Star Wars Saga Blu Ray Review: Nerd Rage Inside!


13 (100%)
Ok, now that the Star Wars Saga has been released for the first time in Blu-Ray format, I have decided to do an FAQ for those who are wondering if it's worth it.

-What is Star Wars?

Its a sci fi movie with action, cheesy lines, explosions, droids, weird creatures, clones, a guy in a black suit of armor, a scary evil guy in a cloak that plunges the galaxy into war so he can rise to power and so on.

-What is the Star Wars Saga Blu Ray?
This is the first High Definition Release of all 6 movies on the current home HD format on Blu Ray. The release contains all 6 movies with editional bonus discs with bts footage, deleted scenes, interviews and so on.
-What does the SWS BR package look like?

-Who is selling this?
Pretty much every retailer that sells Blu Ray's.

-I heard that Lucas has changed/added stuff for the Blu Ray Release, do you have a list?
From wikipedia:

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • A new blurring effect is used when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan use Force Speed to escape the droidekas.
  • The medium shot of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako observing Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escaping the droidekas has been replaced with a long shot.
  • In a scene with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan discussing Anakin's fate on Coruscant, the sun has brightened from orange to white.
  • All scenes with Yoda depicted by a puppet have been replaced with a CG model.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • During Anakin's nightmare scene, a voiceover of his mother Shmi has been added.
  • After Yoda saves Obi-Wan and Anakin from Dooku's falling pillar, the reaction shots of Yoda and then Anakin and Obi-Wan are moved up before the shots of Dooku escaping on his ship and Padme and the clonetroopers arriving and firing at him.
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • The scene transition from Padme's ship to Anakin on Mustafar has been changed from a straight cut back to a wipe, restoring the original theatrical release.
Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Obi-Wan's Krayt Dragon call has once again been changed.
  • In the scene where Obi-Wan discovers R2 hiding in an alcove, rocks have been digitally inserted into the frame to hide the droid.
  • The shot of Han and Greedo firing at each other has been shortened by several frames from the 2004 DVD version.
  • Luke's green light saber aboard the Millennium Falcon from the 2004 DVD has been corrected and is now blue.
  • The audio errors during the Battle of Yavin in the 2004 DVD have been corrected.
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • In the shot when the wampa mauls Luke's tauntaun, the puppeteer's arm can no longer be seen.
  • In an exterior shot of Cloud City featuring Leia waiting for Han in her apartment, a reflection can now be seen in Leia's window.
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • A static long shot of Artoo and Threepio approaching the door to Jabba's palace has been replaced with an extreme long shot revealing more of the door, as the camera zooms in on the droids.
  • There are now brighter flashes of light when Han is released from the carbonite.
  • A CG Dug has been added to the scene in Jabba's palace which features sleeping partygoers.
  • A new closeup shot of Han striking Boba Fett's jetpack has been added.
  • Wicket's eyes now have CG eyelids, allowing him to blink.
  • When Artoo is shot by a stormtrooper, additional CG gadgets fly out of his body as he malfunctions.
  • The lightsaber errors from the 2004 DVD have been corrected and Luke and Darth Vader's lightsabers now have white cores.
  • Darth Vader now says "No" while Luke is tortured by the Emperor's Force Lightning attack, and then screams "Nooooo!" as he picks Palpatine up and hurls him into the Death Star's reactor core.

-Will there ever be an unaltered release of the OT on Blu Ray?
Unfortunately Lucas will never release an unaltered version of the Original Trilogy at this time.
-Are there any Screenshots comparing the OT/PT DVD releases to the BR releases?

Yes! The good folks over at have released a number of screen shots comparing the DVD release and the BR release.

-Will there be a 3-d Release of the Saga on Blu Ray?
At this time plans are well under way to release Star Wars: Episode 1 in 2012 , with the other movies released every year in 3D format. It is unknown if a 3-d blu ray will be released that same year as the 3-d theatrical release or after all the movies have been released in 3-D.
-Are there any reviews?
-Should I buy this now or wait for a sale (Weeks from now/Black Friday)?
It's really hard to say at this time. This could be a good price and then next week it could be double that price. It is unknown if it will be on sale on Black Friday.

-Should I buy it anyways?
Honestly it's totally up to you. There are a number of unnecessary changes to the OT that has caused controversy on the Internet. If you can tolerate these changes, then go for it.
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Still boycotting this because of the absurd changes that greedy out of touch bunghole made.

You all should too
[quote name='H3xum']Still boycotting this because of the absurd changes that greedy out of touch bunghole made.

