So you finshed Halo 3 what are your thoughts? Warning spoilers within!

Finished it last night. Loved the last part. Pretty much the same thing as Halo 1's final sequence, only longer, and more fun.

The ending was interesting, but I didn't pay attention to the story, so it was just a typical ending where you think the main character is dead, but he isn't, effectively leaving the series open for another sequel.

only things I didn't like about the game:

1. the flood. this is three games in a row with basically the same twist, where the flood come in and screw everything up. I wish there was another species of alien or more variety in the covenant.

2. the voices in master chief's head. annoying, loud (on my tv), and really just non-sense for someone who doesn't know the intimate details of the story. Great, so cortana's freaking out, we got the point after the first 10 scenes where she spouts gibberish.
[quote name='triforcer']well to be honest johnson was living on borrowed time since halo 1.[/quote]

One thought that kept popping in my mind while playing Halo 3 was how many times do I have to save Johnson?! :lol:

The game was good, but the Flood levels were pretty tedious. I hated the flood levels in the first Halo (way too repetitive), and I still don't like them in the third installment. The game was a little short too. My friend and I passed the game in a little under 6 hours and we took our time in several spots. Unfortunately, I don't play online mp or else I would probably appreciate the halo series a lot more. Overall though, it was a solid fps with probably the best controls and gameplay compared to all the other console fps games available.
I don't see what's so difficult to understand about firing that last uncompleted halo ring.

The gravemind followed the chief and truth through the portal on voy to the ark. The ark is far, far away from earth. The incomplete ring was being built on the ark. The ring is fired, killing all sentient life within range of that ring, and destroying the incomplete ring in the process. The chief, cortana, and the arbiter escape through the portal before the ring fires, but the portal closes on the ship, sending the arbiter home, and the chief + cortana who knows where.

No, not all the flood are dead, flood are contained on the other halo rings. I'd say it's safe to assume that the UNSC locates the other rings and nukes them soon after. It's not really an interesting or important story point, though. Penitent tangent already showed them where the other rings were on Installation 05 in Halo 2, so it wouldn't be a very complicated thing to take care of those. Lots of things in all three halo stories aren't explicitly told, but hinted at.
[quote name='Greetard']I gotta question the sanity of people who didn't like the final race. It was by far one of the most epic gaming moments I've ever had.[/quote]

I have to agree with this. The music and the action were amazing. Even the fiance heard the music from the other room and came in saying "It sounds like something awesome is going on"
yeah the last run was awesome. I never felt like the tiles dropping out were unfair, in fact I slammed on the brakes several times and just barely stopped in time, really awesome moments. Watching the structures collapse and destroy the floor was very cool too.
Last level was awesome but the ending sucked. I cannot believe they sent us through all this just to make Halo 4 or at least leaving the door open for it.
Well the did wrap up the covenant story, which is what the trilogy of halo games was about, the humans vs the covenant. I'm glad they reunited and kept Cortana and MC together for possible future use.
I just finished the game solo on heroic.

I thought the eighth level was tough but it was to be expected, the Flood are ultimately much more dangerous than the Covenant. I'm still confused about the story. I think it's been too long since I've played the first two and frankly, I don't know if I can ever get through 2 again. I need to watch some of the bonus stuff that I avoided prior to finishing the game. Loved the satisfying ending (the warthog chase), much better than randomly fighting some brute as the Arbiter. I skipped the credits though so I'm about to go back and see what I missed. Glad to hear MC ultimately makes it. It would've been pretty sad to die in a crash-landing after all the stuff he'd survived previously.

