Sony Drops the Ball Once Again

well it is not hard to understand as Sony stop making 80gb and is only doing this to get rid of existing stock. Right now only the 40gb is being made
You're acting like no more will be sent to retailers. There was a memo released the other day touting the success of the bundle and that more are en route to retailers now.

I don't blame them for shipping in low numbers. Look at the PS3's sales history. The market was flooded with 80GB Motorstorm bundles, it took months to get rid of them. They didn't want to oversaturate the market.

If anything, this is the first thing that they've done right. Now people want the PS3.
[quote name='Scorch']You're acting like no more will be sent to retailers. There was a memo released the other day touting the success of the bundle and that more are en route to retailers now.

I don't blame them for shipping in low numbers. Look at the PS3's sales history. The market was flooded with 80GB Motorstorm bundles, it took months to get rid of them. They didn't want to oversaturate the market.

If anything, this is the first thing that they've done right. Now people want the PS3.[/quote]This.
[quote name='Scorch']You're acting like no more will be sent to retailers. There was a memo released the other day touting the success of the bundle and that more are en route to retailers now.

I don't blame them for shipping in low numbers. Look at the PS3's sales history. The market was flooded with 80GB Motorstorm bundles, it took months to get rid of them. They didn't want to oversaturate the market.

If anything, this is the first thing that they've done right. Now people want the PS3.[/quote]

Thanks for the feedback Scorch

I did mention that Sony is going to be resupplying retailers, it just makes no sense as to why they didn't make 250-350k bundles to supply the demand for the MGS4 launch. They still would have sold out.
[quote name='Larrabee213']Thanks for the feedback Scorch

I did mention that Sony is going to be resupplying retailers, it just makes no sense as to why they didn't make 250-350k bundles to supply the demand for the MGS4 launch. They still would have sold out.[/quote]

You don't know that. Sony was smart in limiting the inital run. MGS3 was no where near the blockbuster that the first two games were, and they had to be a little timid about making console bundles around this game.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You don't know that. Sony was smart in limiting the inital run. MGS3 was no where near the blockbuster that the first two games were, and they had to be a little timid about making console bundles around this game.[/quote]

I see your point, but you can't compare MGS3 to MGS4, so many gamers have been waiting for this game to purchase their PS3. MGS4 will be the best selling game on the console by the end of 2008, it is their system seller.
[quote name='Larrabee213']I see your point, but you can't compare MGS3 to MGS4, so many gamers have been waiting for this game to purchase their PS3. MGS4 will be the best selling game on the console by the end of 2008, it is their system seller.[/quote]
I'm not so sure about the whole concept of system sellers.

Bundles aside, I think generally the people anticipating the AAA games buy the system beforehand, leaving a subdued effect when the game actually comes out. GTA4 didnt move systems. Halo 3 had a dramatic boost the first month and quickly trailed back to baseline.

Japanese sales for the MGS series:
MGS2: 457k --> 88k --> 48k --> 51k --> 798.1k LTD PS2 Console Sales LTD - 6,167,097
MGS3: 487k --> 123k --> 84k --> 46k --> 819.8k LTD PS2 Console Sales LTD - 17,036,129
MGS4: 478k PS3 Console Sales LTD - 2,021,000
The fanbase of the series, while dedicated, hasnt grown very much in Japan. Theres already an article from the UK about MGS4 not moving consoles (7% increase).

While some people certainly have been waiting for the BUNDLE, I think most people that were waiting for MGS4 already bought a system. We may be looking at 800k-1M unit software sales for June NPD, but only 70-150k bundles on a ~5.25M total U.S. install base (15-20% attach). Granted they are shorthanded, but still.
[quote name='HotShotX']Did anyone else read the title, sighed, and ask themselves "what did they do this time?"


And then read the thread and see that people are overreacting and just picking on sony for the fun of it.

That was me.
Why are all of these so America-centric. From a worldwide standpoint, Sony is better off limiting American shipments. The dollar is worth almost nothing so they would rather take higher sales in Europe and Japan (both markets where it is killing the 360).

Even if you don't buy the weak dollar argument, creating demand is a good thing. Sony got this one perfectly right.
[quote name='Scorch']You're acting like no more will be sent to retailers. There was a memo released the other day touting the success of the bundle and that more are en route to retailers now.

I don't blame them for shipping in low numbers. Look at the PS3's sales history. The market was flooded with 80GB Motorstorm bundles, it took months to get rid of them. They didn't want to oversaturate the market.

