SOCOM: Confrontation *General Discussion Thread*

Is it me or are these patches just not working right? 1.30 seemed to fix a lot of my personal major gripes of the game which were load times and some major frame rate drops. Then 1.40 hits, I download it and it makes the game not enjoyable at all with more frame drops, lag, random lockups, invisible guys, no guns, I mean the list goes on... I know... this is a beta and it's meant to stress the servers, but game is out in what 2-3 weeks and a LOT of these issues are server related like loading, frame drops, lag, invisible guys, no guns, no scoreboard, etc... :bomb:

This went from a day 1 purchase to hold off until the community playing says the latest patches fixed all issues. :cry:
Eh, I have more problems with the design choices in the game.

The control scheme is made for a slower paced single player game, whereas the multiplayer is closer to counter strike.

The main reason I'm getting this is that it's only $10 more with the official headset.
[quote name='Vanigan']Eh, I have more problems with the design choices in the game.

The control scheme is made for a slower paced single player game, whereas the multiplayer is closer to counter strike.

The main reason I'm getting this is that it's only $10 more with the official headset.[/quote]
Well I am glad I preordered to check out the crappy Beta. I moved my $5 to LBP. And it saved me $20 since the headset is $40 on Amazon.
[quote name='Vanigan']Eh, I have more problems with the design choices in the game.

The control scheme is made for a slower paced single player game, whereas the multiplayer is closer to counter strike.

The main reason I'm getting this is that it's only $10 more with the official headset.[/quote]

In the final game I am pretty sure that every button will be customizable
Keep in mind, just a few pacing tweaks could seriously change the game for the better. The only problem is Slant 6 wasn't given much leeway to change the SOCOM formula, and SOCOM fans are rabid for the same thing, so I don't see those pacing issues changed. Otherwise I'd give it more of a shot since its beta.
So is tonight the last night of the beta on when does it end? Just updated to 1.4, haven't played since 1.0. I might try it tonight after 8:30 central.
SOCOM Confrontation Public Beta Extended Posted by Seth Luisi

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Early next week, we will be releasing the SOCOM Confrontation Public Beta 1.50 Patch. In order to have ample time to test it, we are extending the Public Beta until midnight PDT Thursday, October 9th. We will have more details on the patch itself soon.

We are using these extra few days to test the patch but we are still on schedule to release in North America on October 14th. We appreciate all of your feedback and hope you have been enjoying the Public Beta.

SOCOM Confrontation Online Team
Yeah, I suspect the team spent most of their time learning how to transition between PSP and PS3 development.

I wonder what's in store for 1.5.

While it's a bad sign they're patching it so close to release, it's also a good sign they're still working on it.
[quote name='Vanigan']Yeah, I suspect the team spent most of their time learning how to transition between PSP and PS3 development.

I wonder what's in store for 1.5.

While it's a bad sign they're patching it so close to release, it's also a good sign they're still working on it.[/quote]

I think they mentioned they had something in the works for the Calendar function, so maybe a scheduled tourney? All I hope for is they fix the scoreboard.
I don't know, I just wish companies wouldn't call "stress tests" "beta tests" and slap commercial incentives onto them. Then turn around and go "oops, we got to fix this fast!". They should have real beta testing going a long time prior to this last stress testing phase and only have minor errors left to iron out... But hey, they all do it a bit differently don't they?
[quote name='NamPaehc']I don't know, I just wish companies wouldn't call "stress tests" "beta tests" and slap commercial incentives onto them. Then turn around and go "oops, we got to fix this fast!". They should have real beta testing going a long time prior to this last stress testing phase and only have minor errors left to iron out... But hey, they all do it a bit differently don't they?[/quote]

That would require people not basing their purchasing decisions on the betas.
That is what sucks about this "stress test", It has turned so many people off what is sure to be a great game. I mean this IS an old build.
I mean this IS an old build.
Why would a company continue to use an old build two to four weeks before the release? Why would anyone think the game they are playing today is not the game being released in nine days? I am sorry but someone at Slant 6 is making some very poor marketing decisions - plus who runs a beta on game code that is not going to be used?
[quote name='Zyzomys']Why would a company continue to use an old build two to four weeks before the release? Why would anyone think the game they are playing today is not the game being released in nine days? I am sorry but someone at Slant 6 is making some very poor marketing decisions - plus who runs a beta on game code that is not going to be used?[/quote]

I wish I worked there so I could slap some sense into them. :bomb:
We are happy to announce that the SOCOM Confrontation Public Beta 1.50
Patch will be released on Monday, October 6th, at 1200 GMT/UTC
(8am EDT,
5am PDT, 1pm BST, 9pm JST).

