Some People lack Common Sense


6 (100%)
A friend of mine being one of them.

Cases in point:

- we're at work -- at Menards (similar to Lowe's, if you're not familiar). My boss, who's in his late 30's or early 40's, is sitting at the desk with me and my buddy. We're looking at the schedule, and my buddy gets 35 hours. "35 hours!?," he exclaims. "I can't work damn-near full-time and be a full-time student!" My boss, tongue-in-cheek chimed in with, "well, just drop out, then." And then my buddy did what he always does: lacking common sense, he said something stupid. "Quit school? Why would I quit school? School is money. Finishing school means big money." It was kind of a had-to-have-been-there situation, but he just said it in such a patronizing manor... I hate people who think they can walk over the elders just because they went to college and they (the older people) didn't. It's a stupid philosiphy for someone to adopt and it's really disrepsectful. My father didn't go to college but he was a hard-working, blue-collar man (and still is today); trying to lessen what someone does because they didn't go to college is just... UGH! It infuriates me!

Furthermore: we were discussing one of our co-workers who dropped out of school and became a manager there. Our other department manager (not the one from the first story), was standing at the desk with us. My buddy said, "Wow, he dropped out? Haha, I guess he's a 'lifer' here now." If you're not familiar, a "lifer" is basically someone that is going to work at a store for their entire life. Basically it's a derogatory term, because it's meant to imply that someone is "stuck" at a dead-end job. But to say that in front of our department manager -- who clearly would fit the so-called stereotype -- is just fucking moronic!

He does this with crap all of the time. I'll vent to him about a friend, and then the next time we're with him he'll bring up what I said right in front of that person. For example, I was in a ... relationship, of sorts, with one of our mutual friends. Things basically didn't work out, ended in heartbreak for me on our part and it was really awkard just being around her again. And then of course, the next time we hung out, he brought that up and he made what started as a strange situation a hell of a lot worse than it had to be.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It's frustrating to me. I tell him about this all the time but it's like he just lacks common sense. I don't really think the stories do it justice. After re-reading them I think it's something you'd have to experience first-hand to relate to, because I know the stories don't sound as extreme as I think they are.

I honestly am embarressed to hang out with him because he pulls shit like this so frequently that I've come to expect it. And I honestly don't think he says it to be malicious -- he just lacks the common sense!
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']He does this with crap all of the time. I'll vent to him about a friend, and then the next time we're with him he'll bring up what I said right in front of that person. For example, I was in a ... relationship, of sorts, with one of our mutual friends. Things basically didn't work out, ended in heartbreak for me on our part and it was really awkard just being around her again. And then of course, the next time we hung out, he brought that up and he made what started as a strange situation a hell of a lot worse than it had to be.[/quote]

I hate that.
Sounds like your manager was kind of asking for it by joking about him dropping out. Some people take their schooling seriously, and if your manager would have said that to me, I probably would have given him the same response as your friend. School is much more important than a part-time job, and he is right about 35 hours being quite a bit for a full-time student. So I honestly think that your friend was right with what he said. Some older people are jealous of kids in school because they wish that they would have gone, but instead are stuck in their job. But they have the choice, 30-40 really isn't too late to go back to a community college and work towards something.

But bringing up stuff people have said about other people in front of that person is wrong. You should just call him out on it sometime and tell him how you feel, and hopefully he will realize that he has been in the wrong.
you're lucky that it's your friend who lacks the common sense,

becoz if it were your 30-40 y/o manager,

you would be that much more pissed off...

