Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Holy horse cocks.

So Blizzard is putting a new patch through public testing. There're a cuntload of changes - you can see them here - but there are some pretty huge ones for my fellow brotoss. And not huge in the "DTs now have a separate building" kinda way. This is the good kind of huge. Major (but not final) changes are:

The game now detects a stalemate if nothing has been made or destroyed for too long.
Customizable hotkeys.
Chat channels.
The number of workers in each gas geyser is now displayed.
New ladder division about diamond.

Hallucination comes out in 80 instead of 110.
Obs are 25/25 less.
Phoenix come out in 35 instead of 45.
Voids do 25% more damage to massive, but can no longer get speed upgrades.
Can no longer wall enemies into their base with pylons at the bottom of their ramp.

SCVs that are repairing are considered as great a threat to the AI as the unit they are repairing.

Fungal growth only hits ground units.

The short of it is: huge buff to protoss air. Early thor play has been hurt heavily, as has using infestor-hydra to fight protoss air. Colossi play in pvp is also weaker.
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Flash did it AGAIN in a TvZ that just happened.

Failed bunker rush.
Lost his early game MM force to bad positioning and had to pull SCVs for a considerable amount of time.
Got lurker contained.
Then, in an epic battle that I thought was an autoloss for Flash, he loses hardly anything.
I don't get it!!!
need a practice partner tomorrow......i want to get out of bronze lol

i have been playing pick up games from TL forum pplz.......

anyone down? i main brotoss
[quote name='mramazing']Here is my most recent loss:[/quote]
-Late scouting. Always scout with your probe that builds the first pylon. Furthermore, use a probe and not a zealot to scout. Zealots are slower, cost more food, and cost more to produce. Had you seen the fast expand, that could've been your invitation to play more aggressively with zealots.
-Multitasking. I know, I know, you're just bronze. But it pays to always be scouting with something instead of letting your army sit at home. You had a lot of overlords chilling in your base in a long time, and when you saw them, you only sent one stalker at them. Taking them out would supply block Zerg and force them to spend more minerals, and your ramp was securely blocked so that if they did attack, you could walk your stalkers back. The lack of scouting allowed the Zerg to drone up and there were times when he was extremely vulnerable, because you didn't know how big his army was. Observer was mostly dormant; hotkey it and have it always move.
-Careless loss of the immortal. This is important. Immortal is what, 300 minerals and the unit counter to roaches? You did a lot of damage to the drones, which was good, but I'm convinced you could've done more or you could've escaped with the immortal at the end.
-HUGE problem with macro. Always build probes (at least until you have like, 70, then it's a problem). You only had 20 probes and were far from maxing out your income. Your expansion was late and since you only had 20 probes, even if you transferred half of them you'd still be behind in income. Your comment says "loss against roaches" but he had double your army.
-In a more advanced way of thinking, attack timing was awful. You saw the Zerg fast expand, which means that you either have to take your expansion fairly quickly as well, or plan a timing to take it out before his economy outpaces yours. Neither happened. In addition, since you didn't scout, you had no idea what his army looked like or where it was positioned. You got lucky that it was out of position and were able to forcefield the ramp.
In that situation, given that he expanded and you didn't attack until late, I would've expected him to steamroll you.

After the first zealot snuck in, the game should've ended at the 10 minute mark. After taking out the bunker and marines next to the gold, it should've been over 4 minutes after that. Why did it end up being 30 minutes?!

