Starcraft or Warcraft?

I'll go with starcraft only because the choice of differant groups you can use. I still play warcraft 2 online ever once in a while.
I like starcraft a little better, but prepare to get spanked if you play online. I swear those people are professional RTS players. I'm like "Do dee do... Im making some tanks.. do dee doo... WTF?!?!? how the hell did he get 78 seige tanks in the first 5 mins? " ... And then they toast me.
I like starcraft myself, but i agree if you play online you better jump start your defence right away or your dead in the first minute.
I prefer Warcraft because I love Orcs. But I am looking forward to the new Starcraft: Ghost. I saw a preview in Surge and it looks pretty sweet.

BTW, is anyone else reading Surge? I'm digging it. It's got a different feel than most of the other game magazines I've seen.
I would have to say starcraft. There is something extrememly satisfying about blowing away huge roach looking creatures.
[quote name='mrpotatohed']I like starcraft a little better, but prepare to get spanked if you play online. I swear those people are professional RTS players. I'm like "Do dee do... Im making some tanks.. do dee doo... WTF?!?!? how the hell did he get 78 seige tanks in the first 5 mins? " ... And then they toast me.[/quote]

Don't people in Korea get into full-scale brawls in their internet cafes because of Starcraft? They're pretty hardcore over there. I remember reading about some kid that got beaten to death in real life after he PK'ed some kid sitting down the aisle from him in some MMO.


I voted Warcraft because I enjoyed the single player just a little bit more then Starcraft. I played through WC2 at least 2, likely 3 times. WC3 about 2 times. Starcraft still sits at once. It's still a close race though; Starcraft is/was/will continue to be excellent.
[quote name='TomCloud9']Warcraft is the same way online, I cannot understand how some one has 50 dragon in 5 min.[/quote]

People sit around analyzing the game, and develop the best possible sequences to take advantage of the construction times for each level. Fanatics, indeed, but successful fanatics.
Waaaay too much time one their hands. Who has time to sit around and do idle things with the computer.... oh , wait a min.. *looks at his post* I guess I do...
Its hard to say StarCraft vs. Warcraft. It would be better as Warcraft 1 v Warcraft 2 v StarCraft v WarCraft 3. But I believe that WarCraft 3 is the best, so WarCraft gets my vote.
[quote name='Tromack']Its hard to say StarCraft vs. Warcraft. It would be better as Warcraft 1 v Warcraft 2 v StarCraft v WarCraft 3. But I believe that WarCraft 3 is the best, so WarCraft gets my vote.[/quote]

I agree. Warcraft gets my vote
ALIENS, SPACE MARINES AND BATTLECRUISERS ARE FAR BETTER THEN STUPID ORKS AND TROLLS:roll: although, however, in graphics, warcraft 3 obviously beats SC, but, I just dont like Warcraft that much:drool:
I enjoy Warcraft more, I always liked fantasy settings more than sci-fi. I got way into Warcraft 3 for a while, you definitely have to keep up on it, there is a ton of skill involved managing your build and creeping to power up you hero.
[quote name='mrpotatohed']I like starcraft a little better, but prepare to get spanked if you play online. I swear those people are professional RTS players. I'm like "Do dee do... Im making some tanks.. do dee doo... WTF?!?!? how the hell did he get 78 seige tanks in the first 5 mins? " ... And then they toast me.[/QUOTE]

It's because of all of those silly Koreans. Have you ever dl'd any movies of theirs? Wow, they are good...
Starcraft is the better game, I think. I can't even play Warcraft 3--I get my ass pounded within the first 5 minutes every time.
I say StarCraft, just because I have played it more and enjoyed it more. I have had it for 5 years and it still interests me.
Could you have found an older thread about SC and WC? Regardless, I'd have to say Starcraft since I enjoyed the hour I've played where as I've never played Warcraft.
Starcraft all the way! All the sweet custom maps let you expand your play time to the nth degree. Not only that, but the mapeditor is so easy to learn and make sweet maps with!
Oh, I forgot to post my preference. SC for sure. When you get bored with all of the hum-drum of today's gaming, SC is one game that you can always go back to and have an enjoyable time... and then realize you have been playing the thing for four hours straight.
For WC3, I just don't dig the RPG hero thing. Sure, give him better stats and skills, but items and leveling up? Keep that stuff in Diablo Blizzard! Otherwise, it was a good game, but once again the graphic style killed it for me.
Definitely starcraft. I remember spending so many hours playing that game during summer break. It was my first pc game that I really got into, and I still play it every once in awhile.
Mine is Starcraft, too. I prefer sci-fi over medieval any day, but it doesn't help that I have never played Warcraft.
I could never get into Starcraft personally. Warcraft had more personality with the voices for the characters and whatnot. And the people who played Starcraft always put me off.
STARCRAFT gets my vote. I remember once trying to play online, so I joined a game...we started playing etc. & I swear...I had only built like a few barracks with some troops & I'm already getting attacked by like 50 of those walker-dragoon-thingies....all in the span of a few minutes. I have no idea how these people do it...insane.
Nothing is worse than completing your third Goliath and seeing the text "KEKE LAAAA ZERG RUSH ^_____^".

The meaning of the word "pwn3d" in action.
Oh this is great I had a conversation about this with some people at my lunch table and everyone thinks wc>sc. But I pick SC... hours till 4 in the morning, building pylons, hoping I don't lag was quite addicting. Got it as a gift from a former close friend so I think I somewhat ended the game there...Maybe I'll take a play into it sometime again.
The only reason I play Warcraft 3: DotA (and DotA with housemates are great fun).

Koreans are pretty crazy about Warcraft too. My housemate downloaded a Korean Warcraft 3 game show. The whole episode was two guys solo-ing against each other. And the hosts would be the spectator and make all these comments (unforunately, we can't understand him, but it makes it more funny to watch).
How come in the poll there is a choice for 'neither' but no choice for 'both'? I think both Starcraft and Warcraft are great games. Can't go wrong with either one. But I do like the 3 races in Starcraft. Make the games a little more interesting.
oh cmon. Starcraft has guns and shooting space dogs and warping buildings. warcraft has a trollman with a fork versus a caveman with a spork.
Neither. If I absolutly had to choose one I'd porbably go with Warcraft because IMO WC2 is more enjoyable than SC.
bread's done