Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2: Unleash the Force NOW!


Explore more of the hidden shadows of the Sith with this sequel to the hit game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Starkiller, Darth Vader's apprentice, returns with over-the-top Force powers and embarks on a journey to discover his own identity and to reunite with his one true love, Juno Eclipse. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Starkiller is once again the pawn of Darth Vader -- but instead of training his protégée as a ruthless assassin, the dark lord is attempting to clone his former apprentice in an attempt to create the Ultimate Sith warrior. The chase is on -- Starkiller is in pursuit of Juno and Darth Vader is hunting for Starkiller.
With all-new devastating Force powers and the ability to dual-wield lightsabers, Starkiller cuts a swath through deadly new enemies across exciting worlds from the Star Wars films -- all in his desperate search for answers to his past.
--IGN Page



Gamespot page

Epic trailer
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Trailers have been exciting so far, but I can't wait to see what kind of BS power-negating enemies they throw at us this time. Unleashed indeed... :whistle2:x
[quote name='Pirate331']Trailers have been exciting so far, but I can't wait to see what kind of BS power-negating enemies they throw at us this time. Unleashed indeed... :whistle2:x[/QUOTE]

This. I went nuclear when I ran into storm troopers that could RESIST THE FORCE. I did not feel like I was kicking ass with that game at all.

Still looking forward to this one though. They claimed they fixed issues the community had with the first one, so we'll see if that turns out to be true.

Going to try the demo now.
I played it yesterday, I thought the first one was just okay, don't get me wrong I love SW but I didn't really get into the first one, I enjoyed what I played but I never finished it.

This demo looks and plays pretty cool but I dunno I just can't get into it. It's not bad though. I'm sure if you were a huge fan of the first you are loving this demo.
Already read the book so tried the demo last night. I enjoyed it for the most part. A few enemies were annoying but overall was pretty fun.

I'll still probably get the game when it comes out. (I just hope the end of the book was different then the game, if so it is pretty lame)
[quote name='Scorch']seriously? It's been out for over 24 hours, how have more people not played it and commented on it?[/QUOTE]

Because while the first one had a good story the combat was shit. I didn't feel like a bad ass with a lightsaber.
Just played through the demo. It felt a lot more like the first but it had a better flow too it. It felt much easier to use each one of the force powers, which I like a lot.

Also, I'm gonna have to play through the first again to get the story down. It would be a great time for IGN to make one of their "story in five minutes" thingies.

Lastly, have they said if this will be the last "Force Unleashed" game they make?
I liked the graphics, the enemies looked almost movie like. The jumping was a little weird though.... because he doesnt jump up the same time you press the button. Kind of throws me off a little.
I can't seem to find the Ultimate Sith Edition for xbox anywhere online. How much does that cost? I think I may sell my current copy of number 1 and pick that up. Or should I even bother with the DLC? I already have the first one (Jedi Temple?) and I heard the other two were even worse than the first.
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[quote name='matto1233'] Or should I even bother with the DLC? I already have the first one (Jedi Temple?) and I heard the other two were even worse than the first.[/QUOTE]

They weren't bad, they weren't worth $10 each. I think both took me maybe 2 or 2 1/2 hours on Sith Lord difficulty.

Each go off the "bad" ending. You hunt the Death Star Plans on Tattooine and then Luke to Hoth. They were on sale a week or two ago for 400 points each.
[quote name='']Because while the first one had a good story the combat was shit. I didn't feel like a bad ass with a lightsaber.[/QUOTE]

I got so tired of the combat during the first game I ran past enemies just to get through stages. I hope all the talk that they balanced the combat sections during the levels this time is true. Loved the story and presentation of the original, will get this at some point.
Demo was pretty good but i'm still waiting for reviews and opinions , first game had a nice first level too but it was the others that were the problem. The mind confusion power gave me a chuckle but I can just about never see myself stopping to use it outside of a scripted event.
I had it on pre-order and after playing the demo, I canceled. It was fun but more of the same stuff from the first game.

A definite purchase at say $30 or so.
I had been ignoring this demo but gave it a spin this morning. Wow. I've never played the first one in this series, but this one has my attention now. I'll likely pick it up next week.
Yeah this has been getting slaughtered by the press. There are 6 reviews that are under 65.

Geez, the demo didn't seem THAT bad.
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Outside of the ridiculous story this is every bit the game the first should have been. A lot of those straight up awkward lock on moments from the first game are gone and so far nothing is really immune to the force, just certain powers. Hell I didn't even think I would be using mind trick that much but it has turned into my favorite power. To counter enemies no longer being immune to the force many many more are thrown at you at once now and while a squad of storm troopers is laughable a squad of storm troopers with a few force resistant guys and snipers thrown in is just about right.

Of course it isn't all good i'm not rushing and I get the feeling i'm probably only one more sitting away from the end due to what is going on in the story. Looking at other boards people are saying they beat it in 4-6 hours which is criminal for a full price game. They can push all the DLC they want for this but i'm not touching if the main campaign can't even last a few days.
I think the reviews are low because the game's short. The demo seemed like the gameplay will be a blast. The length of the game took it from a day one purchase to a rental, though.
I guess I'll just pick this up on Black Friday or something. Unless there is a price cut very soon due to low sales. ugh.
Picked up the collector's edition today at BB with the B2G1 sale. I check the package when I got home, and man, the box is beat up. The tape on the bottom is peeling off along the paint from the box. The corners are all messed up. The paint on the sides are chipping off. The overall slip cover is pretty bad. I'm surprised that it didn't come wrapped in plastic or anything. It would definitely limit a lot of the damage on on the box.