The SOCOM Confrontation 1.50 patch addresses the following issues:

Fixed an issue where some players were invisible and invincible.
Fixed an issue where the scoreboard, round complete and game complete
screens where not displaying player names.
Fixed an issue where players would not see any indication that they were
receiving damage until they were killed.
Fixed numerous stability issues.
Fixed an issue where the latency detection was detecting abnormal
latency and freezing player input but the red X was not being displayed.
Further improved the latency detection.
Fixed numerous framerate hitches during gameplay.
Fixed an issue where the round does not end after the satchel is
Fixed an issue where the satchel would teleport when being disarmed.
Fixed an issue where the game host could not kill VIPs.
Fixed many issues with Private Games and game invites.
Fixed an issue where the controller preset would change unintentionally.
Improvements in displaying stats in the leaderboards.
Fixed issues with sending and revoking clan invites.
Fixed many lag pedal exploits.

Enabled Motion Sensor Auto-Detect Horizon option by default. This
should help a lot of players who are having problems with the SixAxis
lean when not holding the controller perfectly straight. For players
looking for increased precision, this option should be turned off and
the sensitivity turned up.

The main purpose of this patch is to address a number of issues with the
game. We are still reading player feedback in the forums and will be
making future changes to the game based on that feedback.

Please note, the network latency detection was functioning in the last
patch but the red X icon was not displaying. This caused users to freeze
with no indication as to why they were freezing. We've fixed this issue
and the network latency icon is displaying once again. Please report in
the SOCOM Confrontation forums if you are seeing the "red
X" disconnect icon under normal gameplay conditions.

SOCOM: Confrontation Online Team
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[quote name='SeanAmI']I call BS Khondor.[/quote]

call what you will
im just posting whats on the official site
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I will do the update and try the game tonight but if it is not greatly improved, bye bye SOCOM. I hope the Resistance 2 beta is more to my liking.
Just tried to join 2 different games and it froze up on me. First freeze I have had since 1.3 though. Too many people downloading the patch right now
[quote name='SeanAmI']I wasn't calling BS on you, I was calling it on the patch actually fixing crap.[/quote]

Sorry if I took your post the wrong way Sean.

I tried the patch a little this morning and it was working pretty flawless, to me anyway. I'll have to give it a more thorough test tonight.
I played some games with Fleshribbon (we were on seperate teams) and it seemed to work flawlessly for us (granted I haven't played since the first weekend.) Someone on our team dropped out at some point but everything seemed ok for the 2 hours I played it. I may try some tomorrow and see what happens.

I wonder what version of the game is shipping on the disk if this is 1.5 of the beta and the game is already in the process of shipping to stores. How big is the patch/install going to be for the retail version?
Yeah, 1.5 shipping to stores sounds about right, however, they usually send out a gold master well before so that it can be properly tested.

Either way, I suspect there will be a day 1 patch with the feedback from the extended beta. The factory needs some time to print all the final discs, get them into the pre-made packaging and ship them off to the retailers which takes another 2-5 days to get there.

While not terrible, I think the state of SOCOM is a bad sign considering that the game releases next week. I think the game is being rushed to coincide with the official headset release and the holiday season. They need to bundle a game with the new headset to get it more widely accepted.
I played last night in one game, 8 vs. 8. There was quite a bit of lag, and at the end of the second round, at the scoreboard, my PS3 had a hard freeze. I flipped the switch at the back, turned on my PS3, and played Wipeout HD online. I did not experience any lag playing Wipeout.
I will try once more tonight - but that is it. No more chances.
I'm on the fence about this game.. I'm getting it b/c headset and my total is $51 at amazon shipped so not much more for the game.. but debating on just reselling the game. I had so much fun w/ this game when it worked but lately it's been a mess. Not into resetting ps3 all the time hah
Even with all my complaints, it's still just a beta. But it's like one of those bad MMO betas that have so many problems a week before release. You know it's a beta, but you also know that the devs will have a tough time fixing all these problems.

