Sonic Unleashed - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='ddrpower']

Yeah, the way you guys were raving on about Sonic Unleashed being returned to it's roots? All of it just got dashed. Hard.[/QUOTE]

Eh. I could definitely do without the werewolf parts, but the rest of the game looks great IMO.
Curious if anyone played it yet? I've been reading the reviews and I think it'll be a nice rental so my GF copy should be here soon.
According to John Davison, the Sonic portions are good, but the Were-hog portions are terrible. He said the game is around 60-percent Were-hog.

Damn it, Sonic Team! :bomb:
[quote name='Chase']According to John Davison, the Sonic portions are good, but the Were-hog portions are terrible. He said the game is around 60-percent Were-hog.[/quote]

Wow, didn't expect most of the game you play as Were-hog. That sucks cause the Sonic levels look like fun.
[quote name='Chase']According to John Davison, the Sonic portions are good, but the Were-hog portions are terrible. He said the game is around 60-percent Were-hog.

Damn it, Sonic Team! :bomb:[/quote]

Well that's disappointing...didn't think it would play that big of a role. Guess I'll get it when its under $20 or I might rent it.
The Werehog levels arent as offensive as most would say. It's more platforming than the Sonic levels, and the beat-em-up parts are over in an instant.

I've done 2 Werehog levels and 2 Sonic levels so far, and am now doing a Sonic boss. There's also some goofy QTE Tails flying level.
[quote name='Rodimus']Curious if anyone played it yet? I've been reading the reviews and I think it'll be a nice rental so my GF copy should be here soon.[/QUOTE]

I got it on PS2, and it's pretty fun. The Sonic levels are amazing...the werehog levels, not so much. They aren't terrible by any means, they just don't belong in a Sonic game.

If this game was 100% daytime Sonic levels it would be incredible. Oh well, maybe next time.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Well that's disappointing...didn't think it would play that big of a role. Guess I'll get it when its under $20 or I might rent it.[/quote]

Man, you're very, very easily swayed, aren't you?
There's also little missions you can do, such as Time Trials, Ring Collecting, and "Defeat # Enemies" - I'm having trouble beating the Africa level (Muzari?) in under 2:30
My little brother is getting it for my 360, and I'm quite looking forward to playing it! All everyone complains about is "sonic needs good balance of exploration and platforming!" and here we get platforming at a decent speed with nice attacks and personality, and everyone complains... lol.

I never had a problem with Werehog, but I'll see how I feel when I play it. I never liked the ideas of running around Sonic stages for 15 min or so myself, so having 4-6 min speed sections broken up by 10 min adventure sections (as I hear the balance is on neoGaf) doesn't sound that bad to me.

When I saw Mario Galaxy, I still feel like "I did this on N64..." Between this and Banjo N&B, I feel they're different enough to not feel JUST like games I played in the N64/Dreamcast Eras.

Anywho, I already love the music I've heard from this game, I hope to enjoy the game just as much! Sonic 2006 was such a dissapointment in how sloppy it was put together... I think this is set to redeem Sonic a bit, in my eyes.
Played for a few hours yesterday and it's okay. The Ware-Hog levels aren't so bad but it feels like you do 2 Ware Hog levels then 1 Sonic level. And the Sonic levels go by in like 5 minutes since they're so fast. It feels like 70% Ware-hog, 30% Sonic.

The controls are all over the place which makes platforming very difficult. Sonic moves too fast for any kind of precision and Ware-Hog feels clunky and unresponsive.
The next time I want to play a God of War game, I'll play God of War. Not a wannabe clone in Sonic Unleashed.

If this game was just 15 levels of the Sonic speed levels, where I could rank up Sonic's abilities and max everything and try for high scores I would 100% be behind it. Because that's what a Sonic 3d game should be.

I was a big fan of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, especially 1. I also played Sonic Heroes and the mind-numbingly awful "Sonic The Hedgehog" (3D) for X360.

After seeing Sonic Team totally murder Sonic in their last game, I did not have high hopes with this one.

But it is good. Best game since Sonic Adventure 2. Yes, there are different gameplay modes besides standard Sonic running, but they are all fun. In fact they are much more fun than the alternative modes you had to play in SA 1 & SA 2.

If you like SA1 & SA2 definitely give this game a shot. This is what the first Sonic on 360 should have been. It is a lot of fun, but remember its not all traditional Sonic (and thats okay IMO).
[quote name='Ruined']Well.

I was a big fan of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, especially 1. I also played Sonic Heroes and the mind-numbingly awful "Sonic The Hedgehog" (3D) for X360.

After seeing Sonic Team totally murder Sonic in their last game, I did not have high hopes with this one.