EDIT - Before I forget, my most epic moment in the campaign was when I was fighting the two Scarabs on the Ark (I think I was on the Ark). One of them wandered close to one of the hills while I was running around on a Ghost. I revved up the Ghost, jumped off the hill dukes of hazzard style and landed atop the Scarab while it was still fairly populated. Great sequence that may or may not have been meant to happen but looked amazing regardless.
That final race might be one of my new favorite gaming moments. The music, the sequences, the "oh shit, that tile just blew up, I need to swerve!" moments, the "I gotta jet man.. this place is gonna blow!" feeling.. it was amazing
[quote name='Halo05']
EDIT - Before I forget, my most epic moment in the campaign was when I was fighting the two Scarabs on the Ark (I think I was on the Ark). One of them wandered close to one of the hills while I was running around on a Ghost. I revved up the Ghost, jumped off the hill dukes of hazzard style and landed atop the Scarab while it was still fairly populated. Great sequence that may or may not have been meant to happen but looked amazing regardless.[/quote]

record it in theater mode so we can watch :D
I finished today on normal. I skipped the credits, so I watched both secret ending on Youtube.

I though the game was fine. Like everyone else I hated level 8, though level 9 was much better. The ending, even the secret endings, were pretty disappointed. I wanted more closure. I guess we'll have to wait for Halo 4.
I was also disappointed by the lack of epic battles. I was hoping to see some huge battles with dozens of enemies taking on dozens of your allies, with a few vehicles going around (a battle similar to the one in the comercials), and I never really got that epic battle. The only thing that really came close was the battle with 2 Scarabs.

Also, seeing huge capital ships right above you in a few levels was pretty cool, especially when the human ship lands in one level and blows you backwards. You don't see that in many games.
Like everyone else I got tired of the flood. We all got the idea that they are strong and are gonna pwn us if we don't do something about it, but Bungie should have thrown in more surprises in terms of characters and locations. The second to last level was less annoying then the Library Halo 1 flood though, because you could run by most of the crap and reach a check point with ease, where as in the Library they would keep coming and coming.

The ending level was the best time I ever had in a FPS, and certainly outmatched the marathon run (pun intended) that was at the end of Halo 1.

The story was fine, but It's no Silent Hill in terms of depth. Bungie should work on the story more if they decide to release Halo 4, or whatever it will be called.

My last complaint would be the locations/events on earth. We should have seen people fleeing from the flood, or intense gun fights on the streets where people have babies ripped from their hands by the flood (maybe a bit too mature though?) and master chief saves the baby in a cut scene, or something crazy like that.

Everything else was perfect. Theres a lot of replay value in the single player campaign thanks to skulls and the achivements.

Regardless, The single player campaign doesn't hold much to Halo 3's fantastic multiplayer which is ultimately the best FPS multiplayer game on the market, even compared to Half Life 2 on the PC or Unreal Tournament.
[quote name='ZerotypeX']record it in theater mode so we can watch :D[/quote]You can't record campaign footage from what I've been able to tell :(
I thought heroic was good, but Legendary is amazing. It's like halo 1 legendary which was challenging and rewarded good strategy and thinking things out, not about unfair reaction times to jackal snipers like halo 2.

The mauler is SO much fun to use. I wish they were featured in the campaign more.
Loved the vast majority of the campaign but god, level 8 was BRUTAL! Those stupid things that shoot spikes at you.. ugh! Level 9 was better though. I enjoyed the final chase scene and the first time I attempted it, had a genuienly harrowing experience as my 'hog barely passed gaps and did many barrel rolls that landed correctly so it was pretty damn epic. The ending satisfied me. It tied up all the main shit but left enough long reaching loose endings (surely some Covenant still exist, Elite/Human relations can't be perfect) that a sequel would be welcome. Thumbs up from me.
[quote name='jer7583']
The mauler is SO much fun to use. I wish they were featured in the campaign more.[/quote]

in multiplayer (when my router is working right) give me two maulers and i swear i'm invincible
I think the reason I cant get into Halo's story is because Master Chief may be the least charismatic main character of any game Ive ever played. He doesnt talk much, he has no personality, we never get to see him... it all adds up to me not giving a shit about 'finishing the fight'
[quote name='Puffa469']I think the reason I cant get into Halo's story is because Master Chief may be the least charismatic main character of any game Ive ever played. He doesnt talk much, he has no personality, we never get to see him... it all adds up to me not giving a shit about 'finishing the fight'[/QUOTE]

yeah. the story is also not told all that's basically an action flick screenplay-- get the guy from scenario to scenario with a couple devices.
[quote name='Loyalty']what is onyx?[/QUOTE]

