Standing in line for hours for PS3?


CAG Veteran
I know it is a bit early but I want to get a head start on this because it will be my first time waiting in line for maybe 10 + hours to get a PS3. Never done this before so anyone with experince come on tell us and tells us how it went? When you should get in line? What you need to take with you? And don't forget to tell your story and what you thought of it?
For the 360 launch I went at 10PM and I missed a Premium by 1 person, who cut.

I say take a GBA, PSP, or DS and a MP3 player. Something to drink and maybe some snacks.

Make sure you make friends with the person behind you so you can take a piss.
One of the things I've always seen happen is that someone, possibly you, makes numbers allowing people to leave for a couple of minutes to take a piss or run to a 24 hour McDonalds for a cup of coffee. If you're gone for half an hour or more, you're kicked off the line. It's a good system that cuts down on the confusion of everything. Also, have someone ask how many PS3s the store of your choice got the night before simply to keep you from sitting on a line for 12 hours and ending up with jack shit.
[quote name='whoknows']Is it really going to require 12 hours of sitting in line to get a PS3?[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah. I remember before the 360 launch numbers were released that everyone thought it would be hunky-dory to waltz into a Walmart and pick one up. Than the numbers came out. I believe it was 400k-500k. Since the PS3 is 400k than it should be very similar.

People who preordered the 360 didn't get theres until about 2 months after launch.

I was going to go to Walmart so I didn't have to stand outside, but they had people lining up at 3PM the day before. They had too many people in line by 6PM.
i went in at 8pm for a 360.... sold out the midnight allotment, and alot of people left (60+). i guess no one read the minimum 20 per store in the fine print. i was #15.... so i had to wait 13+ hours for a 360..... and well, i couldn't play it for another 13 (called in late for sleep.)

from what the employees at best buy said....people lined up from 8am that morning to get a 360 at midnight.... considering ps3 launch allocations and your location.... you're looking at a possible 12+ hour campout for it...
Well, guess I'm camping out for over 12 hours. Just have to decide which store I'm going to try.

EDIT: I'm guessing Best Buy/Circuit City will be the busiest places, so any recommendations?
If they had enough systems it wouldn't be a problem. I bought my GBA on launch day and Walmart had boxxes of and didn't care if I preordered it or not.
[quote name='jennie25']there is no "OFFICIAL" launch date for the ps3 yet is there? it's still november, correct?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']Is it really going to require 12 hours of sitting in line to get a PS3?[/QUOTE]

Maybe even more... think, the PS2's popularity is 3x-4x that of the Xboxes. And the initial launch numbers will only be .3x as much as the 360's.

If anything, this system will bank $1500+ easily on eBay depending on when those extra shipments come in.
I have to say this is absurd. I remember Sega had the COURTESY with the DC to actually have a midnight launch and people who preordered the DC were set and just had to wait 3 hours or so, maybe more but not nearly this absurdity and stupidity. Sony and MS should be shot for making people wait this long. They're genuine assholes for making people do so.
[quote name='Sarang01']I have to say this is absurd. I remember Sega had the COURTESY with the DC to actually have a midnight launch and people who preordered the DC were set and just had to wait 3 hours or so, maybe more but not nearly this absurdity and stupidity. Sony and MS should be shot for making people wait this long. They're genuine assholes for making people do so.[/QUOTE]

They aren't making anyone wait in line. The demand for their product is there, so they don't have to do anything.
[quote name='Sarang01']I have to say this is absurd. I remember Sega had the COURTESY with the DC to actually have a midnight launch and people who preordered the DC were set and just had to wait 3 hours or so, maybe more but not nearly this absurdity and stupidity. Sony and MS should be shot for making people wait this long. They're genuine assholes for making people do so.[/QUOTE]

As someone else said no one is making you wait.

Not only that but the lines are a great way to get the word out, it's free advertising so why the hell not. Last year the number one story of the day on the paper was the Xbox 360 and its long lines.
They could at least bring hot dogs and make a party out of it David. Too much Free Press can be wasted too. Personally I think when Sega launched the last NFL2K they should've had a midnight bit with Football players around to sign things and Hot Dogs and other things served like a mock tailgating party as well as a demo kiosk of it set up.
I just see good chances not fully taken advantage of sometimes, besides how often does a console launch happen? It wouldn't kill them. I hope Nintendo has a midnight Wii launch or someone convinces them to. I'd love to have it at Costco just for the guarantee, maybe I can convince em'. :D
I will be waiting 12 hours+. Planning on checking regularly with Wal-Mart to confirm that they're getting them in and where to line up. My wife and I are waiting together to score 2 systems and the 16th I will head in around 6-8 a.m. Once in line my wife will run to go get food or anything else we might need. I will probably take my portable DVD player, DS and maybe PSONE/LCD. With all these items and hopefully good people in line everything will go smoothly.
[quote name='Quackzilla']um, last time I bought a new console on the release date I preordered it and just walked past a long line and picked it up...[/QUOTE]

