Some people on ebay really bother me.


182 (100%)
Well I sold a game as usual. He took 2-3 days to pay. I mentioned to him that it would be monday if he paid over the weekend which he did. Well I shipped the game monday, and he asked for tracking saying he hasn't got it yet. I fell like telling him well duh it has been 2 days. It is 2-3 days I've even had it to be 4 days before.
I know exactly what you mean, I had some guy tell me that he would pay a week late, I told him that would be ok, but i don't usualy do it, I shipped it as soon as i recieved payment, and he put in my feedback that i ship slow.... crazy!!!

P.S Love the Avatar, That CD is one of my faves right now!!
[quote name='Sinnbox']I know exactly what you mean, I had some guy tell me that he would pay a week late, I told him that would be ok, but i don't usualy do it, I shipped it as soon as i recieved payment, and he put in my feedback that i ship slow.... crazy!!![/quote]

If that happens to me. This dude is going to get it. I get sick of putting up with stupid people. :D
I hear ya. I spell out everything in my auction... and I still get these idiots who just don't read. It's not like I used fineprint or anything, everything is spelled out right there! Arg!!!
I get that one a lot , i've started completely ignoring it. If they catch me in an off mood i'll timeline exactly when they paid explaining how it is impossible to get a package that fast. I've got another one in the making right now, lady asks me to get it to her by Thursday or friday but couldn't pay until Tuesday, I go well sure you pay for overnight and it won't be a problem. Well Wednesday is almost over and gee she hasn't paid yet.
It seems as though all the anger and hostility in this thread is aimed at buyers only...there are quite a few braindead and a**hole sellers on EBay too! :bomb:

Some sellers expect a buyer to have ESP or a crystal ball to know what the condition is or description of the item that they have for auction...they will use one sentence or less telling you about the item and then 3-4 paragraphs telling the buyer how to pay for it.... Some sellers won't answer your e-mail questions you have about the item until the listing has nearly run out.... Some sellers have shipped games in their plastic jewel cases in un-padded manila envelopes with the USPS expecting it to get to it's destination without any damage... And those so called "Power Sellers" really piss me off as well...anymore they seem to be bidding and buying from one another, outbidding everyone else just to keep the prices way up to where the average gamer can't afford to own some of the older better games....or the sellers who will list page after page of the same identical game that a buyer has to wade through to find something or also not showing the shipping cost making you have to read through their entire listing to find it.....AARRRGH!!!. I always pay for my item within minutes of winning an auction only to have to wait a week or more for the seller to ship it and then receive no positive feedback from the seller at all.

Sellers can be pretty fucked up too!
Ebay used to be a good place where buyers and sellers could make decent transactions without fear of douchebaggery. Now, it's crazy. Too many scary stories is what keeping from Ebay. I mean, I still love and will shop from their in the near future. Ebay needs an overhaul badly.
I always send the winner bidder the tracking number as soon as I ship the game. If you communicate well with your buyer, I doubt you will have any problems.
[quote name='silent h3ro']I always send the winner bidder the tracking number as soon as I ship the game. If you communicate well with your buyer, I doubt you will have any problems.[/quote]

Yeah that is what I do. I did't have any problems with this one. Except he took a long time to pay, and wondered why he did't get it really fast.:roll:
I chalk most of the silly questions I get about "did you ship it, yet" and stuff along those lines to ignorance on how eBay works. A lot of newer users have a mindset that it should be like buying something from Amazon. They don't seem to understand that a lot of sellers are just regular people trying to get rid of their stuff. Personally, I do try to ship as soon as possible, but you shouldn't always expect a guy to run out the door and ship the thing the moment payment clears.

For the most part, just about every, single user that asked me question that I would describe as "stupid" was understanding once I explained things to them in my response. There was this one buyer that kept demanding feedback right after paying. I was really thinking he would be the first issue I had selling stuff on eBay, but luckily, it just seems like he was a bit weird and confused.
I sold some hannah montana watch and it took this guy forever to pay. Finally he payed, he'll probably give more bad feedback >.>
[quote name='chakan']Its only going to get worse in May when you can't leave negative feedback for idiot buyers[/QUOTE]

I know, I am really worried that is going to ruin EBay.

Possible scenario:
"What, I paid for this item on Saturday at 11:00 P.M. and you didn't send it out on Sunday, you waited until Monday morning to ship it, I need the item NOW, you'll be getting a negative from me!"

I'm still using EBay despite the fee increase because I looked on Amazon, and prices are worse on many items I would be selling plus all of their transactions fees but once the new feedback policy starts in May, I don't think I'll be selling on EBay much, if at all.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I chalk most of the silly questions I get about "did you ship it, yet" and stuff along those lines to ignorance on how eBay works. A lot of newer users have a mindset that it should be like buying something from Amazon. They don't seem to understand that a lot of sellers are just regular people trying to get rid of their stuff. Personally, I do try to ship as soon as possible, but you shouldn't always expect a guy to run out the door and ship the thing the moment payment clears.

For the most part, just about every, single user that asked me question that I would describe as "stupid" was understanding once I explained things to them in my response. There was this one buyer that kept demanding feedback right after paying. I was really thinking he would be the first issue I had selling stuff on eBay, but luckily, it just seems like he was a bit weird and confused.[/quote]

Compared to Amazon sometimes, some eBay sellers are way quicker to ship :roll:

It'll be interesting how things will go come may, I hope Google works something out. Christ it's not like eBay is not choke full of ads already. :headache:
bread's done