Starcraft or Warcraft III? The Crotch, I choose YOU!

oo tough call.

i'll say starcraft since you seem to be interested in the actual rts gameplay. its 2D stylized graphics mean it doesn't look too bad even today.

if you didn't want to actually play the game and were instead interested in custom maps on a dated 3D engine, WCIII.
Thanks for actual insight CK64. I got Starcraft and Qubed. I really wanted Qubed, but I needed filler for FSSS. Paid $15 for 5 games, worst case scenario I hate Starcraft and paid $5 per game, with SC being some shitty game they threw in free.

I'm interested in RTS gameplay, and it sounds like you don't have armies in WCIII or something. I'll play both of them eventually.
You do have armies in WCIII, and really its very similar to Starcraft mechanics-wise, but they have added things like hero units that level up and have inventories with items. I feel it overly complicates things, though I suppose if you were to master it, it would make the game feel deeper.

I have tried quite a few times to get into WCIII with a fellow CAG and it just never clicked for me.

Starcraft, however, is the epitome of RTS. Excellent balance, straightforward mechanics, races that feel distinct with none of them being boring to play as, and its still fairly popular.

As some others mentioned, WCIII is popular, not so much because of its core gameplay, but because of the engine and the large amount of customization it allows. Because of this, WCIII is known more for its custom maps (DotA being the biggest one) than its RTS core. Starcraft also has a ton of custom maps available, but its engine isn't nearly as lenient as WCIII's so there are only so many difference that can be done in SC.
WCIII does have armies but the micro/management style between the 2 games are radically different. WCIII has a larger focus on Heroes and I think slower game play overall.

Mind you both games are fantastic and a must play for RTS fans.
Am I too late?

Starcraft all the mothafuckin' way.

WC3 catches a lot of flak for its focus on Heroes and the level to which random chance can affect the outcome of the game. Starcraft, on the other hand, is the most superbly balanced-yet-varied game I've ever encountered.

Also, if you get Starcraft, you will finally understand about half the jokes I make.
[quote name='Strell']Go to hell, Squeeky.

I was surprised by the support for WC3 more than anything else. I was under the impression that Starcraft was the best game ever.

edit: If you're pissed I chose The Crotch over you, sorry. I thought he'd provide a long explanation for the better game. Although he came in late, I did get Starcraft in case you can't read the first sentence of the first post.
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[quote name='Doomed']
edit: If you're pissed [/QUOTE]

Naw. Being facetious.

[quote name='The Crotch']I came in so late[/quote]

That's what she said.

I'd have given you the Long Version.

You want the Long Version?

That's what I said to her.
What did you even get? It's very unclear. You say you'll play both, but you say you got SC and Qubed.. but you say you got 5 games. WTF. Make sense. 3 posts and you still haven't clearly said what's up.

You better have gotten WC3, it's the superior game by far. They're very diferent though. SC is build a base, build an army, fight for victory. WC, by adding heroes and creeps, is all 3 at once all game long, because your hero has gotta remain in battle all game (or else your opponent will out level you and win), 2 minutes into the game your hero is out, and from then on you'll be in combat while building your base/army (and you can't hard tech like SC... well, you can, but you'll lose if you do, which is good because hard teching is dumb and boring).

Heroes add so much balance to pacing & non-solo game types -- in SC you're punished for fighting (losing units = weaker army), in WC you're punished for not fighting (not killing units = weak hero). That's the main difference in a sentence. In SC, if you're playing a FFA and fight 2 different players back to back, you're 100% fucked. In WC3, because of heroes, you're only maybe fucked... you'll lose more units than your opponents, but your hero will be higher. WC is basically Heroes vs Heroes with just armies to support. You can lose every one of your units and still have come out on top in a battle.

Another WC advantage: battles are slower (that is, units dont die as fast) so there's much more micromanagement, making even low-level battles a lot more interesting than attack-moving across a map (which is what 99% of low level players end up doing in Starcraft)... crotch probably hates me now.

[quote name='Koggit']crotch probably hates me now.[/QUOTE]
Not at all. Now I have something around which to base the Long Version. Now, it's still a little difficult because I am not terribly familiar with WC3, but that didn't stop you talkin' about SC, so here goes...

[quote name='Koggit']
You better have gotten WC3, it's the superior game by far. They're very diferent though. SC is build a base, build an army, fight for victory. WC, by adding heroes and creeps, is all 3 at once all game long, because your hero has gotta remain in battle all game[/QUOTE]
Wait what? Are you... what? Are you really saying that only one of those phases occurs at any one time?
You would not be a very good Starcraft player. No shame there; my macro fucking sucks. But look... building bases, building armies, and using those armies are not phases in Starcraft. They are states in which you are locked throughout the whole goddamn game. Base building does not end when you have a sizable army, and if you think it does, you're fucked. Macro does not end when micro begins, and if you think it does, you're double fucked. Congratulations, you just took out that Zerg army - too bad he's got reinforcements and you don't, 'cause you let off the macro.

