Star wars Episode 3


Oh man, finally got around to watching the 'extra disk' of the DVD trilogy and its doing its advertising job.. after watching the feature of 'episode 3 the return of darth vadar' I'm already excited for the next movie!
the whole thing is about 10 minutes.. coolest/geeky thing :) is they show obiwan and anakin 'practicing' a light saber duel... at the very end we see what looks like a 'dress rehearsal' The whole clip focuses on the coolness of vadar... making the 'new' old mask.. watching anakin put it on for the first time.. very good!
[quote name='Dok Diamond']I didnt think episode II was that bad but episode I sucked ass[/quote]

I agree Dok.
Both I and II were great movies.. maybe not up to the level of the first trilogy, but still excellent movies. I get sick of fanboy geek whining about Star Wars, I really do.
While watching the clip, I got the feeling that III will make it all ok. I always thought that Lucas had a 'tough job' with the first 2 because those were all builiding up to did anakin become vadar.

Watching the old trailers on the disk is cheesy.

The documentary on the making (I"m halfway through) is VERY insightful. The extra disk alone makes the trilogy DVD set worth picking up.
If you liked the Episode III preview...Also go look into the video game section on the same menu and find "making of episode III video game". It's located under the game board over on the left and watch that. It has more great footage of the big duel of Anakin and ObiWan......
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Both I and II were great movies.. maybe not up to the level of the first trilogy, but still excellent movies. I get sick of fanboy geek whining about Star Wars, I really do.[/quote]

By no way am I a Star Wars fan boy, I have never owned a SW toy and I personally hate George Lucas. In now way can the these two movies be called great, the only reason to even consider calling them good is because the title has Star Wars in it. Episode II has some of the worst acting in a movie that I have ever seen and I have seen "Even dwarves started small." Case in point the scene were they are chasing the shape shifing assassin, the whole dialoge in that scene must have been written by children. "How many times have I told you to stay away from power blah blah blah" That is pure Drivel!

I enjoyed the first trilogy and just expected much better films out of these newer ones and the specail edition version of the original. In most cases as a direct ages his work get more complex and just better overall, in Lucas's case he should be directing episodes of Sesame Street.

Wow that is my first rant on this board :D
Well, I think the original trilogy set the bar SOOOO high, the rest of the movies do not seem as good. In all honesty though, I enjoyed EP I & II. I thought they were decent films....not classics like the 1st 3, but still good. Honestly, the acting in the oriinal trilogy was not "great" by any means....I found myself chuckling at a few parts because of bad dialog in the original 3.
[quote name='doubledown']Well, I think the original trilogy set the bar SOOOO high, the rest of the movies do not seem as good. In all honesty though, I enjoyed EP I & II. I thought they were decent films....not classics like the 1st 3, but still good. Honestly, the acting in the oriinal trilogy was not "great" by any means....I found myself chuckling at a few parts because of bad dialog in the original 3.[/quote]

I think you hit it on the head dude. I like Episode I and II, but there is no way they could recapture the magic and impact that the original trilogy had in the late 70's and early 80's. Even with the fairly generic formula driven story of the first trilogy, the technology made it stand out. Let's face it, Mark Hamill's acting in Episode IV is not going to win any awards. The first trilogy had a coolness and newness factor that can't be duplicated.

The same thing happened with The Matrix. It had that same newness and coolness factor, even though other movies had tread into that territory before The Matix did (ahem Dark City). In between The Matirx and Reloaded th ough, plenty of other movies came out that were just as cool. Plus The Matrix, like the original Trilogy just set a high bar. If you look at Episode I and II and Reloaded and Revolutions on their own, all four are good popcorn movies with good action, even if the stories don't make a whole lot of sense and the acting is not great.
Episode I and II will be the "classics" to kids that are 12 years old now. The original Star Wars series is from our childhood so naturally we like it more. Now that we are older and wiser, the newer films don't seem to impress us as much. When we were very young kids, we were easily impressed. You can't expect the new films to make us feel like an 8 year old would about them. I like the new films for what they are. Please remember that Lucas is trying to please kids AND adults and he is trying to finish the story. Example: Jar Jar is for the young kids and Darth Maul is for the Adults. Just be glad the first 3 films are even being made at all. I am looking forward to Episode III.....
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Both I and II were great movies.. maybe not up to the level of the first trilogy, but still excellent movies. I get sick of fanboy geek whining about Star Wars, I really do.[/quote]

[quote name='Dok Diamond']I didnt think episode II was that bad but episode I sucked ass[/quote]

I actually prefer Episode II to everything except Empire ...

