[quote name='johnnyrocker360']i'm just not happy with the fact that sony has lost a shitload of money on this system and they might as well throw backwards compatibility on the slim. [/QUOTE]

Sony has lost so much money why don't they just give away the PS3 for free. They might as well!

i gotta ask, is there going to be a big hardware difference between the fat and the slim ps3? i really like the look of the ps3 as it is now, thats the only reason i am asking.
[quote name='hanun1002'][quote name='h3llbring3r']dubya dubya dubya dot amazon dot com
Also, in addition to free shipping, no sales tax FTW.
Welcome to the internet.

Dude the reason why I wanna get it from gamestop is bcoz I have 140 in store credit :D. Is there any gamestop store that take preorder of slim PS3?[/QUOTE]
If they aren't yet they will be. GameStop does pre-orders on everything.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']dubya dubya dubya dot amazon dot com
Also, in addition to free shipping, no sales tax FTW.
Welcome to the internet.

Mine says 4%, and is likely not worth it depending on your state taxes.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I think I'll just try to find a 10% off coupon or something for Sears instead. That should at least cover most of the sales tax :(.
[quote name='perdition(troy']i gotta ask, is there going to be a big hardware difference between the fat and the slim ps3? i really like the look of the ps3 as it is now, thats the only reason i am asking.[/QUOTE]

One third less power consumption.
[quote name='SynGamer']Thanks. I think I'll just try to find a 10% off coupon or something for Sears instead. That should at least cover most of the sales tax :(.[/QUOTE]
I'm going to wait for a 15% off Dell deal. I also have a Dell GC and can't find a lappy config I want.
I also need a buyer for my 60gb.
[quote name='willardhaven']What condition is it in?[/QUOTE]
It's a day one launch one. It does good unless it's left on for long periods of time (6 hours or more) then sometimes, the video output gets wonky (magenta hue issue). Normally not a problem, but my kid has a habit of turning it on by accident. I think it is prime for craigslist.
It's pretty safe to say it's pretty stupid going forward to ever buy a playstation before they trim it down to a slim... it's happened with all three of them.
[quote name='DestroVega']It's pretty safe to say it's pretty stupid going forward to ever buy a playstation before they trim it down to a slim... it's happened with all three of them.[/QUOTE]
Unless you're interested in BC.
[quote name='DestroVega']It's pretty safe to say it's pretty stupid going forward to ever buy a playstation before they trim it down to a slim... it's happened with all three of them.[/QUOTE]
Unless I want to play Playstation games for those 3+ years?
If I have to buy one of the slims, i'm getting this one

I just realized: the MSRP is $299 even? I see pre-orders for $299.99. Not that .99 is that big a deal, but I thought it was strange.
I have a 60gig right now, and if anybody offers me a new slim for it, I'll do it. I like the simple look of the slim and the matte finish is nice IMO.
I finally understand the no BC issue. Why give it away for free, when you are technically still selling more PS2's for $100 each year than PS3's and making more money off PS2's.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99'] As for IATCG, ya you have your opinions, but as for you saying you own one, you said yourself your not even impressed by any of the PS3 games. So why don't you sell your fucking PS3 and get a Wii or something. If you don't give one "whit" about Linux, don't bitch about it. Just like I said to the dude above me, it's a niche group of people that use that. Last, this is not the 360, in which, if you want recharge capabilities, you have to spend an extra 20-30 bucks. talking about fanboy, IDK what camp your in, but get your shit straight and not use problems with other systems as the PS3's problems. Made me laugh when you called me a fanboy, proud owner of a 360 and PS3, seems like your just a disgruntled PS3 owner. Keep on bashing away and your going to get blasted by everyone in these forums. [/QUOTE]

Well excuse me for having an opinion of my own and being a(as you put it, disgruntled PS3 owner)PS3 owner at the same time. As for selling my PS3, if I could get back the money I spent on it, then I'd gladly sell it, but I'm not about to give it away for $150 to some assclown from CL.

