I'm not super impressed with ExciteTruck. Despite all the negativity about Wii graphics, I think it looks pretty cool, but the gameplay isn't all that fun yet. I'm going to give it a couple more hours over Thanksgiving break in case it's one of those games that just takes a little getting-used-to. If it ends up that I don't like it, I don't know what I'll do with it.
The only game that hasn't really made me all giddy is Red Steel. I was beyond impressed with Trauma Center. I haven't touched Zelda yet. I'm going to wait until Wednesday, since I'm off from work Wednesday (well I have a 1/2 day..) and I don't go back until Tuesday :)
[quote name='pico210']

so when you use the classic controller the wiimote just dangles in your lap? anyone have a picture of the classic controller connected up and stuff?
bread's done