Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

[quote name='kainzero']
i don't think pro level players are swapping to terran. terran is definitely dominating the latter but it's not just reapers. tvz is difficult for z to win if t mechs properly and tvp, t has almost all the initiative and the p is forced to adapt.[/QUOTE]

Yup. When I roll zerg, and I'm against a terran, I speedling/roach as hard as I can as fast as I can. If I let the terran get traction, I'm doomed. I feel the strongest against small amounts of reaper as zerg because of queens and lings matching speed of reaper. All the reaper have to do is get 5 seconds in my mineral line to do serious damage to my economy, mind you...

I am really, really looking forward to the tank changes. Tanks demolish zerg ground disproportionately right now. Both Tos and terran have several units that can take 3-4 tank blasts before they die. The core zerg unit - the zergling - is killed in bunches with a single tank blast. Hydra are killed with two shots. Roach fare a little bit better, but their range is so low that tanks get extra shots in before the roach get into attack distance. Factor in any support (marines, marauder, hellion) around the tank and a ground-based push with zerg units is doomed before it starts. Factor in thor (AOE anti mutalisk), and hellion (additional + to light, AOE damage) In any TvZ if a skilled terran gets traction, it's nigh impossible for the zerg to destroy their unit ball.

The tank change, I think, will even out the races to just about right. I think eventually they may change the proportion of plus to armored on the tank blast, if light units prove too overwhelming.. but I really doubt that will be the case.

Regarding reaper, I know how to counter them, and I can't even remember the last time I was crippled by reaper in a 2v2 or 1v1 however I still think they're way too easy to use for their low cost and power.

If you take a cost in reaper and an equal cost of any other unit in a sneak attack situation, (no defending units, unfettered attacking for a short time) the reaper will deal several times more damage than any other unit in the game. The reaper is the fastest, cheapest, most mobile sneak attack unit in the game. Those things put together just does not compute. Either its counterability needs to increase - make them more fragile (less range, damage, or speed) OR they need vision to make a cliff jump.

Well handled reapers are absurdly powerful - and handling reapers well is very easy.
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[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Some times I play people and I just have to wonder, 'how the hell did you get in the league you're in'

Just got cannon rushed in Desert Oasis by a diamond leaguer who didn't even do it properly. DIAMOND LEAGUER (I won)[/QUOTE]

Which is considered worse - a player who attempts a cannon rush and fails, or the player who falls for the cannon rush?

Matchmaking was starting to cheese me off yesterday. I usually queue for 3v3 as Random by myself. Yesterday I was in a game with a pretty terrible 'Toss who was unable to mount any kind of offensive while myself and the other guy were busy defending against the three invading armies. He tried for Voids, but by the time he actually attacked, the base he attacked had already built up enough forces to kill him. We lose.

I queue again. I get the same terri-bad 'Toss player as my ally, with the same player who crushed his offensive the last game on the other team. This time, other guy doesn't bother with things like units and cannon rushes him...before my ally even gets a Gateway.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Which is considered worse - a player who attempts a cannon rush and fails, or the player who falls for the cannon rush?[/QUOTE]
Depends. My friend showed me a replay of him cannon rushing and it failed and was stopped by a single marauder. The terran however, never broke the remaining cannons and pylon, so shortly after he warped in dts which won the game for him.
[quote name='BattleChicken']If you take a cost in reaper and an equal cost of any other unit in a sneak attack situation, (no defending units, unfettered attacking for a short time) the reaper will deal several times more damage than any other unit in the game. The reaper is the fastest, cheapest, most mobile sneak attack unit in the game. Those two things put together just does not compute. Either its counterability needs to increase - make them more fragile (less range, damage, or speed) OR they need vision to make a cliff jump.