Expanding after something like that is good.
However, because you don't transfer probes or build enough of them, the Terran's econ on one base was better than your two base economy, and that's pretty awful.
After taking out the bunker you retreated back to your base. Why? You delayed economy by a lot, you took out a lot of resources. You should've left your units at his expansion to contain him and retreated if he moved out. Instead, you let him move around freely on the map.
You were sitting on too many resources. Remember to build more unit producing buildings after taking an expansion. The fact that you were even in army is appalling, you should've double his army.
Don't know why you built the first immortal. There was nothing that told you to build that immortal, and immortals are expensive.
The first PF attack was piss poor. You had two colossi trying to snipe the PF instead of taking out the SCVs repairing it. You could've taken out the SCVs and then run away and come back with more troops and it would've been an effective attack. You probably could've wiped out the PF after you killed all the SCVs anyway.
The second attack was equally bad. You walked two colossi up in his grill only to get sniped by their infantry. Keep them far away from the battle. After the second attack, I'm pretty sure that if the Terran was any good, he would've won the game right there.
His tech was slow so that's why you won, I'm convinced that I would've easily won in that situation.
Lastly, don't gg first, that's a pretty dick move. That's like picking up the white flag and waving surrender for him.
[quote name='kainzero']Problems:
-Late scouting. Always scout with your probe that builds the first pylon. Furthermore, use a probe and not a zealot to scout. Zealots are slower, cost more food, and cost more to produce. Had you seen the fast expand, that could've been your invitation to play more aggressively with zealots.
-Multitasking. I know, I know, you're just bronze. But it pays to always be scouting with something instead of letting your army sit at home. You had a lot of overlords chilling in your base in a long time, and when you saw them, you only sent one stalker at them. Taking them out would supply block Zerg and force them to spend more minerals, and your ramp was securely blocked so that if they did attack, you could walk your stalkers back. The lack of scouting allowed the Zerg to drone up and there were times when he was extremely vulnerable, because you didn't know how big his army was. Observer was mostly dormant; hotkey it and have it always move.
-Careless loss of the immortal. This is important. Immortal is what, 300 minerals and the unit counter to roaches? You did a lot of damage to the drones, which was good, but I'm convinced you could've done more or you could've escaped with the immortal at the end.
-HUGE problem with macro. Always build probes (at least until you have like, 70, then it's a problem). You only had 20 probes and were far from maxing out your income. Your expansion was late and since you only had 20 probes, even if you transferred half of them you'd still be behind in income. Your comment says "loss against roaches" but he had double your army.
-In a more advanced way of thinking, attack timing was awful. You saw the Zerg fast expand, which means that you either have to take your expansion fairly quickly as well, or plan a timing to take it out before his economy outpaces yours. Neither happened. In addition, since you didn't scout, you had no idea what his army looked like or where it was positioned. You got lucky that it was out of position and were able to forcefield the ramp.
In that situation, given that he expanded and you didn't attack until late, I would've expected him to steamroll you.

After the first zealot snuck in, the game should've ended at the 10 minute mark. After taking out the bunker and marines next to the gold, it should've been over 4 minutes after that. Why did it end up being 30 minutes?!

Expanding after something like that is good.
However, because you don't transfer probes or build enough of them, the Terran's econ on one base was better than your two base economy, and that's pretty awful.
After taking out the bunker you retreated back to your base. Why? You delayed economy by a lot, you took out a lot of resources. You should've left your units at his expansion to contain him and retreated if he moved out. Instead, you let him move around freely on the map.
You were sitting on too many resources. Remember to build more unit producing buildings after taking an expansion. The fact that you were even in army is appalling, you should've double his army.
Don't know why you built the first immortal. There was nothing that told you to build that immortal, and immortals are expensive.
The first PF attack was piss poor. You had two colossi trying to snipe the PF instead of taking out the SCVs repairing it. You could've taken out the SCVs and then run away and come back with more troops and it would've been an effective attack. You probably could've wiped out the PF after you killed all the SCVs anyway.
The second attack was equally bad. You walked two colossi up in his grill only to get sniped by their infantry. Keep them far away from the battle. After the second attack, I'm pretty sure that if the Terran was any good, he would've won the game right there.
His tech was slow so that's why you won, I'm convinced that I would've easily won in that situation.
Lastly, don't gg first, that's a pretty dick move. That's like picking up the white flag and waving surrender for him.[/QUOTE]


Seriously though, I appreciate all the advice and you taking the time out to look over my games. I will learn from it, and not let you down. :cool:
[quote name='The Crotch']Also, every single zerg in the world is worried about how to fight mutas in zvz.[/QUOTE]


Gives me more of a reason to switch.
It's been a while since I've played terran, but I forgot how big a difference the mules make. Playing with a friend as toss, our total resources collected are usually pretty close, even with me having two bases and him only having one. He just stays on the mules like crazy.
Dammit. Can't get in to the PRT 'cause of some bug.