But it is good. Best game since Sonic Adventure 2. Yes, there are different gameplay modes besides standard Sonic running, but they are all fun. In fact they are much more fun than the alternative modes you had to play in SA 1 & SA 2.

If you like SA1 & SA2 definitely give this game a shot. This is what the first Sonic on 360 should have been. It is a lot of fun, but remember its not all traditional Sonic (and thats okay IMO).[/QUOTE]
You know, that is a good way to put it. The Werehog levels are far better than the emerald hunting/shooting levels in SA2.

That thought makes me like the Werehog levels that much more.
[quote name='whoknows']You know, that is a good way to put it. The Werehog levels are far better than the emerald hunting/shooting levels in SA2.

That thought makes me like the Werehog levels that much more.[/QUOTE]

I think part of the issue is that they need Sonic to slow down due to development reasons and also perceived value. If all of the levels were massive scripted wide-open high speed levels, it would either take forever to develop the game or the game would be extremely short. The Werehog levels are the best breaks from the action I've played in any of the 3D Sonic games IMO.
[quote name='Ruined']Well.

I was a big fan of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, especially 1. I also played Sonic Heroes and the mind-numbingly awful "Sonic The Hedgehog" (3D) for X360.

After seeing Sonic Team totally murder Sonic in their last game, I did not have high hopes with this one.

But it is good. Best game since Sonic Adventure 2. Yes, there are different gameplay modes besides standard Sonic running, but they are all fun. In fact they are much more fun than the alternative modes you had to play in SA 1 & SA 2.

If you like SA1 & SA2 definitely give this game a shot. This is what the first Sonic on 360 should have been. It is a lot of fun, but remember its not all traditional Sonic (and thats okay IMO).[/quote]

This. Exactly.

I only have 2 problems with the game so far:
1) The Day sections need more 2D. They are much more 3D than I thought. Still easier to manage/control than any of the recent games, however.
2) Needs S3K Level End music :lol:

Also, make sure you don't do any night levels if you have less than 20 minutes of time. These take some time. They're decent levels. Contrary to what everyone thinks, Sonic doesn't always equal "Go Fast."

Anyone else think the voice acting is quite a bit less annoying than the last few games?
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I'll get this game when it's really cheap or maybe if I try a demo, I might be swayed. The only sonic game I enjoyed was SA1. (2 was just ok), and I've tried the 360 one, and couldn't stand it. :/
Finally got a chance to play it, 2 speed and 1 night stage, and the Tornado X stage... Man, does this game have gorgeous music. The artistic sensibilities of it also are just dazzling. I just really like the presentation here. It really feels like playing a Pixar movie. It looks better than Banjo, I'd say.

I like the Werehog. His moves just "click" the way I want them to, so far, and though his stages take time, the amount of exploration is satisfying.

The voice acting seems much more serious and toned-down than most other Sonic games. I can actually take it seriously pretty easily.

The Speed segments feel a BIT more slippery than I expected, but it's easy to get used to. This is TRUE blast processing!

I wonder where we'll see the Hedgehog engine used next... no stupid texture pop-in, overall respectable shadows, maintains a high framerate at high speed, and doesn't do bad at all with loads of dynamically lit enemies on screen... Grab Sonic team (Or Sonic Software Planning!) and make a new Shining Force out of this, and I'd be in love... XD OR get Overworks and get on that Skies of Arcadia sequel!
[quote name='wildnuts02']wow this got a 3.5 / 10 at Gamespot....not sure if maybe i should return my copy to Amazon. They make it sound pretty bad...[/quote]

That's a horrible review. He frames it well, but instead of actually sounding like he played through THIS game, it sounds like he played through 4 stages, made up his mind he didn't like it, and then just clumped a bunch of tired Sonic insults on top of it.

Oooo, how dare 5 minute stages demand additional play for perfection! Didn't this happen with Sonic on Genesis? Except there you didn't get extra lives every half minute. This game IS harder than many modern games, and yes, you will overjump to your death at first. And yes, the controls are built for Speed more than platforming, but you know what? The Platforms are generally HUGE. It's not hard to land on these things. Especially once you get the stomp ability.

What's so unresponsive about werehog? His double jump sets you to grappling as soon as you do it. Having "specific spots to grapple edges" is... how just about every platformer with edge grabbing works. Jumping from pole-to-pole is really pretty easy, and there is a lot of "momentum sets you in the right direction" element to it, that takes away potential frustration.

If you think going through stages more than once, in order to perfect them, and gain all their rewards, is a BAD thing, then yeah, you might not enjoy Sonic Unleashed. But if you don't mind a bit of difficulty in your games, you can accept that the game has varied gameplay, and you think you could enjoy all of it's parts, this game is EASILY worth the money you paid for it off of Amazon. I think I'd easily give the game an 8 at this point, with the potential to raise or fall depending on how the later portions of the game play out.
The argument against demanding perfection is clear if you play one level which basically kills you in the first 3 seconds. Also, the camera needs to be pulled back in some cases or up in order to take some paths, as you can't see something sometimes until you already miss it.