Well handled reapers are absurdly powerful - and handling reapers well is very easy.[/QUOTE]
They're not cheap. And if you try to put together an army, it becomes even more expensive.
50 gas is a lot. Marauders are 25 gas, but stim is 100, conc is 50, building a factory is 100, tech labs are 25, siege is 100, a tank is 100. early reapers severely stunts you for gas.
reapers also take forever to build. if you want to build your army at the same time, you need to build more barracks, which take their toll on the mineral count and commit the terran to bio. building factories while pumping out reapers will slow you down and leave you with too many minerals.

by comparison let's look at reaver drops in bw tvp. they come out fairly quickly, they can approach at all angles because they fly, you need a combination of turrets and tanks just to stop it, and two scarabs will destroy your entire economy. and if they retreat, the reavers are STILL good in a regular battle.

all this and yet people still think tvp is biased towards t in brood war.
Lets have a scenario where I make 4 reaper, cost 200/200. I kill 4 peons and lose all my reaper to the enemy's 3 marauder and a marine - I think that is a reasonable scenario. They lose no attack units. They're only out 200/0 - meaning I lost 200 gas and they have four more units than me, so they clearly won the exchange.. or did they?

The enemy has to produce replacement peons, while I don't have to produce more reaper. Additional cost, 200/0 plus time. The 4 lost peons also would have mined additional gas and minerals.. making actual loss even higher. My resource collection rate would be higher than his. Reaper cost less minerals than marauder do, so I can afford to drop an extra barracks, and up my unit production.

Lets say they press the advantage following my attack failure, and attack me with whatever they had produced plus the extra units. I was down 200 gas, so I go marine heavy for a few minutes, then make marauder. Where I circumvented their choke entirely, They have to walk through my front door, which buys me additional time to make additional units while they're shooting at me. They can choose to shoot my units OR my wall, not both at once reducing their DPS to my defending units, and I've got a good chance to win the volley even with less units.

I GAINED from my reaper hit, even though I didn't kill much. I'd need to see the math, but I suspect that even if i killed 2 or 3 peons, I'd have won in math-land. Unless someone who reapers fails completely and kills nothing they don't really lose for trying reaper due to the importance of resource collection rates.

a 6 pool has a huge economic impact on a zerg. a proxy gate makes a tos' main very vulnerable - failing with an early rush hurts them badly. A terran who reapers has a closed choke and the tech needed to make marines and marauders, which are typically part of most terran builds anyway.

So yeah.. I think reaper need to be made more fragile, OR they need vision to cliff jump.
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[quote name='BattleChicken']Lets have a scenario where I make 4 reaper, cost 200/200. I kill 4 peons and lose all my reaper to the enemy's 3 marauder and a marine - I think that is a reasonable scenario. They lose no attack units. They're only out 200/0 - meaning I lost 200 gas and they have four more units than me, so they clearly won the exchange.. or did they?[/QUOTE]
They did. And if you research nitro packs, that's another 50/50.

Remember that reapers take longer to build. The enemy will have way more than 3 marauders and a marine for that alone. My build order has marines only and by the time 4 reapers come in that's at least 8 marines and a tank.

Remember that TvT is all about gas. You lost 200 gas. I didn't lose any gas (or any potential gas, since I can reallocate 3 SCVs to gas). That's enough time to get a siege tank way before the other Terran can. If he walled in then I can bust it by rallying units to your choke and slow pushing with siege mode, and once a supply depot dies you're blocked. If I want to play conservative, I just siege outside your base and double expand while pumping vikings and tanks and I have superior map control. There's really no reason to go bio in TvT and if you do that's almost an instant game over, save for late game with marauder drops.

And I'm not just making this up. This actually happened in a few games when they tried to go reaper against me.

Against Toss, I've lost with a 4rax timing push and I had stim and conc researched. If I had went reapers, I would not have stim or conc, I would have less units, and if they pushed the choke they can easily kite and regen shields, maintain map control, and expand. Again, this actually happened.
If you already have a tank by the time you're met with reapers, then I'd chalk that up to poorly done reaper harass. I'll admit that I use early reapers from time to time and I have to say that going reapers does not affect my eco much if at all, especially since i can almost always pick off a peon or two, which puts me at an advantage. Most I've ever encountered while rushing is a single marauder/stalker, which i can outrun.