The whole push towards HD everything is totally fuckin' ridiculous and making the games PRETTIER rather than making them FUN TO PLAY seems to be the norm. Of course, it also seems to be the norm to release glitchy games and patch the fuck out of them. Why is that? I thought games were supposed to be a fun entertainment medium. If I wanna see shit that looks realistic, I'll look out the fuckin' window. I play games for the escapism, not to go 'ooooo look at the purty pictures'.

As for 'bashing' the PS3, like I said above, I guess I'm not allowed to have a differing opinion other than 'Sony is great', huh?

[quote name='SynGamer']70% off of the original manufacturing costs of about $ 3 years, that's fucking amazing! They've been taking a hit with the price for the past 3 years in order to sell this thing, and now, when they have a chance to finally, possibly, start making some money, you want the price cut to be MORE than $100? Go fuck yourself - courtesy of Sony.

P.S. You seem like the type of person that is never pleased. Must be a sad existence...[/QUOTE]

Like I said, why do some of you take it SOOOOOO personally when some critique the PS3 and the fact that Sony FINALLY realizes they need to bring the price down to compete? As for their costs being over what they were selling it for, what brought it up to that level? Remove THOSE components and put in NORMAL components and voila, instant ability to compete in the market.

Yes, I know it's not THAT simple, but Sony went overboard with the PS3 and THAT is what has cost them market share this gen thus far.

What makes me laugh though, is how you say I'm never pleased, yet wouldn't that be a good thing? After all, aren't we supposed to be smart consumers and always wanting the best price and the most value?

I could've made a snide remark that took me down to a 5th grade level, but I'll leave that up to you, since you seem to have it down to a science as to how to insult people with a differing opinion than your own.

[quote name='SynGamer']You must be fucking retarded or something. $100 price cut and the ONLY removed feature is Linux support...yeah, keep talking out of your ass, kid. The rest of us will enjoy our new PS3's :)[/QUOTE]

And yet again, you prove that some of you drones know of no way to intelligently disagree with someone who has a differing opinion from yours. Good going. You definitely take the prize for biggest internet asshole, though I thought I had that one clinched for yet another year. :razz:
#1. There is NO street Date 9-1-09 but stores can sell them before

#2. Spoke to my local Best Buy manager he said that by this Saturday he will have about 12 units of the slim first come first serve, Its nice to live in a big city with a major us port like Miami.

#3. Little Big Planet is on sale for $29.99 and I think SEARS had MGS4 price at $19.99

#4. I urge people not to pre-order at all that only gives credibility to Gamestops arbitrary street dates. Thats why the thread title says 8-24-09. Spetember 1st is by when EVERYONE should have it, But if the store has it on 8-24 they can sell it.

This will be a summer of awesomeness.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
The whole push towards HD everything is totally fuckin' ridiculous and making the games PRETTIER rather than making them FUN TO PLAY seems to be the norm. Of course, it also seems to be the norm to release glitchy games and patch the fuck out of them. Why is that? I thought games were supposed to be a fun entertainment medium. If I wanna see shit that looks realistic, I'll look out the fuckin' window. I play games for the escapism, not to go 'ooooo look at the purty pictures'.


I find it funny that your post is number 666 in the thread.

As for the HD thing. There are plenty of fun games on past generation consoles that do not look "pretty" yet are fun.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Like I said, why do some of you take it SOOOOOO personally when some critique the PS3 and the fact that Sony FINALLY realizes they need to bring the price down to compete? As for their costs being over what they were selling it for, what brought it up to that level? Remove THOSE components and put in NORMAL components and voila, instant ability to compete in the market.

Yes, I know it's not THAT simple, but Sony went overboard with the PS3 and THAT is what has cost them market share this gen thus far.

What makes me laugh though, is how you say I'm never pleased, yet wouldn't that be a good thing? After all, aren't we supposed to be smart consumers and always wanting the best price and the most value?