Yeah, that includes A New Hope.

Yeah, fuck you too.
[quote name='Goodtone'] Example: Jar Jar is for the young kids and Darth Maul is for the Adults. Just be glad the first 3 films are even being made at all. I am looking forward to Episode III.....[/quote]

I understand this but why was Jar Jar on the screen 80% of the time and Darth Maul 2% of the time. Honestly that is my biggest gripe with the film. (I would have been fine with Darth Maul 25% of the time but he had no screen time at all)

I expected to feel like I did when I walked out of LotR or the Matrix (all 3 for me) when I left the theater after episode I & II not like an 8 year old kid again.

EDIT: I do love how Jar Jar technically set the wheels in motion for the begining of the Republic :twisted:
I just dont think episode I lived up to all the hype, I liked episode II just episdoe I just didnt seem that great to me and im not a damn fanboy.
And died way to fast for some dude they built a clone army after. wait that makes sense, no wander the storm troopers can seem to kill anyone, or even hurt someone. For christsakes they can not even kill an ewok and those things waddle around, they can't even run!

Some someone screwed up when they appointed him as the dude to be cloned.
[quote name='notfromtexas']Jango was a dumb character.[/quote]

How is Jango a dumb character? His character explained where Boba as well as all the stormtroopers came from.
IMO, which is meager and pointless I didnt like Jango Fett at all. I didnt think Boba Fett needed an explanation. Boba Fett was a character created for the Star wars Holiday special, who they decided to use in the movies. He didnt even play a big part in the movies, he followed Han to Bespin and then carried him back to Tatooine and then died by accident. Boba Fett is this huge character in the Star Wars universe now, but in reality he didnt really do much, they even referenced him in the last of the New Jedi order books.

As far as Jango the Fett. Yes i call him Jango the Fett. I didnt think his character had any personality or charisma that made you appreciate him. He wasn't smart or witty, he wasnt a very good fighter it turns out, and he dies really easy for the ""best"" bounty hunter in the galaxy. Maybe i just didnt wanna see Boba Fett without his mask, which is what Jango was. I didnt wanna know he was a real person, it was so much cooler (if you think Boba fett is cool) when all you saw was an armored warrior with no emotion. Lets not overlook the fact that he needed a perfect clone of himself? What Jango? Not good with the ladies? Having kids sux, but having sex is fun :)
Also not to be a fanboy, but the current storm troopers are no longer clones i dont think. Thats why they are all different heights and weights.
[quote name='notfromtexas'] He wasn't smart or witty, he wasnt a very good fighter it turns out, and he dies really easy for the ""best"" bounty hunter in the galaxy.[/quote]

Hey I figured this part out. It explains everything, he was the best because he outsourced :D You see it clear as day in Episode II, he did not try to kill the beautiful Miss. Portman he hired someone else, that is how he worked. If you can not do it yourself hire someone else that can :roll:

He just made the other bounty hunters sign a nondisclosure contract of their deal.
[quote name='notfromtexas']Also not to be a fanboy, but the current storm troopers are no longer clones i dont think. Thats why they are all different heights and weights.[/quote]

No they are not....they are all supposed to be the same. Thus when Leia sees luke in the stormtrooper outfit she says "arent you a little small for a stormtrooper".
Well I liked episode 1 and 2... o.k. really only the final duel scene. Thats one thing everybody I know who saw them agree on. Who didn't like the battle between Darh Maul vs Obi-wan and Qui-Gon and who can forget the infamous battle of Count Dooku vs master Yoda. If all goes well then the final battle in 3 should even top those two (got my fingers crossed)
The difference between the OT and the NT is that even though they both had cheesy lines and akward moments the NT seems kiddie compared to the OT. The OT had its cheesy moments, but it never, ever seemed kiddie. The inclusion of Jar Jar screams, "I want kids to love this movie so I can sell them a bunch of toys".