I'm-a taking a look at those replays now, though Kain probably covered most everything.

EDIT: Alright, I'll add as I see 'em, and I'll try to avoid covering what Kain did, but unless I specifically contradict something he said, consider everything he said totally right. Most of my comments will be very nitpicky/protoss-specific, so pay attention to the things Kain said first, as he got the big things. Don't let my comments on building placement distract your from his comments on scouting; they are not of equal value.

Game One, PvZ|
Alright. You're building at your ramp against a zerg. Good. I don't necessarily agree with your opening building placement, but... eh. There's a lot of personal preference involved there.
Your building timing is a little off because of the travel distance of your probes. As a general rule - changes some based on the map - if you're building the first pylon at your ramp, send your probe out at 50 minerals. If your first gateway's at the ramp, send your probe there when you have 100 minerals.
Your assimilator is quite late (think 13 or 14 supply, generally), and your second pylon is early (which should be more ~15 or 16 supply).
Your chronoboost slipped early. If you're saving up to start pumping units, fine, but since you didn't scout, you wouldn't have any use for that...
Personally, I prefer cyber before zealot, unless I really really need that zealot. If you start your zealot with the first 100 minerals you get immediately after finishing the core, you should have almost exactly 125 minerals and enough gas as soon as the core finishes for your stalker.
At 4:20, you noticed your boost was starting to build up, so you began chronoing probes... but immediately got supply blocked. Pylons are your friends; they're what give you vision around your huge fucking bases to prevent drops and cheesey stuff.
4:53. You have two zealots and a sentry. He has four zerglings. You should be pressuring him. Generally speaking, I like to poke at an enemy's base with my first zealot and stalker and rally future zealots and stalkers to them. If I can do some damage, awesome! If I can't, hey, at least I forced him to build a spine and some more lings. Every pair of lings he makes is a drone that ain't mining.
Side-note on gateway timing: if you start a gateway when warpgate research is exactly half done, the two will finish at the same time.
6:30 - free overlord kill. Take it.
6:53, as your zealot slipped in, you saw he was making a tech building, but you didn't see what it was. Make sure you click on in-construction buildings when you scout (with a probe, not a zealot)! Also, your boost is full and you're sitting on resources.
Why obs first? Zerg have the least scary "cloaking" in the game. Unless it's a zerg who likes roach burrow, you're probably not gonna need obs for a while. And hell, you saw that his lair wasn't even done, so... really, no need.
And shit, I just noticed it now, but that first gate you made? Running off a lone pylon. Do you know how many brotoss have lost because they built their shit at their ramp and got their lone pylon sniped?
8:16 - excessive pylon placement? Maybe. But fuck yeah vision over your base! Still, why aren't you making units out of your robo? Or your warpgates?
After you saw he had a second base - which, really, no surprise - you just kinda... sat there. Didn't mass up units for an attack. Didn't take your own nautral. Didn't make a hard push for some key unit or bit of tech. Just sat there as he took the lead.
Good on you for getting colossus range. I'd probably prefer starting a colossus before range and then boosting the hell out of it (you're energy capped, remember) to compensate for the long research time.
As Kain said - and I want to re-emphasize this - your attack came at an utterly random time. You teched to colossus - even got a fast range upgrade - but your attack included zero colossii. You invested a ton in something that never saw any use. Part of that is because you kept using up your gas on other units/research, though. Don't be afraid to make more zealots if you need the gas for colossii.
Expand when you attack!
Bad forcefields let the lings down, though you caught roaches with 'em later at least. Would have liked to have seen guardian shields. Remember, stalkers in front get obliterated by lings. Stalkers are quite a bit faster than your other ground units until you get charge, so you have to keep them back behind the zealots yourself. Part of the problem is that you were entirely on 1a. I split my control groups - zealots on one, stalker/sentry on 2 (until I get blink, then sentries go with the zealots), etc. Never, never, never just 1a in! Your fragile damage dealers will just walk in front of your beefy tanks and get destroyed. Immortals have the opposite problem, being slower and shorter range than the stalkers, they typically get stuck behind them (thus, I normally group them with my zealots on 1).
12:46 - okay, you won with two units left. Get another nexus up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T!
Don't forget to give your obs hotkeys (I like to use 8, 9, and 0). After making those early obs, you didn't really see anything with them, including the zerg's oh-so-important spire. Your obs just kinda... hung out in your base while the zerg pumped out corruptors.
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God damn. That looks so much angrier and wall-of-text-y than it seemed when I was typing it.