I could've made a snide remark that took me down to a 5th grade level, but I'll leave that up to you, since you seem to have it down to a science as to how to insult people with a differing opinion than your own.

And yet again, you prove that some of you drones know of no way to intelligently disagree with someone who has a differing opinion from yours. Good going. You definitely take the prize for biggest internet asshole, though I thought I had that one clinched for yet another year. :razz:[/QUOTE]

What you fail to see is that Sony put in Blu-ray to 1. help them win the next-gen format war 9which they did) and 2. differentiate themselves from the competition. If they had a DVD drive, it would have been a battle of exclusives, and that wouldn't have been good for them because developers are going multiplatform in order to make more money. With blu-ray, they have an extra source of income as well as added features to boost about when trying to sell the PS3.

As for being retarded, I stand by what I said...

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Then again, Sony seems to like taking out stuff while barely reducing the console's price. Maybe next they'll take out the USB ports and require that you buy a seperate charging accessory for your controllers from them, so they can make more money(like the idea of them selling PS2 games on the Playstation Store).[/QUOTE]

As I said in my reply, they reduced the price by $100 (that was 1/4 of the consoles price) any ONLY removed Linux support. Pull your head out of your ass next time you post ;)
[quote name='mwynn']I find it funny that your post is number 666 in the thread.

As for the HD thing. There are plenty of fun games on past generation consoles that do not look "pretty" yet are fun.[/QUOTE]

LOL I didn't realize that until now. As for the games on past gen consoles that weren't pretty but were fun, I concur.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Cool Spot and General Chaos wayyyy back in the Genesis/SNES generation are just a handful and then there's some from the PS1/PS2/Xbox/N64/etc/etc/etc gens which were fun as hell without having to be 'pretty'.

[quote name='SynGamer']What you fail to see is that Sony put in Blu-ray to 1. help them win the next-gen format war 9which they did) and 2. differentiate themselves from the competition. If they had a DVD drive, it would have been a battle of exclusives, and that wouldn't have been good for them because developers are going multiplatform in order to make more money. With blu-ray, they have an extra source of income as well as added features to boost about when trying to sell the PS3.

As for being retarded, I stand by what I said...

As I said in my reply, they reduced the price by $100 (that was 1/4 of the consoles price) any ONLY removed Linux support. Pull your head out of your ass next time you post ;)[/QUOTE]

So, what you're saying by your own admission there, is that Sony didn't have what it takes to lure devs into keeping some games exclusive to them like in prior gens? As for the 'next gen format war' and that they NEEDED to win it, who the fuck was asking for a 'next gen format' yet?

Most of the people who flock to Best Buy/Target/etc when they have a $5 DVD sale sure as hell weren't.

As for Blu-Ray, I'll buy my games on it, but for movies they'll have to wait until saturation reaches such a point that BR movies are $5-10 and players are $100 or UNDER for me to buy any.
Because they had to give the poor bastards who slogged through the second part of it, only to be disappointed by the cliffhanger ending, time to buy a PS3 so they could play the third part?

I was quite annoyed by the cliffhanger and the fact that the game is probably ONLY going to be on the PS3. It really sends the message of 'fuck you' to the millions of people who would've gladly bought it on PS2 and further extends the 'wtf Sony' confusion that people are going through trying to figure out what they're doing this gen.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because they had to give the poor bastards who slogged through the second part of it, only to be disappointed by the cliffhanger ending, time to buy a PS3 so they could play the third part?

I was quite annoyed by the cliffhanger and the fact that the game is probably ONLY going to be on the PS3. It really sends the message of 'fuck you' to the millions of people who would've gladly bought it on PS2 and further extends the 'wtf Sony' confusion that people are going through trying to figure out what they're doing this gen.[/QUOTE]

You hit the nail on the head, especially now with the whole re-branding itself, for the better, I never realized how obnoxious and off putting the Spiderman 3 font and PS3 marketing was until now that they shifted to a softer friendlier more colorfull approach.