You all should too[/QUOTE]

Buying it supports his decisions. If you KNOW he tinkered with the originals (and pretty much everyone here does) then giving him money AGAIN says you are ok with it.
Although I was disappointed about some of the changes made for this release, it's still Star Wars on blu and I'll be buying it day one.

Lucas is not the only one: Blade Runner, Superman, etc...
Just a quick question to clear something up. Are the separate box sets (original trilogy, prequels) the movies only without any extras at all....basically just the 6 movie discs from the total package?
Are perfect scores pretty typical there?

Anyway I wasn't expecting PQ or AQ to be bad, and I'm surprised it's helping anyone change their minds. We all knew those things would be great, it's the changes that Lucas made that people are pissed about and no perfect score review can change that. I'll get it, but most likely used.

I almost feel like the reviewer gives Lucas a free pass because hey! It's Star Wars on Blu-ray!
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no, perfect scores aren't typical. plus, if you look through the reviews, he gives the original trilogy 4.5 for PQ, episode I and II under a 4.5, and the only movie that got the perfect review was episode III.I wish the movie came out today (like normal tuesday releases). im annoyed that I have to wait until Friday.
[quote name='InvaderZim']Although I was disappointed about some of the changes made for this release, it's still Star Wars on blu and I'll be buying it day one.

Lucas is not the only one: Blade Runner, Superman, etc...[/QUOTE]

^Not at all the same.
They're willing to overlook the audio changes, so I'm willing to overlook the SD of DVD. HD is no excuse to throw preservation under the bus.
[quote name='InvaderZim']Although I was disappointed about some of the changes made for this release, it's still Star Wars on blu and I'll be buying it day one.

Lucas is not the only one: Blade Runner, Superman, etc...[/QUOTE]

Errr. No, much different.

This isn't the first time Lucas has bastardized a classic and it certainly won't be the last. It's him doing what he does, there's nothing to compare it to
[quote name='ZForce915']Buying it supports his decisions. If you KNOW he tinkered with the originals (and pretty much everyone here does) then giving him money AGAIN says you are ok with it.[/QUOTE]

Lucas doesn't care one bit if you support him or not. He doesn't care if you buy it or not. He doesn't care if you like it or not. He has all the money he could possibly want, and will continue to get more, whether the blus sell 1 unit or 1 million. Thinking you are a righteous activist by not buying something is lunacy and you will change nothing other than whether you own it or not. /soapbox
[quote name='Camre']Lucas doesn't care one bit if you support him or not. He doesn't care if you buy it or not. He doesn't care if you like it or not. He has all the money he could possibly want, and will continue to get more, whether the blus sell 1 unit or 1 million. Thinking you are a righteous activist by not buying something is lunacy and you will change nothing other than whether you own it or not. /soapbox[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for others here, but I'll be buying it used. I'll be satisfied knowing I'm not contributing to his wealth and that's really all that matters. I get the movies, he doesn't get another cent from me. Win-Win.
I wouldn't use this as the gospel review to judge your purchases again, I'd wait for some other sites like or, ones that aren't HighDefDigest, or

AVSForum will probably give you more detail in the discussion thread for the release than you could ever expect to know, including screen shots galore.
[quote name='shrike4242']I wouldn't use this as the gospel review to judge your purchases again, I'd wait for some other sites like or, ones that aren't HighDefDigest, or

AVSForum will probably give you more detail in the discussion thread for the release than you could ever expect to know, including screen shots galore.[/QUOTE]
Just curious, whats wrong with hidefdigest?
Are their reviews biased or something?
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']Just curious, whats wrong with hidefdigest?
Are their reviews biased or something?[/QUOTE]I've seen high reviews on HDD and that seemed higher than numerous other places I've read reviews on, so I've taken their reviews with a grain or two of salt.
[quote name='shrike4242']I've seen high reviews on HDD and that seemed higher than numerous other places I've read reviews on, so I've taken their reviews with a grain or two of salt.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree with that somewhat. Especially, they do seem to give high marks out often. That being said, they have some of the most comprehensive, yet also brief, technical reviews out there. And really, that's all that matters for the Star Wars set. Ensure that it is up to Blu-ray quality, which it seems to be. People can decide for themselves on the other aspects of the set, such as whether Lucas' changes are too horrifying to purchase.
[quote name='InvaderZim']Lucas is not the only one: Blade Runner, Superman, etc...[/QUOTE]

