Starting at GameStop, what do I need to know?


CAG Veteran
I'm starting my job at GameStop today and I'm skipping training because they don't have time for it. So what do I need to know? I know the games are in categories and are in alphabetical order. But when I organize the shelves, can they be double facing? Or what?

Also, how do you know when to gut games and so on?

More general advice/tips are much appreciated!
Surprising you created an account just to ask this question. You could probably find the best answers by asking, um, your boss?
At least at my store, you can double face the games, but I'm not sure about every other store. Just make sure to ask plenty of questions if you don't know what to do, but if you know about games you'll pick it up pretty easily. Hope it works out well for you!
[quote name='QiG']Kind of curious how many GS bashers still shop there ...[/QUOTE]

Does purchasing with free e-rewards giftcards count :p

Actually, that's not fair to say. I also shop online with them when their coupon codes are glitched and accidentally allow multiples to stack.
[quote name='berzirk']Does purchasing with free e-rewards giftcards count :p

Actually, that's not fair to say. I also shop online with them when their coupon codes are glitched and accidentally allow multiples to stack.[/QUOTE]

Remember to ask a customer as SOON as they set their first foot into the store if they brought in their trades when you can clearly see that they are empty handed. Also remember to tell them how important it is to do a pre-order for a game that they are not interested in because everyone else will be out of it as soon as the store opens and there won't be any new copies in for months because of the earthquake in Japan!
Here are some tips: 1. Always read the corporate mandates as thoroughly as possible.
2. Attempt to organize whenever it is possible.
3. Gently mention things to customers, like taking the receipt performance surveys, pre-ordering, power saver, and policies. I've heard the surveys actually might be tallied and matter.
what vivafriend5 said. They count and tally the surveys for the stores and also your pre-orders and power-up cards. Also every time gamestop releases a weekly ad or a special just study it so you can know about the deals. Also just study prices of things. I worked at gamestop for a little while but then the gamestop I was at had to close because of the mall it was in shut down. Hope you have fun and I know that it's easier to ask people on here then it is to ask your boss because you want to make a good impression but all it really takes is a love for games and the time to study prices and learn where the games are in the back room so you can be fast and great at your job. GOOD LUCK!!!
[quote name='QiG']Kind of curious how many GS bashers still shop there ...[/QUOTE]

Way too many!

I haven't set foot in one in going on 5 years myself though. :D
I got a lot of friends that have worked there throughout the years. CAGs hate Gamestop, but it sucks just like any other retail job. The game checkouts are good, and it's better than fast food or a movie theater as a GA. Just don't sell reserves to little kids, I hate that.
Don't they not even pay their employees with checks? Don't they force you to use some stupid cash card?
Here's the steps you need to follow;):

1. Eat lots of KFC before going into work every day so when you handle games you can make them as greasy/grimy as the rest of the inventory brought in by other customers. Pay special attention to handling disc based games with your full greasy palm and make sure you get a full palm print on the bottom side of each disc. If the discs have NO scratches on them or only very light ones, then take them outside in the parking lot and run over them a couple of times until there's hairline cracks and tons of scratches.

2. Put stickers in the most inconvenient spots on the games, including but not limited to the spine portion of the actual coverart, over the UPC ON the coverart and anywhere else you damn see fit to put them.;)

3. Learn how to ask people the moment they step in the door if they have anything to trade today, even if they're walking in empty handed. Badger them for pre-orders from the moment after you ask about trades until the second they leave the store. Customers LOOOOOOVE that kind of attention.

4. When taking a bathroom break, don't forget to take one of the display copies of Game Informer or one of the strategy guides into the crapper with you. If you run outta tp, don't fret as the Game Informer magazine makes an excellent replacement.

That's about all the advice I can really give ya, but I hope it helps.:D
[quote name='Clak']Don't they not even pay their employees with checks? Don't they force you to use some stupid cash card?[/QUOTE]

Mostly places don't pay with checks anymore it costs the company money.