My #1 fear, and please hear me out everyone on this. Is that ok I buy a PS3 slim next week thats $320 bucks thats not throw away money.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is great, so will God of War 3,,, BUT will we get Sequels ???

I think Sony releases God of War 3, then calls it quits on the PS3, phones in another 3 years till 2013 max and says get ready for the PS4.

Because there NO WAY the PS3 has a 10 year life cycle til 2016.
Thing is, with the money Sony rakes in from it's other divisions, they COULD have pulled a MS and paid devs a bit to make some exclusive DLC content or stay exclusive to them. But instead, they relied on dev loyalty and they are finding out firsthand that the loyalty of devs is as fleeting as the loyalty of their customers.

With so many games going multiplatform this gen, I can't say I really blame them for wanting an 'edge'(Blu-Ray), but it came at the expense of making the PS3 unreachable for many of the millions of PS2 owners.

Shame really.

As for the 10 year life cycle, the PS2 has had just about 10 years now(came out in the US in 2000 or so), so it IS possible but as you see with the PS2 there's very little coming out for it this year or next. So, even if the PS3 lasts 10 years, it won't be a full 10 years with lots of AAA titles coming out. The last two years of a console's lifespan is usually 'cruise control mode'.
[quote name='Master Ninja']You hit the nail on the head, especially now with the whole re-branding itself, for the better, I never realized how obnoxious and off putting the Spiderman 3 font and PS3 marketing was until now that they shifted to a softer friendlier more colorfull approach.

My #1 fear, and please hear me out everyone on this. Is that ok I buy a PS3 slim next week thats $320 bucks thats not throw away money.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is great, so will God of War 3,,, BUT will we get Sequels ???

I think Sony releases God of War 3, then calls it quits on the PS3, phones in another 3 years till 2013 max and says get ready for the PS4.

Because there NO WAY the PS3 has a 10 year life cycle til 2016.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, if you don't wanna buy a PS3 then that's great, but stop pulling excuses out of your ass and move on. MGS is a Konami game so that's up to them, and GOW will probably have a sequel because then the devs would have a working engine and familiarity with the PS3. I mean they already have 2 Uncharted games (which both look beautiful) and 2 Resistance games, as well as another R&C and they actually have more interesting exclusives than MS and Nintendo.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Thing is, with the money Sony rakes in from it's other divisions, they COULD have pulled a MS and paid devs a bit to make some exclusive DLC content or stay exclusive to them. But instead, they relied on dev loyalty and they are finding out firsthand that the loyalty of devs is as fleeting as the loyalty of their customers.

With so many games going multiplatform this gen, I can't say I really blame them for wanting an 'edge'(Blu-Ray), but it came at the expense of making the PS3 unreachable for many of the millions of PS2 owners.

Shame really.

As for the 10 year life cycle, the PS2 has had just about 10 years now(came out in the US in 2000 or so), so it IS possible but as you see with the PS2 there's very little coming out for it this year or next. So, even if the PS3 lasts 10 years, it won't be a full 10 years with lots of AAA titles coming out. The last two years of a console's lifespan is usually 'cruise control mode'.[/QUOTE]

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. The same bullshit that can be found on a million other forums. When you run a multi-billion dollar corporation then you can give advice to Sony, otherwise shut up.
[quote name='Ogami Itto']Honestly, if you don't wanna buy a PS3 then that's great, but stop pulling excuses out of your ass and move on. MGS is a Konami game so that's up to them, and GOW will probably have a sequel because then the devs would have a working engine and familiarity with the PS3. I mean they already have 2 Uncharted games (which both look beautiful) and 2 Resistance games, as well as another R&C and they actually have more interesting exclusives than MS and Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Games are supposed to be fun to PLAY, not make you go 'zomg that's so pretty'. That's what MS and Sony have forgotten this gen. Games are meant to be PLAYED, not gawked at like a piece of fuckin' artwork.