Change of topic:
Guess 2.0 isn't as robust as they thought it would be. Map hacks have already been out for a while...
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[quote name='KhaosX']If you already have a tank by the time you're met with reapers, then I'd chalk that up to poorly done reaper harass. I'll admit that I use early reapers from time to time and I have to say that going reapers does not affect my eco much if at all, especially since i can almost always pick off a peon or two, which puts me at an advantage. Most I've ever encountered while rushing is a single marauder/stalker, which i can outrun.
battlechicken was talking about harassing with 4 reapers. there's a difference. if you go 1 or 2, it's a different game than 4-5.

against a few reapers i put faith in my scv/marine micro and put them in key locations.

versus anyone decent the gas discrepancy and getting out a tank makes a huge difference for map control. you can even go cloaked banshees. the gas difference in tvt is such a huge difference.
[quote name='Magus8472']Why would you wait until you had 4 reapers to start your harass?[/QUOTE]
If you attack him with 1 reaper and he didn't pay attention, he'll get his stalker/marines out there and in a good position in case you come with more. On the other hand if you plan on catching him when he can't counter, you'll do tremendous economy damage.

If you attack with 4 reapers you can potentially do more damage. He may have more troops to counter you with, but the point is to surprise them and catch them off guard. If for whatever reason they don't have the counter (toss just builds zealots) it's a lot easier to kite and control and kill than with one reaper.
[quote name='kainzero']If you attack him with 1 reaper and he didn't pay attention, he'll get his stalker/marines out there and in a good position in case you come with more. On the other hand if you plan on catching him when he can't counter, you'll do tremendous economy damage.

If you attack with 4 reapers you can potentially do more damage. He may have more troops to counter you with, but the point is to surprise them and catch them off guard. If for whatever reason they don't have the counter (toss just builds zealots) it's a lot easier to kite and control and kill than with one reaper.[/QUOTE]

"Because the other guy might be incompetent" isn't really an answer. I can win with mass queens if that's the case.

My point is, since you've already aptly demonstrated that waiting for 4 reapers pretty much ensures that even a standard build order is going to have something in place to nullify them, there's really nothing justifying waiting that long when you are likely to achieve the same if not more disruption with 1.
The first thing here is i was talking about a player who is passable to good making and using reaper, against a good player. Even a good player can have their attention diverted for a couple of seconds before they can respond to an attack, and placing units at the most common reaper entry points is smart, and works.. but not always. A lot of maps have a lot of entry points, and you can't have enough units ringed all around your base that early to catch a reaper everywhere.

If I ever use them, I use 1 or 2.. which would actually be harder to fight off, and would arguably do more damage long term for killing less peons. I picked 4 because I was going with a suicide run scenario. I'm not even talking about properly microed reaper, which would do way more damage than 4 peons and would likely live. My point was getting 5 unfettered seconds at a mineral line at the cost of the reaper. I might lose 1 reaper GETTING to the mineral line, but if I kill 3-4 peons, I still think I win. Hell.. I'm not even factoring in someone who pulls their units form the minerals and forces me to chase... how much income is lost due to pulling all peons as a response to a reaper?

The gas cost for making reaper is legitimate point, but build order can really mitigate the real impact there. someone who makes vespine, barracks, depot has a lot more gas than someone who does barracks depot vespine - the point at which the extraction begins makes a difference.. while mule can make up for the lost gas vs mineral income in reasonably short order.

The reaper currently exists as a way to murder mineral lines almost exclusively. I'm pretty sure that no other unit has a more niche use than the reaper. I think that they're too powerful for what they cost and how fast they come out.. that MAY be handled by the build time changes - making Kainzero's (already valid) points a lot stronger.

What I'd like to see is a reaper that can be useful all game like roaches and stalker are as opposed to the one trick pony they are now.
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[quote name='Magus8472']"Because the other guy might be incompetent" isn't really an answer. I can win with mass queens if that's the case.

My point is, since you've already aptly demonstrated that waiting for 4 reapers pretty much ensures that even a standard build order is going to have something in place to nullify them, there's really nothing justifying waiting that long when you are likely to achieve the same if not more disruption with 1.[/QUOTE]
Most, if not all standard build orders have something to deal with reapers with a 10 rax 11 supply BO (the safest / fastest reaper. not as economically friendly as 10 supply / 12 rax, but faster reaper.) For an 8 rax BO, okay, fine, you need to send the first one because it'll defeat the purpose.

Many players rally units to their choke. Therefore, while they might have stalkers / marauders / roaches up, they still have to walk that unit all the way to the mineral line. What will do more damage, 1 reaper or 4?

In short...

1 reaper rush:
-assumes that they do a nonstandard BO and don't get CyCore or enough marines OR assumes that you 6rax or 8rax.