If anything, this is the first thing that they've done right. Now people want the PS3.[/quote]

This X2.
[quote name='Larrabee213']I did mention that Sony is going to be resupplying retailers, it just makes no sense as to why they didn't make 250-350k bundles to supply the demand for the MGS4 launch. They still would have sold out.[/QUOTE]
Does it also make no sense to you why Nintendo doesn't produce 10 million Wii's per month? These things don't just grow on trees.
It would have been impossible for Sony to ship out that many PS3 bundles before the release. There would have been a lot more broken street dates if they had. Now that MGS4 is out they can ship out as many as they want.
[quote name='Scorch']You're acting like no more will be sent to retailers. There was a memo released the other day touting the success of the bundle and that more are en route to retailers now.

I don't blame them for shipping in low numbers. Look at the PS3's sales history. The market was flooded with 80GB Motorstorm bundles, it took months to get rid of them. They didn't want to oversaturate the market.

If anything, this is the first thing that they've done right. Now people want the PS3.[/QUOTE]This and Sony loses money on every 80GB sold (compared to breaking even on the 40GB, because adding some PS2 components greatly increases the cost). There's no way they want to overproduce them, which is why they are going to keep it limited. They will have more shipments, but not a big number. Regardless, the 80GB SKU will ALWAYS stay as LIMITED EDITION. It will never be a main SKU again, since Sony plans to mostly stick to one main SKU worldwide (with maybe an occassional different SKU around different times).

I made this post at a PS3 forum as to why Europe gets the 40GB and why the Euro 60GB is gone (similar to the 80GB, but this partially explains why it will never be mass produced:
Pretty Easy.
-They lost significant money from the Euro 60GB/80GB NA (20GB and NA/Japan 60GB especially). Every console sold was losing them a lot of money. The 40GB breaks even or loses very little money.

-SCEE does NOT want multiple SKUS. I can understand this because the SKU mess with have in NA is pretty bad, leading to confusion (where when they had 40 and 80, people will want to buy the 40 because of price, but when they see what the 80 provides, they end up not buying because they want the features, but don't want to pay $100 more. Having just one SKU, take it or leave it).

-People complained over and over again PS3 was too expensive in Europe and needed to get its price down. Unfortunately, with what the 60GB had, that wasn't possible to do for a few years. Although going with a smaller Cell and RSX would help reduce costs, it's still quite costly (people wouldn't want to imagine how just including all or some PS2 components (In any of the SKUs) can increase the cost (I am talking about the Euro 60GB/U.S. 80GB also). Well, the only way to get a lower priced SKU was to make revisions and cut out features, and that's the 40GB. Eventually it may play PS2 games (once they get an emulator up and running for the GS + EE).

If people didn't complain about the PS3 being so expensive, bought into its higher pricetag, and bought a decent amount of software to make up for the loses, they may have kept it around longer. In reality, Sony has done better worldwide with just the 40GB (even sales in the U.S. have gotten better) due to less SKU confusion and lower price. Yes this may make some angry, but at the same time, at least Sony is losing very little or no money for every PS3 they sell. If you were Sony, would you want to continue taking close to around a Billion dollars in loses on hardware for a long time? Basically, the price of the features you get, was just too costly for people.

I'll actually bring something up people may not even think about. Before the introduction of the 40GB, Sony struggled to sell around 100k PS3 consoles, and every one they sold at the time, they took a massive loss (especially on the 20GB and 60GB). Sony did a bit better having an 80GB and 40GB around at Christmas time (compared to before), but really struggled to sell as well as the competition. Since the beginning of 2008 (until the MGS4 bundle), Sony was only making the 40GB. Ever since then, look at NPD sales, where PS3 outsold its direct competition in January, February, came very close in March/April, and outsold it in May. Before, they struggled to sell around 100k. Now, they are selling around 200k in the U.S. (or slightly under). That's a pretty big improvement, and with the 40GB, Sony isn't losing money on it (or if they are, VERY little money). That allows them to stay more competitive, and they no longer have the highest priced console overall. If you were in Sony's case, would you rather lose significant money to maybe pull in a few more customers, or would you rather lose next to no money and maybe take a small hit with customers? If I were them, I'd rather do what keeps me profitable, and that is not take a large loss on hardware.