I kno that from experience
we've all said that one thing that shouldn't be said at a certain time. One time I said "I hate music" in my 6th grade music class and the teacher got so pissed he kicked over a desk :lol: It was before class and I just suddenly blurted that out to my friend for no reason.

anywhoo...your friend sounds like a serious repeating offender.

more importantly, did you slap him around after making that situation with the chick more awkward?

you need to find something like that for him and show him what's up, if he doesn't understand what he does.
[quote name='Apossum']we've all said that one thing that shouldn't be said at a certain time. One time I said "I hate music" in my 6th grade music class and the teacher got so pissed he kicked over a desk :lol: It was before class and I just suddenly blurted that out to my friend for no reason.

anywhoo...your friend sounds like a serious repeating offender.

more importantly, did you slap him around after making that situation with the chick more awkward?

you need to find something like that for him and show him what's up, if he doesn't understand what he does.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, the accidentally blurted out phrases in school that lead to a teacher flipping out were ALWAYS the best. :rofl:

One band teacher threw a music stand (one of those black metal ones, not the collapsable ones) at a student one time because he had said something that pissed off the teacher.

I can definitely relate! I'm not a big fan of what your boss told him regarding dropping out, but I've had friends where I'm in a room with them and I'm just WAITING for them drop the bomb from something I foolishly told them earlier in a fit of momentary stupidity. And you're in the group of people so it's not like you can lean over and say something like "I will beat you down if you repeat what I told you earlier today" because it will either be heard or be you just sit there, helplessly waiting as the conversation slowly steers itself to that person's big opening.

Man, I hate that. You just have to cut him out of anything important that you want to talk about. Maybe tell him why so he doesn't make the same mistake with others. My general impression of those types is that they have low self-esteem to begin with, and they're so caught up in momentarily being at the center of some drama they really don't realize they're throwing you under the bus by blurting things out. Their goal in life is to create drama because they think drama is good, and the good of the drama outweighs any damage that might be done. They usually like to call their drama "truth" also. "Hey, I'm just telling the truth. It's not my fault their feelings got hurt."

I feel your pain.
Well you can tell your friend a diploma doesn't mean shit if you don't know when to keep your mouth shut.

The people I deal with at my job just do stupid shit when they're off work.
Shooting bb guns in urban areas, smoking dope, driving without a license, etc.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Oh man, the accidentally blurted out phrases in school that lead to a teacher flipping out were ALWAYS the best. :rofl:

One band teacher threw a music stand (one of those black metal ones, not the collapsable ones) at a student one time because he had said something that pissed off the teacher.[/QUOTE]

One of my friends in school was notorious for getting on teachers' nerves. It was a relatively small school (~1,000 in high school) and he was either related or his family was close friends with a good 50% of the teachers, which only fed his already honery nature. He never caused major trouble, just did little things that kids who are too smart for their own good do.

Like we had a real short English teacher and being tall, he would take the string that was used to pull down the screen for the overhead projector and wind it around the screen near the ceiling so that every day the teacher would have to get a chair.

Or one day as a vocabulary exercise we each had to take one vocabulary word and use it in a sentence. Then we went one by one and read our sentence. His word: "Interim". His sentence: "In the interim between classes I sucked a goat's milkbag".

Well there was this one teacher that didn't find him to be the least bit amusing. Day after day with the smart remarks, talking, pretending to be asleep, making random noises. I guess these things not only bugged her, they got under her skin so much that they just continued bugging her long after he'd quit...because one day I clearly remember her stopping in the middle of class and staring at him. I sat across from him and I can assure you he had been doing nothing aggravating or wrong the whole day - just sitting there taking notes. She just stops and stares at him for like 1/2 a minute and finally tells him to go the the Principal's office.

The next day she didn't let him into class at all, and for the next week he had to sit in the Principal's office during our class. We still talk about it and to this day he swears he has no idea what he did, and was only told that the teacher said she couldn't stand looking at him any more. Reading this myself, I don't know if it's really that funny to anyone else or if you had to be there and know the teacher but I immediately thought of it when RedvsBlue mentioned teachers losing it.
I hate those type of people that think without college, you'll get no where in life. I know many successful people that never went to college, and a few that didn't even graduate high school. I would of told your buddy to kiss your ass, then kick him in the balls. After the kicking of balls, remind him that 54% of college graduates are unemployed.
Man, lot sof interesting things to address in this thread.

1) Chosen's stories amuse me to no end. Also his comment about how it's not funny to annoy someone repeatedly reminds me of the Office "Conflic Resolution" episode, where Micheal reads out all of Dwight's complaints about Jim and his pranks, and Jim says "You know, these dont' sound so funny when you think about them one after the other."