4 (or more) reaper rush:
-assumes that they will do a standard BO and the objective is to use your one window of opportunity to kill as many workers as possible before help arrives.

This is only for TvT and TvP. I haven't watched the game responsible for the reaper nerf that had someone building 5 barracks pushing reapers and containing Zerg and having enough reapers to where 1-base roaches aren't a threat. Nor I have played enough TvZ to make such a judgment.

In 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4, a 4 or more reaper rush becomes more viable. Protoss often two gates to get more units out and everyone ALWAYS rallies to their choke in case of an attack. You might see someone expect a small reaper rush and only put 2 or 3 defenders, when 12-15 reapers roll in and destroy the counter and force the army to come back.
btw yesterday for the second time in how many games i've ever played, someone tried to cannon rush me.

i've only been cannon rushed once before in sc2, and that was a rare time when i played random and had protoss. i basically built my base backwards from the cannons and managed to get an immortal out to take care of the cannons.

so it was a 3v3. i went for the economically safe 10 supply - 12 rax - 13 refinery - 15 oc. i hear over vent, "watch out for proxies guys" as my friend scouted forge first in the toss base. i look at the minimap and there's a bright blue dot as the toss tried to get cute and gas steal me. the probe came from the top so i scouted there and found a pylon. he's cannoning me? a terran?

so, as any good terran should do, i built a bunker. bunkers CAN outrange cannons but more importantly you can repair the bunker out of range of the cannon. but i was a bit flustered, and i forgot to build another supply. the toss player was going mad and was already building his 4th cannon, and i still hadn't gotten a marine out because of my supply blockage. i tried to get a marauder out but that was a bad idea so i cancelled it halfway and switched to a marine. i think i had 2 barracks out before i even had a single attack unit.

finally the marine comes out. i had 7 scvs on my bunker and a reaper appeared in my base and started picking off my scvs. i had to micro scvs against it while repairing, while building more scvs and troops and managing my economy. finally, i pick off two cannons, my friend's zerglings stream in it and finish off the remaining pylons and cannons and i'm still in good economic condition with 2 rax, 1 building, stim and conc researching. we steamroll the rest of the match.

tl;dr version - don't cannon rush a terran. even a bad terran who's supply blocked can still handle it.
I don't know what map you were on, but even without knowing I'm fairly certain that the tos did it wrong. terran can absolutely be cannoned successfully.
[quote name='BattleChicken']I don't know what map you were on, but even without knowing I'm fairly certain that the tos did it wrong. terran can absolutely be cannoned successfully.[/QUOTE]

not really. If anything you can always just lift and land at an expansion.
when a terran's single com is in the air, they aren't getting resources. Also, supply depots can't lift off. If I've forced a terran to run from their main with a couple of cannons, what I did was worth it to do it, and I can at least kill their depots.

If I've ever had someone run, I just steal their base - I've already got defenses there anway.

So. they run, have no income while running, and I have an expansion and stalker or void rays on the way. While it may not kill outright, it is extremely potent, even against a terran.
I think of it as theory sharing, or conversation. Its all in good fun in my eyes, but if it's making you mad then I'm sorry for upsetting you.

I'm really curious for how the tank patch is going to affect the terran game. I'm thinking that hellion and thor will be more common in normal builds than tanks in TvZ and speedlots will be seen more in TvP.

I bet mass hydra become much more common in games ZvT, also.
I actually went to the thread in the SEA forum and read it the other day. It's hilarious how the guy who did the map hack in the video tries to justify himself. Twice even. Looks like the thread for it is gone now though.

EDIT: I also believe based on the guys achievements, he had bought the collector's edition too. More hilarity.
I was reading the thread yesterday when they deleted it.. shame.. some of his responses were just amazing.

He said something to the effect of "You guys should be fine with this because we don't plan to use it in tournaments, just for fun".. Which meant league games... and "You guys are just mad because we give ourselves and edge by bending the rules".

The guy was completely oblivious about the fact that cheating is against the TOS and just generally bad sportsmanship. Even though he cheated constantly, his record was something like 75 wins and 78 losses.. How could you have a cheat that overpowered and not be dominating?

