So....who is actually excited for the PS3?



I realize that being excited for the PS3 is a bannable offense nowadays and that this thread will most likely end in disaster (got $10 on Daddy as the catalyst for the flame war.)

but through all the shreds of bad publicity, PR hype, etc. there are some simple truths about Sony's position and the PS3

--it has some of the best developers backing it and will get many exclusives that the Wii and 360 won't get. this includes J-rpgs, fighters, games by the guys who made Ico and SOTC, Namco exclusives, Capcom exclusives, 1st party titles etc. If the PS3 doesn't completely fail, it's guaranteed that there will be a ton of great games for it, just like the PS2.

--it's more powerful. it'll be interesting to see how much more powerful it is.


--the controller, though a complete rip off of the Wii, may get some interesting uses

--PS1 and PS2 compatable. if that's region free too, that would be amazing.

These things make me want one, though I'm waiting to see if the launch systems have serious problems.

anyone with me? :)
I'm excited to get one.....FOR ME TO POOP ON!!! j/k

If I actually get one on launch day and survive from being stabbed/trampled/mangled, I'll be very excited....Then I'll resell on ebay for my Wii.
What games do people really want who will buy and actually intend on playing the PS3 at launch.

I bought a ps2 only when both Final Fantasy 10 and Baldurs gate Dark Allience came out. I bought a Xbox for Panzar Dragoon Orta and Halo for example. Those were games I really really wanted to play.

I ask of you gamers what do you feel that way for in the launch line up of the PS3 and why?
I just can't get hyped for it personally mostly in my case its the pricepoint issue. I expect once it gets started rolling it will be a great system to own but its going to take some time especialy with another botched launch like the PS2 one. I figure about a year down the road you'll have tons and tons of joyful PS3 owners but right now with the systems out and a $600 Price tag *shrugs* kind of kills my enthusiasm.
[quote name='Apossum']

These things make me want one, though I'm waiting to see if the launch systems have serious problems.


I remember when the 360 came out people reported all sorts of problems that MS fixed for later production units, IIRC. I'm tempted to believe that the launch PS3's will be rushed and will have some doozy's of a problem. I'm not paying $600 to beta test their system.
Unless there's something I missed, the launch lineup for PS3 looks like the typical pile of shitty sports games, racing games and shooters that if I really wanted to play, I could get on XBox 360. I'll pass and wake me up when Wii comes out. (although to be fair that's mostly all PS2 had at launch, but it did have SSX and Dynasty Warriors 2, and Tekken Tag which was a plus)
I'm not sure if I'll get one at launch yet... it really depends on the launch titles. A year from now though, the PS3 is pretty much guaranteed to have a lot of fantastic games and I'm really glad that Sony's making the system region free. As it stands, the PS3 is the only system that'll have FFXIII, MGS 4, and DMC 4 (unless Daddy proves me wrong... which he probably will even without evidence) and those look like next gen games should look (and MGS 4 and DMC 4 are pretty much guaranteed to run at 60FPS... DMC 4 is confirmed to.) Really, I have no doubt that the PS3 will end up being my favorite next gen console simply because it's guaranteed to have the established franchises that matter. So yes, I'm excited for the system... but it's the launch titles that'll determine when I'm dropping my $600 on it.
I'm not excited ... but I will be. I think.

I love me some Tekken and Metal Gear and Devil May Cry and Ico/SotC and a bunch of other things I'm probably forgetting about.

But I refuse to pay that much for a videogame system. Period. The end. No ifs, ands, or buts. I wouldn't pay that for a console from any manufacturer whatsoever. That's an amount that makes me look at the whole field and say, "This shit is getting out of control." I have other, cheaper hobbies that I enjoy just as much. $600.00 buys an awful lot of books, people.

But that's pretty much the sole issue for me. (Okay, I think the controller thing is total ass: we should be rewarding creativity in this industry, not penalizing it. So fuck Sony on that one.) So as soon as the PS3 hits what I'd consider a reasonable price point, I'll get one. No prob.

But the issue is then: Sony has been saying that this thing ain't gonna drop in price for a long time. Like, a LONG time. I can wait. But can developers of "exclusives?"
*pictures fantastic 4* FLAME ON!!!! j/k the truth is too much bad stuff for anyone to be foolish enough to get one at launch. Maybe next year sometime if at all.
I'm pretty excited for it, its my console of choice for next gen, but I dont know how soon I'll get it. I will have it the day DMC4/MGS4 come out though, thats for sure.
--it has some of the best developers backing it and will get many exclusives that the Wii and 360 won't get. this includes J-rpgs, fighters, games by the guys who made Ico and SOTC, Namco exclusives, Capcom exclusives, 1st party titles etc. If the PS3 doesn't completely fail, it's guaranteed that there will be a ton of great games for it, just like the PS2.

