So Who Here Has The Most Trophies?

Right now, I'm at 1,925 trophies with 26 platinums.

My platinums are:
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Killzone 2
Prince of Persia
Call of Duty: World at War
Burnout Paradise
Eat Lead
Fallout 3
Ice Age 3
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Demon's Souls
The Godfather II
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
Bionic Commando
Terminator Salvation
Uncharted 2
Anarchy: Rush Hour
does it matter? in the end theres always someone who has more trophies than you. dont be that guy man dont be that guy.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Got my PS3 Nov. 13th and I am at level 7 , with 79%/100% till level 8[/QUOTE]

How many games do you have? You're way ahead of my pace. Then again, I've only played 3 games with trophies: MLB 10: The Show, Uncharted, and Little Big Planet. I haven't opened Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time yet. R & F Future: Tools of Destruction, Valkyria Chronicles, and of course Final Fantasy VII have no trophies.
id be down for a trophy for say.... one thousand knifings in a game, but for the most part, trophies and achievements are ridiculously stupid.... wow, i got a trophy for turning the game on, hey, another trophy for pushing x
[quote name='Matt Young']How many games do you have? You're way ahead of my pace. Then again, I've only played 3 games with trophies: MLB 10: The Show, Uncharted, and Little Big Planet. I haven't opened Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time yet. R & F Future: Tools of Destruction, Valkyria Chronicles, and of course Final Fantasy VII have no trophies.[/QUOTE]

I have around , I am just eye guessing but I am guessing : 29 w/trophy support . I can name them if you want me to . Check my Trade list if interested lol
I'm at level 13 I think. Freaky is around here somewhere and he's on level 17 with over 2000 trophies including (if I remember correctly) 31 platinums.
Enh, I'd only be impressed if half of those weren't crap or kiddie games. People that play simple stuff just to earn trophies get a huge FAIL stamp.

Anyone else with a real list? I'm around level 14 myself but I don't stress over them. I've no time to play any game twice or longer than expected.
Man, I like stats as much as the next guy.. but really?

Nothing played for just trophies, except for maybe Blue Toad. It looked good, but it wasn't, and now I just want the trophies so I can delete it lol.
[quote name='DPsx7']Enh, I'd only be impressed if half of those weren't crap or kiddie games. People that play simple stuff just to earn trophies get a huge FAIL stamp.

Anyone else with a real list? I'm around level 14 myself but I don't stress over them. I've no time to play any game twice or longer than expected.[/QUOTE]

My MK vs. DC platinum means I can play whatever kiddie game I want.

And really? You guys are getting up in arms about this? This is why trophies were made, to compare across people. I really like the people saying they don't care when they have their trophies in their signature though.

This thread wasn't to show everyone how awesome I am, I'm just wonderin who else likes to go after trophies.
I just play my games and care very little for trophies. It happens then sweet. If not...well maybe next time, whenever that may be.
[quote name='KingBroly']Freaky does. He even has more than the OP.[/QUOTE]

What he said.

I'm probably in the top 10 or 20.
i got 33 plats right now, prolly 34 in a few days. i work 8 days a month, so i got a lot of free time. :)

hakoom, the #1 guy in the world, probably has around 130 plats or so.
Trophies are fun and add replay value, however some trophies are just so tedious and nuts I don't see the point. I enjoy "Platting" some games but others I just can't care enough (GTA IV, anyone?). Also, online trophies are B.S. IMO. I wish they would be eliminated.
I have a decent amount. I enjoy going for the trophies in most games unless they're just too tedious to justify. I still don't understand playing horrible games (e.g. most movie tie-ins) just for the trophies/achievements, though.
I like trophies... for the games that I really like. I do think they add to a game when you want to do lots of things to the handful of games you pay for. I have never played a game just for trophies and all my trophied games are games I would have purchased and beat to hell regardless (except Wolverine which was a freebie from Activision while doing stuff for them. Ended up liking that game though).

I do find it weird people will play Hannah Montana or who knows what just for trophies. But that's me.

And yeah, see below.
[quote name='Saint Noir']I do find it weird people will play Hannah Montana or who knows what just for trophies. But that's me.[/QUOTE]

i play a lot of games because of gamestops used games. i mean, its practically a free gamefly. i always go there, buy a used game, play the hell out of it till i plat it usually, then take it back for a full refund cuz its within their 7 day return policy. saved me a ton of money, thats for sure. if it wasnt for that, i wouldnt have nearly as many platinums.

the people who play through games twice (a US version and another country) just to get two plats in the same game is a little dumb imo. same thing with hannah montana. there might be an exception to say, a game like UP, if 1) you have kids and played it with them or 2) you liked the movie.
Yeah... I would play UP or such licensed games... if they were higher quality games. I love the properties (especially Pixar related) and I have no kids. :lol:

Leave it to Smog to come in with the derogatory and bigoted remarks. Nice job.
Yep, Freaky and then Morphine. I respect Morphine (Freaky is cool too), that dude is a hardcore. I think he's working on White Knight Chronicle platinum trophy at the moment. Once you plat WKC, you unlock the armor for your Home avatar, something you can truly feel proud of (it's unique as long as you can't buy it from Home and i hope they keep it that way).

I find trophies/achievements are great, they made me play games i normally won't touch. I prefer trophies over achievements because 100% in Trophies net you a Platinum, no additional rewards for 100% in Achievements.

I don't play on-line much, hence my achievements are not even updated. Yeah, I agree with games you can't get platinum trophies simply because you need to play on-line for some of the lower end trophies (mostly bronze). I'm okay with the achievements, since 100% net you nothing anyway. But for the Platinum trophies, it sucks...

I don't like playing on-line doesn't mean i don't like on-line players (there are a lot of nice PSN gamers, polite and mature).

Anyhow, since i started playing for trophies/achievements, i haven't hate a game yet... Okay, maybe Along in the Dark, but even that one I eventually want to get back to it.
[quote name='m_d_amore']I have a trophy for 5th grade dodgeball[/QUOTE]

[quote name='8bitArtist']i think stucker is ahead of freaky[/QUOTE]

No one will beat m_d_amore. He wins. I never got a dogeball trophy... :cry:
That list is pretty impressive. I was expecting to see Hannah Montana.....I have 6 platinums for:
Rock Band 2
Call of Duty World At War
Burnout Paradise
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Resident Evil 5

I'm close on Guitar Hero Metallica but some of those trophies are insane....
I'm barely at level 7. I've never purchased a game for the trophies alone, but I do try to get the platinum on the games I play if possible, however I've only made 2 hehe. If getting the platinum is ridiculously hard (CoD Veteran run through) or time consuming (those kill 10000 people online or any of Sony's online-only games like MAG, SOCOM and Warhawk) I'll just let it go
I have no platinums and am at around level 10. I'm actually a bit ashamed of that and wish it was lower actually. Or wish I could just disable trophies altogether.
[quote name='smiggity']This thread is gay[/QUOTE]

I just looked up your profile, I'd be mad too.

Just got God of War platinum, wooo!
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Get outta here with your glitchin ass.[/QUOTE]It looks like the guy you quoted did the Buzz Quiz glitch...
[quote name='8bitArtist']i think stucker is ahead of freaky[/QUOTE]

haha maybe its mostly because of my kid she wants to get into the top 500.

You have way more plats than us though hoping to hit 30 by the end of the year:lol:
[quote name='snakelda']It looks like the guy you quoted did the Buzz Quiz glitch...[/QUOTE]

He also glitched the Socom trophies, saaaaad.
bread's done