Watching your second game now. Don't build at your ramp against terrans. That's just asking to lose buildings.
The part where he locked his SCVs out of his base was hilarious. Would've liked to have seen you go for his gas workers, his depots, or most likely, his tech lab rather than his CC, though.
As Kain said, that was pretty much game. You could really have done more-or-less anything: expanded freely, super-de-duper fast teched to whatever the fuck you wanted, powered probes like a motherfucker, massed a really big tier 1.5 army and just overran him... anything.
Another obs first! Dagnabbit! His mining has been cut to hell and he's marauder heavy. He will not have cloaked units out for a long time.
Whenever a nexus is about to finish, remember to do a probe transfer. And keep up with the production buildings - you had one base's worth of buildings running on two bases. And don't forget about your poor third and fourth geysers.
After you forced his expansion to flee, you could have taken another base. Or, more likely, just gone and killed him. Or both. I like both.
Don't bash your head against a PF if you've no reason to. While you were trading armies with him, you could have been exploding his main.
What's your account number, by the way?
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Couldn't find a "luckylefty", but there is a "lucky.lefty". That you?

EDIT: There's also a "lucky-lefty"... fuck...
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Anyone else really hate playing with demanding teammates? The type who get pissed if they call for help and you don't immediately rush to their aid? Then they blame you for them getting wiped out. In a 2v2 anyone can end up getting double teamed, it's the best way to attack really, you should expect it to happen. If I'm in the process of travleing to an enemy base I'm not going to divert everything to help you when I'm almost to their base.
[quote name='Clak']Anyone else really hate playing with demanding teammates? The type who get pissed if they call for help and you don't immediately rush to their aid? Then they blame you for them getting wiped out. In a 2v2 anyone can end up getting double teamed, it's the best way to attack really, you should expect it to happen. If I'm in the process of travleing to an enemy base I'm not going to divert everything to help you when I'm almost to their base.[/QUOTE]

Well you should always go back to help your teammate unless you know for sure you can wipe out the other team's bases.

If your teammate is about to get rolled then they will definitely come to take out your base or go back to defend theres. The game then becomes 2vs1 and you probably won't win unless you completely hard counter their units.
[quote name='Gamehead']Well you should always go back to help your teammate unless you know for sure you can wipe out the other team's bases.

If your teammate is about to get rolled then they will definitely come to take out your base or go back to defend theres. The game then becomes 2vs1 and you probably won't win unless you completely hard counter their units.[/QUOTE]
It depends on the timing of the attack, the effectiveness of the attack, and the effectiveness of the counter attack.

If it's an early game rush centered on taking one person out, both opponents will be behind in tech and economy and you can afford to not help your teammate. In this case, you need to set up some defense and attack within 2-3 minutes.