Usually its either the cash card or direct deposit.

Also Bulhma I'm sorry your introdcution here is with so many asshats.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Also Bulhma I'm sorry your introdcution here is with so many asshats.[/QUOTE]
That's Mr. Asshat to you tyvm.:razz::booty:

Those of us being a bit smarmy are just trying to let them know what NOT to do to customers in a roundabout sort of way.

The employees are getting better around here about not asking people coming in empty handed whether or not they have trades and that's quite refreshing to see they're not just droning the corporate taught garbage anymore.

They've also improved on the not asking for pre-orders for every game under the sun too.

It all really depends on how someone is trained when they start working for GS. If they're trained to be pests, then they'll continue doing so until they figure out that that method just annoys people.
step one: ignore douchey gs bashers on cag
step two: suck up to your boss, he will give you hours and take them away
step three: get lots of power up memberships, even the free one
step four: ?????
step five: profit
In all seriousness, realize that you're not working at gaming store, you're working at a store that happens to sells games. With any retail job most of your customers are stupid and rude so be prepared to have your patience tested daily. From what I understand, the corporate strategy is to pull in trades and push out pre-orders and subscriptions. You're probably not going to get a ton of hours either, when I had friends that worked there is was extremely part-time as in maybe 2 days a week but that was some years back.

I'm not a fan of the game gutting or the fact that I rarely get a complete package or disc in good condition there. I'm only ever a customer for extreme deals or as others mentioned, e-rewards gift card redemption. I've been openly mocked by sarcastic clerks at the checkout when buying games like Rez (for not owning a 360 and buying the HD version), Mario DDR ("This game is broken bro, but I'll sell it to you if you want me to), and I was tracking a game down at a store that literally had ZERO organization on the shelves and after about a half hour of sifting through hundreds of PS2 titles I asked the clerk if he could check if they had a certain title, all I could get out of him was "If you don't see it, we probably don't have it" as if he couldn't check the drawer or computer. So no, I'm not a fan of the GS experience and I guess if you want to be a good employee, these are some things you can do.

P.S. - I'd invest in a glitter vacuum.
[quote name='perdition(troy']how to write a two week notice.[/QUOTE]

I have a buddy who worked at Gamestop in high school. He already had a job making $14+ an hour, but he wanted to work at Gamestop just for fun. He liked games and he needed something to do with his time. He put in his two weeks notice after 3 days. :lol:
Here's what you need to know:

No, I'm not trading in any used games.

No, I'm not interested in pre-ordering the sequel to the game I'm buying right at this moment.

No, I don't want a Powered Up Rewards Card(TM).

No, I don't want the disc for the Game of the Year Edition, that's why I brought you the box for the non-game of the year edition.

No, you can't help me find anything because if I tell you what I'm looking for you're just going to stare at the shelves just like I am already.
Sigh, so many negative posts. Honestly just remember it IS a job so prepare to work. Try to have fun while working and converse about games and other media you and your customers enjoy. A job is always what you make of it. Good luck!

Appreciate the guest
Consistently deliver quality
Exceed expectation
Strive to build loyalty

..... at least that's what I have to follow at my job. When someone comes into Gamestop, yell at them to get out and stop hogging all the good games because you want to play the 1 copy of something you have in stock.
[quote name='QiG']Kind of curious how many GS bashers still shop there ...[/QUOTE]

Only the ones dumb enough to have never heard of Amazon.
So many negative responses but it's kind of justified since it seems GS can't even be bothered to train their new employees. Instead the employee goes to a gaming website to ask questions about what they'll need to know when working there such as how to organize shelves and when to gut games. Seriously, how the hell should we know, we don't work there, ask your boss.
I think the fact that they are not even going to train you says all you need to know about your new employer.

Be prepaired to deal with stoners. Stoners love video games, so patience is a must while working at GS.