Also, the quick time events in the game are pretty bad, and the fact that they take up a good 10% of the gameplay (especially later on in the game) is pretty disappointing. I'd say a 4/10 for the game is reasonable, just because the Werehog stages are so boringly bad and that the Sonic stages are real hit and miss. And the final level is a pain in the ass. And I'm not talking about the Final Boss.
I couldn't take it anymore, I stopped playing it about a week ago and sent it back. Those ware-hog levels really killed it for me.
I'd get 1000 on this but I'm too lazy to medal collect and the hotdog missions require I play through the level 15 times at least, each. Booooring.
I don't think they are as bad as everyone says, but then again I only got it for $20 so I'm being way more lenient. It's a bit if a change, the combat system is mostly just mashing so most of the moves are useless (aside from the sho-hog-ken LOL). I also can't stand the jazz music that plays upon EVERY enemy encounter. Lame. I guess they're tolerable.
The sonic stages are good, but have a bit too much QTE.
Button mashing? If I don't push the 2 buttons correctly in the .1 seconds it gives me, the dude takes away a chunk of my health :|
[quote name='seanr1221']Button mashing? If I don't push the 2 buttons correctly in the .1 seconds it gives me, the dude takes away a chunk of my health :|[/QUOTE]

You have to whittle their health down first, then the timer slows down for the QTE attack (which isnt even required to kill enemies)
Anyone who thinks the QTEs are hard in this game, needs to go back and play god of war. That shit is so slow and forgiving that any monkey could beat it.
This is the best 3D sonic since SA1.
I see they didn't include a werehog level in the demo. Good thinking on their part, but I'd like to try one. Loved the demo level though. Takes some getting used to the sensitivity on the parts with the camera behind Sonic. I'll get it when it's $20 or so (wish I got in on the Amazon deal).
[quote name='akilshohen']dumbest thing they did was move sonic's homing attack to A->X instead of A->A[/quote]

I actually don't mind this. They use presses of the A button in order to wall jump. If homing AND wall jump where on the same button, you'd get times where you'd target springs and enemies while trying to wall jump. I think it's a very good change in the end, because deaths caused by erratic homing where some of the worse things in the SA games. And the homing itself seems a LOT tighter here than ever before.

I like the variety of the Werehog combos. If anyone cares to notice, he has some combos that are good for damage, and others that are good for stunning, and yet others for clearing. They don't all do the same thing at all. It makes learning which combos do what an important factor, because if you think a certain combo SHOULD be doing damage, and all you keep doing are stuns, you WILL be dying a lot, since stun combos do little damage overall. And the Sho-HOG-Ken and Sho-CLAW-Ken are the only ways to set up aerial pile drivers that I know of (by pressing B after the uppercut).

And I really like all the music in this game. The "Jazzy" theme for fights only annoys me in one way, and that's that I wish it was a remix of each stages music, rather than a consistent theme. Of course, giving that the night and day themes are remixes of each other already, that might be pushing it. But it all feels perfectly Sega, anywho. SFHDR, Warriors Orochi 2, and Sonic U. all have a multitude of themes I love humming ATM.
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My god this game is atrocious. I got it for $20 on amazon and sold it to gamestop for $35 a few days later.
[quote name='akilshohen']any still playing this? I just completed the story this morning[/QUOTE]

I am. I'm taking a break though because I need like...18 sun medals to continue.

I loved the daytime Empire City level though.
gah.. I needed a break from street fighter 4 (over 53 hours into it), so i decided to look through my backlog and found 2 games with Unleashed in the title, this and Star Wars, and went with sonic. Its painful so far, i just passed the QTE mega-level with tails on the plane and couldnt be more pissed at how crappy that level was. I dont mind the werehog levels since its got plenty to explore, but they take so freakin long to finish. Does anyone have an idea how long this game is exactly? Want to knock it out quickstylez.

Edit -

Wow, i cannot play this game anymore, it is such a worthless pile of garbage. Why does Sonic Team suck so much, WHY!!! Oh well, i dont think i got a single achivement in it, so i can delete it from my list of titles without a trace of evidence i played this crap.
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Finally played the demo this morning and I'm just going to delete it. Every time I got a good speed up, a dropoff came up and I flew right off it. :/ I couldn't even tell the little quick time events were coming and thus failed every one the second I touched the controller. The controls when Sonic was going forward (when the camera's behind his back) were pretty much not there so I missed everything. Glad I didn't bother when it was on sale the other month. I really wanted it too. XP
bread's done