If the system doesn't do well exclusives will be sent elsewhere. Not too mention the Wii will pretty much have all exclusives anyway.

--it's more powerful. it'll be interesting to see how much more powerful it is.

It's more powerful but most of what we have seen has been pre-rendered not actual gameplay. I'd be more interested in a side by side with the 360 once its out.


Pretty cool. Let's hope Sony doesn't cripple this somehow.

--the controller, though a complete rip off of the Wii, may get some interesting uses


--PS1 and PS2 compatable. if that's region free too, that would be amazing.

No vibration for MGS sucks. Region free would be cool. Let's hope they don't cripple it

These things make me want one, though I'm waiting to see if the launch systems have serious problems.

It will have problems...I think there is no getting around that anyway you look at it. It will depend on how many crap out...hopefully for Sony its less than the 360 but then again even Ken said Sony's hardware is in decline.

I don't see any game making me spend $600 at launch. When it comes down to it everyone is better off waiting until the system actually has something to offer. I may already own a 360 by then though.
I lot of people have mentioned how bad it will be not having vibration. I thought I was in agreement until the other day I realized my wavebird for GC doesn't have a rumble feature. Now I'm not so sure how much I'd miss it if I eventually got a PS3.
I will get one on day one, hopefully it won't happen like my 360 where i had a reservation and I still had to wait about a month before I got my 360. On the other hand the first game that had me hooked is enchanted arms and that just came out. I have other games that are pretty cool like tomb raider, call of duty 2, quake 4, condemned, top spin2, but the one that i'm enjoying the most is enchanted arms.
[quote name='Apossum']games by the guys who made Ico and SOTC[/quote]Honestly, that's the only one that hurts. And when their next game comes out, it will hurt BADLY.

[quote name='hufferstl']I can't wait to watch Metal Gear Solid 4 on it.[/quote]ZING!
[quote name='j.elles']What games do people really want who will buy and actually intend on playing the PS3 at launch.

I bought a ps2 only when both Final Fantasy 10 and Baldurs gate Dark Allience came out. I bought a Xbox for Panzar Dragoon Orta and Halo for example. Those were games I really really wanted to play.

I ask of you gamers what do you feel that way for in the launch line up of the PS3 and why?[/QUOTE]

The launch line up isn't finalized yet, can't comment on that, but Winter '07 will be great, if you like DMC, Tekken, MGS. Those 3 series are enough to win me over. Then you've got Heavenly Sword which also looks sweet (but could suck.) I know there were more games to be excited about, but I'm in between classes right now and can't think of them...listed them in another thread somewhere.

yeah, it's sequels. but sequels of good games are a good thing :)

But I refuse to pay that much for a videogame system. Period. The end. No ifs, ands, or buts. I wouldn't pay that for a console from any manufacturer whatsoever. That's an amount that makes me look at the whole field and say, "This shit is getting out of control." I have other, cheaper hobbies that I enjoy just as much. $600.00 buys an awful lot of books, people.

ha! I don't think anyone on this site will pay $600 out of their pocket. Probably a mix of credit and Ebay flipping to cover a decent chunk of it.

I'm not so sure the $600 version really appeals to me anyway. Okay...the day I can afford a TV that supports HDMI is the day that I'll be able to afford another $600 ps3 or PS4. Shit, I'm gonna be playing it through fucking S-video :lol: Also, I think 20 or 30 gigs is fine for the average gamer who won't want to download a ton of songs or movies, but just use the space for demos and saves. I barely ever use more than 6 gigs on the 360 at a time.

$500 is still a lot, but can easily be brought down to $100 or less after selling a couple choice rare games.

[quote name='Daddy']*pictures fantastic 4* FLAME ON!!!! j/k the truth is too much bad stuff for anyone to be foolish enough to get one at launch. Maybe next year sometime if at all. [/quote]

I kinda agree with that. I'm gonna let Joe Bestbuy do the beta test. I'm planning on getting it sometime next March or April...or as an end-of-the-semester present from me to me, for being such a cool guy.
[quote name='Zoglog']I'm looking forward to the profits from ebay ;)[/quote]Yeah, Ebay is going to make a fucking HUGE amount of money from the PS3.
Count me excited. I doubt i'll get it at launch. I waited til March after the PS2 released. Although this time I'll wait for a certain game.