I'm getting SOCOM as it fills a niche for military action shooter on my shelf. Otherwise I'll probably stick to R2 for all my MP needs.
I tried to play last night. I kept gettting "The game has been disconnected" every time but twice after the lobby screen. The two times I got in the game, the game froze both times and I had to restart my PS3. I dont think I am gonna pick up my preorder next week. I got COD4 to play anyways.
How much you think I could get for a sealed copy of the game? I want to get the headset but I have zero interest in the game.
How much you think I could get for a sealed copy of the game? I want to get the headset but I have zero interest in the game.
The game is going to retail for $39 and you will probably see sale prices for both headset and game for $50. If you go eBay, you might hit $30 before fees.
Hi, Folks-

I want to first thank you again for helping us find the bugs in this Beta. It's impossible to know how things are going to go until we have a large number of people online and playing, no matter how much testing we do internally. I know these last couple of days have been difficult, but take heart in knowing that you all helped us find some issues that now will not be there when the game launches on the 14th!

I have already told you we are working to fix these issues. We are testing a new patch and hope it will be ready for release by tomorrow (Thursday) morning. We'll keep you informed and let you know more details about that soon, on But I also wanted to tell you that we will be extending the Beta just a little longer. Instead of ending on Thursday, it will be going on until Saturday night at midnight PDT. So you will have just a little while longer to help us test things out before release.

Thanks again for being willing to play our unfinished product in order to help us find what needed fixed. I hope you enjoy the full game when it is released!


Kudos! Thanks!
10-08-2008 10:28 AM
[quote name='smiggity']Hi, Folks-

I want to first thank you again for helping us find the bugs in this Beta. It's impossible to know how things are going to go until we have a large number of people online and playing, no matter how much testing we do internally. I know these last couple of days have been difficult, but take heart in knowing that you all helped us find some issues that now will not be there when the game launches on the 14th!

I have already told you we are working to fix these issues. We are testing a new patch and hope it will be ready for release by tomorrow (Thursday) morning. We'll keep you informed and let you know more details about that soon, on But I also wanted to tell you that we will be extending the Beta just a little longer. Instead of ending on Thursday, it will be going on until Saturday night at midnight PDT. So you will have just a little while longer to help us test things out before release.

Thanks again for being willing to play our unfinished product in order to help us find what needed fixed. I hope you enjoy the full game when it is released!


Kudos! Thanks!
10-08-2008 10:28 AM[/QUOTE]

Here we go yet again.

The 1.60 patch for SOCOM Public Beta will be released on Thursday, October 9th, at 5 a.m. PDT. This patch addresses the joining and disconnection issues that players are currently experiencing.

In order to test this new patch, the Public Beta has been extended to midnight PDT on Saturday, October 11th. Thank you for your participation and feedback for this Beta.

SOCOM: Confrontation Online Team


I was gonna pick this up at launch, but i think i will wait a week or so and see what the players are saying about it.
Havent been able to play at all the last few nights. I may not pick up my preordered copy now and get Warhawk bundle for $30 instead.
I have the same problems I always had after these updates. Lag, freezes and stuttering.

So I haven't played in like 2 weeks and even though I really want the headset, lol.
1.6 was the worst experience of the beta for me as I tried to play it twice on Friday night and both times it froze my system. Had no problems at all with 1.5. Then CoD World At War beta hit and I said screw it.

I'm still getting the game Wednesday but only for the headset. If the game doesn't improve by second week of Nov., it's gone to pay off my last $20 for CoD 5 360.

I've played 4 betas on 360 and they've all been silky smooth, but anything on PS3 is buggy and doesn't work for 6 months, which by then you've lost all interest in it.

I guess I'll have to get the expansions for Warhawk to have a PS3 non-sports/fighting game to play online (got Warhawk disc off Goozex.)
Anyone know if the full game will have split screen in any form?

I've got a lan party coming up this week and want to know if I can get more than one player on a system.

If not, then I'll most likely drop my pre-order and just get the headset.
1.6 killed this game for me. I can't get into a game, PS3 freezes like it did after that first patch, keeps saying I disconnected from a game while I'm looking for a room? Was going to pick this up at Toy's r Us this week, now I'll wait awhile after release. 1.5 was perfect on my end.(playability wise)
I'll pick up the bundle just because it's more reasonable than picking up the new headset alone. Hopefully, it plays well too. ;)
Come on...someone get a review out. I wanna see if this is worth a pick-up or not.
How can this game be reviewed if there is no one online to play a game with? It is only online and the problems many of us experienced during the beta were server side issues. I am still buying the bundle which I am told will be in Wednesday.
[quote name='Zyzomys']How can this game be reviewed if there is no one online to play a game with? It is only online and the problems many of us experienced during the beta were server side issues. I am still buying the bundle which I am told will be in Wednesday.[/quote]Simply put, I'm impatient. I gotta get something new to play on PS3.
bread's done