Star Wars Episode III Plot, Pics, SPOILERS galore!!! LINK SHUT DOWN

Hot damn, I just basically saw Episode III. :shock:

Haha, thanks! I can't wait for the movie's release come this May.
Nice just watched the whole movie. Well I'm still going to be seeing this when it comes out in May. Thanks for the pics though
[quote name='Mex25']link still works fine for me[/quote]

As it does for me. But that's probably because the page has been cached to our hard drives already.
[quote name='evilmax17']Holy crap!? Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader!?[/quote]
Luke's son travels back in time to become his own Grandpa?! You didn't mark for SPOILERS! :boxing:
the "crispy" anakin at the end is photoshop, but the rest are real...some from "hyperspace" the pay portion of . Lucas will shit a brick when he sees that.
God not another Yoda light saber duel. The one they had in Ep II looked so stupid with him doing back flips and shit.
bread's done