Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Yar. Word is, Facebook integration's a-coming now.

C'moooooon Protossnotnerfed!

EDIT: Alright, some account names are in the OP. If yours isn't there or is wrong then fuck you too.
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Alright i'm doing this out of love, we all need to donate a couple bucks and get crotch a decent internet connection.
That'd be more a matter of getting my parents a decent connection, as now that school's over, I'm back home.

After those 2v2s, I played more 1v1 'til Bnet crashed. Finally got a win with my Dark Templar! I think that at the level I'm playing, they just don't work against Terrans. The people I'm playing aren't good enough to keep a steady level of MULEs up, so they've always got comsat sweeps to spare whenever my invisible guys show up. I only got my one DT win against a Protoss who was pressuring hard with Zealots. He broke through my front just as the Dark Shrine popped in.
[quote name='kainzero']This morning I played 3-4 matches and they were all against Zerg.

I think Zerg is too good right now, but no one has figured it out yet because of the mechanics. Once they get that out of the way, holy crap...[/QUOTE]

do you mean like queen hatchery mass produce is overpowered?
I'll probably be up for some more tonight if you want to play. A few more friends have codes so we should have enough people.
[quote name='Tony208']do you mean like queen hatchery mass produce is overpowered?[/QUOTE]

They kind of need to tone down how much Larvae queen's spawn. A good Zerg can mass up 50 drones by the time a good terran or toss gets up to 35'ish. After that, it's pretty much rape by the Zerg if you didn't do an early time attack. Once the Zerg's economy is going, there's no stopping them. Maybe I'm just being a little biased though because I sure as hell can't play as Zerg. Queens, hatches, larvae... it's just too much to take in at one time.
I'm considering pre-ordering SC2 at GameStop. I'm playing WarCraft III in addition to WoW at the moment, and I'm really into WCIII. Is SC2 the same kind of RTS? Obviously besides the fact that it's StarCraft and not WarCraft?

In short, suggest whether I should pre-order this if I'm into WCIII.
I actually have an old SC1 demo on my PC. Last time I tried it I thought it was pretty hard for some reason. I'll give it another shot though. ;)
You could always preorder it to get a beta key, try it out, and if you dont like it, move the preorder to something else. Or can you not do that with SC2 preorder?
Is anyone not able to log in? I just got the freaking beta, and downloaded the client/latest patches, but it wont let me login...

Was so excited...

Anyone facing similar situation?
I have mac client, if this matters.
[quote name='TravistyOJ']You could always preorder it to get a beta key, try it out, and if you dont like it, move the preorder to something else. Or can you not do that with SC2 preorder?[/QUOTE]

You can't do that with the SC2 preorder. Which is why I wanna be sure before I preorder it. I'm about to give the SC1 demo another go atm.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, Spawn larva is pretty ridiculous. It's like having a barracks with 3 attached reactors. Is that really fair?[/QUOTE]

Comparing zerg to other races 'specials'... terran get both the fortress and comsat. Comsat costs 150, spawns with 50 energy, and gives the scanner AND mule options to the com center; mules generate 220 minerals in 30 seconds (I think it is) for 50 energy. Planetary fortress is a strong defensive weapon that can save your expand or base if you get attacked.

Protoss get chrono boost - which reduces build time on their units on all of their nexus for zero gas/mineral cost. The ability costs 25 energy. They additionally have the option to create a mothership, which gives invisibility, has good weaponry, has decent health, can cast vortex - which is amazing - and can call other units to it's location.

The zerg get queens and nydus worms. The queen costs 150, spawns with 25 energy, can spawn larvae for 25 energy, or expand creep for ... 10?. Queens have OK hit points, are mobile - though very slow off of creep. They have a STA and a ranged ground attack. It won't win battles, but may fight off a reaper or two.

All things considered, the queen isn't any more overpowered than the mule is for speeding up your economy or the chrono boost is for speeding up your build time.

There is still tweaking to be done.. perhaps on the spawn rates of the larvae, or the cost of the ability... but the ability itself isn't all that out of balance, in my opinion.
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There is nothing i hate more than fighting my own race, seems like it usually comes down to basically a stalemate. Unless the other guy is just going incredibly slowly or something, if you're evenly matched it's like trying to fight fire with gasoline.
Wow I'm surprised someone made a video about it so quickly. Though I find the void rays shooting backwards funnier. Phoenix are gonna be pretty interesting unit to use. Did anyone catch how Nony used them in the HDH tournament?
Holy bugger patch 11!

