Star Trek: Original MP Collection (Blu-Ray) $65, ST:TNG MP Collection (Blu-Ray) $45


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LOL I thought from the title that they made a ST:TNG complete TV set collection on Bluray and putting them out at a really insane price. Alas these are only the movie sets. I'm happy enough with my VHS copies of the movies.
[quote name='fairyland']LOL I thought from the title that they made a ST:TNG complete TV set collection on Bluray and putting them out at a really insane price. Alas these are only the movie sets. I'm happy enough with my VHS copies of the movies.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I was really excited and then mildly disappointed.
Big tease !
Change the title will ya?
Star Trek: The Next Generation Motion Picture Collection
Only so many characters you can put in the subject field. I guess I didn't figure anyone would think you could get 7 seasons of TNG for $40. I put "MP" in each title, but that's about all I had room for. Sorry for any confusion.
[quote name='fairyland']LOL I thought from the title that they made a ST:TNG complete TV set collection on Bluray and putting them out at a really insane price. Alas these are only the movie sets. I'm happy enough with my VHS copies of the movies.[/QUOTE]

I thought the same damn thing.
I'd normally bite, but I feel there will be remastered editions available before long.
fyi... i believe BestBuy has most of the individual movies for $9.99 each.
[quote name='jp2']I'd normally bite, but I feel there will be remastered editions available before long.
fyi... i believe BestBuy has most of the individual movies for $9.99 each.[/QUOTE]

Wait, these aren't remastered? I thought they were!

I have all of them on DVD, but recently watching them on HDNET in 1080P looked so much better than my DVD version. Since they looked amazing on HDNET, I thought the BluRay transfers would look amazing as well.

EDIT: After reading some reviews, only TWOK was restored, but they all come from an HD source and still look amazing. I am definitely considering these sets to upgrade my DVDs.
Star Trek III actually looks pretty bad on Blu-Ray, but it's not exactly the most important Trek film, either.

The Next Generation Collection is great in every way and there's no reason to wait for a remastered version as that will probably never happen.
Down to $39.99 for the originals and $33.49 for TNG. Ouch! I went in for $54.99 about a year ago to the date.
bread's done