Remember when you find the map room at Installation 00 and Guilty Spark says he always thought the ark would be part of the shield installation? The Shield installation is at Onyx and is the story of the Ghosts of Onyx book. The shield was a way to survive the Halo activation w/o leaving the galaxy. Probably where those whose couldn't make it to the Ark hid.

Overall I really enjoyed the story. I thought it closed the story well w/o being a sappy happy ending or eliminating all hope for a story sequel.. And baiting the flood outside the galaxy to zap them with a Halo was a very interesting way to deal with flood problem.

I found the flood much more difficult/fun to fight in this game. They were much more agressive and used way more weapons. Plus you couldn't 1 hit kill the brute/hunter flood. While the cortana level was still to long, I overall found the first couple and last flood level pretty fun. The charge up the tower at the end was stupid hard though. Until we realized that once you got to the first ramp you could fight and the infinite spawning would stop. Frustrating hard, not fun hard.

Two things surprised me, the deaths. Johnson and Keyes. Never thought they would kill em both, kinda disappointed in that actually.

And fighting Guilty Spark. I really did not see that one coming. I kinda liked the little bugger by the end and his betraying you again caught me by surprise.

One interesting tidbit I though was the super AI from the terminals. If he is still kicking around we could have our marathon link for a Halo 4.

The level design was better to me, the backtracking seemed more focused and overall I found the levels easier to navigate. I think Bungie's problem is they come up with the story for a level and then make the level. For example level 2 makes sense from a story place to fight back and forth in the same area defending a base, but it leads to backtracking. I think Bungie seems to side on the if the story demands backtracking, we won't change the story we will just repeat the level.

I thought Mission 8 drove home an important point. The Flood are unstoppable. People always complain about the flood and poor AI. Which I understand, but how they act reinforces the story. No matter how well you fight, they will overwhelm and kill you. You have to run and find a way to stop them that doesn't involve direct confrontation. Mission 8, especially on legendary is just that. You can't fight and kill them all, there are too many. Which is wierd to our gamer training of gotta get em all. But conveys the right story for the flood, they cannot be defeated by direct confrontation.
None of my friends did, and it was pretty silly cause the ending was retarded. You dont even know what happened....

So why wouldnt you wait?

If you didnt, here a quicky -

Basically Master Chief is alive and triggering the Halo Ring shorted the portal and cut the ship in 1/2, hence the reason why the ship crashed in the ground in the actual ending. Cortana tells him that she's going to send out a distress signal and that it could take years. He floats over to a sleep chamber (What you wake up in, in Halo 2 and the first one I think) and says "Wake me when you need me". And she mentions that she'll miss him.
No, I didn't watch it, but for another reason. I finished the game on Easy to unlock all the levels for legendary Co-Op. So I left something I haven't seen in order to give me an incentive to finish it again. But yeah, I knew 117 wasn't dead when the Arbiter said 'Were it so easy.' It references back to the first cutscene where Master Chief goes up to the arbiter with a pistol.
If you beat it on legendary...
you see the screen fade out after all of the above but then it fades back in and it seems that an indeterminate period of time has passed, and it shows the half of the ship floating towards some random blue planet.
The chief talks more than Freeman in half life 2, and nobody complains about that..
MC is purposely left a bit blank since you are him. Doesnt work for everybody but it was done on purpose.
[quote name='jer7583']The chief talks more than Freeman in half life 2, and nobody complains about that.[/quote]

IIRC, Freeman doesn't have ANY spoken dialog i n either HL or HL2.
[quote name='jer7583']The chief talks more than Freeman in half life 2, and nobody complains about that..
MC is purposely left a bit blank since you are him. Doesnt work for everybody but it was done on purpose.[/QUOTE]

Gordon Freeman is a silent protagonist and valve did a pretty good job of that. His role is well defined by the events that take place around him and what people say when he is around.

