Star Wars: BattleFront

Offline, I didn't find it all that fun - similar to Counterstrike offline (except for getting to take potshots at Ewoks) but online it's a pretty good game - theres some lag and the graphics IMO leave something to be desired, but you do get to use a ton of vehicles from the movies. I think Halo 2 is a better Xbox live game, but for the PS2. Battlefront is one of the best online titles.
I found SW:Battlefront to be an average game. Offline was pointless.....nothing really too exciting there. Online was ok, but it got repetitve. I believe there is only one ONLINE mode. I traded it in.
I enjoy the online and offline. Not a big Star Wars fan either. Its the war concept. Once you get an idea of where you need to hold down, constantly respawning at your base to protect and over throw the near by land.

Its also really cool rolling with the Empire and having Vader rolling with your crew. He hacks up everyone. You command your guys to run with you into the frey. Halo2 is great and all but try getting 85 kills in one match.

Its intense once you figure the system out. Try playing a few matchs head to head offline with a friend. That is the best way to learn it.

Mechassault 2 is better than both of them
The online was total chaos. LAGLAG all the time. If you know a group to team up with then it might be okay. I had more fun offline than online due to the gamers found online. Definitely rent it first.
I thought it was a good game. Offline is fun is you put it on hard and you play some Galactic Conquest. Online is also fun. Although, it is a good game, it doesn't compete with the games that're coming out recently (Halo 2, MechAssault 2, Ghost Recon 2).
I played the Star Wars: Battlefront demo at Best Buy, and the game seems to be a lot of fun. The graphics look very nice too...:D
The graphics aren't that great, it uses the old GTA trick.. adding blurs and whatnot.

If you have Live or play online somehow, this game is worth every penny you pay.. if not, it's not worth more than $10. Same way with CS on XBox.
Just rented this and found it fairly average. Single Player mode was bleh (no story at all just a series of battles - more like practice for multiplayer.)

Multiplayer was also a big letdown.. even games with 6-8 players were laggy and add to that a very awkward lobby/game search system (although perhaps I'm spoiled by Halo 2's lobby goodness.)

Really wanted to like this but with so many better Xbox Live titles out there.. pass until you can get it for $10
didnt really like it at all! no need to flame me people i just didnt find it really that fun at all the first hour was ok then i got really repetative and the first person veiw is so horribaly put together and dosent do anything justice at all
Before Halo 2 came out I loved playing this game. Very fun, but as a lot of people here are saying, there is an issue with the Lag and the fact that the game does not take advantage of Live 3.0 is stupid.

They are currently working on a patch to fix the lag and a new map for download. Let hope they put out something soon. [-o<

I'd give it a 8/10
I think the game is a good SW game except Halo 2 just keeps getting in the way... as i was playing it online every night untill i got halo 2
bread's done