I guess you've been living in a deep dark basement these past few months because pre-orders are not happening. Now if you have a mom & pop game shop or have an inside contact that is about the only way you're getting a pre-order.
[quote name='rabbitt']They aren't making anyone wait in line. The demand for their product is there, so they don't have to do anything.[/QUOTE]
Wow, I learned today that the demand is there more than I thought. Sony saying people will work overtime to afford a PS3 wasn't very far off. I was at Gamestop, and somehow got into a coversation with the employee's about PS3 launch. One of them was selling his plasma so he could afford a PS3 :shock:
[quote name='whoknows']Wow, I learned today that the demand is there more than I thought. I was at Gamestop, and somehow got into a coversation with the employee's about PS3 launch. One of them was selling his plasma so he could afford a PS3 :shock:[/QUOTE]

The perfect example of the crazy ass dumbfuck Sony fanboy.



Sorry got bored.
I wouldn't stand in line for more than a few minutes if I was giving someone 600 bucks of my hard earned cash to buy anything let alone just a PS3. My question is what the hell type of games will be availalbe at launch to even warrant a purchase at launch anyway?
For me I'll probably end up camping for 18-24 hours. Sucks that North Jersey is so populated. I remember in order to get my Xbox Three-Shitty I had to camp for 7 hours, and that was in January after a lot of people already had their consoles, and this was at a Walmart in a less populated area. Hopefully Sony won't do what M$ did and release defective products, I can't wait for this. My suggestion is bring friends and find something to keep you occupied. The sheer excitement and thrill of camping out should be enough to keep you awake, but having friends there so you can take shifts sleeping is also good.
It's kind of depressing that I'm thinking of waiting in line to get one just to sell for a huge profit instead of getting one for the excitement/fun of having a new system.
[quote name='willardhaven']It's kind of depressing that I'm thinking of waiting in line to get one just to sell for a huge profit instead of getting one for the excitement/fun of having a new system.[/QUOTE]

I think a lot of people will look at ebay when they get home and think... hmmm if i open my ps3 right now then i wont be able to get 600-1000 profit off ebay...

Is it worth it?

Hard to say.I would hate to wait another 3-6months just to be able to buy a ps3 and play games on it.

Expect at least a 12 hour wait for a ps3.
I would choose Bestbuy simply because i know there system.And the PRP is great.
Walk into ANY bestbuy a week before launch
Have the media rep Look up in their system (AS YOUR STANDING right next to them and can view the screen as well) and have them see how many each store in the region is getting. And go to the store that is getting the most in for launch.

For the ps2 launch people that came and stood in line at 4am got one. they were lucky that that specific store got 90 units in for launch. But most stores wont get that many.
[quote name='willardhaven']It's kind of depressing that I'm thinking of waiting in line to get one just to sell for a huge profit instead of getting one for the excitement/fun of having a new system.[/QUOTE]

you're not the only one. Normally, I would wait it out, but if I can get hundreds of dollars in profit for about a day's "work", I'm up for it. Problem is, I don't think I can find anyone else to join me, so I'll be by my lonesome.
[quote name='willardhaven']It's kind of depressing that I'm thinking of waiting in line to get one just to sell for a huge profit instead of getting one for the excitement/fun of having a new system.[/QUOTE]
I might sell mine...I'd have to check ebay and then think about it. It really will come down to how badly I want to play it then.
[quote name='whoknows']I might sell mine...I'd have to check ebay and then think about it. It really will come down to how badly I want to play it then.[/QUOTE]

yea, that is my plan too. If it really isn't going for that much, I'll hang on to it since I was planning on getting one anyway. Plus resistance looks like it might be cool, and supposedly DMC4 is coming out "winter 2007" (Early next year) according to GI.
[quote name='cdeener']I wouldn't stand in line for more than a few minutes if I was giving someone 600 bucks of my hard earned cash to buy anything let alone just a PS3. My question is what the hell type of games will be availalbe at launch to even warrant a purchase at launch anyway?[/quote]

The same things that warranted a 360 purchase at Launch.

Just so you can have it.

If you dont want it, then good. Gets another person out of line!
[quote name='Zmonkay']hmmm, actually, legos may not be a bad idea when u have to sit at walmart for 12 hrs...[/QUOTE]

Sadly that set doesn't come out into January. Of course you might be in line until then. :)
People who wait in line all night for a console are pathetic.

Do you really need a PSP/Xbox360/PS3/Wii/whatever the fuck comes out next that bad that you can't wait a week?

Plus I always love watching the people sitting in the cold and rain. I think the video game companies love that too,just watch people freeze outside in the winter and they go "DUmb Americans". hehe
Ive also never done it before.... how does it work as far as the physical line area say for example at BB? is there a sign that WILL be there a day in advace sayiong "FIRST PERSON HERE" ? just wondering cause even though i am number 5 on the preorder list at Wherehouse Music i want to guarantee a release one
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']Ive also never done it before.... how does it work as far as the physical line area say for example at BB? is there a sign that WILL be there a day in advace sayiong "FIRST PERSON HERE" ? just wondering cause even though i am number 5 on the preorder list at Wherehouse Music i want to guarantee a release one[/QUOTE]

no there is no sign outside of bestbuy.