Regarding the hack, the only reason it is possible is because Blizzard was lazy in it's cleanup when they removed immortals from the warp gate - rather than modifying the game DB, they just removed it from the UI. In the alpha, warping in immortal was how the came in. It was determined to be OP, so they moved it to the robo - however the ability to warp in immmortals still exists in the warp gate, they just removed the button for it.

The warp gate code itself wasn't modified - just the UI (command card). In the code, a command to build a unit would be something like 'warpgate.buildunit(x), where X is the number representing the unit. Lets say zealot=1, sentry=2, stalker=3, HT=4, and DT=5. Because Blizzard didn't modify the warp gate to delete Immortal=6 as a valid option, all the hack had to do was send '6', and Bam - you're warping in an immortal at the normal cost without the tech - because the warp gate version didn't need a robo.

The specific hack couldn't be modified to warp in battlecruisers or void rays - only things that are actually possible in the game code. It is also worth reiterating that the warped in immortals cost the normal amount - I think that is part of why the arrogant hacker was losing so hard.

The short version is I wouldn't worry too much about this particular hack. Though, I wonder what other loose code is still dangling that could be exploited.. Hopefully they audit the SC2 code hard because this one is getting so much attention.
Yea thats essentially what I was thinking when I read through the TL thread. Imagine if the Mothership still had its alpha abilities available. It was broken then, and it would just destroy the game now.
[quote name='BattleChicken']I was reading the thread yesterday when they deleted it.. shame.. some of his responses were just amazing.

He said something to the effect of "You guys should be fine with this because we don't plan to use it in tournaments, just for fun".. Which meant league games... and "You guys are just mad because we give ourselves and edge by bending the rules".[/QUOTE]

I'm beginning to believe 50% of game hackers are sociopaths, the other half are stupid kiddes who think it's cool. They honestly feel justified in what they do because they were able to break the system. TF2 has recently been undergoing problems with a character named Kaori. He keeps getting VAC banned but keeps getting back on (Likely with accounts from when the game was 2.50) and he says the same kind of stuff.
I literally had 4 Protoss players in a row try to cannon rush me, shit is getting old... but at least I know how to defend against it properly now; I still need to figure out the proper counter-attack to a failed cannon rush, however.

I feel like I should be able to punish the other player for wasting resources on cannons, but my MM combo just ends up getting slaughtered. I think the correct response is to pump out a few tanks, but that hasn't always worked so well. I wonder if I should pump out a couple of reapers and avoid the cannons to harass his mineral line?
[quote name='yukine']I literally had 4 Protoss players in a row try to cannon rush me, shit is getting old... but at least I know how to defend against it properly now; I still need to figure out the proper counter-attack to a failed cannon rush, however.

I feel like I should be able to punish the other player for wasting resources on cannons, but my MM combo just ends up getting slaughtered. I think the correct response is to pump out a few tanks, but that hasn't always worked so well. I wonder if I should pump out a couple of reapers and avoid the cannons to harass his mineral line?[/QUOTE]

Get marauders and tech to tanks. Any time he steps too far in to try and drop a cannon, just shoot it and force the cancel. Sac a marauder if it'll kill his probe, then he can't move further and he'll likely have nothing at his base.

And of course the ultimate counter always, scouting scouting scouting.
[quote name='yukine']I literally had 4 Protoss players in a row try to cannon rush me, shit is getting old... but at least I know how to defend against it properly now; I still need to figure out the proper counter-attack to a failed cannon rush, however.

I feel like I should be able to punish the other player for wasting resources on cannons, but my MM combo just ends up getting slaughtered. I think the correct response is to pump out a few tanks, but that hasn't always worked so well. I wonder if I should pump out a couple of reapers and avoid the cannons to harass his mineral line?[/QUOTE]
a common transition is into void rays, because they'll collect gas and not use it while cannoning.

after the rush is held off, send an SCV to scout and determine what he's trying to do. you need info on how well you held it off.

i'd probably play greedy and expand then look out for him to gain a tech advantage but that's just my style.
so how the hell was i placed in the platinum league when I only won 2 of my placement games? One of them I died early on and basically 1 guy took out their 3. WTF im gonna get yelled at for my noobness
[quote name='DarkRider23']Is anyone else a fan of Husky? Just had to point out his new video... fucking hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Husky is my least favorite of the three youtube casters I watch (HDStarcraft, PsyStarcraft, and Husky). I'm not entirely sure why either. Maybe not enough technical insight. Then again Day9 blows again all three of them.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Husky is my least favorite of the three youtube casters I watch (HDStarcraft, PsyStarcraft, and Husky). I'm not entirely sure why either. Maybe not enough technical insight. Then again Day9 blows again all three of them.[/QUOTE]

