So yeah I got ripped off at GS....*UPDATE*


About an hour ago I go to my local GS to purchase a used game. I hand the sales rep my EDGE card that I thought had a balance of roughly $150 on it. Lo and behold it had $1.13. Thankfully I still had receipts from my last two transactions: one from last week where I made a $11 purchase at a different GS store and the one prior to that where I traded in some stuff to bring my balance to $160. Store manager (who was super cool), called corporate at they discovered someone bought a DS Lite with my account 4 MINUTES AFTER I made my last $11 purchase. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: Now I have to go back to the other store on Monday and get the security tapes pulled. Stay tuned....

So I just got back from the GS where the shenanigans occurred and had a remarkably good experience. I explained to them what happened and what their corporate offices told me. After a couple of minutes they refunded the amount back on my card without much of a hassle. They did mention it was the second time it had occurred recently. I didn't press the issue too much that someone there may be ripping people off. I hope they look into that on there own.
[quote name='Ziv']Someone's getting fired.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that same someone should get punched in the face...
Damn, I remember the similar thread on here from about a month ago with a Game Crazy employee doing the same thing.
some stores dont have cameras(i think), and sadly some prob do get away with it with customers who dont follow through.
How are you guys so sure it was an employee robbing you rather than them making a mistake selling the console to the guy who came in after you?
[quote name='PyroGamer']How are you guys so sure it was an employee robbing you rather than them making a mistake selling the console to the guy who came in after you?[/quote]

Mostly because its easier for an employee to remember/keep the number from the edge card with the balance than it is for the customer behind him to get the number/have the exact same number on his edge card.
ya this just happened to someone else a little while ago at GC and it was an employee who did and subsequently got canned. Im book marking this to see what happens.
[quote name='Hockey37']Damn, I remember the similar thread on here from about a month ago with a Game Crazy employee doing the same thing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I remember that. It seems so similar I thought I was just reading that thread, but this was just posted today. WTF is with game store employees and stealing gift card credit?
Yeah that happened to another CAG right here.

You got me so paranoid that I went ahead and checked my balance on the phone. Let us know what happens.
Honestly, I'm thinking this is just a result of game stores being too cheap to use secure, sophisticated methods of keeping credit. I have never heard of such problems at any other type of establishment.
I don't think it's that hard to steal someone's credit. Just a few days ago I went to use my credit from a reserve I had that I didn't want to pick up anymore and first they scanned my card and it didn't show up but then the guy just looked up my last name and found it. The thing is, he didn't even bother to check my ID or anything. I just gave him my last name and he searched it. I haven't worked there in over 3 years now and I don't know how much has changed with their pos operations but I know no one's information was on file on the computer before.

For a place that pays crap and gives like 15 hours a week for part timers, I wouldn't be suprised if this happens way more than we hear about.

If the DS was bought 4 minutes after you bought something you should be able to find wether or not someone bought that from the same store. Bring in your reciept, it has the time you were in there and the transaction number as well. They should be able to find that in their system and then follow the transactions right after.
[quote name='emceelokey']I don't think it's that hard to steal someone's credit. Just a few days ago I went to use my credit from a reserve I had that I didn't want to pick up anymore and first they scanned my card and it didn't show up but then the guy just looked up my last name and found it. The thing is, he didn't even bother to check my ID or anything. I just gave him my last name and he searched it. I haven't worked there in over 3 years now and I don't know how much has changed with their pos operations but I know no one's information was on file on the computer before.

For a place that pays crap and gives like 15 hours a week for part timers, I wouldn't be suprised if this happens way more than we hear about.

If the DS was bought 4 minutes after you bought something you should be able to find wether or not someone bought that from the same store. Bring in your reciept, it has the time you were in there and the transaction number as well. They should be able to find that in their system and then follow the transactions right after.[/quote]

thats weird because I lost my card awhile ago and asked the guy if they could look it up under my name and they said they can't do that. Then I called the customer service line and they also confirmed that they could not look up my card by my name. Luckily I found the card.
[quote name='Weedy649']some stores dont have cameras(i think), and sadly some prob do get away with it with customers who dont follow through.[/QUOTE]

Only one of our stores have a camera that I'm a ware of... and we have 5 stores total. And the one store with the cameras is the one where the employees actually care- the other 4 let things slide usually.

Anyway, OP, good luck. I'm getting more and more weary of giftcards after reading your story and the one from the CAG who had trouble with GC.
[quote name='emceelokey']

If the DS was bought 4 minutes after you bought something you should be able to find wether or not someone bought that from the same store. Bring in your reciept, it has the time you were in there and the transaction number as well. They should be able to find that in their system and then follow the transactions right after.[/QUOTE]

I still have the receipt, with the sales rep's name on it. I also got all the transaction numbers from corporate. Should be fun on Monday.
doesn't it suck when bad stuff happens on the weekend?You have to wait till Monday.....and whats up with employees stealing now!
[quote name='ighosty']thats weird because I lost my card awhile ago and asked the guy if they could look it up under my name and they said they can't do that. Then I called the customer service line and they also confirmed that they could not look up my card by my name. Luckily I found the card.[/QUOTE]

I think the difference in my situation was that I had a store credit for a reserve rather than a trade in credit. Still though, I was only required to sign a reservation cancelation paper. He didn't even check my phone number on file. It's not like I know the guy either. I'm only in there maybe once or twice a month.
O man. This is the second time I read about this. I have about 130.00 on my card that I haven't touched in 4 months. When I pick up Madden 08 on the 14th I pray I still have the 130.00.
Get this investigated. Personally, I feel whomever used your credit AND whoever rung the transaction should be sacked immediately. That is, if they were separate people, but you'd get fired if you rung yourself out anyway. Though they'd still have to get their purchases checked at the end of their shift, so honestly, in my opinion, whoever was working that day at that time should be fired.