At least the OT had quality actors giving us cheesy lines, but now we have crappy actors giving us cheesy lines which makes everything a lot worse.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Dok Diamond']I didnt think episode II was that bad but episode I sucked ass[/quote]

I actually prefer Episode II to everything except Empire ...

Yeah, that includes A New Hope.

Yeah, shaq-fu you too.[/quote]

Well I think that AotC was better then RotJ, RotJ just has way too many problems with it. But AotC is still not as good at ESB and ANH.

[quote name='Ericnmel99'][quote name='notfromtexas']Also not to be a fanboy, but the current storm troopers are no longer clones i dont think. Thats why they are all different heights and weights.[/quote]

No they are not....they are all supposed to be the same. Thus when Leia sees luke in the stormtrooper outfit she says "arent you a little small for a stormtrooper".[/quote]

did lucas change the voice of the stormtroopers so they sound like clonetroopers ? I know that some stormtrooprs talk in ANH. And that he did change boba's voice to jive with the past.
Good point about the outsourcing. I thought the same thing when i watched it, i was like what the hell, just go kill her!! I dont think the storm troopers were supposed to be clones anymore.
I've found that when watching Ep. 1 and 2 I enjoy them so much more when I can fast forward past scenes with Jar Jar and Hayden Christensen's horrible acting. eliminate around 30-45 minutes from each movie and they are good.

I do have to say I think both movies are missing one of hte coolest things from the first trilogy, which is awesome space battles. Destroying the death star is considerably ore appealing that watching a battle occur in an arena. I'm hoping the new one has a kickass starship battle.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Both I and II were great movies.. maybe not up to the level of the first trilogy, but still excellent movies. I get sick of fanboy geek whining about Star Wars, I really do.[/quote]

Once again we are in agreement on a movie, or movies. I think they were enjoyable and this "doesnt live up to", & "not a real star wars" junk is just beyond me. And Pointless.

Lucas ruined Boba Fett with the release of Episode II. It's so sad, fans of Boba unite and mourn the passing of our beloved hero..
[quote name='Quackzilla']Episode 1 > Episode 2

Ep. 2 was a boring love story with a big battle at the end.[/quote]

I'm one of the few to agree... It was nearly unbearable to sit through all the corny ass love scenes thrown in there.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Quackzilla']Episode 1 > Episode 2

Ep. 2 was a boring love story with a big battle at the end.[/quote]

I'm one of the few to agree... It was nearly unbearable to sit through all the corny ass love scenes thrown in there.[/quote]

I'd rather watch Natalie Portman for an hour than Jar Jar. Or ewoks.
I can no longer summon any excitement at all for anything Star Wars related. It's just been run into the ground and wasn't that great to begin with. It made a huge impression when the first one came out because I was 12, the so-called golden age of Science Fiction. Even then I knew many of the books I read were vastly superior but had no hope of ever being made into films because it would require too much thought on the audience's part. The Star Wars movies consist of a lot of very pretty set pieces held together with a script that completely falls apart under any consideration by someone older than the target audience.

Frankly, I'm looking forward more to the second half of the current season of Stargate SG-1 than Episode III. I'll see Episode III when someone lends me the DVD. I'm in no hurry.
I like episodes I & II and am with some of you guys that are sick of hearing the whining about how Jar Jar ruined 'One' and what ever else they want to complain about. Don't watch it if you don't like it. The acting and dialogue in parts is totally lame but you can say that about all of the movies. I will say the lightsaber battles are incredible in I and II and it makes fights like ObiWan and Vader in IV look like two kids hitting sticks together. I am looking forward to III mostly because it's a darker episode which is what made Empire Strikes Back one of the best if not thee best so far.
I thought episode I was fairly decent. Darth Maul was a pretty cool villian and the acting wasn't half bad. But episode II was absolutely horrible. The last fight with yoda was just ridiculous. The one thing I don't understand is that both Natalie Portman and Ewan MgGregor are both pretty good actors, but somehow the both of them are just horrible in the star wars movies.
[quote name='notfromtexas']IMO, which is meager and pointless I didnt like Jango Fett at all. I didnt think Boba Fett needed an explanation. Boba Fett was a character created for the Star wars Holiday special, who they decided to use in the movies. He didnt even play a big part in the movies, he followed Han to Bespin and then carried him back to Tatooine and then died by accident. Boba Fett is this huge character in the Star Wars universe now, but in reality he didnt really do much, they even referenced him in the last of the New Jedi order books.