Next, I'll get into the SKU reasoning. I guarantee if Wii had more than one SKU (like one with HDD, one that can upscale to 720p/1080i, etc.), it would not be a hot selling item. Someone would want a Wii, but when they see different types, they'd be confused as to what to buy (I'm talking about casuals here). They want to buy the cheapest, but when they hear what it lacks, they start to get unsure on whether to buy or not, sometimes leaving without a purchase. Having just one SKU, allows people to buy on impulse much easier (because that's all their technically is, if you want a particular platform). I seriously think it has helped Sony a bit because before, people would want a 40GB because of pricing, but when they hear what 80GB has, they get confused and unsure what to do (because many hate paying an extra $100). I honestly feel 360 has been hurt a bit with the casual crowd with multiple SKUs, because I cannot say how many times I walk into retail, hearing people get confused over SKUs (including employees). I knew some who wanted to buy an Arcade/Core because of price, but once they hear what it lacks, they start wondering whether they should pay extra for a Premium. And then when they see an Elite, they start to wonder whether getting a larger HDD is beneficial (most people don't consider swapping HDDs). I've seen a bunch walk away, because they did not understand the SKUs. Although the 40GB may lack a few things, it still plays PS3 games well (IMO, unless you badly want to have just one device to play everything or never owned a PS2, I honestly feel it's best to go with the 40GB. Even I'd get one now because to an extent, it's a pain to play some PS2 games on PS3, especially ones that support accessories). For hardcore gamers or many people at CAG, multiple SKUs are okay because you all can at least research what's the difference and go with what's best for you (many casuals don't even use the internet for gaming related stuff. Some I know don't even have internet access).

Some may wonder, why doesn't Sony keep the 80GB has the only SKU? That was actually their plan at one point, but their mind changed. How many people constantly said the PS3 needs to be priced at $400 or bust? How many people joked about the PS3 pricetag for a while. The main reasons are they lose money on it, and Sony just doesn't want to have the most expensive console out on the market anymore. Originally, Sony felt enough people would buy the PS3 along with PS3 games and accessories, so they wouldn't take massive loses, but in reality that wasn't the case, so they had to re-think their strategy (last gen it worked for them). Sony could not just reduce the price of the 60GB/80GB to $400 (they cost around $600-$800 to produce), so they had to cut features. Many many assume blu-ray is the reason PS3 is expensive, but that's a HUGE myth (blu-ray disc diodes are like $8 now actually). The reason for being expensive was the price of the PS3 motherboard (at launch it cost $500 alone for now, the 80GB is around $400 for the motherboard I believe), having some PS2 components (even the 80GB still uses some PS2 components for BC) along with the Cell and RSX was not cheap. Oh course they cannot rip out the Cell and RSX (it will reduce cost as it gets smaller, but not significant). Many may think adding PS2 components probably only costs a few dollars, but that is very wrong. The GS chip and its associated components are needed. However, the entire PS3 motherboard has to be re-designed, using more expensive components overall to make the PS2 BC work with everything (and oh course it produces more power). Also, I know many who stated, if there was only a $500 PS3 SKU, they would not have bought one because it was way out of their price range. Plus, it would make Sony the most expensive console again (well, as in top SKU) and they are trying to avoid that from now on.

So anyway, what I'll tell everyone is, the MGS4 80GB PS3 is limited. We will see another shipment according to sources, but it will never be mass produced. Sony does not want to overproduce the SKU and lose money, and they do not want to keep two SKUs on the shelves confusing consumers. That is why if you really an 80GB PS3, buy it right away. If you continue with the attitude complaining about everything, it will just go away. I remember many talking about they wanted a 60GB (which Sony took $240 to $340 loses on per every one sold). Sony said during the pricedrops, they are being discontinued forever, so if you want it, you better buy it. Some people just continued to complain (not buying it, despite them being readily available for several months even at a price drop). Once they were gone, some complained they could no longer find one. Some had to just settle for an 80GB due to the decision. Getting back to the 80GB, I see SCEA maybe releasing a special bundle around the Holiday Season with the 80GB, but for the most part, it will probably not be a mass produced bundle again. If people don't like it, sorry, Sony just doesn't want to be the most expensive anymore AND they do not want their gaming division to take heavy loses again (they profit from the slim PSP and PS2, and the 40GB loses very little or breaks even).

To let everyone know, there's a good chance the 40GB will play PS2 games one day. SCEJ is looking for people to do PS2, PSP, etc. emulation. One big reason 360 is cheaper than PS3 is, it has zero Xbox components for its BC.
TMK - thx for the input. Is there a reason to buy an 80GB at this point. I mean, I want the best, but I don't want to be paying for just 40GB extra storage and a BC feature I'm not going to use.
[quote name='62t']well it is not hard to understand as Sony stop making 80gb and is only doing this to get rid of existing stock. Right now only the 40gb is being made[/QUOTE]

I may be wrong but didn't Sony themselves say that the 80gb was NOT discontinued? I would think the Metal Gear Bundle would sell better than the Motorstorm bundle.