You wanna look at artwork, go to the friggin' Louvre, but I play games because they're fun and interactive entertainment.

As for the second statement in red, that is what is called an OPINION, which is what most of my responses are largely made up of. However, it seems that some don't like when others have opinions other than 'Sony is the best company in the world, all hail the mighty Sony'. Get a life and stop defending some faceless corporation because you don't agree with someone else's opinion.

[quote name='Ogami Itto']BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. The same bullshit that can be found on a million other forums. When you run a multi-billion dollar corporation then you can give advice to Sony, otherwise shut up.[/QUOTE]

It's called an OPINION, as stated above and who the fuck are you? You're just another random idiot on a message board. It's just that our OPINIONS differ. That is what makes us great, in that we have differing opinions. It just sucks that you're so uptight you can't allow someone else to have one different than your own. You wanna control people's opinions, go to a Communist country because I'll KEEP posting my opinions, you self righteous fucktard.

And personally, the shelling out of a little bit of $$$ helped MS to nab some exclusive DLC that you'll NEVER see on PS3, so why can't Sony do the same? Loyalty is for suckers and the sooner Sony realizes that and starts paying out to keep exclusives EXCLUSIVE, the sooner they'll have a better lineup to tout.
:lol: Because one is an overall massively profitable company *in spite* of their gaming division, and the other is barely profitable since their *only* black-ink division was their gaming division - until the PS3.

You're allowed to have your opinions, but don't act like they're as valid as others when they come from fuckin' candyland.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Thing is, with the money Sony rakes in from it's other divisions, they COULD have pulled a MS and paid devs a bit to make some exclusive DLC content or stay exclusive to them. But instead, they relied on dev loyalty and they are finding out firsthand that the loyalty of devs is as fleeting as the loyalty of their customers.

With so many games going multiplatform this gen, I can't say I really blame them for wanting an 'edge'(Blu-Ray), but it came at the expense of making the PS3 unreachable for many of the millions of PS2 owners.

Shame really.

As for the 10 year life cycle, the PS2 has had just about 10 years now(came out in the US in 2000 or so), so it IS possible but as you see with the PS2 there's very little coming out for it this year or next. So, even if the PS3 lasts 10 years, it won't be a full 10 years with lots of AAA titles coming out. The last two years of a console's lifespan is usually 'cruise control mode'.[/QUOTE]
I completely disagree, I think microsoft is the one who should learn that money doesn't equal loyalty as you've seen most exclusives they paid for come out later on the ps3, meanwhile sony puts all their money into first party games which results in tons more exclusives. Microsoft's first party is basically Halo, Gears, and Fable. Sony has God of War, Socom, MAG, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, MLB The Show, LBP, this is just to name a few and not even including downloadable games, and through third party loyalty they've gotten MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, Haze (I know >.>), Yakuza 3, Disgaea 3, an of course insomniac and sucker punch
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because they had to give the poor bastards who slogged through the second part of it, only to be disappointed by the cliffhanger ending, time to buy a PS3 so they could play the third part?

I was quite annoyed by the cliffhanger and the fact that the game is probably ONLY going to be on the PS3. It really sends the message of 'fuck you' to the millions of people who would've gladly bought it on PS2 and further extends the 'wtf Sony' confusion that people are going through trying to figure out what they're doing this gen.[/QUOTE]

they took 3 years to get it done right. id rather wait 3 years for the sequel than get a quickly put together rehash of the sos. not to mention after gow2 there was a gow game on the psp it was a prequel but it was there. each of the god of war games had an ending that let you know there was more to come and where you feel like it was an annoying cliffhanger i felt like damn i cant wait for the next one.

which the god of war series does one thing many series doesnt do which is improves with each installation. some people will buy a ps3 for god fo war 3 just the same way people buy xboxs when ms comes out with a new halo game they want to play. exclusives sell consoles we all know that so why are you so upse that sony is using gow3 to sell ps3s. it makes good business sense. the same way theyre using uncharted 2 to sell consoles the way mgs4 sold consoles and the way ratchet and clank sold and will sell consoles. same as nintendo selling wiis to people who want to play the next mario , zelda, metroid or smash bros games.