[quote name='Koggit'](or else your opponent will out level you and win), 2 minutes into the game your hero is out, and from then on you'll be in combat while building your base/army[/QUOTE]
Again, as I said, all this occurs in Starcraft. Constantly. Without extraneous shit like EXP and levels and all that. Why? Resources, stupid! You seem to be under the impression that you can just build a base, surround it with turrets, build an army, and throw it at the other guy's base and army.

This is probably the best way to lose a game of Starcraft.

It's about expansion. Sitting in your base until you have a Sufficiently Large Army is punished severely. Do it, and you'll be behind in the arms race in a matter of minutes due to your opponent being able to expand - and thus capture more resources - at will.

So you move out, you expand, you harass the enemy, you counter their attacks, you macro, you micro, you're doing it all - without the extra layer of bullshit.

[quote name='Koggit'](and you can't hard tech like SC... well, you can, but you'll lose if you do, which is good because hard teching is dumb and boring).[/QUOTE]
Just so we're clear - you're saying here that turtling inside your base and just teching up to really strong units is a legitimate and powerful strategy, right?
Because... no. No. You've gotta get this whole "phase" thing out of your mind. It isn't base then army then attack and no going back or mixing things up. If you try to do that, you're going to get your ass beat down. Maybe it's because you left all the expansions for your opponent so he can out-produce and out-tech you. Maybe it's because a sedentary opponent is a predictable one, and he was easily able to airdrop a bunch of Dark Templar (powerful and invisible swordsmen) right beside your worker population. There are a thousand reasons why this is a Bad Idea.

[quote name='Koggit'] Heroes add so much balance to pacing & non-solo game types -- in SC you're punished for fighting (losing units = weaker army
in WC you're punished for not fighting (not killing units = weak hero). That's the main difference in a sentence. In SC, if you're playing a FFA and fight 2 different players back to back, you're 100% fucked. In WC3, because of heroes, you're only maybe fucked... you'll lose more units than your opponents, but your hero will be higher. WC is basically Heroes vs Heroes with just armies to support. You can lose every one of your units and still have come out on top in a battle.[/QUOTE]
Okay, I'll admit, FFAs are where SC gets pretty god damn lame.
Having said that, I don't see WC3 being much better. Yes, X will get experience from going out and fighting Y, but is that going to protect him from Z, who attacks while he's off killing Y? That's the fundamental problem of the FFA in an RTS and holy shit acronyms.

[quote name='Koggit'] Another WC advantage: battles are slower (that is, units dont die as fast) so there's much more micromanagement,[/QUOTE]
They're also boring as fuck. I don't want to Dragoon dance halfway across the map because those motherfuckers over there have a jillion HP.

If you want to nerd up this conversation even more, think of the two games as lightsaber battles. WC3 is like a fight from the prequel trilogy - long, drawn out, masturbatory lightshows with a thousand meaningless swings. SC, then, is like the original trilogy - every swing is significant. Every swing is potentially lethal.

When a Dark Templar can kill a Marine in one shot, then he is a threat, an enormous, Jesusfuckkillitnow threat, and this would all go away if suddenly it took two or three or four swings to drop a Marine. Where would the danger be? Of what use would things like surprise be? What happens to the level of skill required to play when units are durable enough to survive your mistakes? That High Templar is fragile and slow because it's supposed to be, god dammit, and if it took any longer to kill, then where would be the risk of moving it forward? Where would be the fear of the Guardian lurking just over the next cliff, ready to pick off your ace in the hole just as he's getting in position? These things are all significant in Starcraft. They are not two guys swinging glorified flashlights at the air.

[quote name='Koggit']making even low-level battles a lot more interesting than attack-moving across a map (which is what 99% of low level players end up doing in Starcraft)...[/QUOTE]
Yes, alright, sure. Hit attack-move across the map. See how far that gets you.

Who cares what "99% of low-level players do"? Might as well complain that hockey is boring 'cause your four-year-old nephew can't skate for shit, man.
[quote name='Koggit']What did you even get? It's very unclear. You say you'll play both, but you say you got SC and Qubed.. but you say you got 5 games. WTF. Make sense. 3 posts and you still haven't clearly said what's up.[/quote]
Partially my fault, but not entirely. I'll play both WC and SC eventually, though I only purchased SC.
edit: Got Starcraft
I got Starcraft and Qubed. I really wanted Qubed, but I needed filler for FSSS. Paid $15 for 5 games, worst case scenario I hate Starcraft and paid $5 per game, with SC being some shitty game they threw in free.