Midgame attacks are more difficult to assess properly.
You have to assess how well your partner can hold them off, and whether your one army can defeat their combined army. If they try a midgame wall bust towards the main, a good partner can usually hold out just well enough so that when you reinforce (and flank), you can completely wipe out their army with minimal losses and A-move for the win.
It depends on your defenses and economy, if you can rally up an army to defend yourself while you attacking their base, depends on their economy and how many bases they have, etc.

In most team games, defeating an army decisively is more important than taking out their base, because it's harder to overcome critical mass in this game. Once you understand which is important and doable, it's easier to understand when to help out and when to abandon your partner, and it's also easier to time defense properly so that you can fight 2v2 and not two 1v2s.

I've played several 3v3 games that have essentially been 1v3 and won them. Allies either get taken out early or commit to rushes that leave them far behind without doing a lot of damage, so even 1v2 is doable.

What annoys me are terrible armchair quarterbacks who tell me what to do when they're terrible themselves (I had a guy recently bitch at me for not walling in with him, in the meantime, he didn't have his OC up until my expo was halfway done), and people who declare their tech in the first 30 seconds of the game. (Plan? I'm going DTs!)

Still, I feel like playing 3v3 is like playing 1v3 bronze players, which is more relaxing and exciting than 1v1 with a diamond.
Well when your teammate is painfully behind, and you will basically end up being their only defense, screw 'em. I'm not going to carry you and try to take out the enemy at the same time. Now granted I've been on the receiving end of this myself, and it does suck, but thems the breaks. Nobody can expect their teammate to baby sit them.
I only play team games with friends. Playing with randoms has really not worked so far, especially in a 2vs2. If your teammate is sub-par then the game becomes much harder for you.
Went three for six today, alternating losses and wins. Beat a random stalker protoss, an 8pooling zerg, and an MMM terran. Lost to a 4gate toss (bad forcefields), speedling zerg (bad base layout), and a stalker toss (too few zealots; bad tech switches).
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[quote name='The Crotch']Lost to a 4pool toss[/QUOTE]
He killed two of his own probes and then built a spawning pool as protoss?

God dammit.

Anyway, still can't get into the PTR, but they've reverted some of the changes - bunker build time is back up, fungal hits air again, and the changes to zerg macro didn't go through. The new quick-and-dirty on the patch is:

The game now detects a stalemate if nothing has been made or destroyed for too long.
Customizable hotkeys.
Chat channels.
New ladder division above diamond.
The number of workers in each gas geyser is now displayed.

Hallucination comes out in 80 instead of 110.
Obs are 25/25 less (25/75 total).
Phoenix come out in 35 instead of 45.
Voids do 25% more damage to massive, but can no longer get speed upgrades.
Can no longer wall enemies into their base with pylons at the bottom of their ramp.

SCVs that are repairing are considered as great a threat to the AI as the unit they are repairing.

Fungal growth only hits ground units.
Ultralisk smaller but has worse AOE.

The short of it is: huge buff to protoss air and scouting. Early thor play has been heavily nerfed. Colossi play in pvp is also weaker.

EDIT: GSL spoilers ahoy:
Ergh. MC (protoss) and Foxer are 1-1 in their RO8 games at GSL right now. C'mon MC...

MC cheeses game three and wins!

MC becomes the second protoss to enter the RO4!

The last foreigner, the incredibly manly Swedish terran Jinro, advances to the semifinals. I was actually cheering for him over his protoss opponent in this one. Jin is by far my favourite terran player right now.

Why do I like Jin? Aside from the fact that his face is about the manliest thing ever, he says, "fuck that noise!" to the dominant terran mindset of late: terrans can't compete with protoss and zerg in the lategame, and must all-in before they are overrun. And yet, going to the lategame is exactly what Jin likes. fuck yeah.

Now, if Jin had lost, there'd have been a guaranteed brotoss in the finals, but... fuck it, I can live with this.