Master Chief is just there to kill stuff. "Call me when you need me" sums it up pretty well. He's referred to as a demon every once in a while, but that's only because he's good at killing stuff.
The flood suck ass. Please no more flood ever.

Zombies are a lazy programming device and we are past the point of needing any more zombies in any game ever again.

K, thx.

Anyway my roommate skipped the credits so I just watched the "real" ending on YouTube. The legendary "reward" footage is weaksauce for such a challenging run.

Hopefully IWHBYD skull dialogue really does a lot for the hardcore fans.

I, like many many many many others, did not play Marathon and do not find the prospect of combinging the two games series alluring at all.

I felt robbed of my "BELIEVE" battle, and really cheated at the way the alien anus level goes down.

The end run in the Warthog was super boring and anti-climatic to me especially since I get no nostalgia from the first game. I let my roommate do the driving since it was just repetitive funless falling into pits.

What I did like is the fact there's a romantic relationship between a Cyborg and an AI that lives in his head. Very Cyberpunk.

No MC face? Really? Guess that beta glitch is the best we're ever gonna get then.

All in all I'm a bit meh about the whole thing.

I hope MP is fun.
It's the only Halo game I haven't quit in disgust after four hours.

Also, the campaign was really fun playing on Heroic. Later when I went through on Normal to get the skulls and terminals, I noticed the world seemed pretty empty, since not as many enemies were spawned. Bungie really means it when they say Heroic is how the game is meant to be played.

I personally loved the first flood level (Floodgate) for its creepy horror movie vibe. The second flood level (Cortana) was challenging but pretty boring design-wise. Still, it wasn't all bad -- there were some pretty crazy fights. But it's undoubtedly the weakest level in the game.

I still want to do the campaign on Legendary and I'm sure I'll try for the scoring meta-game too. I've started to get my feet wet in multiplayer and it's awesome so far.

I feel like Halo 3 is a better overall product than Bioshock. Of course Bioshock blows pretty much any single player game/campaign released this year out of the water, but it's also only of rental length and has pretty low replay value IMO. I spent $60 on both Halo 3 and Bioshock, and I will say that I feel I've gotten my money's worth and then some from Halo 3 (and will continue getting more as I play more multi) while I feel I overpayed for Bioshock.
Gordon Freeman is no less a killing machine than the chief.. his main personality trait seems to be proficiency with a crowbar.
Now, characters like alyx and barney surpass almost any game, halo or not.
I dont see what makes Freeman any different than the chief. MC probably has more backstory if you count the novels.
No MC face? Really? Guess that beta glitch is the best we're ever gonna get then.

what's this? I haven't heard about this glitch.

but man, I'm glad they didn't show his face. it would have to be some archetype that nobody can completely object to, which means it would probably be boring and anti-climactic.
One quick do the Believe and Diorama commercials have anything to actually do w/ the story? Master Chief never gets captured and never sets any grenade off. Was this just a marketing tool by Microsoft and no real importance to the story?
[quote name='whataboutbob?']One quick do the Believe and Diorama commercials have anything to actually do w/ the story? Master Chief never gets captured and never sets any grenade off. Was this just a marketing tool by Microsoft and no real importance to the story?[/QUOTE]
I would guess it's the same kind of thing when you see trailers to movies where they get a couple of scenes and a basic story line and are told to run with it, so thats what they made up.