I'm interested in RTS gameplay, and it sounds like you don't have armies in WCIII or something. I'll play both of them eventually.
Qubed = compilation of 3 games
Starcaft: compilation of game and expansion
4 or 5 games total, depending on if you count the EP.
crotch, you focus on high-level play which a very small fraction of people ever obtain -- I don't think top gamers' gameplay belongs in a response to "which game should I buy" but it's really just opinion and I'm willing agree to disagree, except for

[quote name='The Crotch']Okay, I'll admit, FFAs are where SC gets pretty god damn lame.
Having said that, I don't see WC3 being much better. Yes, X will get experience from going out and fighting Y, but is that going to protect him from Z, who attacks while he's off killing Y? That's the fundamental problem of the FFA in an RTS and holy shit acronyms.[/QUOTE]
because it's just too wrong. I've won many ladder FFAs despite all 3 of my opponents deciding "let's gang-rape this fucker" -- it's tough, yeah, but it's possible in WC, completely impossible in SC. granted I was a top player (top 25 USEast FFA ladder in RoC 1.07) but it's true of just about any player: WC3 is about armies to support heroes, SC is just about armies. in WC, you're fine so long as your heroes are alive because your army's deaths are basically buying your hero EXP (which is usually a good trade -- a leveled hero is usually more valuable than the units lost to get him there). in SC, you have to kill more than you lose or you're at a disadvantage (which makes only 1v1 games balanced). and to your XYZ scenario... you have no idea how frustrating I found it to not have any Scroll of Town Portals when I went back to SC after a few years of WC3. my roommates and I always played LAN so there'd usually be verbal reactions to attacks, resulting in exactly what you described... TPs are another great advantage for WC3, thanks for bringing it up. :)
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[quote name='Koggit']crotch, you focus on high-level play which a very small fraction of people ever obtain -- I don't think top gamers' gameplay belongs in a response to "which game should I buy"[/QUOTE]
You severely underestimate the abilities of non-professional players. Simultaneous macro and micro are not the exclusive domains of tournament players. Psi-storming an enemy who simply "attack-moves" across the map is not a mystical Korean art. Executing a Reaver drop or a Dark Templar elevator rush or any of the thousand other ways to crack open a turtling opponent does not take years of training in ninja-run hermitages high in the Himalayas. Constant scouting, strategically timed expansion... these are basic elements of the game. They are not exclusive to "high-level play which a very fraction of people ever obtain". So long as you're not bullshitting around on BGH or Fastest or whatfuckingever, then you should have a pretty decent grasp of all of them. Not perfect, of course not perfect, but enough to show that your various complaints about SC were totally misguided. I'm pretty god damn mediocre, and yet I have - had - a decent handle on all of them.

Well, okay, my macro was still pretty weak.

[quote name='Koggit']I've won many ladder FFAs despite all 3 of my opponents deciding "let's gang-rape this fucker" -- it's tough, yeah, but it's possible in WC, completely impossible in SC.[/QUOTE]
Well, not quit impossible. I've done it, albeit against vastly inferior opponents (which is pretty hard, because again, I was never that great).

EDIT: To be fair to them, I don't think it was a conscious decision on their part to ignore each-other early on, probably making things a lot easier.

[quote name='Koggit']granted I was a top player (top 25 USEast FFA ladder in RoC 1.07)[/QUOTE]
So "no talking about high-level play" applies only to me?

[quote name='Koggit']but it's true of just about any player: WC3 is about armies to support heroes, SC is just about armies. in WC, you're fine so long as your heroes are alive because your army's deaths are basically buying your hero EXP (which is usually a good trade -- a leveled hero is usually more valuable than the units lost to get him there). in SC, you have to kill more than you lose or you're at a disadvantage (which makes only 1v1 games balanced). and to your XYZ scenario... you have no idea how frustrating I found it to not have any Scroll of Town Portals when I went back to SC after a few years of WC3. my roommates and I always played LAN so there'd usually be verbal reactions to attacks, resulting in exactly what you described... TPs are another great advantage for WC3, thanks for bringing it up. :)[/QUOTE]
Okay, yes, I have admitted this already: free-for-alls are better balanced in WC3 than in Starcraft. But they balanced it by throwing in crutches like Town Portals on which you have become dependent.

If you fuck up in SC, then you've fucked up. If you leave your base open to go chase down that wounded tank column and then your opponent lays a minefield on your worker line, then that is your fault. You do not have get-out-of-jail-free scrolls.

It seems like all of your opposition is either based around SC's admittedly shitty FFA game, or misconceptions with regards to the level of skill involved.
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Here's why WC3 sucks in multiplayer.

You kill a creep and get a +1 claw.

Your enemy kills a creep and gets a Hero Life Revive potion.


Granted the last time I played WC3 was years ago, so maybe they've changed it since then.
both SC and War3 are great games.

But you guys are really arguing over a moot point. Koggit is right in saying that SC is really just build up an army and attack while War3 adds the elements of heroes/creeps/items and smaller armies. But so what? They're both different types of games with completely different gameflow. No one's going to argue that War3 is much more micro-orientated while SC is mainly macro.

However, I do think it is worth noting that SC is a much better spectator sport than War3 is.

And Blademaster is imba (whereas SC is as close to completely balanced as you can possibly get).
bread's done