When Guns of the Patriots comes out, i'll pick up my PS3. I also can't wait for Final Fantasy XIII. Hopefully I'll have XII done by then.
[quote name='Apossum']I realize that being excited for the PS3 is a bannable offense nowadays and that this thread will most likely end in disaster (got $10 on Daddy as the catalyst for the flame war.)

but through all the shreds of bad publicity, PR hype, etc. there are some simple truths about Sony's position and the PS3

--it has some of the best developers backing it and will get many exclusives that the Wii and 360 won't get. this includes J-rpgs, fighters, games by the guys who made Ico and SOTC, Namco exclusives, Capcom exclusives, 1st party titles etc. If the PS3 doesn't completely fail, it's guaranteed that there will be a ton of great games for it, just like the PS2.

--it's more powerful. it'll be interesting to see how much more powerful it is.


--the controller, though a complete rip off of the Wii, may get some interesting uses

--PS1 and PS2 compatable. if that's region free too, that would be amazing.

These things make me want one, though I'm waiting to see if the launch systems have serious problems.

anyone with me? :)[/quote]

I am exited for the PS3 quite possible the best system ever in gaming history is upon us.

I am getting my PS3 november 17th with Resistance for now i dont really think much about it since im more into whats new in the PSP and PS2.
also many hot launch games its not even funny quite easily the best launch to date, Warkhack,Call of Cuty 3,Sonic.Gundam,F.E.A.R., Madden 07,Ridge Rager 7 With Online,Genji ect. This system is going to mega own. dear god!
Why do people have to make lame posts like some that will remain nameless? The OP asked who was excited about PS3 not if you plan to sell one on ebay to buy another system or anything else. Every PS3 topic is getting bombarded by TROLLs, if you want to do that childish shit go to GAMEFAQS!

I'm excited for PS3 and I plan to camp out in front of bestbuy, Yes I will be armed. No I will not have any money on me, I plan for someone to drop off my money a while before the store opens. I also plan to go with a few friends or maybe other people who are interested. I'm kinda dissopointed that Armored Core is not going to make launch, but I'm sure blockbuster will have something to rent. I'm crossing my fingers for a demo to be on the hard drive or at least available for download on day 1.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Why do people have to make lame posts like some that will remain nameless? The OP asked who was excited about PS3 not if you plan to sell one on ebay to buy another system or anything else. Every PS3 topic is getting bombarded by TROLLs, if you want to do that childish shit go to GAMEFAQS!

I'm excited for PS3 and I plan to camp out in front of bestbuy, Yes I will be armed. No I will not have any money on me, I plan for someone to drop off my money a while before the store opens. I also plan to go with a few friends or maybe other people who are interested. I'm kinda dissopointed that Armored Core is not going to make launch, but I'm sure blockbuster will have something to rent. I'm crossing my fingers for a demo to be on the hard drive or at least available for download on day 1.[/QUOTE]

hey, ebay's not a bad idea (I might try and sell one myself.)

But yeah, the PS3 forum is pretty much all people who are skeptical, that's why I made this thread. then again, the 360 launch was kinda like that too. a few people were talking about being early adopters while everyone sat back and picked apart every single news story and press release.
Im extremely excited. It seems to me that the games are shaping up nicely, and it could have some great exclusives like the PS2 did.

Thats reason enough for me.
I'm excited for the PS3. I sure as hell am not getting one anytime soon, but a year from now, I'm positive that there will be some decent-to-good games. It'll take time for the PS3 to rev up, but I'm confident it will have some gems.
I'm not particularly excited for the launch line-up but there are some great exclusives coming out later on that I'm excited for. Naughty Dog's untitled game is one of my absolute most wanted right now. I'm also excited about Eight Days, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Getaway, Haze, Heavy Rain, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, Killzone, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Ratchet and Clank.
I'm excited, but I just don't have the money for it with me looking to moving with the month or so and wanting to put my savings into other things first. Hopefully, I can save up for one for late next year when stuff like GTAIV, MGS4, Burnout 5, and other big fall 07 games come out.

The one thing I'm excited about that people are just not paying any attention to anymore is the motion controls. Sure, the Wii dives headfirst into this tech, but the PS3's motion controls seem to complement and just add to the game instead of taking it over. Burnout 5 will use them to at least allow you to control your car's trajectory/flip, though more stuff will be added. A funny use that Kojima has acknoweldged that's been brought up by his team for MGS4 is neck-snapping (rumble would work with that so well :(). Shaking off Chimera in Resistance along with the proven Warhawk control system are other nice uses. Sure it may not be that original, but it'll still be damn fun. The Dual Shock design + tilt tech works well with many games, but won't try to put you into the game like the Wii will. The rumble is really the only grudge I have against the controller, so I'm hoping they release a rumble PS3 controller sometime in the future before it's too late.