2) A bit of a reversal on teachers getting annoyed story coming your way: There was a kid in my elementary school with a club foot. We used to torment him endlessly (part of me feels really bad about this and stopped doing it after a while, and I still feel bad about it, as he was an odd kid with a bad enough situation as is/was). Someone even nicknamed him "Corky," and it stuck.

One day we were coming in from recess, and we're lining up, and a few of my friends are calling him Corky. The teacher over hears them and lashes out, saying how we shouldn't make fun of him, that his name was John, that it's in bad taste, etc etc. Just tears into them for a good minute or so. She finally gets exasperated and stomps off.

However, John hadn't gotten into line yet, and she immediately looked over and says "HEY CORKY! GET IN LINE!"

Our ensuing laughter didn't really help the situation.

3) As for the discussion at hand, yea, I've got a friend like that. He just doesn't know when to keep his motherfucking mouth shut sometimes. And you'd think he would. Did the same thing Winnie said - mouthed off to an ex of mine. And I know he'd be pissed as hell if I did the same thing to him or to his ex's.

4) I once had a part time job, making shit for money at a terrible tech support place, and one of the techs had the fucking nerve to suggest I drop out of school and work full time. Wtf. I was making less than seven an hour, and this fat fucker of a guy (who was annoying as hell and ALWAYS got me into trouble by tattling on me when I had, say, used 5 minutes of free time to do some homework, being that I was a full time student at the time) was suggesting I do online courses because he thought they were fucking awesome. He then went on and had the nerve to tell me I didn't get it, that I was wrong, and that I'd go nowhere. Motherfucker.

5) Going to college isn't an automatic in to success. My gf was saying to my mom today about how twentysomethings across the nation are moving back to their parents' house because their jobs can't support them. I'm in this exact situation myself, as all the tech support places I could work for expect me to have some 15 years of experience and a Master's. This is for low level shit too - like making sure someone can burn shit to a CD. She also pointed out that her father - who dropped out of college - now makes over 150K/year easily. "However, he works his ass off everyday." So it's really a question of drive and motivation.

6) People who don't know how to handle social situations eventually get their's. It'll happen.
While I agree with you about your friend, at the same time things have changed a lot. The blue-collar jobs that existed are being outsourced. A high school education isnt the same as maybe 40 years ago. In the past you can make a decent living with factory jobs, but those are gone.

While there are options for people without college, (you can easily be a successful realtor without college) a college degree is starting to become a standard requirment for many entry level jobs.
[quote name='chosen1s']One of my friends in school was notorious for getting on teachers' nerves. It was a relatively small school (~1,000 in high school) and he was either related or his family was close friends with a good 50% of the teachers, which only fed his already honery nature. He never caused major trouble, just did little things that kids who are too smart for their own good do.

Like we had a real short English teacher and being tall, he would take the string that was used to pull down the screen for the overhead projector and wind it around the screen near the ceiling so that every day the teacher would have to get a chair.

Or one day as a vocabulary exercise we each had to take one vocabulary word and use it in a sentence. Then we went one by one and read our sentence. His word: "Interim". His sentence: "In the interim between classes I sucked a goat's milkbag".

Well there was this one teacher that didn't find him to be the least bit amusing. Day after day with the smart remarks, talking, pretending to be asleep, making random noises. I guess these things not only bugged her, they got under her skin so much that they just continued bugging her long after he'd quit...because one day I clearly remember her stopping in the middle of class and staring at him. I sat across from him and I can assure you he had been doing nothing aggravating or wrong the whole day - just sitting there taking notes. She just stops and stares at him for like 1/2 a minute and finally tells him to go the the Principal's office.