BTW "never sets any grenade off" I believe he does thats what the left trigger is for...
[quote name='Apossum']what's this? I haven't heard about this glitch.

but man, I'm glad they didn't show his face. it would have to be some archetype that nobody can completely object to, which means it would probably be boring and anti-climactic.[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing everyone has their own idea of what he looks like, so showing his face would have disappointed 99% of people.
[quote name='whataboutbob?']One quick do the Believe and Diorama commercials have anything to actually do w/ the story? Master Chief never gets captured and never sets any grenade off. Was this just a marketing tool by Microsoft and no real importance to the story?[/QUOTE]
The company working on the Believe/diorama campaign were left clueless about Halo 3's story. They pertty much just had to make a battle people believed could have been in Halo 3.
Add me to the people who are happy we don't know what MC's face looks like. It doesn't matter, he's defined by his actions which revolve almost entirely around wearing green armor and saving humanity (and being named John). That's his identity.

I tried to find my "Ghost jump onto Scarab" insanity but skull hunting and multiplayer seem to have pushed it off my hard drive. I might try and replicate it but honestly, the fight against the two Scarabs was such a blast that you all should try it for yourselves.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Geez N00bs...once again Kuroi Kaze comes through with the linkage:

There are better quality vids and such to look for but that's the beta glitch.[/quote] Except that that the Spartans in multiplayer are just that...Spartans...not Master Chief.

Bungie has never bothered to model MC's face because people would just be able to extract the texture off of the disc.

For example, in halo 1, this cutscene he takes off his helmet, and there is another identical helmet on under it because it was never meant to be seen from that angle
the fight against two scarabs took all of one minute to win if you had any clue what you were doing.

shoot legs, shoot back, fire missles into hole.

it is my favorite battle overall, but it's too easy even on heroic.
i think the hornet scenes are the best in the game.

anyway that is indeed MC's face and was only in the beta.
attempting to recreate it on halo 3 retail just gets you invisible insides.

bungie just got caught slippin'.

MC looks like a total badass, though is nose is kinda pudgy.
Nope, Spartans are in multiplayer, not Spartan-John 117. Probably is just one of the bungie employees, like many of the marines' faces are.
i think you're giving them waaay too much credit.

so only multiplayer spartans have faces, but they all have the same face?

WTF, yeah righ.

Multiplayer has no bearing on story/campaign. Plus it's a beta. Most likely just an easter egg thrown in by an artist of his own face. Does multiplayer also mean that somewhere millions of MC clones are blowing each other away and magically reappearing?
"kuroi koze" is wrong on this one.
I dont think there were any spartans ever and all of the multiplayer and campaign events are randomized scenarios produced in a smart a.i.'s "brain" considering the effectiveness and potential strategic value of such a fighting force. :drool:
[quote name='jer7583']Multiplayer has no bearing on story/campaign. Plus it's a beta. Most likely just an easter egg thrown in by an artist of his own face. Does multiplayer also mean that somewhere millions of MC clones are blowing each other away and magically reappearing?
"kuroi koze" is wrong on this one.[/QUOTE]

Cool, their artist has a nasty scar where his left eye should be?

anyway, it's definitely just an easter egg just to screw with people. how do people even find stuff like this?
Finished the game tonight.

While I don't think it surpassed the original game, I feel it was quite a bit better than Halo 2. Multi-player is solid as it aways has been, even if I prefer a bit more tactical style of play (such as Rainbow Six Vegas).

Anyhow, overall I thought it was a worthy conclusion to Halo, and I'll be looking forward to the inevitable follow-up or spin-off staring Master Chief.
I finished the game on multiplayer on Sunday with two of my buddies, stayed up until 1:00 in the morning laughing histerically and shooting things left and right.

I actually liked the game alot, just wished it was a little bit longer.

Take into account that I hated Halo 1, I played that game and could never get into it, if anything it turned me off from the Halo franchise, so I skipped Halo 2. I picked Halo 3 with the intent of returning it after I was done, but I must say the game is really good. I think what really did it for me was the multiplayer campaign, it was great to be able to progress through a game with your buddies.

If I had to rate it it would get a 4.5 out of 5
bread's done