I don't know how feasible it is but if Sony could get PS2 software emulation up and running via new firmware and charge around $350 for the 40gb they could easily put the nightmares behind them.
[quote name='jkam']I may be wrong but didn't Sony themselves say that the 80gb was NOT discontinued? I would think the Metal Gear Bundle would sell better than the Motorstorm bundle.

I don't know how feasible it is but if Sony could get PS2 software emulation up and running via new firmware and charge around $350 for the 40gb they could easily put the nightmares behind them.[/QUOTE]

I agree.
It was a limited release--that's not dropping the ball. People could by the console and the game seperately. It's not like it's the Wii were you can't find a damn console period without getting lucky or doing some planning.
They have annoyed me personally by once again denying me the chance to get the PS3 bundle I wanted, but since I had to buy a new 360 this week (no, I can't live without it for 4-6 weeks:)) then maybe it turned out to be not such a bad thing.

I doubt anyone at Sony HQ will be crying into their wheaties over one lost sale, I'll prolly just wait for the PS3 slim now.

I think perhaps people didn't realise how limited this 80gb pack as gonna be.
[quote name='mykevermin']If Sony dropped the ball because they can't meet demand, then Nintendo must be fuckin' up somethin' ferocious.[/quote]

Once again the man makes a good point, I've still only ever seen one Wii in a store (and I bought it), and it's been out for what? 2 Years+

Never see Wii Fit anywhere, and I doubt I will anytime soon.

Crazy shit.
[quote name='benjamouth']Once again the man makes a good point, I've still only ever seen one Wii in a store (and I bought it), and it's been out for what? 2 Years+

Never see Wii Fit anywhere, and I doubt I will anytime soon.

Crazy shit.[/QUOTE]

You must not go out a lot then. I see Wii's all the time. About 1-2 times a week a see some store with atleast 5-10 Wii's sitting in their glass lock up case. Sure they are hard to find but some people don't even bother too look.
[quote name='pimpinc333']You must not go out a lot then. I see Wii's all the time. About 1-2 times a week a see some store with atleast 5-10 Wii's sitting in their glass lock up case. Sure they are hard to find but some people don't even bother too look.[/QUOTE]

Varies by area. You can find them if you put in some time, call around, watch the ads and show up on the Sundays they say they'll have them etc.

But I've still never seen one in any of the big box stores here in the DC area when browsing the game area. I haven't been seeking one as I got one at lauch and sold it off this spring--but I do give a glance out of curiousity every time I browse 360 and DS games and haven't seen a Wii on the shelf yet.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Sure they are hard to find but some people don't even bother too look.[/QUOTE]

The thing is, after two years people shouldn't have to look. They should just be there to buy. Of course they'll run low at Christmas (Sony even did with PS2s just a couple of years ago still), but during the summer? It's silly at this point. I know Nintendo is making tons of cash, but they're also losing out on a lot because many people have simply stopped looking.

It's a far bigger issue for Nintendo than this little deal is for Sony.
[quote name='elwood731']The thing is, after two years people shouldn't have to look. They should just be there to buy. Of course they'll run low at Christmas (Sony even did with PS2s just a couple of years ago still), but during the summer? It's silly at this point. I know Nintendo is making tons of cash, but they're also losing out on a lot because many people have simply stopped looking.

It's a far bigger issue for Nintendo than this little deal is for Sony.[/QUOTE]

I think if the Wii's were overproduced they wouldn't fly off the store shelves like they do now.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I think if the Wii's were overproduced they wouldn't fly off the store shelves like they do now.[/QUOTE]

The key is balance. Nintendo doesn't want to have too many, but they probably wish they could have a good bit more. As I'm sure some wanted to impulse buy one, couldn't find one and said the hell with it.

Plus sells earlier in a life span of a console are better than later as it gives more time for the person to buy software.
[quote name='jkam']I may be wrong but didn't Sony themselves say that the 80gb was NOT discontinued? I would think the Metal Gear Bundle would sell better than the Motorstorm bundle.

I don't know how feasible it is but if Sony could get PS2 software emulation up and running via new firmware and charge around $350 for the 40gb they could easily put the nightmares behind them.[/QUOTE]Well, last gen with the PS2, the initial model had PS1 BC partially by hardware. The Slim PS2 was completely software for PS1 BC. I'm betting Sony wanted to do the same thing with the PS3, but with the massive loses in the gaming division along with tougher competition, they ripped the components out earlier.

Once they get PS2 BC running on a 40GB (some say it isn't possible due to the GS having a really high fill rate, but I think it is), they'll be perfectly fine sticking to the 40GB. I believe that's their master plan afterall.