The next day she didn't let him into class at all, and for the next week he had to sit in the Principal's office during our class. We still talk about it and to this day he swears he has no idea what he did, and was only told that the teacher said she couldn't stand looking at him any more. Reading this myself, I don't know if it's really that funny to anyone else or if you had to be there and know the teacher but I immediately thought of it when RedvsBlue mentioned teachers losing it.[/quote]

A 1,000 student high school is small? Wow. That seems huge to me since my high school had about 120 students and I graduated with 26 in my class. (It was a public school, btw)

[quote name='Graystone']I hate those type of people that think without college, you'll get no where in life. I know many successful people that never went to college, and a few that didn't even graduate high school. I would of told your buddy to kiss your ass, then kick him in the balls. After the kicking of balls, remind him that 54% of college graduates are unemployed.[/quote] I also know a few people who are successful who didn't go to college. These 54% must be picking the wrong majors then. What is the point of going to college if you are going to pick a major like "creative writing", lol.
I just gotta say.. anyone that drops out of school for some dead-end job is dee dee dee. Even if your a hard worker.. a paper not saying your smart means your going to just end up at the bottom working hard.. Better to work hard in school then move on to something bigger like a hard working CEO instead of a hard working McDonalds (or any store) Manager. I think your friend is smart and knows what he is talking about. College comes before some crap job. Oh and also some people don't need college to get a great job but it's really hard because you gotta be smart and a hard worker. Maybe even open up your own business.. because when you are your own boss.. you don't need a paper saying your smart because you know yourself.. heh!
[quote name='SIUfan86']What is the point of going to college if you are going to pick a major like "creative writing", lol.[/QUOTE]

Heaven forbid anyone want to learn something for the sake of learning. That would be completely inconceivable.
Actually, I worked at menards for about a year and quit over being a full time student. They had me working full-time hours, because all of our full timers were at other stores. I was taking 18 hours in school which my manager didn't understand. Of course he said to me before I quit, school or Menard's I said hmmmmmm duuhhhh Menard's of course you douchebag what do you think and walked out.
[quote name='SIUfan86']A 1,000 student high school is small? Wow. That seems huge to me since my high school had about 120 students and I graduated with 26 in my class. (It was a public school, btw)

haha come to new york, my graduating class was like 750 people and that was small compared to other years.
[quote name='SIUfan86']What is the point of going to college if you are going to pick a major like "creative writing", lol.[/quote]I'm a creative writing major. :roll:
My mom also lacks common sense. The first time she met my boyfriend, she mentioned my ex (who is definitely an asshole) about a million times. Our waiter's name was Shawn, and my ex was named Shaun, so she refers to the waiter, she emphasizes his name for . I guess by mentioning the asshole ex and telling my boyfriend stories about him, she was trying to make him think he was a much better boyfriend for me, but it was just classless and stupid. And she tells me I don't have any class.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']

My boss, tongue-in-cheek chimed in with, "well, just drop out, then."[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming many of you that are saying "Well, in the same situation I would have told the boss the same thing, because my schooling is important" missed the fact that the boss said it tongue-in-cheek. Unless this guy is so uptight with a complete lack of a sense of humor to realize that the boss was kidding, then he was only trying to sound self-righteous in the fact that was in college, and that this job meant nothing to him because one day he'll be swimming in a vault of gold coins ala DuckTales all because of that college degree.

And frankly that kind of attitude isn't cool. Alot of people aren't afforded the opportunity to go to college because of circumstances out of their control (financial, family, etc) and alot of those who do go to college are only there because of their circumstances (mommy and daddy can afford to send you to State U, pay for your fraternity/sorority, get you a nice off campus apt, etc) and completely blow their chances b/c their too busy partying, skipping classes etc.

So to sum it all up, if you're in college great...enjoy it, work hard, and take pride that you have a college degree. However, before you get all elitist realize that most air conditioning will make as much or more than you.

And before you think I take my stance because I didn't go to college, I completed my masters. I've just dealt with too many of these people through my experiences.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']My mom also lacks common sense. The first time she met my boyfriend, she mentioned my ex (who is definitely an asshole) about a million times. Our waiter's name was Shawn, and my ex was named Shaun, so she refers to the waiter, she emphasizes his name for . I guess by mentioning the asshole ex and telling my boyfriend stories about him, she was trying to make him think he was a much better boyfriend for me, but it was just classless and stupid. And she tells me I don't have any class.[/QUOTE]

"My ex girlfriend's name is Lyn, L-Y-N. And my new girlfriend's name is Lynn, L-Y-N-N. Sometimes I fuck up and call my new girlfriend by my old girlfriend's name. And she can tell, because I don't say nnnnn as long."

