Splinter Cell Conviction- Out now

Can you imagine a game like Splinter Cell played will Natal? Snapping necks with your own two hands...uh..ok, I didn't mean for that to sound creepy.

I hope people on here are up for playing co-op and versus. None of my friends like stealth games let alone multiplayer stealth.
I totally enjoyed the demo, but I can't justify purchasing with Lost Planet 2 and Red Dead Redemption coming out. I anticipate enjoying the latter two much more, plus Ubisoft has a really bad record with massive price drops just a few months after release. I don't like it when I can't trade a new release title for another new release title because the game I have is on sale for $30-40 all over the place :(
To alleviate any concerns about the AI or difficulty, from what I gather by talking to people who went to the April 1st co-op events...

The AI is much more alert/elite (possibly linked to the low tier vs high tier enemies I was talking about), atleast on Realistic and Co-op. Apparently, if the enemy sees you long enough to prepare to take you out (just beyond the stage of surprise), then you'll have issues doing a takedown on them, and might get countered. Possibly only in co-op, but it's neat.

Also, when you get countered/knocked down by said enemies (or downed by low health), the enemy can take one of you hostage (you can smack him, but if you put up too much of a fight, he'll execute you).

Apparently Realistic and Normal/Easy are severely differentiated in the full game. Don't think there are any HUD differences, but plenty of gameplay differences.

I also heard that there isn't always a shmuck in a dark corner waiting for you to take him down, so you can M&E everyone else. This means you'll have to consider your options.

Neat, just solidifies my purchase a little more :)

Again, if you're getting SCC, add me! (GT: Rhett819)
[quote name='carbontiger']Oh, ok, you're Rhett. I saw your friend request and was like, whotf is this? lol[/QUOTE]

lol, sorry. Can't attach notes to friend invites and I didn't feel like manually typing everything out.

Nice sig btw, awesome commercial :p
I've been countered in the demo on realistic. I know that in co-op you can be taken hostage and your teammate has to shoot the enemy to set you free
[quote name='Rhett']
Nice sig btw, awesome commercial :p[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I laugh every time I see it. I would not ignore her to play GoW, lol.

T-minus 10 days...
7 daysss. I have a backlog though, dammit!! Why do so many games have to come out now?! And May 18 is killer! 2 games the same day (PoP and Red Dead).
I just got back from Washington DC and got my (quite late) Game Informer. In the listed release dates it has Splinter Cell: Conviction as 4/7 and I was like "AWWW SHIT!!!!!" and hopped on Gamestop.com to verify .... nope, still 4/13. One would think that the mag that is put out by the very retailer selling the product would have the right dates. Oh well, T-minus 6 days and counting.
Seen a couple GTs who had the game, but no idea where they got it. Alot of people are speculating 7/11 since they had previous experience in early releases there.

Or maybe they acquired it illegally. I dunno.

Rather wait for my Amazon order super cheap :)
That works for me since it means it will take 10 hrs. in my case. I don't have THAT much free time since I have a job, a life, and like to enjoy a game not rush though it...
I'll make it a point to play this eventually, but probably just as a rental now. 5 hours for the single player hurts to hear :whistle2:(
[quote name='VipFREAK']That works for me since it means it will take 10 hrs. in my case. I don't have THAT much free time since I have a job, a life, and like to enjoy a game not rush though it...[/QUOTE]

Same. Though remove have a life and replace it with don't have one for me lol. I'll probably run through it all difficulties and hopefully get my wife to co-op it.
If anyone hasn't seen this and ordered the Collector's Edition:


Apparently some special editions are shipping with a faulty USB drive. Ubisoft announced that they are immediately dropping the price of the special edition to $70. They also plan to post a notice at the official Splinter Cell site about what to do if you receive a faulty USB drive.
No matter how much I liked the demo, a short campaign is a major negative for me.

Decided I'll pick it up later on, but definitely not right away.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Also the main single player game is... 5 hours? :\

I'll enjoy the co-op and online at least, but can't believe It's that short.

