Sony on Xbox 360: We have a better machine, business model and they should be Concern

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Whats so funny about it? They are stating that they expect to win in the long run which is a valid goal. As far as which machine is physically better its a tossup. Even the experts can't give a definitive answer.
WTF?! I was hoping to see some funny pic of monkies. But no monkies!! What a buttnutt. Oh yeah, hey Chacrana, I have been meaning to ask; who's tits are those?
[quote name='slickkill77']Are you guys blind?
Sony on Xbox 360: We have a better machine, business model and they should be Concerned![/quote]

you are the blind one, it is not funny we didn't laugh then we are not laughing now.
[quote name='slickkill77']Are you guys blind?
Sony on Xbox 360: We have a better machine, business model and they should be Concerned![/QUOTE]
Why is that funny?
[quote name='slickkill77']Are you guys blind?
Sony on Xbox 360: We have a better machine, business model and they should be Concerned![/quote]
When you consider they technically still have the highest base, and the success of the ps2 which didn't start out too well either, there really isn't any humor in the statement. Gates made the exact same statement more or less at CES about Sony.

A positive outlook isn't anything to be ashamed of. Would you rather Sony say "well that sucked, lets just give up and let people only develop for 1 next gen system so the competative creativity that even made xbox live and the 360 exist will vanish in 5 years." ?

No offense but the thread just screams "hey flame me flame me i'm a fanboy."
He was talking about the ps3....Whatever you guys are idk...I thought it was funny because the ps3 is doing so bad and he still says their buisness model is better. I realize he talked about the ps2 but that was not the main thing. He was asked about the ps3. I just dont like sony because they only show pretty movies and cant back it up, but obviously you guys dont see the same way i do
[quote name='slickkill77']He was talking about the ps3....Whatever you guys are idk...I thought it was funny because the ps3 is doing so bad and he still says their buisness model is better. I realize he talked about the ps2 but that was not the main thing. He was asked about the ps3. I just dont like sony because they only show pretty movies and cant back it up, but obviously you guys dont see the same way i do[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure the PS3 is doing better right now than the 360 was doing at the same time last year when it launched.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm pretty sure the PS3 is doing better right now than the 360 was doing at the same time last year when it launched.[/QUOTE]
Were you in a coma at this time last year ?
[quote name='Richlough']Were you in a coma at this time last year ?[/QUOTE]

whoknows is right. While the 360 was cheaper, it didn't have a real killer ap until Oblivion in March while Resistance and Virtua Fighter 5 make two by February. Furthermore, the PS3 is a better bang for your buck if you stack the $600 PS3 to the $400 360 with the $200 HD-DVD drive (and a completely comparable experience for less on the $500 PS3). While I think that it was a mistake to hinge the future of the PS3 on Blu Ray and vice versa, I do think they're doing better in month 3 of the PS3 then month 3 of the 360. Sadly for Sony, it's not month 3 for the 360, it's month 15.
[quote name='furyk']whoknows is right. While the 360 was cheaper, it didn't have a real killer ap until Oblivion in March while Resistance and Virtua Fighter 5 make two by February.[/QUOTE]

What about Call of Duty 2? I believe Activision claimed the game nearly sold 1:1 with the console.

Also, I don't think you can honestly consider Virtua Fighter 5 a killer app. This isn't something that has a wide spread following like Tekken. A major show piece for the console, yes, but I don't hear too many folks wanting a PS3 exclusively for VF5.
[quote name='terribledeli']What about Call of Duty 2? I believe Activision claimed the game nearly sold 1:1 with the console.[/quote]

Call of Duty 2 did sell very well, but it sold because it was the best game on the system at the time. People who bought a 360 were buying it for future games, not COD 2. The supposed killer aps, Perfect Dark Zero and Dead or Alive 4, just didn't deliver. Also, COD 2 wasn't exclusive as it was avalible for the PC at the time. Resistance, on the other hand, is exclusive.