Last fucking edit to this post: And before you ask, Kain, no, they were not that great of games (though MC's were by-and-large superior watchin'). In fact, a large part of why
Jin won the last game is because Choya never got the range upgrade on his colossii, which is about the single stupidest thing you can do when massing colossii
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A new post, because I didn't want to edit that other one again. But I said I'd post some replays from earlier today:

Protoss vs Random Zerg:
(Went into total panic mode 'cause my building placement is very conservative against a random. Feh.)
Protoss vs Random Protoss:
(Horrible macro. I almost GGed at one point...)
Protoss vs Terran:
(Again, almost GGed. Watch through my camera just between when I spotted his guys at the middle of the map and when I got attacked. Just watch through my camera! God dammit.)
[quote name='The Crotch']And before you ask, Kain, no, they were not that great of games [/QUOTE]
oh don't worry

i wasn't gonna ask

i knew they were boring already. =)

you know, the last time someone forgot a key upgrade in a big game, he was outed for throwing matches...

anyway, how come no one wants to play dumb 3v3s with me?
they're my favorite kind of game!
[quote name='kainzero']anyway, how come no one wants to play dumb 3v3s with me?
they're my favorite kind of game![/QUOTE]

I'm down, add me. It's in my sig.
Oh hai!

Just found this thread. Cool beans. I mainly play 2 v 2 (though I think I'd be good at 1 v 1). I'm an average to above average player currently in gold league on random 2v2s. I'll be down for playing some tonight if anyone is on Pacific time in the US.

The Crotch, you seem to know your stuff, mind if I add you on battle net? How can I add my username to the OP?
Sorry, komrade; she's the "master league" for now at least.
[quote name='kainzero']oh don't worry

i wasn't gonna ask[/QUOTE]
The tension came from how damn much I wanted Jin and MC to both make it to the semis.
Having Jin go from 2-0 to 2-2 in a best of 5 didn't help my state of calm much, either.

[quote name='kainzero'] you know, the last time someone forgot a key upgrade in a big game, he was outed for throwing matches...[/QUOTE]
He was also an amazing fucking player.
Choya... not so much. I was relieved, not surprised, to see Jin win. Now, Jin taking MC? That would knock a sock or two off my feet.
[quote name='EncodedNybble']Oh hai!

Just found this thread. Cool beans. I mainly play 2 v 2 (though I think I'd be good at 1 v 1). I'm an average to above average player currently in gold league on random 2v2s. I'll be down for playing some tonight if anyone is on Pacific time in the US.

The Crotch, you seem to know your stuff, mind if I add you on battle net? How can I add my username to the OP?[/QUOTE]
Just put your Bnet name and number in a post on this thread and I'll add it.

Shame there's now "wikipost" feature here, 'cause that'd do the OP a world of good...
[quote name='EncodedNybble']Oh hai!

Just found this thread. Cool beans. I mainly play 2 v 2 (though I think I'd be good at 1 v 1). I'm an average to above average player currently in gold league on random 2v2s. I'll be down for playing some tonight if anyone is on Pacific time in the US.

The Crotch, you seem to know your stuff, mind if I add you on battle net? How can I add my username to the OP?[/QUOTE]
1v1 skill does not equate with 2v2.

I am an easy diamond in random 3v3 but people I play against (and with) probably wouldn't be able to pass for gold 1v1.

I'm only mad because you isolated the crotch as the only guy who knows what he's doing. Muhahah.
[quote name='Magus8472']New ladder division above Diamond?

Please tell me it's "Unobtainium."[/QUOTE]

It's either Master or Grand Master, or both. Last I heard they were adding one above Diamond and then adding Grand Master for the top 200.

[quote name='The Crotch']God dammit.

Anyway, still can't get into the PTR, but they've reverted some of the changes - bunker build time is back up, fungal hits air again, and the changes to zerg macro didn't go through. The new quick-and-dirty on the patch is:

The game now detects a stalemate if nothing has been made or destroyed for too long.
Customizable hotkeys.
Chat channels.
New ladder division above diamond.
The number of workers in each gas geyser is now displayed.