    • Battlecruiser
      • The build time has been decreased from 110 to 90.
    • Fusion Core
      • The build time has been decreased from 80 to 65.
    • Hellion
      • The range has been increased from 5 to 6.
    • Planetary Fortress
      • The splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
    • Raven
      • Seeker Missile range has been decreased from 9 to 6.
      • Seeker Missile splash radius has been decreased from 2.4 to 2.
      • Seeker Missile upgrade no longer requires Fusion Core.
    • Siege Tank
      • Life increased from 150 to 160.
      • Siege Mode splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
    • Thor
      • Ground damage decreased from 45 to 30.
      • Ground rate of fire improved from 1.93 to 1.28.
      • Air damage changed from 8 (+4 Light) to 6 (+6 Light).
      • 250mm Strike Cannons are now an upgrade at the Factory Tech Lab.
      • 250mm Strike Cannons research now costs 150/150 and 110 seconds.
      • 250mm Strike Cannons energy cost increased from 100 to 150.
      • Anti-Air splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.

    • Archon
      • The splash radius has been increased from 0.8 to 1.
      • Splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
    • Colossus
      • The damage has been decreased from 20 to 15.
      • The rate of fire has been improved from 2.2 to 1.65.
    • Phoenix
      • Can now attack while moving.
    • Sentry
      • The damage has been decreased from 8 to 6.

  • ZERG
    • Brood Lord
      • Life has been decreased from 275 to 225.
      • Armor has been decreased from 2 to 1.
    • Corruptor
      • Corruptor damage changed from 12 (+10 Massive) to 14 (+6 Massive).
      • Corruptor speed increased from 2.75 to 2.9531
      • Corruption ability redesigned:
        • Single target.
        • Increases damage taken by 20%.
        • Lasts 30 seconds.
        • Costs 100 energy.
        • Range 6.
        • Cannot target structures.
    • Infestor
      • Neural Parasite is now an upgrade at the Infestation Pit.
      • Neural Parasite research costs 150/150 and 110 seconds.
      • Neural Parasite can now target Air units.
      • Neural Parasite energy cost increased from 50 to 100.
    • Spine Crawler
      • The root time has been increased from 6 to 12.
    • Spore Crawler
      • The root time has been increased from 6 to 12.
    • Ultralisk
      • Damage has been increased from 18 to 25.
      • General
        • In order to resolve a conflict with building multiple Forges with the Shift Key we have made the following changes:
          • Changed Center Camera from Shift+F to Ctrl+F.

      • Standard
        • To prevent the accidental research of Ventral Sacs when trying to train an Overlord with no Larva available, the hotkey has been changed from V to E.
        • View Own Health Bars functionality added to the Backslash key
      • Standard for Lefties
        • Due to a conflict with research Banshee Cloak, research Seeker Missile has been changed from L to K.
        • To correct a conflict with the Attack command on Planetary Fortress, train SCV has been changed from K to J.
        • In order to prevent the accidental training of Zerglings when using the Select Larva hotkey,train Zergling has been changed from L to J.
        • To prevent the accidental training of a Queen, train Ultralisk has been changed from U to T.
        • To prevent the accidental research of Pneumatized Carapace when trying to train a corruptor with no Larva available, research Pneumatized Carapace has been changed from P to C.
        • View All Status Bars has been changed from Q to the Alt key.
        • View own Status Bars functionality has been added to the Q key.
      • Grid for Lefties
        • Attack Move and all other buttons in the 0,4 position should now function correctly.
        • View Own Status Bars functionality added to Q.
        • View Enemy Status Bars moved to W.
        • View Ally Status Bars moved to E.
      • Classic
        • Changed build Nydus Canal from P to N.
        • Changed Place Nydus Canal ability from P to N.
        • Terran Infantry Weapon researches have been changed from E to W.
        • Terran Vehicle Weapon researches have been changed from E to W.
        • Train Thor hotkey has been changed from O to G.
        • Train Viking hotkey has been changed from Y to W.
        • View Own Status Bars functionality has been added to the Backslash key.

      Icon Position Changes
    • To put all race gas extractors in the same icon position, the positions of the Supply Depot/Refinery and Pylon/Assimilator have been swapped.
    • In order to make transforming multiple Gateways easier for players using Grid key sets, Transform to Gateway has been moved to a separate icon position (2,1).

    Bug Fixes
  • Corrected an issue that was causing the Polish language client to crash when receiving the "player is no longer being revealed” message.
  • Corrected incorrect links on multiple language clients pages.
  • Corrected an issue where the Zealot was using an US English voice over in the Korean language client.
  • Corrected an issue where a player is unable to build any structures that require pylon power when their protoss ally leaves.
  • Units can no longer be healed or repaired while in transports.
  • Corrected an issue where the Creep Tumor targeting circle was visible to opponents through Fog of War.
  • Corrected an issue in which selecting a Starport under construction and a completed Starport would display the select builder command in the Viking slot.
  • Corrected the Broodling weapon icon.
I fully support all of the neural parasite changes... except that it works on air now. My Mothership! Oh noes!

As for the Phoenix stuff... it makes me smile. Not only has it created a whole new round of teeth-gnashing over at TL (increasing my man-crush on Nazgul), but it looks rather Battlestar Galactica-y.
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I like the Thor more now with the increased speed of attack. Making the 250mm Strike Cannons an upgrade just made an ability that nobody really used even more useless.