There was a thread about it:
[quote name='pimpinc333']I think Sony is playing the Wii card. Creating a false shortage.[/quote]

I think Sony is playing the Sony card. Wii didn't start out that trend. Sony did to raise demand with their PS2 consoles.
[quote name='pimpinc333']You must not go out a lot then. I see Wii's all the time. About 1-2 times a week a see some store with atleast 5-10 Wii's sitting in their glass lock up case. Sure they are hard to find but some people don't even bother too look.[/quote]

Well I look everytime I'm in a store that should stock them and they're not there, but obviously you know how many Wii's are instock where I live :roll:

It's fucking crazy they're not easily available by now.
[quote name='Hybrid5006']I think Sony is playing the Sony card. Wii didn't start out that trend. Sony did to raise demand with their PS2 consoles.[/QUOTE]

True. Kind of poor strategy in the middle of a generation when you have a HUGE system seller game out and hope people will impusle buy consoles to play it as you give people time to think and decide it's not worth it to buy it to play that one game.

But again, kind of moot as it's very easy to by the console and the game seperately If there were no consoles period on shelves, they'd really be screwing themselves. But that's not the case, so they're fine.
i dont think they dropped the ball in fact they stepped up their game bigtime. they took a system that wasnt selling very well a few months ago and made it one of the most sought after things to date. yeah the initial buzz for many was the 40gb le bundle but i like many others whod waited a long time to get a ps3 was all about getting the 80gb bundle. it was the perfect price and came with a free top level game and controller. now the ugly girl at the prom is the one everyone is dying to get with but alas it seems shes no longer available.

the only reason why it may be bad to some is because they cant find the bundle for themelves but like someone mentioned above the bundle was made to get rid of the 80gb systems. thats it end of story and they were successful in doing that. for a company that made many mistakes since and before they launchd the ps3 this is one of their smartest and best moves to date. and yes maybe im somewhat biased cause i got one and im playing gta 4 now but so what of it?
i dont think they dropped the ball in fact they stepped up their game bigtime. they took a system that wasnt selling very well a few months ago and made it one of the most sought after things to date. yeah the initial buzz for many was the 40gb le bundle but i like many others whod waited a long time to get a ps3 was all about getting the 80gb bundle. it was the perfect price and came with a free top level game and controller. now the ugly girl at the prom is the one everyone is dying to get with but alas it seems shes no longer available.

the only reason why it may be bad to some is because they cant find the bundle for themelves but like someone mentioned above the bundle was made to get rid of the 80gb systems. thats it end of story and they were successful in doing that. for a company that made many mistakes since and before they launchd the ps3 this is one of their smartest and best moves to date. and yes maybe im somewhat biased cause i got one and im playing gta 4 now but so what of it?
[quote name='pimpinc333']I think if the Wii's were overproduced they wouldn't fly off the store shelves like they do now.[/QUOTE]

That's quite an assumption. Of course, if Nintendo produced plenty there would be a few less impulse purchases and there wouldn't be such a demand to find one. So no, they wouldn't exactly fly off shelves. However, they would still sell and by doing so sell a lot more software. If Nintendo was entirely manipulating the scarcity they would do the same with the DS, which you can generally find anywhere (minus the holiday season).

Nintendo is leaving a lot of money on the table by not producing enough Wiis, and they're far more guilty of short supplying consumers than Sony.
Good lord mana knight.

I'm glad I got an 80GB MGS4 bundle. The 40GB sucks. I've already used some 30GB on mine just from installs, demos, pictures, and videos.
Where do we...begin?

A year ago, these, uh, 80 GB models couldn't be given away at a lot of stores. I mean, what happened?
[quote name='jollydwarf']Where do we...begin?

A year ago, these, uh, 80 GB models couldn't be given away at a lot of stores. I mean, what happened?[/QUOTE]

MGS4 Happened.
[quote name='benjamouth']Well I look everytime I'm in a store that should stock them and they're not there, but obviously you know how many Wii's are instock where I live :roll:

It's fucking crazy they're not easily available by now.[/QUOTE]I heard somewhere Nintendo is purposely doing this in the states (one reason being weak U.S. Economy). I hear they can easily be found in Japan and aren't that hard to find in Europe. But I'm seriously not sure.

EDIT: An article mentioning about the newer PS3s (probably 40GB) costing half as much:
Its a two pronged approach:
1) Discontinue better models and introduce shittier SKUS
2) Added value: For $100 more than the current 40 gig, you get the game and a DS3 controller as well as a SKU that used to cost that much by itself.

In short, the MGS4 bundle is not the old 80 gig SKU.
bread's done