You sir, are not a Star wars fanboy, whihc has been made obvious by the fact that you think Boba Fett died on Tatooine in ROTJ. That's is wrong as he is brouhgt up again several times through out the expanded universe and in particular the Star Wars Comics, with Dark Empire.
the best thing about eps 1/2 were the trailers- they quashed a full movie into a 3 monute trailer and it looked/sounded/appeared it would be awesome.
even now i can more easily recollect my feelings upon seeing the first trailer and anticipating its release instead of going to the theatre and actually seeing it
[quote name='Scrubking']The difference between the OT and the NT is that even though they both had cheesy lines and akward moments the NT seems kiddie compared to the OT. The OT had its cheesy moments, but it never, ever seemed kiddie. The inclusion of Jar Jar screams, "I want kids to love this movie so I can sell them a bunch of toys".

At least the OT had quality actors giving us cheesy lines, but now we have crappy actors giving us cheesy lines which makes everything a lot worse.[/quote]


I'm finally going to see the Trilogy...or part of it, anyway. Tonight, I'm going to one of my friend's houses to see A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and the Episode III preview. I'd watch Return of the Jedi too, but I have a curfew...and there's the fact that I can't legally drive between midnight and 5AM because I'm under 18.

Oh well...I'm trying. I want to be a true geek...not an imposter! :)
[quote name='Dok Diamond']I didnt think episode II was that bad but episode I sucked ass[/quote]

I thought that Episode II did the same as ESB as it made the movie go in a more darker direction. episode I truly isn't a bad movie when you think about it but Jar Jar at times can get annoying.
Hiccuplover, i was using context. I was speaking only in the context of ROTJ. I have read every starwars book(excluding the crappy pre-new hope books) written so far and I know of all the Boba Fett nonsense, i read both accounts of his escape from the sarlac, i read about his betrayals of all the other bounty hunters in the bounty hunter trilogy. I read about how 40 years from new hope he has his last showdown with Han Solo even though he is old and has artificial legs. I read how "Jodo Kast"(the fett impersonator) was almost captured by Corran Horn. trust me I AM A FANBOY!!!!!! sad as it is.
ok my last post was TOO anti-fett. There were some cool storylines using Boba Fett, if i had to pick one, i would say when Boba Fett was stalking Han and Lando shoots him with the dart and tells him to get into his ship and randomly pick a coordinate, that part was cool. Also when Boba finally gives up the chase in Rebel dawn and delivers the message from the girl to han on tantooine, but then 20 minutes later when Han comes into the docking bay and Boba Fett is with Jabba. That was a big continuity error between the "expanded universe" and the movies. Just had to throw that in lol. I know George Lucas cant be totally on top of everything.

Ewoks are not even a tenth of what Jar Jar is. They don't come across to me as cute and cudly. There are just little furry monsters that happened to live in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The ewoks are more a part of the scenery than anything else while Jar Jar is an all up in your face character that you can't forget of because he makes sure to remind you that he is there in almost every scene.

And on a side note I really hate the "Star Wars sucks unless it is all hard-ass killing, maiming and blood shed" mentality.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Both I and II were great movies.. maybe not up to the level of the first trilogy, but still excellent movies. I get sick of fanboy geek whining about Star Wars, I really do.[/quote]

Nicely put. I second that.

I'm not a Star Wars OMFG! knowitall, so could someone explain...

*eh, spoilers for those who've never seen Star Wars and live under a bridge*

Could someone explain WHY Anakin turns into Darth Vader? Or maybe he doesn't and I'm completely stupid?
bread's done