PLEASE MAKE SURE, that if the store has cameras, you get this checked out within 30 days of that sale, I know a lot of digital recording devices automatically delete/overwrite video after that period.

I probably have an idea of how exactly they did it, it's not hard at all. But you'd have to be a fucking scumbag to even think about doing something like that. Makes me sick, and certainly doesn't help the other employees' images at these stores.
Ya know, it was a long, long time since I last used my GS credit, I should check my Edge card, which they dumped a bunch of my credit on.

Thing is, I think I keep my receipts for maybe 4 months and it was OVER 4 months since I used it last, cept for the discount for used games.

I wonder what I have left, since I think I had a decent amount left too.
It's good to hear that the manager was at least cool with you. All the horror stories from GS are keeping me away recently.

I'm also intrested to see what happens. If it is an employee I hope you sack him/her.
my GS horror story.

I asked clerk how much credit for a GC system and an Xbox system.

They would give me
GC $10
XBOX $20

Their used GC's were 49 and their used xboxes were 79.

Yep I will continue to get 99% of my games from target, bestbuy, walmart, circuit city and never buy a used game when i stroll into a gamestop.

BTW I saw Marvel vs capcom 2 for xbox for $70 used (yea right)
Wow, good luck sorting all of this out.

You know, I bet when you bought your $11 purchase, the employee looked at your reciept and noticed the remaining balence or something like that.
It had to be the worker. There's no way a customer could somehow infiltrate that system unless the employee was in on it. The customer wouldn't have had to pay any physical cash or use a credit card of any kind if it was all taken from a gift card, meaning the employee would have easily known if he accidently charged it to the gift card account.

So yea, find that employee and destroy him/her. Best of luck.
Good luck, OP. I'll be keeping all my receipts from now on. God forbid this happens to anyone else. If an employee did that to me, there would be a serious confrontation. I'd wait until the store was quite busy, and then totally call out that employee in front of everyone.
i fired my assistant manager at gs for doing this. i never would have caught him but someone game in and claimed the same thing you did, after i looked into it the pieces came together and it was pretty obvious then. so long as the manager and DM are competant you should get your money back and that guy will get fired.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i fired my assistant manager at gs for doing this. i never would have caught him but someone game in and claimed the same thing you did, after i looked into it the pieces came together and it was pretty obvious then. so long as the manager and DM are competant you should get your money back and that guy will get fired.[/quote]

Did he try to come up with some BS story or did he just shrug it off like, "Whatever man, I hate this place anyway."
[quote name='ighosty']thats weird because I lost my card awhile ago and asked the guy if they could look it up under my name and they said they can't do that. Then I called the customer service line and they also confirmed that they could not look up my card by my name. Luckily I found the card.[/quote]

Yeah but this is pretty f'n pathetic. Let's come up with a system where people can trade stuff in, BUT if they lose their card, we get to keep the stuff for FREE! Pretty bad to run a company like that, but when there is no real b&m competition, what are you going to do about it?.
I came in here thinking about that GC thread, as others have mentioned.

Hope everything gets straightened out, OP. And I hope the worker that did it is there when you find out what happened.

Do you know for sure if the store has cameras? I know the two here do not (or they didn't the last time I spoke with the manager). Not that you still couldn't find out what happened, but cameras will make the process much easier.
Speaking of cameras, I know that both around here do. One is pointed at the back because the store is an L shape and the cashiers cant see the back, so its not at the registers. The other store has it where you can see the whole store from the back, and you can get a view of the registers from the front, but you cant see if the employees are doing anything suspicious.

Still, if there are any cameras at all, it will help your investigation. File a police report if you need to. Most likely the employee did it when there was no one else in the store, a camera would help proving your culprit, but it can help in any situation really. And again, good luck sorting all of this out.
[quote name='Kendro']Yeah that happened to another CAG right here.

You got me so paranoid that I went ahead and checked my balance on the phone. Let us know what happens.[/quote]

Wow... Deja-Vu! When I read this I thought the last guy who got tea bagged by a GS employee changed the title and had posted an update. Then I saw it was a different CAG. OP, I hope you get everything straightened out tomorrow.
my question, if this happens again to another poor guy, how does he or she go with complaining and reporting? like to whom obviously?

even i'm having doubts if corporate would listen, but if this sort of activity is rampant, then i think corporate should really do something.
[quote name='Rig']I came in here thinking about that GC thread, as others have mentioned.

Hope everything gets straightened out, OP. And I hope the worker that did it is there when you find out what happened.

Do you know for sure if the store has cameras? I know the two here do not (or they didn't the last time I spoke with the manager). Not that you still couldn't find out what happened, but cameras will make the process much easier.[/QUOTE]

The store is not even a year old, so I assume it will have cameras. Going to go during my lunch hour.

Just so my fellow North Jersey CAGs know, it was the GS on Route 3 in Clifton. Check your cards out if you ever went there. I'll be there around 1pm if you want to see the shitshow. :D
[quote name='matyou']
GC $10
XBOX $20[/quote]

lol ouch.. gamecrazy offers double on both.. but that's not saying much.

And regarding cameras.. make sure you get it checked out within 7 days, not a week.
[quote name='sallyballs']I'll be there around 1pm if you want to see the shitshow. :D[/quote]

haha I wish I could stop by and see the shit show :D
bread's done