You can still watch the original Blade Runner untouched in HD on blu ray, you can't do that with Star Wars. I don't understand why George doesn't release a set like Blade Runner with different versions of the film.
Mine shipped from DD yesterday - really looking forward to watching the new transfers. :). If anyone wants to " boycott" this set that's their right, but I don't need advice on what I should & shouldn't spend my money on.
[quote name='tcrash247']You can still watch the original Blade Runner untouched in HD on blu ray, you can't do that with Star Wars. I don't understand why George doesn't release a set like Blade Runner with different versions of the film.[/QUOTE]

George Lucas is pulling a Coca-Cola by totally ruining the product, then releasing Star Wars Classic (Coke Classic) so we get all excited about having the original back.
[quote name='ssjmichael']I can't speak for others here, but I'll be buying it used. I'll be satisfied knowing I'm not contributing to his wealth and that's really all that matters. I get the movies, he doesn't get another cent from me. Win-Win.[/QUOTE]

Buying it used is a good idea. There will be more than enough copies out there.

If all the people who don't like the changes wouldn't buy it, it would probably hit the bargain bin by Christmas.
[quote name='tcrash247']You can still watch the original Blade Runner untouched in HD on blu ray, you can't do that with Star Wars. I don't understand why George doesn't release a set like Blade Runner with different versions of the film.[/QUOTE]

Because then you wouldn't double dip when he eventually releases the untouched originals on Blu-ray... :lol:
[quote name='jedijeff']If all the people who don't like the changes wouldn't buy it, it would probably hit the bargain bin by Christmas.[/QUOTE]

Would it even sell one copy? Does anybody out there actually like the changes?
[quote name='shrike4242']I've seen high reviews on HDD and that seemed higher than numerous other places I've read reviews on, so I've taken their reviews with a grain or two of salt.[/QUOTE]

I generally ignore the scores and "overall recommendations" (it seems like nearly every review that I've read has ended with "highly recommended") on, but the review text is generally very good at describing the technical aspects (image quality, sound quality, etc.) of the discs.

[quote name='Darknuke']George Lucas is pulling a Coca-Cola by totally ruining the product, then releasing Star Wars Classic (Coke Classic) so we get all excited about having the original back.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BingoBrown']Because then you wouldn't double dip when he eventually releases the untouched originals on Blu-ray... :lol:[/QUOTE]

The flaw with this thinking is that you're assuming that George Lucas is greedy, and doing it all for the money. It's more likely that he's a megalomaniac who thinks that every little idea which flits through his mind is a stroke of genius, and that he really truly does believe that he's making his films "better" by messing with them. If the latter is the case, we won't see the originals again while he's alive and in charge.
[quote name='shrike4242']I've seen high reviews on HDD and that seemed higher than numerous other places I've read reviews on, so I've taken their reviews with a grain or two of salt.[/QUOTE]

I've also seen the opposite on HDD where the reviewer hates the film and seems to grade the technical aspects harsher than normal. That's one of the reasons I don't go there anymore.
[quote name='arcane93']The flaw with this thinking is that you're assuming that George Lucas is greedy, and doing it all for the money. It's more likely that he's a megalomaniac who thinks that every little idea which flits through his mind is a stroke of genius, and that he really truly does believe that he's making his films "better" by messing with them. If the latter is the case, we won't see the originals again while he's alive and in charge.[/QUOTE]

But we've already seen untouched originals released on DVD, it just happened years after the Special Editions were released on DVD. I'm sure we'll see the same with the Blu-rays.

Regarding his greed, you're right to some extent. He's got more money than God and doesn't need any more. In fact, he's pledged to give half of his fortune to charity, along with a bunch of other billionaires including Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. However, that being said, I think his ego demands to be stroked, and he gets that in part by making tons of money, whether he needs it or not.
[quote name='arcane93']The flaw with this thinking is that you're assuming that George Lucas is greedy, and doing it all for the money. It's more likely that he's a megalomaniac who thinks that every little idea which flits through his mind is a stroke of genius, and that he really truly does believe that he's making his films "better" by messing with them. If the latter is the case, we won't see the originals again while he's alive and in charge.[/QUOTE]

Well then we know what needs to be done...:twoguns:
I agree with some others here, in that Lucas is motivated by his own warped sense of artistic integrity rather than greed. I hope I'm wrong though and he's actually a greedy bastard who will release theatrical HD versions later for more money.
[quote name='BingoBrown']But we've already seen untouched originals released on DVD, it just happened years after the Special Editions were released on DVD. I'm sure we'll see the same with the Blu-rays.[/QUOTE]

Those were straight rips of the laserdisc versions, though, and were offensively terrible. They were clearly done to shut people up about it, not to keep the original versions on the market. Honestly, I considered those to be George Lucas sticking his middle finger up at us, not giving in to pressure. If he does that again, I'm not interested regardless.
People take this as serious as constitutional rights. It's just absurd. It's his creation, not a "generation's". He's a film maker. Allow him the respect of doing with HIS films, what HE wants.

