sonic secret rings worth 12.99?

Yeah, it's worth it. I paid $10.99 for mine and didn't feel ripped off. It's not the best game ever, but it's more fun than aggravating (the opposite of the last 10 Sonic games) and some of the mingames are fun. Nothing will ever recapture the feeling the first Sonic conveyed on the Genesis, but if you forget about that you can have some fun.
oh ok that explains it yeah its nice to have one nearby, they always beat lame stops prices and they have better customer service, i also find that i dont run into the same problems with them as i do lame stop. im sure u can always ask someone on here to pick something up for u at there local gamecrazy, if u hear about a great deal u wanna get in on.
I paid 20 and loved it. It started out slow, but I ended up beating the game in one sitting. Fun game that requires timing and skill to become good at.

A few cons include, a few stupidly aggravating missions, needs maybe 1 or 2 more levels, and I hate the main theme but its played all the time.

Also, contrary to popular belief, I had a lot of fun with this games multiplayer. Me and a group of friends had some good laughs throughout.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']New Hampshire. I've never even seen a Game Crazy.[/quote]

Hah, I live in southern New Hampshire. According to there's not one within 50 miles of me.

Anyway, I'd probably buy Sonic And The Secret Rings if I could find it for $12.99.
Yes, yes it is. I got it day 1, and I was happy with it. Especially after getting all the good skills. Plus, you can just download a game save if you want to skip everything.
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