Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Is there a way to watch replays with a friend that's in your party?

Edit: Found out...nope.
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[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Wow, hopefully the reviewers don't choke on the balls. I don't want to sound like a hater, but we all paid 60 bucks for a game that is damn near the same as its predecessor. The reviews seem to take note of this, but still give it a perfect score? Had this been another game that did the same thing it would be slammed.

"This isn't just a fresh coat of paint on StarCraft, it is StarCraft, right down to its pixelated bones."

"Not a lot of chances were taken, but Blizzard knows what works, and it shows."

The game is great and deserves the stellar sales and accolades, but at the same time it's so great it doesn't need these reviewers to fellate it. If you have the first Starcraft I wouldn't go breaking the bank to buy this one.

I'm really not trying to rub anyone the wrong way and I really hope to see the games multiplayer expand with the next chapters of the game. I think it's def worth the money and the wait for the next part (Zerg/Protoss emphasis).

On another note, some of the reviewers act like there were no good RTS games between the Starcraft titles and that's a load of horse shit. Hello?! Company of Heroes much?

I'm interested in doing some MP, more or less to learn some shit. So if there's anyone here that kicks ass and would like to take me to school or anyone who also sucks ass feel free to add me. I know you can link up with facebooks. And I think emails? [email protected][/QUOTE]

About Starcraft II being the same thing with a facelift, watch this:;watchlink;2

Too many dev make sequels that change the game too much or the results are basically what they wanted to do before but didn't have the guts to pull off as a new IP game (go a little more in-depth with the story on one faction).

Starcraft II is a quality RTS game that if you like to play RTS games shouldn't be missed. I think the game is worth the money with the re-playability, the mods/maps you'll be able to play and the endless multiplayer matches that never cease to disappoint.
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[quote name='suko_32']Is there a way to watch replays with a friend that's in your party?

Edit: Found out...nope.[/QUOTE]

You could send them the replay and then start it up at the same time and then open up a chat box and talk to them :D
[quote name='bs000']You could send them the replay and then start it up at the same time and then open up a chat box and talk to them :D[/QUOTE]

That's what we ended up doing lol
[quote name='The Crotch']Coordinated pauses, rewinds, and speed changes?[/QUOTE]

Just my friend watching the replay and me in the lobby while chatting it up in party chat @_@
Man I love the protoss, used to play exclusively terran, but I love the speed that protoss have with building and unit production.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Man, I completely suck as the zerg...I got my ass handed to the less than 20 minutes....I'm sticking with terrans :p[/QUOTE]

Same here! I was doing 2v2's against EASY computers with a friend and I tried out zerg and got completely roflstomped. So I switched back to Terran and now I can generally hold my own. I'm still pretty bad at the game. I just can't multitask good enough.
[quote name='RedGamer']
[quote name='jkanownik']Two guest pass keys:

Thank you, I took the second key.[/QUOTE]

the first one is also taken, not by me though :cry:

does any one happen to have another guest pass. i really want to try the game.
Finished the campaign last night. I made one hell of a big tactical error leading prior to the last mission that made it a wee bit more difficult than it needed to be.
[quote name='floormat']dumb question.
where is the login for multiplayer games

i havent seen anything like what you guys r typing[/QUOTE]

You're asked to log in as soon as the game loads up. That account is for multiplayer as well as the solo campaign.
[quote name='The Crotch']Um.

You're asked to log in as soon as the game loads up. That account is for multiplayer as well as the solo campaign.[/QUOTE]

umm that just asks me for a e-mail address you guys all seem to be typing a name - number

example floormat - 1234

i haven't seen anything like that...
[quote name='floormat']umm that just asks me for a e-mail address you guys all seem to be typing a name - number

example floormat - 1234

i haven't seen anything like that...[/QUOTE]
When you logged in for the very first time, it should have asked you to create a name. That's the one we're using. It says it again every time you log on after that in multiple places. And every time you play a multiplayer game.

