

From the artist of Terraria and his friends comes Starbound, a brand new game currently in active development.
Starbound even lets you create your own character, from six different races:
You explore planets in various sectors and systems, seeded using specific coordinates which you can share.
See: Starbound - Coordinates List


You can find more media here, and if you want to hear more of the lovely music you hear in the background you can take a look at that as well. It's composed by Curtis Schweitzer, and you can find it all at his Soundcloud.
The game will be released sometime next year, and it's available on Steam as early access from the 4th of December. If you want information, as well as access to a roadmap and other things, take a look at the website
Want to pre-order for access to the beta? Go right ahead:
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Dude, loving me some Starbound.

Just beat the 2nd boss yesterday.  I'm not progressing too far since theres a character wipe coming.

Dude, loving me some Starbound.

Just beat the 2nd boss yesterday. I'm not progressing too far since theres a character wipe coming.
Character wipe already happened in the last 24 hours.

I am hosting a server for friends, but we're all set to not update yet so it's not accessible. Wondering when I should update myself.


Another wipe incoming it seems.

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So I plan on purchasing this game, but im trying to figure out 

Is this currently "early access" or a beta?

Early Access in the sense that THIS is the game, THIS is your progress, you keep it you play it

Or Beta in the sense that everything getting wiped, and youll have to start from scratch 

Because everything on steam says early access, but the other stuff says Beta, and im confused

This is beta stage 1:

Stage 1 will be move at a breakneck speed. This will be the buggiest and busiest stage of the beta. A bunch of unfinished features will be disabled whilst we finish them up. Updates will come thick and fast, sometimes as often as multiple updates a day.

If you choose to take part during stage 1 you should expect bugs, lots of balance changes, you shouldn’t get too attached to your character or universe as we may make changes that require you to start from scratch. You should expect the game to be broken at points as we make sweeping changes but you’ll get to enjoy exciting new content added constantly. The engine won’t optimized during this stage of the beta so performance could be poor on some low end machines.

You’ll get to see a bunch of ‘behind the scenes’ content at this stage and provide feedback during this crucial period.

DO take part in this stage if:

- You enjoy testing buggy and unfinished code

- You enjoy providing feedback

- You want to leave your mark on the game

- You just can’t wait any longer

DO NOT take part in this stage if:

- Bugs infuriate you

- You don’t like spoilers

- You can’t stand losing your save

- You want the full Starbound ‘experience’ the first time you play.
I really hope they add an item that lets you change your spawn point for a planet.  I found a huge Glitch castle that I killed all the soldiers in, leaving a bunch of robo-peasants.  I wanna make that my base, but it's a good 5 minute walk to get to from spawn, especially since I havent found any of the cool transportation techs yet. 

I doubt it'll be on sale, being that its still in early beta.  That'd kind of be a kick in the pants to everyone who supported it early.

Maybe in six months for the Summer Sale -- they have put plenty of Early Access titles on sale so you never know.  That said, I still bought it in a Russian 4 pack for like $6.  Good enough price for me.  Enjoyed playing through the current content although most people are probably going to want to wait until release or, at least, one of the later Beta stages.  It's still very barebones.

Any of the people following this know when we can expect the beta to progress to a latter stage or anything?

Ive been waiting for at least stage 2 or 3 to jump on it 

I played through all the content currently available (dragon boss) and set it aside.  Will give it a nice long rest until it's in release state.  Otherwise I'd just spoil the game.  Sometimes you do a disservice to yourself playing excessive amounts of betas.

Yeah, I kinda stopped playing for awhile.  Once the final character wipe comes in I'll jump back in.  

Oh well, back to Path of Exile for now.

Anything ever happen with this game?

Ive been following the thread on the forums and apparently there hasnt been any updates in over a month?

The patch just went live this morning. Reason it took so long is that they were trying to make it the last wipe for characters and ships. The universe can still re-implode to start anew however.

[customspoiler='Patch Notes vFurious Koala']Changelog for v. Furious Koala 26/01/2013

Hey there Stargazers and Sports Racers,

It’s been quite some time since the last patch, and we have some very large changes dropping this release.

Code Changes:

-Absolutely massive changes to disk serialization (sorry reversers), which will allow us to never need to wipe players or ships again, and hopefully never need to wipe worlds again.

-Related, we now have a proper versioning system for save files.

-Added difficulty levels and permadeath characters to the game.

-Packed assets into databases (speeds up startup significantly), and included asset packing and unpacking utilities with the distribution. This should also allow for easier distribution of mods, and easier construction and management of slimmed down distributions for dedicated servers (official server paks coming soon.)

-Fix some graphical glitches with the wire nodes.

-Fixed some pretty nasty deadlocking bugs with networking.

-Fixed some very strange memory leak bugs stemming from a gcc lambda capture bug.

-Fixed various crash bugs related to a number of different issues (thanks for the bug reports, keep em coming.)

-Speed up improvements with falling sand and other projectiles.

-More efficient databases storage layout.

-Documentation for lua functions have been written, and we’re going to release them soonish.

-Removed NaN floats from the code for performance reasons (reenabled -ffinite-math-only), we had been using them to signal that the float is disabled or in an invalid state, but we have a system for that now.

-Some internal changes that make maintaining code much happier for us, including better enum to string handling and much faster compiles.

-Other minor things, too numerous to list here

Fun Changes:

-It’s no longer the holiday, so we’ve removed the holiday stuff for now, we’ll put them back when we have a better way of enabling it for holiday time.

-PVP is now forced enabled within Sector X. If you’re in a party there’s no team damage though.

-All player drops are persistent now. So if you accidentally throw your diamond drill down a mineshaft, you don’t have to suicide trying to get it back before it disappears.

-New Monster attacks (gravity slam! gust attacks! other stuff!)

-Fixed Legendary Weapons damage (adjusted up to be more… well… Legendary.)

-We’ve put in new Techs (such as a Glitch Mech).

-New biome type enabled. Savannah.

-Boss Lore!

-No more eating bandages and stims, they have their own thing now.

-Better, more featureful abc file support, and we have Wanderlust music in the game now. (Thanks Leth and D2!)

-Made NPC chatter more configurable and slightly more varied.

-Added new objects (such as lava biome treasure chests).

-Added new items (like nightsticks and bonesaws).

-Sword swooshes are only active for 0.6 seconds instead of 0.9 seconds. Making cooldown times actually matter without slowing down combat. Also fine tuned their hitboxes.

-Viking helmet? Viking helmet.

-Watch out for landmines.

-Various changes to treasure drop pools (like avianguards actually dropping their guns…)

-Minor tweaks to existing armors to make them look better.

-Medieval Furnace now actually acts like a Furnace. (Rejoice).

-Graphical upgrades to some existing plants, and new plants.

-Other stuff!

We look forward to hearing what you think about the patch. This was a very big one this time around.[/customspoiler]

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Really excited to dive back into this. Now that they have most of the engine quirks worked out, I hope they can roll out more content updates on a more frequent basis.

Well the way it's sounding, dont build on planets yet.  They will most likely have to do another planet wipe before full release.  But your ship and character will be ok.  I know they are looking into giving you more information about planets via the starmap, but how it's going to be implemented remains to be seen.  

Heres a good youtube channel you can goto for loot locations...

Helped me find some good stuff like my legendary grenade launcher and legendary bonehammer.  Remember though that loot differs in location depending on OS.  Also loot in instances vary, which sucks when someone finds something awesome and gives out coords to an Apex lab or something that'll give you a crap item instead.  

I'm hoping armor is customizable in the future, as I feel like the end game armor is still underpowered for lvl 10 planets.  

bread's done