You don't dig his caliber of work, don't buy, but for fucks sake don't act like it's an actual travesty, not when the man that created the product is doing what he wants with it.

Not to mention, these films are meant to be serials....pulpy, lightweight, edge of seat, action based entertainment. Don't lose grasp that the source material fits into a genre of film making that's more light hearted than people make it out to be.

These are supposed to be FUN!
[quote name='falcinator']People take this as serious as constitutional rights. It's just absurd. It's his creation, not a "generation's". He's a film maker. Allow him the respect of doing with HIS films, what HE wants.

You don't dig his caliber of work, don't buy, but for fucks sake don't act like it's an actual travesty, not when the man that created the product is doing what he wants with it.

Not to mention, these films are meant to be serials....pulpy, lightweight, edge of seat, action based entertainment. Don't lose grasp that the source material fits into a genre of film making that's more light hearted than people make it out to be.

These are supposed to be FUN![/QUOTE]
They are not just his films, thousands of people worked on them, he wasn't the director of the last two films and yet has seen fit to alter them willy nilly without the directors' consent. Given his whole spiel about preservation of film in his younger years I feel a quote from Chuck is most appropriate, "the only thing I hate more than hippie and neo-liberal fascists and anarchists are the hypocrite fat cat suits they eventually grow up to become."
[quote name='falcinator']People take this as serious as constitutional rights. It's just absurd. It's his creation, not a "generation's". He's a film maker. Allow him the respect of doing with HIS films, what HE wants.[/QUOTE]
George Lucas disagrees with you.

Yes, he was mostly rallying against alterations by third parties, but read between the lines. Clearly he felt (back then at least) that films shouldn't be altered period. He's basically become the corporation he hated.
I guys, I know this isn't a "deal" per say, but I figured that these changes may or may not influence some decisions on whether or not to pick up the set. I'm assuming that the majority of us on here are Star Wars nerds, (some closeted, others openly ;-) so hopefully you'll appreciate this.

I'm not sure how "complete" this list is as I'm sure geeks everywhere will find newer changes as the days/weeks roll on. This list details changes made from the Original release, '97 Special Editions, DVD Versions and now the Blu Ray Versions:

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith

It seems as though very little has changed (aside from the few major changes we've all heard about in the last few weeks) from the DVD release. You'll notice a lot more detail, but not much else. Hope this helps and apologies if you feel this thread is a "disservice" to this particular forum. If a moderator would like to move it someplace else, then by all means, please feel free...
I know a lot of people are going to buy this not even knowing the changes that were made and arguably, the changes are very minor compared to the ones made for the Special Edition DVDs. However, I'm boycotting this set only because I've seen the power of PO'd fans when it comes to crappy BD releases. Look at Gladiator. Replaced because of arrows missing. This controversy with the Star Wars BDs is much more widely known, too. Lucas is not going to pass up an opportunity to make more money with these releases, so I expect the original films eventually.
[quote name='falcinator']People take this as serious as constitutional rights. It's just absurd. It's his creation, not a "generation's". He's a film maker. Allow him the respect of doing with HIS films, what HE wants.

You don't dig his caliber of work, don't buy, but for fucks sake don't act like it's an actual travesty, not when the man that created the product is doing what he wants with it.

Not to mention, these films are meant to be serials....pulpy, lightweight, edge of seat, action based entertainment. Don't lose grasp that the source material fits into a genre of film making that's more light hearted than people make it out to be.

These are supposed to be FUN![/QUOTE]

You're wrong. Once a filmmaker releases a film it becomes the final version that people are supposed to see and experience forever more. It does belong to the people at that point, even if the rights are owned by big studios and full of themselves producer/directors.

Prior to the release of the film the director can do everything and anything he wants to his film. But after it has been watched and integrated into the memories and psyche of a world full of people, the story shouldn't be mucked with anymore. Update the FX, fine. Clean up the transfer for new technology, fine. Expand the audio for new technology, fine. Change the story, bad.

It would be like changing integral parts of a classic book or rewriting the lyrics of a song, making it something different and saying to every consumer who has ever read or listened that, too bad you take it how it is now and like it!
i think this warrants its own thread, or at very least to be the beginning of the blu ray thread, its good info on whats changed, im interested in this
bread's done