You will be starting the line outside of the entrance doors to bestbuy. probably when the store is still open if u want to be first . then u just..wait.....and .....wait.... people will come and line up behind you. the store is now closed all employees gone for the night...wait and wait......
12 hours in line... minimum double up of your investment = 600+, 600/12=50 per hour... wow, seems like a gold mine if you can get your hands on one and the ebay/craigslist demand is there. Wouldnt the best odds of getting one be in middle of no where stores???
[quote name='dpatel']yea, that is my plan too. If it really isn't going for that much, I'll hang on to it since I was planning on getting one anyway. Plus resistance looks like it might be cool, and supposedly DMC4 is coming out "winter 2007" (Early next year) according to GI.[/QUOTE]

If DMC4 is coming out early next year I am holding onto my PS3 for dear life. No way will I risk not having one when that game comes out :p

[quote name='Ivanhoe']no there is no sign outside of bestbuy.

You will be starting the line outside of the entrance doors to bestbuy. probably when the store is still open if u want to be first . then u just..wait.....and .....wait.... people will come and line up behind you. the store is now closed all employees gone for the night...wait and wait......[/QUOTE]

So if you just go stand outside the entrance the employee's will probably just figure you're in line for the PS3?
[quote name='Quackzilla']People who wait in line all night for a console are pathetic.

Do you really need a PSP/Xbox360/PS3/Wii/whatever the fuck comes out next that bad that you can't wait a week?[/quote]

So you wouldnt stand in line for 1000-1500 bucks?
i didn't get a 360 at launch, but i got in in the next shipment at best buy. I was there at 4:30pm, the day before. Was in line for about 15 1/2 hours. It was mid december and it was freezing. I was fourth in line, my wife came by a couple of times to hold my spot so i could pee/warm up. The back of the line has a couple of fights and gun drawn on somebody. If you really want one at launch, and you have cold weather in your area in nov get thermal underwear, nice warm socks, and those little hand warmer things. Grab a book/handheld and be prepared to not move much for hours.
[quote name='ryanbph']i didn't get a 360 at launch, but i got in in the next shipment at best buy. I was there at 4:30pm, the day before. Was in line for about 15 1/2 hours. It was mid december and it was freezing. I was fourth in line, my wife came by a couple of times to hold my spot so i could pee/warm up. The back of the line has a couple of fights and gun drawn on somebody. If you really want one at launch, and you have cold weather in your area in nov get thermal underwear, nice warm socks, and those little hand warmer things. Grab a book/handheld and be prepared to not move much for hours.[/QUOTE]

This is why Wal_mart is the best place for a console launch; 24/7 no worry about the elements.
[quote name='neudog']This is why Wal_mart is the best place for a console launch; 24/7 no worry about the elements.[/quote]

Why is that?

-So I guess I will have to get in line before the store even closes and wait. Get maybe a huge book from a library that I like and my mp3 phone to take with me.

I hope there isn't much trouble in lines. Someone mentioned earlier making friends with people line is that a good thing to do?

I live in California [Milpitas] Small city in fact it only has one zip code, for people who are not familiar with it is next to San Jose and about 40 miles away from San Francisco.

We have good weather here but come November it will get cold and with the weather it was last year it's unpredictable how cold it will get especially over night. I tried sleeping in my car outside and that was really hard never made it. It was just too cold even with my heavy hood sweater.

-Taking about sleeping is that something you avoid doing at all cost or it is no big deal if you take a nap for couple of hours?
Make SURE that people aren't randomly cutting in line. I didn't get a Premium 360 because some soccer mom and her hillbilly friends let each other cut in line all the time. A bunch of hicks playing country music and talking about "that eBay thang" walked up and smiled at all of us. I had been standing in line since 4 am, and Kmart was set to open at 8 am. Needless to say, a couple punches were thrown but the cops weren't called. Later on, the manager gave us a couple "$50 off" coupons so that I only had to put down $350 for my 360 in two months. Not a terrible deal, I guess.
Is there anyone in Central VA (Harrisonburg, Culpeper, Fredericksburg, Charlottesville) that is looking to camp for a PS3? Because I'd be by myself, and having a fellow CAG would be great.
[quote name='neudog']This is why Wal_mart is the best place for a console launch; 24/7 no worry about the elements.[/QUOTE]

They also don't care about preorders. Just ask and you ill be handed one, most of the time.
so how do you define which side of the store to line up on? whats stopping some one from being first on the other side and saying that he was first?...

I plan on camping out with my buddy... playing psp's all night, and watching dvd's... we'll see how it goes... i am going to stop by at like 4 pm day before and if there is anyone in line i am going to get in line... other wise wait till 5 or 6 when it gets dark...
bread's done