-Mitch Hedburg
Although I admit that I would have been pissed at my boss if he told me to drop out, I never stay stuff about how people who didn't go to college are "lifers" or whatever. I have friends who never went to college and they hate Cal students because they think we're ignorant brats. I can really see where they're coming from when I became friends with someone who has a kid, has a long rap sheet, spent most of his childhood in juvi, can never own a bank account/credit card again, etc....and my pre-law "I must get a 4.0!" friend asked me why I was hanging out with someone who is "beneath us".
To the guy that was talking about creative writing, you don't go to college for that as your major. You get a liberal arts/English degree (depending on how the college structures it) and then you specialize in something like creative writing. And LibArts is regarded pretty highly, especially in recent years with the explosion of digital media and quick delivery, so I'm not sure why you'd knock it.

I guess I figured someone might, y'annow, know that already, but I could be wrong.

Beyond that, as has been said by professors and my mom, "Everyone and everything needs writers."
[quote name='specialk']I'm assuming many of you that are saying "Well, in the same situation I would have told the boss the same thing, because my schooling is important" missed the fact that the boss said it tongue-in-cheek. Unless this guy is so uptight with a complete lack of a sense of humor to realize that the boss was kidding, then he was only trying to sound self-righteous in the fact that was in college, and that this job meant nothing to him because one day he'll be swimming in a vault of gold coins ala DuckTales all because of that college degree.[/quote]

Thank you. That's exactly what I was getting at... a lot of people think that our boss said it seriously -- he didn't, though. And the thing is: my buddy and I are on really good terms with this guy, making it even worse. He's just a really care-free manager that lets us out earlier than the other ones, and he's kind of a "do what you want" type of guy. So the fact that we do like him and the fact that he does like us makes this situation even worse. I would venture to say that this friend of mine even admires this boss, because he thinks he's so cool.

And frankly that kind of attitude isn't cool. Alot of people aren't afforded the opportunity to go to college because of circumstances out of their control (financial, family, etc) and alot of those who do go to college are only there because of their circumstances (mommy and daddy can afford to send you to State U, pay for your fraternity/sorority, get you a nice off campus apt, etc) and completely blow their chances b/c their too busy partying, skipping classes etc.

And hell: let's say you're young and naive and you think that college is a waste and you'll be better off working a job like Menards -- even if you were wrong, is it really excusable for someone to point this out and bring it to your attention over a fucking joke?

So to sum it all up, if you're in college great...enjoy it, work hard, and take pride that you have a college degree. However, before you get all elitist realize that most air conditioning will make as much or more than you.

And before you think I take my stance because I didn't go to college, I completed my masters. I've just dealt with too many of these people through my experiences.

We had this preppy, upper-class, member-of-a-family-that-owns-a-beach-side-Florida-cabin punk that used to work here. He was actually a pretty cool guy, but man did he have a high-and-mighty attitude about him. One day, the store manger yelled at him. He did something wrong and the boss chewed him out. He came over to me, pissed off, and said. "Man, I want to stick it to that guy. He's such an asshole. Next time he tells me that I did something wrong, I'm going to say, 'Oh, sorry about that... this is they way I learned to do things in college.'" Emphasis on the latter, because had he said it -- remember, this was just hypothetical -- he would have implied that someone that goes to college learns to do things the "right" way, and that someone who didn't lacks intelligence, or something asinine like that.

Why do I bring this up? Later we had a meeting with that same store manager (completely unrelated). He goes on to tell us his life story -- how he graduated college and ended up working at Menards in a management position. He's making well over $100,000 a year.

It's just kind of ironic. People get this rep that if you do something like manager menards, you were automatically a college dropout or something. I just thought itw as funny, because that kid really got owned in being so ignorant and stereotypical.

