Something really bad might have just happened ...

I think this is an excellent time to teach her how to handle disappointment. If she can't learn how to handle the rabbit actually being male rather than female, then you're going to have much bigger problems in the future. This is where so many parents go wrong and end up creating whiny selfish kids by trying to shelter them from emotional upsets rather than handling it.

Tell her. Truth is always best.
Gotta wonder what RegalSin would've said about this...

I almost like Jimmie's idea, except instead of killing it, give it away to some hungry family, and buy a new female rabbit.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']However, the hard part came when the girls kept asking us what Joshua was doing to Mackenzie's leg.[/quote]

So, did you stick with the "he's trying to tickle you" line? Kids can spot inconsistencies as telltale signs of deception. Sounds like your child is a little too young for this scenario to segue-way into The Talk, however. A great opportunity for you to sweat profusely & squirm, though...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Thanks for clearing that up for everyone.[/QUOTE]

He aint called Mr Answer for nothing.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Well, I broke the news to her, and she actually reacted pretty close to what I thought she would.

She said, "Oh, I think I'm going to call him Joshua."[/QUOTE]

And that's the moment where this fell out of Thread of the Year contention for me. Now, if she had totally flipped her wig or something else happened that was odd like a big Crying Game-esque switcheroo where Samantha became Joshua but then Joshua somehow had babies, well, we'd be back in business.

[quote name='Grave_Addiction']However, the hard part came when the girls kept asking us what Joshua was doing to Mackenzie's leg.[/QUOTE]

Too late! Don't try to change my mind back! My vote goes elsewhere!
you tool! tell her the damn truth that her rabbits a boy! just leave out the part about you taking it in the ass!
It's not like they are going to grow and date a rabbit. Like a snake, or a really doesn't matter. If it were a dog and it was smuggling plums you might have a problem. Since it will be years before your daughters even really know what the sexual attraction of mammals really means I agree with the above poster.

Just train them to call the rabbit Sam for short and they really don't need to know the true nature of the animal (BTW I had a friend that ahd a female dog that learned to hump from a male dog). Humping is is not limited to the male species.

I have a female dog named Samantha and we just always call her Sammy. Why not do the same and not focus on the sex of the rabbit. If you show that you are focusing on that the kids will pick it up.
bread's done