Sony ps4 camera $45 at Walmart/Amazon

I bought one of these when Toys R Us had a price mistake for $30 this past holiday season. I used it about 5 minutes and it now collects dust.

I guess it might be nice if you stream things a lot, but otherwise I don't really see the point in one of these.

Does the camera support voice commands for Netflix and Hulu?

That's my main use of Kinect: saying Play, Pause, etc. when watching video.

If the camera is required for morpheus, I'd have to imagine that it would come with the system anyway.  If it's not required, then ... well we know how much use it will be, given Sony's track record. 

And as interesting as the tech and hardware might be, let's face it...  there are probably going to be scant experiences to be had with Morpheus.  I certainly wouldn't consider buying this (already largely forgotten) accessory with the hope that you'll save some money on an accessory that isn't out yet and will likely be abandoned by developers shortly after release. 

Doesn't it retail for $59.99? So you are only saving $15. And it is pretty much useless unless you are some kind of weird freak who likes to pictochat (or whatever the fuck it is called) with strangers.

Unlike Move on the PS3, I guess there's no real use for this besides face scanning for games like MLB and video chat/show your junk on Twitch/etc., right?

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