Husky is actually my favorite and that's only because he adds some humor to the casts. HDSC and Psy (just found out about him) are fun to watch too, but not as fun as Husky.
I find myself liking the Zealot Rush more and more. Easy transition into Warp Gates, good map control with proxy pylons around the map, and none of the bullshit in waiting for the enemy to attack first.

That's the one thing I've noticed in 4v4: Whoever attacks first tends to win.

[quote name='HotShotX']I find myself liking the Zealot Rush more and more. Easy transition into Warp Gates, good map control with proxy pylons around the map, and none of the bullshit in waiting for the enemy to attack first.

That's the one thing I've noticed in 4v4: Whoever attacks first tends to win.


Just won by countering in 4v4.

Anyone wanna play, add me [email protected]
[quote name='DarkRider23']Husky is actually my favorite and that's only because he adds some humor to the casts. HDSC and Psy (just found out about him) are fun to watch too, but not as fun as Husky.[/QUOTE]

Same here, he has a lot of energy and a lot of subtle humor which I enjoy.
[quote name='HotShotX']I find myself liking the Zealot Rush more and more. Easy transition into Warp Gates, good map control with proxy pylons around the map, and none of the bullshit in waiting for the enemy to attack first.

That's the one thing I've noticed in 4v4: Whoever attacks first tends to win.


I've played plenty of games where i countered their initial attack and won. Heck, just yesterday my team countered a proxy cannon(sad that i got caught by it, i know) and the remaining 3 players push after it failed and won.
While it's possible to win when you're countering in a 4v4, divide and conquer factors in a lot in a 4v4 attack - as on most 4v4 maps everyone starts literally divided and a proper attack force will be 4 times stronger than the defender.

The distance that your partners have to travel to help a partner is significant, and often a base is razed outright or hurt very badly in an initial rush, such that the attacking force has the advantage. I would think that more often than not Hotshot is correct.

I know from personal experience I've won almost every 4v4 I've played, and my teammates have been really aggressive. The ones I lost, we weren't.
[quote name='Clak']I just cannon rushed the AI on insane for the "win in 5 minutes or less" achievement, that was awesome.[/QUOTE]

Thats a really good idea... If I haven't done that one yet, I'm doing it next time I get to play.
I got the 7 insane AI FFA, 3v3 insane AI, and 1v1 insane AI under 5 mins achievements last night.

Not many people were on last night, and I didn't feel like playing 1v1 or 2v2r.
Damn. Never would've thought that an Insane AI would be so vulnerable to a Cannon Rush. Got it to work for both a 1v2 Insane and a 1v3 Very Hard AI. I'll probably try it against 4 very hard AI later, once I'm not supposed to be working...
So I play this Protoss this morning, I thought the game was quite good as it was really close the whole time. I made a couple of mistakes though, for instance I knew his probe was still by my natural expansion and I thought it would be smart of me to wait for it to fully build before engaging it (little did I know he just researched warp gates, ugh.) I also forgot to set my rally point from my expansion to the mineral line, so I had a couple of idle SCVs for a while.

Anyway, before he quickly exits out of the game he tells me "I hate losing to awful players just because they are Terran. Learn the game, watch a replay or two, kid." I'm paraphrasing here... but this attitude towards how OP Terran is, and how you're a noob for playing them is just getting ridiculous.

Here is the replay for anyone interested:
People always rage at me because I'm Terran just because it's an easy out. Someone can convince themselves that losing against T isn't their fault just because the game is broken, not THEIR play style, god forbid. I love it when a toss rages at my marine marauder ghost ~60 food push but doesn't use a single sentry to cut up my army or use guardian sheild, saying he's got nothing that can defend against it.
I've seen people rage at others for just about every strat in the book...massing Mutalisks, using Void Rays at all, Cannon Rush, using any stealth unit, taking out an enemy's's gotten to the point where the only time I'm not ignoring an enemy is when I'm trying to figure out exactly how my team lost.
bread's done