Be prepaired to deal with people that have bad hygene. When I was at one GS there was a man that smelled like a pocket full of a$$holes on a hot August night. As soon as he left one of the workers ran through the store spraying air freshener.

You will be dealing with children on a daily basis, invest in some good earplugs.

Be prepaired to be forced to touch nasty, filthy, disgusting things while in the store. The games there are also unclean.

On the first day, find the biggest and scariest person you can and pick a fight. This will gain respect with your co-workers and show you are not a person to be messed with.
I don't care too much for GS, but you gotta think about it.. What store do you goto nowadays that doesn't try and upsell something to you. If you goto Sonic at 8 in the morning and get a drink, they ask if you want cheese sticks. Or if you goto Walgreens they ask if you want to buy these candybars on sale. But I must say GS is pretty pushy about it.
From working at GS for about 2 years, and talking with people that still work there, it's hard to say what you should know because it changes monthly from "SELL AS MUCH SHIT AS POSSIBLE TO EACH SUCKER THAT COMES IN" to "OK, now we're focusing on being more customer friendly and less high pressure
[quote name='Gentlegamer']Here's what you need to know:
No, I don't want the disc for the Game of the Year Edition, that's why I brought you the box for the non-game of the year edition.

Why would you do that? Usually they're the same price and the DLCs are included in GOTY edition.
Don't every buy any rare or collectible games for yourself. Hide them and make sure they are in mint condition for the hoarders and resellers lurking here and on other deal sites.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Mostly places don't pay with checks anymore it costs the company money.

Usually its either the cash card or direct deposit.

Also Bulhma I'm sorry your introdcution here is with so many asshats.

Wait...the other poster was serious? You don't get a check or direct deposit you get a cash card? And what other places pay in cash cards. I've actually never heard of this in my entire life. Seems dazzlingly unprofessional. Are banks able to deposit funds from a cash card? If not, it would seem that loser employers who pay in cash cards are also discouraging financial responsibility and saving.

Man, just when I start to feel bad for ripping GS, I hear a story like this, and realize I'm far too easy on them.
[quote name='berzirk']Wait...the other poster was serious? You don't get a check or direct deposit you get a cash card? And what other places pay in cash cards. I've actually never heard of this in my entire life. Seems dazzlingly unprofessional. Are banks able to deposit funds from a cash card? If not, it would seem that loser employers who pay in cash cards are also discouraging financial responsibility and saving.

Man, just when I start to feel bad for ripping GS, I hear a story like this, and realize I'm far too easy on them.[/QUOTE]
There was a big thing a year or so ago where a former employee spilled the beans on all the things they do. Paying them on that card was on of them. I think Captain D's does it too, heard a couple of women there talking about it once.
The most important thing to know is there is no such thing as a bad game, so long as someone is willing to buy it even if it's buggy or a cheap knockoff of Mario, only mildly trash the merchandise to up sell to something more expensive. While you're at it try to sell them a used copy if available and push pre-orders, game guides, accessories and the store card. Your job is to sell things not to be highly knowledgeable about the product.
Ask your co-workers, they're gonna know best what the processes in your store are. Be willing to things you were not asked to do... you will make a good impression if you take it upon yourself to learn how to do things, then do them when needed.

Build up your emotional calluses... when people don't get what they want (like full retail price on a sports game trade in), they will get mad at YOU, becuase it can't be their fault and you're the only one around to yell at. Try not to let it get to you. Also, learn to fake happy, becuase that's the only mood people will expect to see you in.

[quote name='confoosious']since you can't make training, here's a training video.[/QUOTE]

I notice it seems like every gamestop I go into, there's a least one girl working. Are there more women in to videogames, or is it because women work many retail jobs?
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[quote name='2DMention']I notice it seems like every gamestop I go into, there's a least on girl working. Are there more women in to videogames, or is it because women work many retail jobs?[/QUOTE]

It's not a physically demanding job and women are good for business.
bread's done