[quote name='BryceDraven']I just gotta say.. anyone that drops out of school for some dead-end job is dee dee dee. Even if your a hard worker.. a paper not saying your smart means your going to just end up at the bottom working hard.. Better to work hard in school then move on to something bigger like a hard working CEO instead of a hard working McDonalds (or any store) Manager. I think your friend is smart and knows what he is talking about. College comes before some crap job. Oh and also some people don't need college to get a great job but it's really hard because you gotta be smart and a hard worker. Maybe even open up your own business.. because when you are your own boss.. you don't need a paper saying your smart because you know yourself.. heh![/QUOTE]

I agree with you on the former, not on him being right. The issue at hand is not really about whether college is good for you or not -- it's about bringing it up and rubbing it in someone's face. He took a joke and he retaliated with something malicious.

[quote name='AK85']Sounds like your manager was kind of asking for it by joking about him dropping out. Some people take their schooling seriously, and if your manager would have said that to me, I probably would have given him the same response as your friend. School is much more important than a part-time job, and he is right about 35 hours being quite a bit for a full-time student. So I honestly think that your friend was right with what he said. Some older people are jealous of kids in school because they wish that they would have gone, but instead are stuck in their job. But they have the choice, 30-40 really isn't too late to go back to a community college and work towards something.[/QUOTE]

Well, the fact that there's a precedent -- the "lifer" example -- leads me to believe my buddy just skips the whole "is it appropriate to say this?" thought process and speaks.

Thanks for the responses... lot of interesting views.
[quote name='Strell']"My ex girlfriend's name is Lyn, L-Y-N. And my new girlfriend's name is Lynn, L-Y-N-N. Sometimes I fuck up and call my new girlfriend by my old girlfriend's name. And she can tell, because I don't say nnnnn as long."

-Mitch Hedburg[/QUOTE]


Seriously though, has anyone done that in real life? I did it once, it was such a wierd combination of guilt and embarassment which was only compounded by my girlfriend's anger and hurt. Yeah, that sucks.
[quote name='Graystone']I hate those type of people that think without college, you'll get no where in life. I know many successful people that never went to college, and a few that didn't even graduate high school. I would of told your buddy to kiss your ass, then kick him in the balls. After the kicking of balls, remind him that 54% of college graduates are unemployed.[/QUOTE]

Where do you get that stat? The national unemployment rate is something like 5% so 54% for college grads can't be right, unless you are defining unemployed differently than the gov't.
[quote name='wubb']Where do you get that stat? The national unemployment rate is something like 5% so 54% for college grads can't be right, unless you are defining unemployed differently than the gov't.[/QUOTE]

I agree, that stat makes no sense at all. Maybe he meant that 54% are in a job outside of their major or something like that.
[quote name='specialk']And frankly that kind of attitude isn't cool. Alot of people aren't afforded the opportunity to go to college because of circumstances out of their control (financial, family, etc) and alot of those who do go to college are only there because of their circumstances (mommy and daddy can afford to send you to State U, pay for your fraternity/sorority, get you a nice off campus apt, etc) and completely blow their chances b/c their too busy partying, skipping classes etc.[/quote] Anyone that graduated from High School or dropped out and got a GED can go to college (I dropped out and got my GED.. easiest test in the world). They just have to be ummm what is the word... OH YEA.. BE SMART and know that the goverment gives free money to go to college. NOT only that, you can get loan money and pay it after college with no interest. I come from a poor family. 5 people lived in a 1 room studio apartment when I was growing up or in a trailer. Right now, I am living in the dorms thanks to loan money and the goverment is paying for tuition and books. I am not even working but I am going to start some time this quarter but I might just end up doing a internship for one of the video game comapnies. Just so you know, I haven't spent one penny of my own money these last 2 years in college. It has all been goverment and loans from banks which is what poor people with brains use to go to college. 80% of the people that go to college aren't rich and don't have rich parents. The people that act like they can't afford to go to college are just lazy or dee dee dee, they will just end up flipping our burgers the rest of their life. Then again smart people that haven't gone to college COULD get loan money from the bank and instead open up their own business and make a lot of money. XD