[quote name='terribledeli']Also, I don't think you can honestly consider Virtua Fighter 5 a killer app. This isn't something that has a wide spread following like Tekken. A major show piece for the console, yes, but I don't hear too many folks wanting a PS3 exclusively for VF5.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people will disagree with you. Part of the reason why people aren't clamouring for it to be exclusive is because it was announced as a late Summer 360 game, so it's that whole timed exclusive thing. Virtua Fighter 5 still stands as an incredibly important game for the PS3 though. While Tekken may have a bigger following in the US, Virtua Fighter 5 has a much larger following in Japan. Furthermore, the hardcore Virtua Fighter fans will drop $500-600 on a new system for a new Virtua Fighter. Furthermore, Virtua Fighter always sells well on whatever console it's on. It is still the holy grail of fighting games in many people's opinions including my own. I consider it a killer ap simply because it blows away any fighter that the 360 has to offer and it will sell more PS3s then any other game on the 360 besides GoW, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Madden, and Halo 3 (since a lot of people are buying 360s early for Halo 3).
all ps3s are sold out here recent sell out might be people waiting for VF4 the sales are very well for a $500 to $600 system
If Sony truly has a "better business model," I hope they start using it soon. This is becoming pretty pathetic.

And yeah, I think panasonic is drunk. You'd have to be to be that dedicated to the PSP.

I consider it a killer ap simply because it blows away any fighter that the 360 has to offer and it will sell more PS3s then any other game on the 360 besides GoW, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Madden, and Halo 3 (since a lot of people are buying 360s early for Halo 3).

Glad you consider it a "killer app." It's not. It'll be popular in Japan and sell ok here. That's it.

So it blows every fighter on the 360 away, until the improved 360 version arrives?

Seriously - you downplay CoD2's sales, but then tout Resistance as a killer app? Please. No one bought a PS3 for Resistance, and if you think it's really that popular (not to mention good), you're insane. They bought it for future games, just like you said with the 360. Or a semi-reasonably priced Blu-Ray player, I suppose.
There shocked a $129 system with tons of great games under $20 outsold a $300-$400 system? Yeah, shocking. I wonder if Sony was shocked that GBA/DS kicked all their ass?
[quote name='gizmogc']There shocked a $129 system with tons of great games under $20 outsold a $300-$400 system? Yeah, shocking. I wonder if Sony was shocked that GBA/DS kicked all their ass?[/QUOTE]
The Gamecube is $100 and has a fair amount of pretty good games under $20 but it didn't outsell a $129 system or a $400 system.

I think the point is with how old the PS2 is yet it is still beating all the other consoles in sales.
Wow i change the thread name and it has exploded....For the person that said the ps3 is the better bang for their buck...what if you dont want blue ray or hd dvd. Not everyone has a hdtv.
Well thats because the ps2 has been out for what 5 years so i would hope it is outselling at its price point.
Hey getmyrunon shut up
[quote name='whoknows']Why is that funny?[/QUOTE]

It is funny because it is so pathetic. Just like ostriches with their heads in the sand are funny.
1. Requiring the 360 to be bundled with the HD-DVD before you can compare it to PS3 is ridiculous.

2. Saying a game isn't exclusive because its on PC was old 5 years ago. Who makes the operating system that those run on again?

3. VF5 will be exclusive for 4 to 6 months at most.

4. As for AAA titles, X360 had Oblivion and Ghost Recon (not to mention CoD2) within the time PS3 will have VF5. Also, while 360 didn't have a 1st party blockbuster like Resistance (CoD 2 was a big hit), it had a much more solid lineup than PS3 did, PS3's launch lineup is comparable to the original Xbox's lineup, Halo and little else for months. 360 had CoD2, PGR3, Kameo, Condemned, PDZ, etc at launch (you can throw Quake 4 and King Kong in there too), DoA4 a month later, all pretty solid titles. What did (or does) PS3 have beyond Resistance?
[quote name='whoknows']The Gamecube is $100 and has a fair amount of pretty good games under $20 but it didn't outsell a $129 system or a $400 system.

I think the point is with how old the PS2 is yet it is still beating all the other consoles in sales.[/QUOTE]
Why are you bringing up the Gamecube, the post only mentions the GBA and DS which outsold them all

All I remember in this console war was the 360 being impossible to find at this time last year, even after launching here with more units than Sony did

I can go into almost any store today and find a PS3, Wii's?... Ive seen one in stores since launch day when I got mine

Does this mean I am bashing the PS3? nope... maybe they did a better job than MS in ramping up production, I dont know the true unbiased story, I still want a PS3, if more for the cheap BR player than anything to enjoy on my 1080p RPTV
[quote name='whoknows']I'm pretty sure the PS3 is doing better right now than the 360 was doing at the same time last year when it launched.[/QUOTE]

I don't recall being able to walk in to any store and find a 360 this time last year. But I see plenty of PS3's in my stores.
Can a Moderator just lock this post for flaming and trolling? Last time I checked those were severely frowned upon. This entire post is pointless.
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