As for the games, I'm excited to see a lot of exclusive games I really care about more than what the 360 offers me. Lair, Eight Days, The Naughty Dog Game, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm, Warhawk, GT5 (not HD), Hot Shots Golf 5, Ape Escape 4, whatever the hell the Sly Cooper team is doing, whatever Fumito Ueda is doing (Ico, SotC), and F1 2006 if that ever makes it to US shores, though the region-free means I could import the EU version. :) Then there's third party stuff like the fighters Tekken 6 and Virtua Fighter 5 that interest me, Metal Gear Solid 4 is just a huge game, RPG's like Final Fantasy XIII and vs. XIII, Mercenaries 2 could be a very fun game, and there will be others. Multiplatform stuff should be fun since the PS3 and 360 version may not have much of a difference visually, the motion controls could have some impact on how each version is perceived. It just depends on people's abilities to get over the aping and focus on how well it works. Burnout 5, Virtua Tennis 3 (which played very well at 30% at E3), GTAIV, Assassin's Creed, Army of Two, Tony Hawk's Project 8 just looks like the best game in the series since THPS3, and the many others that are sure to come.

Really, it's just down to my ability to get around the drama that clouds this forum and just look at the games. I'm excited, about as much as I was for the PS2 just before its launch. It's just too bad that I don't, or won't, have the money for it in two months, but I'm fine with that. I'd rather let the drama die out and see the games become the focus again just like it did with the 360. There's a lot to be excited about.

[quote name='PenguinMaster']Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier.[/quote]
:shock: Links. Now.
after seeing more stuff on resistance im getting more interested.
ive owned almost every console to come out since atari, i love
being able to buy whatever game i want regardless of console, i
just cannot see $600 i bought my 360 with 2 year warr. an extra wireless
and five games and im still under that price.
ill definately get one and its going to be hard for me not to plunk down the cash when i see some of the must haves. but after getting burned by sony and having to purchase 3 ps2's, two within the first launch year, i wont be giving them that much of my money.
oooooooohhh yeah! i am excited i really wanna feel it it just looks sooo nice and sleek:drool:

i cant wait to see whats new wit it yo lol

but yeah i just wanna get it mainly for ressistance fom,mgs4,and wheelman
[quote name='pop311']I'm not super awsomely stoked for the PS3, but I will probably pick it up before PS4[/quote]

you might be waiting for quite a while
I am mainly excited because I hear it had PSP features and of course all my favorite 3rd party companies make games for the Playstation but I don't wanna get one right away.. because the first verisons to come out always suck.
It seems interesting enough but I'm going to play the whole Wait and See approach that I did with the PS2. Let everyone else be the early adopters, see if there are any hardware problems, eventually buy the system somewhere down the road when the price hits a far more reasonable level.

That's not to slam the PS3 in any way but, to be completely honest, considering my audio/video setup and the fact that I'm busy 90% of the time with other commitments spending $600 on a system I wouldn't play/use for more than an hour ot two hours a week simply isn't cost-effective in any way. Heck, I would like a 360 and even with its best local deals and a highly stripped down nature even $200 is still too much for such entertainment.
If the PS3 and Wii were both in the $200-300 range, I'd buy the PS3. Only because I don't own a 360 now and I think it might be a while before the Wii software works it way out to have a decent library of titles that actually use its abilities (similar to the DS). But honestly, I doubt I will buy any system until next spring at the earliest.
[quote name='pop311']I saw this on the Nsider forums:

If the Wii was $200 and the P$3 was 200-300, which one would you pick up?[/QUOTE]
Still Wii, with its better launch line up, but I could afford a PS3 in time for MGS4.
Im intrested in seein how sony deals and how powerful and awesome it really is.

BTW, if ps3 was half the price, I woulda snacked one or ... 9 up to resell and get one or.. alot for free.
[quote name='pop311']I saw this on the Nsider forums:

If the Wii was $200 and the P$3 was 200-300, which one would you pick up?[/QUOTE]

i'd get the PS3 now, then wait for the Wii to build a library. awesome ps3 games are a guarantee, awesome wii games aren't yet.
[quote name='6669']Still Wii, with its better launch line up, but I could afford a PS3 in time for MGS4.[/quote]

mgs4 wont come out till late next year

maybe youll win the lottery or something lol;)
according to sony execs i apparently can't wait to buy it.
though, last time i checked with myself, i was more interested in the wii.
eh, I might get a high paying job next summer, then I will be able to afford it.

No sense in getting hyped in any console now because I can't buy one anyway....
I'd love to get a PS3, mainly for the J-RPGs like Wild Arms, Shadow Hearts and all the other games that we'll see for it.

I probably won't get one for a while though, because there aren't any games coming out for it that interest me right now. Maybe a year from release. Until then, I'll be playing a Wii.
bread's done