Sorry if I sound rude, i just didn't like the "can't afford" thing because I am a poor person that found ways to afford it even if I was poor.
[quote name='BryceDraven']Anyone that graduated from High School or dropped out and got a GED can go to college (I dropped out and got my GED.. easiest test in the world). They just have to be ummm what is the word... OH YEA.. BE SMART and know that the goverment gives free money to go to college. NOT only that, you can get loan money and pay it after college with no interest. I come from a poor family. 5 people lived in a 1 room studio apartment when I was growing up or in a trailer. Right now, I am living in the dorms thanks to loan money and the goverment is paying for tuition and books. I am not even working but I am going to start some time this quarter but I might just end up doing a internship for one of the video game comapnies. Just so you know, I haven't spent one penny of my own money these last 2 years in college. It has all been goverment and loans from banks which is what poor people with brains use to go to college. 80% of the people that go to college aren't rich and don't have rich parents. The people that act like they can't afford to go to college are just lazy or dee dee dee, they will just end up flipping our burgers the rest of their life. Then again smart people that haven't gone to college COULD get loan money from the bank and instead open up their own business and make a lot of money. XD

Sorry if I sound rude, i just didn't like the "can't afford" thing because I am a poor person that found ways to afford it even it was poor.[/QUOTE]Unless people start paying you money to go to school, some people are not going to be able to afford the option to go to school. Grants and loans are meant to cover you so you can get an education. They aren't meant to cover anything else (for example, any family members you need to take care of). It's incredibly ignorant to call people who can't afford go to college lazy and... what is "dee dee dee" anyways?
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Unless people start paying you money to go to school, some people are not going to be able to afford the option to go to school. Grants and loans are meant to cover you so you can get an education. They aren't meant to cover anything else (for example, any family members you need to take care of). It's incredibly ignorant to call people who can't afford go to college lazy and... what is "dee dee dee" anyways?[/quote] Anyone can afford go to school, it is not rocket science. They just have to go the the college and find out what they need to do to go to college then fill out some paperwork and get free money and loan money (Basicly do a little hard work to get what they want). Grants and loans if you know how to manage them can pay for anything.. what you think the school watchs you and makes you show them what you use the money on? Not only that, you can work part time as you go to college to pay for anything extra.. like a "family member". Oh and they are lazy if they can't go into the college and find out what they need to do to go to college because ANYONE can go to college no matter how poor you are. I went in with $2 to my name and am going to college as we speak. Oh and dee dee dee means retarded.. well really it means people that act stupid. This movie will show you what dee dee dee is and it's so true.. It's a good reply to this topic.

[quote name='SIUfan86']These 54% must be picking the wrong majors then. What is the point of going to college if you are going to pick a major like "creative writing", lol.[/QUOTE]


Seriously, don't pick a major where the best chance of employment is teaching people who are going for that major as well, like english, history, etc. Your best bet is something highly technical that requires a lot of critical thinking and problem solving. Basically, if a lot of math and physics are required, you're probably good to go, as most people are idiots and could never get beyond precalc with a solutions manual and supercomputer.
[quote name='evanft']QF-motherfucking-T

Seriously, don't pick a major where the best chance of employment is teaching people who are going for that major as well, like english, history, etc. Your best bet is something highly technical that requires a lot of critical thinking and problem solving. Basically, if a lot of math and physics are required, you're probably good to go, as most people are idiots and could never get beyond precalc with a solutions manual and supercomputer.[/quote] Their are some jobs out there that just require a degree, it doesn't matter what major. They just want someone that worked hard to get past college. Then again, those kind of jobs wouldn't pay as much if you went for a big major that has a lot of good job skills. Then again, the person could want to be a teacher. lol!
I love people who talk a lot of shit about things they don't understand.

Like....oh, writing for instance.