People might actually start using Ultralisk's now as well, and the seeker missles for the Raven's.
[quote name='life.exe']I like the Thor more now with the increased speed of attack. Making the 250mm Strike Cannons an upgrade just made an ability that nobody really used even more useless.

People might actually start using Ultralisk's now as well, and the seeker missles for the Raven's.[/QUOTE]

Yeah - I find the new thor do a lot less overkill, so they don't get demolished by zerglings QUITE as bad anymore. The faster attack rate is a very nice thing
[quote name='life.exe']I like the Thor more now with the increased speed of attack. Making the 250mm Strike Cannons an upgrade just made an ability that nobody really used even more useless.

People might actually start using Ultralisk's now as well, and the seeker missles for the Raven's.[/QUOTE]

I actually liked the Thor's strike cannons. It made taking out static defenses less risky since it stunned them. Oh well though. I didn't use them that often to begin with.
[quote name='life.exe']I like the Thor more now with the increased speed of attack. Making the 250mm Strike Cannons an upgrade just made an ability that nobody really used even more useless.

People might actually start using Ultralisk's now as well, and the seeker missles for the Raven's.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, I feel like the decrease in range on Seeker Missile makes Ravens even more of a liability than they already are. The fusion core requirement was a little weird though, hope it stays gone.

The devs are really concerned about Ultralisks, since the Thor and Neural Parasite changes were apparently designed primarily to benefit them:
Man void rays are awesome. They seem to have one of the lowest priorities in threat level when mixed with other units so fighting against attack-move armies they rarely get attacked. With that said, i just did a 2v2 where I backed up marauders and medvacs with voidrays against a mixed toss and terran ground force, and we steamrolled the army with my voidrays taking almost no damage.
[quote name='Magus8472']I dunno, I feel like the decrease in range on Seeker Missile makes Ravens even more of a liability than they already are. The fusion core requirement was a little weird though, hope it stays gone.[/QUOTE]
A liability? Get a few Ravens up, and a Protoss is incapable of killing your air with ground troops. He must go air if he wants to hit your Banshees with anything bigger than a Sentry.

Also, fuck yes, the new patch is up for direct download. Go guy that isn't Blizzard!
Can't find a good deal for Starcraft 2 :( I missed the good $70 deal Gamestop had in April. If someone find a good deal let me know
[quote name='JolietJake']Later tonight Crotch, can probably get a good 2v2 game going.[/QUOTE]
Sure, sure. Maybe I'll make a stargate one of these times.

EDIT: Hey, just made my first stargate! My opponent walled himself in, so I fast expanded, not really knowing what the fuck, but suspecting some air shenanigans. As soon as I get that obs out, sure enough, he's got stargates a-goin'. It was... weird. He was in full-on Void Ray production from his one base and I went full Stalkers from my warpgates plus one stargate of Phoenixes off of two bases. And it stayed like that for a long fucking time. He eventually tried to expand and I sent a control group of Stalkers up. I destroyed his expo before he could get much of anything out of it, but his Void Rays took out my main nexus then doubled back to get my Stalker attackers. A whole bunch more unit pumping and some ohshitblinkisreallyprettycoollater, and I was in his base fighting the rays head-on.
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[quote name='Makula']Can't find a good deal for Starcraft 2 :( I missed the good $70 deal Gamestop had in April. If someone find a good deal let me know[/QUOTE]

It may not be 'great' but I went into Best Buy yesterday, and they had little printouts of 500 reward points for preordering SC2 - collectors or standard editions.

That would be the equivalent of $10 off.. plus the gamer's club points from your actual purchase.

It isn't as good as the Gamestop deal, but it isn't that bad.
I guess you thought your name just wasn't quite homoerotic enough.

EDIT: God damn, Blizzard. Not gonna get out of Silver if I keep taking losses on games I don't get to play...
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[quote name='The Crotch']I guess you thought your name just wasn't quite homoerotic enough.

EDIT: God damn, Blizzard. Not gonna get out of Silver if I keep taking losses on games I don't get to play...[/QUOTE]
yea, to get my name a little more gay I'll probably just add ".thecrotch". That'll do it.
Dagnabbit, Bear. You see that symbol beside my name? It means I'm in game.

EDIT: And as a result of that game, I was finally able to finish my 2v2 placements. Ten billion crashes later, and I'm set down at rank 9 gold.

That one game that I lost really burned. Super rude Terran opponent ("Retarded noob pulling your probe off! WTF you doing idiot!") + useless as fuck Terran ally (You had all that time, and you lost your army to Reaper harass? Your entire army?) = painful loss.
It is not that I am distracted.

It is that I am unable to respond until things are guaranteed.

And even then, that's bad practice. Best to keep macroing even when you're assured victory.
bread's done