and god of war will always be a sony exclusive they made it they own it its not going anywhere barring they completly fail the way sega did and with all the diff sources of income they have i dont see that happening anytime soon.

people are right though if you hate sony so much you should just give up on them im sure someone would buy your console from you somewhere if i had as much hate for sony as you do i wouldnt keep a ps3. i hated and hate what nintendo did with the wii and as such ill never buy one and to this day ive never played one and i never will.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Games are supposed to be fun to PLAY, not make you go 'zomg that's so pretty'. That's what MS and Sony have forgotten this gen. Games are meant to be PLAYED, not gawked at like a piece of fuckin' artwork.

You wanna look at artwork, go to the friggin' Louvre, but I play games because they're fun and interactive entertainment.[/QUOTE]

You should try playing Ratchet and Clank Future, Uncharted, Valkyria Chronicles, and Resistance. All of them except Uncharted don't have great graphics but are a blast to play, particularily Ratchet and Clank which for the most part isn't a graphical beast but is a blast to play (I've beaten it 5 times and am still not tired of it). While I agree that many developers today have forgotten that games are supposed to be fun and not just pretty, I feel that you seem to believe that just because a game looks good, the gameplay isn't fun.
Wow! I've been put in my place by mykevermin. I am truly humbled. :razz: Seriously though, you even have to admit that Sony made some monumental blunders in both marketing and price this gen, Myke. They went from first to third in ONE gen.

As for Uncharted, I've played it and while it WAS good, I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. Then again, I have backlog of games ranging from Little Big Planet and Mercenaries 2 to Prototype and Force Unleashed waiting on me to stop playing GTA IV, so that was probably the biggest reason I never finished it.

And Lokizz, because I would LOSE money on the prospect of selling my 40gb model. Plus I AM having fun with most of the games(currently having an insane time with Prototype).

It's just that I really wish some of the things Sony is doing and has done could be undone or never have been done in the first place.

As for the 'hate' for Sony, it's not so much really hate for them, but for their practices as a company. They keep putting out SKU's and then clearancing them out, thus confusing everybody in the process, plus it took forever for this long overdue drop.

And yes, again, that is MY OPINION that it was long overdue. So, no need to go 'for all you get in the system, it's still worth $500-600'.
[quote name='hanun1002'][quote name='h3llbring3r']dubya dubya dubya dot amazon dot com
Also, in addition to free shipping, no sales tax FTW.
Welcome to the internet.

Dude the reason why I wanna get it from gamestop is bcoz I have 140 in store credit :D. Is there any gamestop store that take preorder of slim PS3?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, really, I'm waiting for Best Buy to stop dragging their feet for the same reason. Don't suppose anyone has any insight into when Best Buy will be allowing pre-orders?
[quote name='Master Ninja']#1. There is NO street Date 9-1-09 but stores can sell them before

#2. Spoke to my local Best Buy manager he said that by this Saturday he will have about 12 units of the slim first come first serve, Its nice to live in a big city with a major us port like Miami.


Yeah no official street date was ever confirmed. Gamestop though does list it as 8/24/09 ship date.

The SONY store does not even list one, It says COMING SOON: though it has some sleeky pics

I still think the turnaround on this is just a bit quicker than i would expect
8/24/09 is this MONDAY. Less than a week after announcing the system. Sony really must be trying to make up these last 3 years. Also talked to a couple of friends in retail, most have sold out or sold 2-3 times the amount of PS3's they would usually sell in 1 week, in 1 day. My TRU buddy had about 7 people lined up this morning outside. Maybe they will sell even with a new system looming closely.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Games are supposed to be fun to PLAY, not make you go 'zomg that's so pretty'. That's what MS and Sony have forgotten this gen. Games are meant to be PLAYED, not gawked at like a piece of fuckin' artwork. [/QUOTE]