Yeah, that was a bit surprising... and then they didn't mention how long the co-op story mode is (which probably means not long either) or any real description of the multiplayer. Though the score is high, it seems like the review is not sharing the whole story.
[quote name='DomLando']What's the differences between normal and realistic?[/QUOTE]

It'll be a lot easier to die, o super hero eating bullet business. The enemies might be more alert as well, not sure.
[quote name='faceturd']Yeah, that was a bit surprising... and then they didn't mention how long the co-op story mode is (which probably means not long either) or any real description of the multiplayer. Though the score is high, it seems like the review is not sharing the whole story.[/QUOTE]

Its been said many many times that the co-op is 5-6 hours and the only multiplayer modes are 1 v 1 spies, terrorist hunt and something else
Has anyone's Amazon pre-order shipped yet? I ordered with release-day delivery and it hasn't charged me, can't be cancelled/changed, and says something like "preparing to be shipped" -- Also, I used an existing Amazon balance and it doesn't show in the Grand Total amount. It does plainly show that the balance will be/was deducted, but it doesn't show on the grand total which is weird.
[quote name='Rhett']Has anyone's Amazon pre-order shipped yet? I ordered with release-day delivery and it hasn't charged me, can't be cancelled/changed, and says something like "preparing to be shipped" -- Also, I used an existing Amazon balance and it doesn't show in the Grand Total amount. It does plainly show that the balance will be/was deducted, but it doesn't show on the grand total which is weird.[/QUOTE]

Mine's been in 'Shipping Soon' for a few hours now. If you have RDD, it'll be there tomorrow, I wouldn't worry about that. Back when ME2 launched, my copy didn't 'officially' ship out until sometime between 6-8pm and it still showed up the next day.

By the way, if it says 'Shipping Soon', you've been charged. I have no idea why you wouldn't be seeing it with whatever bank/credit card you use, but that status doesn't pop up until payment has been at least authorized.
Thanks for the confirmation. This is actually pretty funny. I bought Conviction for $29 or so. Ironically, I also just sold something on eBay for pretty much $29 (off by maybe $0.40) -- I was wondering why I was down so little, when I just moved said money from PayPal. What happened was Amazon's charge hasn't shown up yet on my account (but the money was already taken out), so I was left dumbfounded. lol. derp :drool:

Tomorrow shall be a good day.
[quote name='Rhett']Has anyone's Amazon pre-order shipped yet? I ordered with release-day delivery and it hasn't charged me, can't be cancelled/changed, and says something like "preparing to be shipped" -- Also, I used an existing Amazon balance and it doesn't show in the Grand Total amount. It does plainly show that the balance will be/was deducted, but it doesn't show on the grand total which is weird.[/QUOTE]

I paid with Amazon credit and after the promo code price drop, I contacted Amazon about getting an adjustment and getting the $5 credit back. They said that Amazon usually just holds credit when you place an order, but doesn't actually use it until the item ships, so I'll get my $5 credit back when it ships. Is that what you're asking about?
[quote name='carbontiger']I paid with Amazon credit and after the promo code price drop, I contacted Amazon about getting an adjustment and getting the $5 credit back. They said that Amazon usually just holds credit when you place an order, but doesn't actually use it until the item ships, so I'll get my $5 credit back when it ships. Is that what you're asking about?[/QUOTE]

Sorta. I didn't have quite enough to cover the game, but I used my amazon balance + the $5 code (resubmitted my order soon after my first order, to correct it). I was charged the discounted price, though the invoice doesn't show my balance in the grand total is all. Just weird. It's like the $5 code overrid the balance (noticed this issue when I ordered too), too, since it only showed $5 for the Amazon Payments. All is well though. Even if it didn't use my balance, I had something else to use it on anyway. Amazon's just weird about how they apply it.
If anyone is wanting to do the co-op go ahead and add me on XBL. If it's really only five hours I'll pry beat it tonight then be looking to do some of the co-op and it'd be nice to get a few people on my Friends List who have the game.
[quote name='FrankySox']If anyone is wanting to do the co-op go ahead and add me on XBL. If it's really only five hours I'll pry beat it tonight then be looking to do some of the co-op and it'd be nice to get a few people on my Friends List who have the game.[/QUOTE]

Adding you shortly, will have it today. You're not gonna go pew pew everyone in the room and teabag me when I'm down, are you? :D
Quality is better than quantity .