Combining that with the idea that being a writer precludes you from understanding other things is icing on the dumbass cake.
[quote name='62t']While I agree with you about your friend, at the same time things have changed a lot. The blue-collar jobs that existed are being outsourced. A high school education isnt the same as maybe 40 years ago. In the past you can make a decent living with factory jobs, but those are gone.

While there are options for people without college, (you can easily be a successful realtor without college) a college degree is starting to become a standard requirment for many entry level jobs.[/QUOTE]

Yeah and remind them they need to PAY me enough whereby I can cover the cost of the Student Loan in a year or 2 then promise me, IN writing with a severe severance penalty in payment of the remaining years of work if they renige on the contract terms, not to Outsource in the next 2 years past that. Oh they CAN'T do that?! So just fuck me and all the money I spent getting an education because I'm expected to compete with an Indian whose house is filled to the brim with relatives and who may not be able to afford an Air Conditioner or the cost of powering it? What about my situation? Oh yeah fuck me and suck it up because that CEO is busting his hump, looks to me more like he's busting his hump to line his pockets and give a little bit of that to the shareholders.
And as to lack of Common Sense people there's an award given, it's called the Darwin Award.
DoK bummer about your mom. I've chatted with you and while we may disagree at times judging by the way you talk I would be no means deem you classless. So in general fuck what your mom said.
edit: Oh and I'm sure with the way some people spell and write on here they could use a few more years of taking English or a brush up course, myself included in the latter. Oh btw in terms of degradation in the English language it's "I graduated from High School." not "I graduated High School.".
[quote name='Milkyman']haha come to new york, my graduating class was like 750 people and that was small compared to other years.[/quote]

My high school was almost 4,000
[quote name='BryceDraven']

Sorry if I sound rude, i just didn't like the "can't afford" thing because I am a poor person that found ways to afford it even if I was poor.[/QUOTE]

Re-read my post, aren't afforded and can't afford are two different things. But to play... yes, hypothetically anyone CAN go to college. I went to school with many a great persons who were working, going to class every night, and still raising a family. I hold a great respect for those people.

However, I work with people through an Adult Education program and I do meet many people who do work for the GED's but at the same time, no they can't afford to go to college. The 40 year old single lady/or man who dropped out and has 3 kids and a mortgage and is living paycheck to paycheck working 2 jobs just to make ends meet, has not only the financial aspect (which you so eloquently said should be no problem for anyone) who's going to watch the kids while mommy or daddy goes to college at night.

My whole point is that some circumstances just knock people out, and there could be any we (who are lucky to be in college) should be thankful and not elitist, b/c it can always be you on the other side.

And to re-iterate the point...the boss WAS KIDDING, from the op's story it was obvious this guy wasn't defending his choice of education but raising himself above his boss.

ps. What does this mean....
"Then again, the person could want to be a teacher. lol!"
[quote name='Strell']I love people who talk a lot of shit about things they don't understand.

Like....oh, writing for instance.

Combining that with the idea that being a writer precludes you from understanding other things is icing on the dumbass cake.[/quote]

If you are referring to me, you couldn't be farther from the truth. I said nothing to this effect, and in my earlier post, I wasn't knocking writers. All I was saying is if you pick creative writing (fiction, etc.) don't be surprised when you are back home working at the local Burger King because you don't make enough money to buy nourishment, and live off of dog food. I'm not saying all creative writers don't make much money, but the majority don't. You either get really rich or really poor. You know, I haven't tried the dumbass cake. Is it tasty?
[quote name='SIUfan86']You know, I haven't tried the dumbass cake. Is it tasty?[/QUOTE]

Well you just went back for seconds, but it appears that you have no clue yet, so maybe you ought to try for thirds.
fuck em' Strell. YOUR career is lately one of the few with any financial viability that assholes aren't Outsourcing, the catch is you have to write that hit novel. Even all those people learning Physics and Calculus and using it in coding have to compete with Indians which is bs IMO but that's the case so unless you're a genius like the guy who helped code Bleemcast and originally made "Dragons Lair" on a single Amiga floppy disk possible you're fucked in the long term for now.
bread's done