I don't see the problem with having both pretty and fun games. I can name tons of fun games available on the Playstation 3 and XBox 360. A lot of people like to play the "Great graphics but poor gameplay" card. There are crappy games on every console. I'd personally prefer a crappy game with great graphics on a Ps3 or Xbox 360, than a crappy game with crappy graphics. But that's no excuse, I agree, gameplay should be considered majorly when developing a game, but graphics should make you watch in awe. Just for the sake of engaging. Not saying anything about you personally in this, just ranting on graphics vs. gameplay.
I hardly ever agree with cheapestGamer (ok, pretty much never) but I think Sony's monumental error is that they failed to give their customers what they wanted. What their primary objective for this gen should have been was to make sure that every PS2 owner went out and bought a PS3. (Maybe it was their objective, but they failed miserably). If Sony would have succeeded in this, 360 would have been the console getting the leftovers (if it would even be in existence).

Sony's failure to secure their market share has lead to their inability to maintain their customer base and allowed M$ a bigger share. As I recall, 360's didn't exactly sell like hotcakes in the 1st year; people were waiting to see what Sony & Nintendo were going to do. Then on that E3, or wherever the prices were announced, that's when the 360s started selling (not counting the Wii).

The bigger 360 install base eroded Sony's clout to maintain the exclusives from the 3rd party developers (e.g., Final Fantasy 3, Metal Gear Solid Rising, etc.).

In my opinion, Sony has the better machine, better value for price (especially now), but they failed on getting the PS2 people to the store to buy a PS3 and it was all about price. Instead of lowering the price (like their customers wanted), they dropped the only thing that most of the PS2 people wanted--backwards compatibility.

So that's my take, sue me if you don't like it. I got a PS3 (thought I never would because I'm such a Nintendo fanboy), they still got a shot now of at least recovering to tie with M$, and that's good for video game fans because it keeps the competition alive. I really hope this is the magic price that people who've gotten their cheap HDTVs will now want blu-ray and better looking (and fun) games (like me).

I don't know how many people I see talk about Halo, Gears of War, etc., and state that Sony has no games on the PS3. I think the main issue is that you almost have to play these games to see how good they are. In my example, I bought the 160 GB Uncharted bundle (paid $200 for it new with the credit card deal), I thought Uncharted looked like a crappy game. It wasn't until I played it that I realized what a really great game it is--now it's one of my favorites. Same with Killzone 2. Even playing the demo, I didn't like it, but I got the full game now and I really like it. I don't know what Sony has to do to overcome that initial perception of their games. They also need to get PSN up to par with XBL, and change the controller (another example of them not listening to what people want--all you need to do is read the blogs and find out, it's not hard).

Also, I think cheapest is wrong about the crappy games. If you want to talk about crappy games, look at the Wii's titles. It's sad.

There are tons of great games for the PS3, and more on their way. Sure, there are crappy ones, but I have more games coming out that I can even hope to play.

Dark Void (may be bad, but looks good now)
Final Fantasy XIII
God of War III
Uncharted 2
Modern Warfare 2
Mini Ninjas (looks good so far)
Dante's Inferno (looks good so far)

What's crappy about these titles?
Out of the list you provided of games, I'm only interested in God Of War 3 right now, jh6269. Anything on PSN that's OVER $5-10 is just too overpriced IMO, even if it IS a good game. I'm not about to pay $20 or more for a game I have no resale rights to and can't flip to make $$$ for my next game.

I may try Uncharted 2, but only after I find a cheap copy of the first one again, though I gave up on Tomb Raider-esque games LONG ago.

I'm really NOT looking forward to too many other games right now and my backlog of titles is such that I don't see me paying over $20 for a game(even one I really wanna play) from here on out.

About the only games I'm looking forward to as of now are: God Of War 3, I Am Alive(assuming it's EVER published) and Red Dead Redemption.