Hallucination comes out in 80 instead of 110.
Obs are 25/25 less (25/75 total).
Phoenix come out in 35 instead of 45.
Voids do 25% more damage to massive, but can no longer get speed upgrades.
Can no longer wall enemies into their base with pylons at the bottom of their ramp.

SCVs that are repairing are considered as great a threat to the AI as the unit they are repairing.

Fungal growth only hits ground units.
Ultralisk smaller but has worse AOE.

The short of it is: huge buff to protoss air and scouting. Early thor play has been heavily nerfed. Colossi play in pvp is also weaker.

EDIT: GSL spoilers ahoy:
Ergh. MC (protoss) and Foxer are 1-1 in their RO8 games at GSL right now. C'mon MC...

MC cheeses game three and wins!

MC becomes the second protoss to enter the RO4!

The last foreigner, the incredibly manly Swedish terran Jinro, advances to the semifinals. I was actually cheering for him over his protoss opponent in this one. Jin is by far my favourite terran player right now.

Why do I like Jin? Aside from the fact that his face is about the manliest thing ever, he says, "fuck that noise!" to the dominant terran mindset of late: terrans can't compete with protoss and zerg in the lategame, and must all-in before they are overrun. And yet, going to the lategame is exactly what Jin likes. fuck yeah.

Now, if Jin had lost, there'd have been a guaranteed brotoss in the finals, but... fuck it, I can live with this.

Last fucking edit to this post: And before you ask, Kain, no, they were not that great of games (though MC's were by-and-large superior watchin'). In fact, a large part of why
Jin won the last game is because Choya never got the range upgrade on his colossii, which is about the single stupidest thing you can do when massing colossii

Are you sure Ultras got a nerf? From everything I've read they got a buff with their new AOE damage. Pic to explain it below. Green is the new AOE. Blue is the old.


I'm also rooting for Jinro. A foreigner winning the GSL would be awesome.
Kain knows what he's doing like a motherfucker.

Though he doesn't 1v1 very often, now, does he?

Had my best 2v2 ever last night with my zerg practice partner. Though it quickly turned into a 1v2, so that's kinda like 1v1ing, isn't it?
It started with a double ling rush off a pair of 10pools. It went on for 40 minutes and 27 seconds after that.

EDIT: This is my source on the ultralisk nerf.
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[quote name='The Crotch']Though he doesn't 1v1 very often, now, does he?[/QUOTE]
I'm diamond with less than 50% win... so at least I beat the right people to get to where I am. =)

Also, despite having no real knowledge of SC2 build orders and not watching pro players play I can still hang in diamond 1v1. If I bothered to clean up my builds and learned the proper timings I'd be pretty damn good.
i'd link you guys the video but it's all been taken down already -- just saw the ending cutscene of the next Starcraft game, before the high-res textures and everything, but the voice acting was in place.

i won't go into details but rest assured, it's remarkable how terrible blizzard has become at story telling/cutscenes.

but at least the competitive multiplayer is the best it's ever been! right!? right...?
After playing through WoL's campaign, I'm not surprised at how bad the ending to the next game is (if what we saw is the actual ending).

PM me if you want the link to watch the video, but you really won't be missing out on much.
[quote name='kainzero']1v1 skill does not equate with 2v2.

I am an easy diamond in random 3v3 but people I play against (and with) probably wouldn't be able to pass for gold 1v1.

I'm only mad because you isolated the crotch as the only guy who knows what he's doing. Muhahah.[/QUOTE]

Sorry meant to say "has most of the posts in this thread thus it's the only name I really remembered when writing my post and I couldn't be bothered to look further up the page" :)

And yes I agree 2 v 2 and 1 v 1 skills don't always map well, but if warcraft 3 taught me anything (I know I know, different game one that I actually like more TBH, I love me some micro) it is that I am usually better at 1 v 1 thought I have more fun at team games. They just seem more dynamic and crazy to me.

Bnet name on USA shard: Nybble
bread's done