The number can be found either by hovering the mouse over your portrait or by going into the "add friends" thingy.
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One Zerg tip I picked up from watching a match video (it may be obvious to some)... is when you make a new hatchery. Start a new queen at an existing hatchery, then spawn larva one last time with your older high energy queen, and march her to the new hatchery. Then you can put down creep tumors and be ready to spawn larva as soon as the new hatchery is done building.

My friend also told me creep tumors can make more creep tumors. I still have to try this, but I honestly never even clicked on one. Played too much starcraft 1, some of the new stuff totally slips by me.

Also... played about 20+ matches of Zerg until I finally learned that "Roaches are vital to absorbing damage for the primary damage dealers - Hydralisks." (from liquipedia)

I've also had a lot of success using Speedlings as a cleanup after a big battle. They wipe out scattered and weakened units.
Finished Campaign on hard, in process of beating it again on brutal. At first the storyline felt kinda bland for me, but after reading around about the stories behind the story its a lot more intriguing.

Oh and welcome back crotch, we were long overdue for an update.
InViN - 568

I'm mostly into coop vs AI. I haven't started pvp yet since I need to change my strategies/old habits after playing the original for around six years.
[quote name='HotShotX']HotShotX - HotShotX - 102

That's a lot of HotshotX.
[quote name='cashHD']i'm in ... add me

name is Argnok[/QUOTE]
Need your number, too. Hover your mouse over your portrait to see it.
I just won a game I had no business winning. My T vs Z. He wiped me at my first base with a huge zergling rush early, yet somehow didn't notice my 2nd base, I managed to turtle in there, got him to attack me again and took out most of his units. Managed to sneak around with a few battlecruisers and wipe his main base.

All the dude had to do was get his zerglings into my second base and it would have been game over. I'll have to watch the replay and figure out what the hell he was doing.
[quote name='lordwow']I just won a game I had no business winning. My T vs Z. He wiped me at my first base with a huge zergling rush early, yet somehow didn't notice my 2nd base, I managed to turtle in there, got him to attack me again and took out most of his units. Managed to sneak around with a few battlecruisers and wipe his main base.

All the dude had to do was get his zerglings into my second base and it would have been game over. I'll have to watch the replay and figure out what the hell he was doing.[/QUOTE]

If it's funny, you should post the replay for us to watch!
I finished the campaign on Normal, last night. I had a good time playing this a few hours each night. The second to last mission got a little tense (replayed a few times)but most others I cruised through. Just the right pace, IMO.
Now it's time to start practice against the computer before going MP.

I finally got some SC2 time in last night, and I played more of the campaign. I finished the last crystal mission, which was actually a lot of fun to do. I played it twice for all the achievements, I enjoyed it so much the first time. I think I killed a hair under 3000 units.
Finished the campaign on normal. I normally don't play RTS's, but I thought it was waaaayyy too easy. I only had to restart on one or two missions, and they were the early ones. Still a great game
I haven't had much time to play it, but I'm enjoying it so far. I just finished up the mission where you have to defend at night and attack during the day. That was fun stuff. It reminded me of Pitch Black. heh
[quote name='Lokki']I haven't had much time to play it, but I'm enjoying it so far. I just finished up the mission where you have to defend at night and attack during the day. That was fun stuff. It reminded me of Pitch Black. heh[/QUOTE]

That was the last mission I played too and I had a lot of fun with it.
[quote name='SoulReaver']Finished the campaign on normal. I normally don't play RTS's, but I thought it was waaaayyy too easy. I only had to restart on one or two missions, and they were the early ones. Still a great game[/QUOTE]Yeah, i think "Normal" difficulty with 4 difficulty levels is going to be easier than most normals. It's like when they have a Medium at a fast food place. Small, Medium, Large, and Super Size. medium is no longer the medium once there are four to choose from. I think that's why this normal is a little easier. They have to leave room to ramp up to Hard, and then Brutal.
[quote name='TravistyOJ']Yeah, i think "Normal" difficulty with 4 difficulty levels is going to be easier than most normals. It's like when they have a Medium at a fast food place. Small, Medium, Large, and Super Size. medium is no longer the medium once there are four to choose from. I think that's why this normal is a little easier. They have to leave room to ramp up to Hard, and then Brutal.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Normal allows me to do all the sidequests and a bit of room for error. Hard makes me have to think and some times drop side quests. Insane really requires a good lot of attention.