Outside of those three, the next one I may have a passing interest in is the next GTA, but that may be a used game purchase and one I wait to get VERY cheap before I bother with it due to my dislike of the controls in GTAIV.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I may try Uncharted 2, but only after I find a cheap copy of the first one again, though I gave up on Tomb Raider-esque games LONG ago.[/QUOTE]

Well, I liked it quite a bit. The story was very compelling, there was a great action/puzzle balance, and the graphics were excellent. I played the Tomb Raider underworld, and I have to say that I didn't like it as much. Anyway, I guess it's a matter of preference, but you have to admit that it's not "crappy." I don't like God of War at all, but I wouldn't say it's crappy (and I don't like Bioshock, Left for Dead, Resident Evil, Fallout 3, and I'll admit they're great games that I have no interest in).

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I'm really NOT looking forward to too many other games right now and my backlog of titles is such that I don't see me paying over $20 for a game(even one I really wanna play) from here on out.[/QUOTE]

So you have a backlog of really crappy games? Or what? Obviously there are games you like, since you seem to buy things like my depression-era grandparents, otherwise you wouldn't have bought them.
The Target I work at still has a $399 label for the 80 gig PS3 but it scans at $299 so don't be worried if your store has an unchanged label as well.

So where does Uncharted sit when it comes to Naughty Dog's Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter games? It looks good, but so did Jak and I got tired of that franchise fast.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Wow! I've been put in my place by mykevermin. I am truly humbled. :razz: Seriously though, you even have to admit that Sony made some monumental blunders in both marketing and price this gen, Myke. They went from first to third in ONE gen.[/QUOTE]

I never said they did everything right - they indeed made a large number of mistakes - and I expected more, which is why I incorrectly predicted the slim PS3 would launch at $399.

But I think you are vastly overstating the importance of BC, and I am also vastly understating just how much you overstate. Post after post after post after post after post saying largely the same thing, and in the process you fail to realize that you are a niche gamer among niche gamers. Based on your posts, it appears that you own gaming systems but don't like anything else. And you like to remind everybody of that, time and time again.

It's just rather tiring, you know? If I were to post day in and day out about how they need to bring back compact flash card readers to the PS3 because they were great to have - and posted this argument day in and day out, would you ever begin to believe that this was a larger issue that sony has neglected, or would you decide that I am a compulsive blowhard who doesn't seem to understand when it's time to leave well enough alone.

That's the point I was trying to make: you are the gamer equivalent of the old dude on the rocking chair yelling at kids to get off his lawn, and whimsically clamoring for the days when all it took to have fun was a wooden wheel and a stick to swat it with.

Short version: dude, we fucking get your point. We got your point before Sony even considered the Slim, because it hasn't changed in that long.
[quote name='Master Ninja']

#3. Little Big Planet is on sale for $29.99 and I think SEARS had MGS4 price at $19.99


Who has LBP on sale for $30?
This guys is a fucking idiot, I never said anything about HD picture, put words in my mouth. Then you start bitching about exclusives. Well you want exclusives like DLC and left 4 dead go get a fucking 360. IDK how your enjoying anything with your PS3, if you see all the these problems. Accept the 150 dollar loss and get the fuck out of this thread. You obviously don't think much of the PS3 when you play multi-plat games, go try killzone 2 or the resistance series or warhawk. Don't come in and say the PS3 doesn't have exclusives, what Final fantasy was not secured, so I am going to bitch about. They don't need to throw money at it. It used to be developer loyalty, but everybody wants money so of course they will sell it on the 360 too. Plenty of new Sony IPs coming out, but your still going to bitch cause gears or halo is not on the PS3. One last thing, you say its taking for ever for God of war 3 to come out? When sony develops a game in house they take forever so it will be good. Not trying to bash on halo, but they don't need to churn out a new god of war every 1 to 2 years. Keep on bitching about pointless things, I wonder whats next?
bread's done