Its funny that they still have those levels that they showed three years ago at E3 when Sam was a simple homeless man running through crowds because he stole a hotdog

Thanks jebus they changed it...
Just incase someone picks up the game sooner than later and realizes "Hey, it's freezing! WTF!" -- It's the patch!

DO NOT PATCH! The day one patch causes the game to freeze consistently. Do not patch it (yet) atleast, and you'll be able to play just fine. Ubi's looking into it already. If you do patch, clear your cache and try again, without patching. Hopefully Ubi clears it up TODAY, so we can play online. Actually, I don't know how online play fairs with the patch. Just SP has been showing alot of freezing thus far.
well i got my CE this afternoon and after work im giving it a go. i have to say i really like games tha come with the artbooks. i also wonder if the usb stick i got happens to be one of the messed up ones. its kind of pathetic that this game is having issues when they delayed the release a bunch of times and have been done for like a month.
[quote name='Rhett']Just incase someone picks up the game sooner than later and realizes "Hey, it's freezing! WTF!" -- It's the patch!

DO NOT PATCH! The day one patch causes the game to freeze consistently. Do not patch it (yet) atleast, and you'll be able to play just fine. Ubi's looking into it already. If you do patch, clear your cache and try again, without patching. Hopefully Ubi clears it up TODAY, so we can play online. Actually, I don't know how online play fairs with the patch. Just SP has been showing alot of freezing thus far.[/QUOTE]

Thanx for the heads up. My brother's is crashing somewhere in the second mission (twice, he replayed it back to the same point to see it crash again).
[quote name='slickkill77']I wish Amon Tobin was hired for the music in this one. The music he did for Chaos Theory was awesome[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I have that soundtrack. I have to agree.

Thanks for the heads up Rhett.
Have you heard the Chaos Theory game rip version of the music? So much better than the Official Soundtrack. All the tracks are over 8 minutes except one song. Some are even 15 minutes.
[quote name='carbontiger']No just the soundtrack. I even like the Double Agent soundtrack.[/QUOTE]

I'll pm the link to you. I love the DA soundtrack too. Then again I have all the soundtracks for the Splinter Cell games
[quote name='graf1k']Damn day one patch. I really want to play this today but I hate getting achievements offline.[/QUOTE]

Ya, seriously. Makes you wonder if it was rushed.

[quote name='slickkill77']I'll pm the link to you. I love the DA soundtrack too. Then again I have all the soundtracks for the Splinter Cell games[/QUOTE]

Thanks mang. DA: Iceland Fight Theme ftw :D
Wow, five hours for an entire campaign? It looks like it is an amazing game, and while I am very interested in playing it there is no way I would buy the game.

The multiplayer is more then likely not going to be able to compete with proven, solid MP games and obviously the single player campaign is not long enough to warrant a buy, either.
Just got the game today, really like it so far. I'm just starting
the Washington Monument/carnival mission

So far I can recommend the game. Just remember that this is NOT the Splinter Cell you are used to. The game is much more heavily based on killing compared to previous games. Stealth still plays a huge role, but not as much as previous games. From the roughly 90 minutes I've played, I'd compare it to playing an action movie.

I'm planning to have a review up on Sunday, so anyone on the fence can read that and hopefully make a decision.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Wow, five hours for an entire campaign? It looks like it is an amazing game, and while I am very interested in playing it there is no way I would buy the game.

The multiplayer is more then likely not going to be able to compete with proven, solid MP games and obviously the single player campaign is not long enough to warrant a buy, either.[/QUOTE]

There's also the co-op campaign. I would rather have it that way. People complain if a campaign is too long for no reason yet if a campaign is short but good they complain as well. If the co-op campaign was just single player instead which would of turned the sp into a 10 hourish game would people be happy?

There's no reason to elongate a story for just for length. Plus most games these days don't have long single player campaigns as it is. MW2, ODST come to mind immediately.
bread's done