I just placed plat in 1v1, I really don't belong there but it'll be cool to be an upper-middle dog a bit before I get knocked down.
RKasahara - 423

Can't guarantee that I'll be online much, though. Haven't even played any placement matches yet, and have been neglecting certain other games lately.

Just beat the campaign today. Have various thoughts on the story ("Kate Lockwell is awesome", for starters), and on the non-story bit, I'm not too crazy about the new Kerrigan voice actress. Might write it all down in my gaming blog later.
Have to unlock and play that hidden mission, too.
[quote name='blueshinra']Just beat the campaign today. Have various thoughts on the story ("Kate Lockwell is awesome", for starters), and on the non-story bit, I'm not too crazy about the new Kerrigan voice actress. Might write it all down in my gaming blog later.
Have to unlock and play that hidden mission, too.

If you didn't unlock it before you went to Char, you have to restart the campaign to play it.
Hostile, code: 701

I'm almost finished with the campaign and then I'll probably finish the first set of challenges (completed the Terran and Protoss) then move on to the rest. I'll give comp stomping a try to get used to multiplayer and hopefully I can find a few people to 1v1 to just get ready before I start playing in the league/ladder/etc. As someone who was pretty good playing Brood Wars (I played for years and with people who I thought were good as far as US.East players were concerned) I'm deathly afraid of sucking at this game.
[quote name='Magus8472']
If you didn't unlock it before you went to Char, you have to restart the campaign to play it.

Actually that's not entirely correct.
The game auto-saved enough and those saves stick around long enough to be able to load one up before Char and play it in the Mission Archives to unlock it. Then finish up the last three missions on easy or something if you really want it to say 26/26.
So I installed and registered my game on my laptop at my house. Last night I decided to play at my friends house and everything was fine. Today, I checked my email and got a letter saying my account IP was different than originally registered and is locked. I logged on at home and its not locked.

Has anyone experienced this and is this email legit? I haven't clicked the links in the email and this is the first time I've experienced something like this in any online game I've played. Oh yeah I've logged online to play solo mode at my work this past week but never got the email.

BTW - if you have an android phone...there's a authenticator. Is that legit or should I even bother with it? I never played WoW so I don't think it's neccessary for me.
[quote name='Draekon']Actually that's not entirely correct.
The game auto-saved enough and those saves stick around long enough to be able to load one up before Char and play it in the Mission Archives to unlock it. Then finish up the last three missions on easy or something if you really want it to say 26/26.
Hah, yeah. Besides,
I've been manually saving after each mission anyway, and fortunately had a file saved most of the way through Media Blitz; I used that to unlock the secret mission (which I just beat). I'm not that concerned with getting 26/26, but I have started going back for missed campaign achievements... Hmm...

(However, part of me knows that achievements or no, chances are better than most that I'll do a full replay shortly before the Zerg expansion comes out anyway.)

Also, totally unrelated: my husband bought his own copy of SC2 which he finally started playing today, and I must say that it looks so nice on his gaming rig (me, I'm not enough of a PC gamer to have/want such a computer, normally). I played with just about all the settings on Low, and it looked fine, but god damn do the "Ultra" graphics look sweet. I'm a little envious >_>

[quote name='Psykodelik']BTW - if you have an android phone...there's a authenticator. Is that legit or should I even bother with it? I never played WoW so I don't think it's neccessary for me.[/QUOTE]
I have an authenticator. With all the account hacking that was going on around the time of the beta, I thought it would be a good idea. Don't know how much use it would be for SC2 players now, but it's a small one-time expense and an added bit of protection, so it can't hurt. The Android version does look legit, BTW.
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