I'll return to a different BB tomorrow for an exchange. Pity, I was looking forward to playing this game too.
The Force Unleashed II is a huge disappointment. I dont have a problem with short game but in terms of game length the sequel is like 60% of the first game. None of the characters got any development (and no new characters either). They pushed Boba Felt but he showed up for like 30 seconds. Dagobah could be a full area but it is about 2 screens. So there are like 4 different areas in the whole game with basically 3 bosses. The force power is the same with one new addition. Seems like Lucas Art either rush or the game out for the holiday or they are saving stuff for DLC (probably later since there is already a Dagobah DLC)
Decided I might as well get it over with, beat the game earlier and yeah this was an obvious cash grab for the holiday season. After all is said and done this is a rental, not even a 20 dollar purchase. I do like the improvements but the length is just a joke and those boss fights dragged on way longer then they should have. The finale against
dragged on so long the audio started repeating. I ended on Light Side and the ending premise easily could have supported a few more levels but it was painfully clear stuff was being held back for FU3 and DLC.
Hmm... get it cheap on Black Friday, or wait until a GOTY equivalent arrives with attached DLC?

I really enjoyed the demo, and even the first one more/less, but IDK if I really want to spend $40+ on the barebones game and then buy DLC later if it's truly as short as you all say.
[quote name='matto1233']I can't seem to find the Ultimate Sith Edition for xbox anywhere online. How much does that cost? I think I may sell my current copy of number 1 and pick that up. Or should I even bother with the DLC? I already have the first one (Jedi Temple?) and I heard the other two were even worse than the first.[/QUOTE]

I got mine off of Amazon for like $30 I believe, but I just looked, and the cheapest one they had was used for like $50. Definitely not worth it. I think there is just an extra level on TFU USE. I only got it cause I'm a SW nerd.

On to TFU II. Enjoy the gameplay, but am not happy about the amount of it. There is honestly 4-6 hours of gameplay. If any of you played Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the main enemies are like the Reborn from that game. You have Sith acolytes and saber fighters. The most annoying are these droids that shadow step everywhere though. Another thing, I'm an exploring type, and enjoyed the fact that I had to search for Holocrons in TFU I. Here they just show up. Battle with Vader isn't even exciting like it was in the first one. Definitely could have been better.

I would have liked to see them take it from where they left the story line in The Ultimate Sith Edition where Starkiller defeats Vader and becomes the Emporer's apprentice. Then goes on to make Luke turn to the Dark Side and takes him as his apprentice. Then leave Luke with the good/evil path choice, potentially restoring balance to the force. I know it deviates from the original story line, but still would have made for a fun game I think.
[quote name='Over easy']Picked up the collector's edition today at BB with the B2G1 sale. I check the package when I got home, and man, the box is beat up. The tape on the bottom is peeling off along the paint from the box. The corners are all messed up. The paint on the sides are chipping off. The overall slip cover is pretty bad. I'm surprised that it didn't come wrapped in plastic or anything. It would definitely limit a lot of the damage on on the box.

I'll return to a different BB tomorrow for an exchange. Pity, I was looking forward to playing this game too.[/QUOTE]

I bought the collectors edition too and i noticed that that my box looked roughly handled too, the tape on the bottom of the box was so sloppy i thought it was tampered with. It looks like the collectors editions were hand packed by children.

The game isnt as bad as the reviews say. The game is short but polished and i would expect them have lots of DLC on the way. Its def worth $20, a regrettable release day purchase for me.
Finished it last night and am kind of thankful I did. There were some epic, cinematic moments, but for the most part it didn't really feel like I was kicking ass. Especially in some of those later areas where there are AT-STs, AT-MPs, snipers, sith acolytes and saber fighters ALL AT ONCE. It was hard to pull off those fancier combo moves and to throw things at them when all I could to keep dying was dash around trying to hide behind a wall. I don't know, maybe I just suck, but I found those parts infuriating.

Also, Starkiller's angry yelling was like rubbing my ears on a cheese grater.
Don't post much here anymore, but just thought I'd give a word of warning to anyone purchasing this game: Don't.

I thought FU1 was a flawed, yet interesting and cool game. The DLC was also awesome.

This game was frankly, a piece of shit. The team making this game got canned (or will be, not sure the time line) and it clearly shows. Bugs galore. My character disappeared twice, and I had to restart a save to get him back. Items gone while using force grip, etc.

The story was so bad I think anyone with half a brain and some SW knowledge could do better. It was rushed beyond belief. The game was 4 levels, one of them being rehashed. There was only one good boss in the whole game.

The gameplay, and graphics are actually improved. Shame they did absolutely nothing else good.

every time i jump over
Gorog's arm slide
no matter how i time it i still get hit. sometimes i think I'm literally over it and it still hit (playing hard)
[quote name='haize']I bought the collectors edition too and i noticed that that my box looked roughly handled too, the tape on the bottom of the box was so sloppy i thought it was tampered with. It looks like the collectors editions were hand packed by children.

The game isnt as bad as the reviews say. The game is short but polished and i would expect them have lots of DLC on the way. Its def worth $20, a regrettable release day purchase for me.[/QUOTE]

My collector's edition tape was perfectly fine, but the front cover is weird as hell. The title is right side up, but the picture of starkiller is upside down.

Any chance that the collector's edition is gonna be rare? If it is, I wonder how the weird front cover will affect the rarity.
I'm a sucker for collector's edition anything, but if it's just a stupid, worthless mistake I'll try to exchange it.
bread's done