Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I just played about an hour of Shovel Knight and for some reason remembered these posts. Y u no like?

The game is pretty fun for me. Charming presentation and simple controls. Definitely shades of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (downward thrust attack) as well as Castlevania and Mega Man. I dig it. If I had to criticize anything the enemies are fairly simple, both visually and mechanically. Overall it feels like $9 well spent, especially with the other campaigns.

Also played some Stardew Valley last week. Seems like an amazingly crafted game. I found it quite charming and addictive. However, I don't know if I have the energy to continue and invest 30-40 hours when I could spend that time reading about game deals or rapid cycling games in Idle Master to get card drops.
I had just had a run of frustrating deaths. Admittedly, this is at least partially caused by me sucking at the game. But it's also not really my type of game anymore. I think I've come to a point in my life where I should just avoid games with giant spike pits.

I did manage to beat the game, but I kinda doubt that I'll ever go back and play it.

EDIT: I did have a good amount of fun playing one of the levels though. I can't remember what it's name was, but it was the one where you could transform lava into flubber.

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I just played about an hour of Shovel Knight...

... I dig it...

The best thing about Shovel Knight is it broke me of my Stardew Valley habit.
Did the same for my Binding of Isaac habit. Clean for 15 days now and feeling good.

EDIT: I did have a good amount of fun playing one of the levels though. I can't remember what it's name was, but it was the one where you could transform lava into flubber.
That's the Lost City, which has music so good that it feels like it belongs in Mega Man 2:

Also, did you give the Plague Knight DLC a try? Admittedly the learning curve is higher than the main campaign since the character's mechanics are so fundamentally different, but I actually found it to be easier after playing through the first couple levels. Boss fights in particular are a breeze when you can just keep launching bombs at them. Although I guess if you weren't feeling the main game then the DLC is a tough sell since it still shares a lot in common overall.

Sigh...I think the time has come for me to make an alt account. I just need to store non-marketable cards and a few random gifts (e.g. Dead Bits, Gun Monkeys) to keep my inventory clean. I have zero intention of farming cards on an alt, which shouldn't be possible unless I spend $5 anyway, I think? Hell, I passed on that Bundle Stars Dollar Ultra bundle because I had more than half of the games and didn't care to idle the rest to maybe make a dollar. This is just for safekeeping. :)

edit - tried two browsers, clicking 'create my account' doesn't do anything after I enter all info. Some kind of Javascript issue, I guess. Not using a script blocker, tried with add-ons disabled anyway, no dice. Hmm..

I had just had a run of frustrating deaths. Admittedly, this is at least partially caused by me sucking at the game. But it's also not really my type of game anymore. I think I've come to a point in my life where I should just avoid games with giant spike pits.
RIP Motoki.


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I know this might be a loaded question and all - but which is your favorite of the Dead Rising games?

Also, how did you like Dead Rising 2? And DR2: Off The Record?

This question is coming from someone who only has played DR2 only, pretty much.

I have OTR, but ain't got to it.

I have DR3, but ain't began it.

Never played DR1; don't own it.

Don't have DR4....yet.
My favorite is the original DR. Now that may be nostalgia, but that one was awesome. It was very fresh and original at the time and really felt like being trapped in a mall during a zombie outbreak. DR2 was cool, but I really was not in love with the Zombrex mechanic. I get what they were trying to do, but it just added more annoyance when the game is already timed. OTR felt like they were just responding to people upset about some of the changes in 2. It was good, but not great. After 1, my second favorite is 3. Just felt it replicated a lot of the fun of 1 and the weapon and combat system was really fun too.

Agreed though that the vehicles, the shooting and the fire mechanics are great.

FC4 didn't bother me. It wasn't anything innovative but it solidly build on the mechanics from FC3 and improved them in pretty much every way. And meeting the warlord-turned-arms merchant and finding blood diamonds for him was fun ;)
Oh man, I forgot how awesome the fire was.

I hated basically all the characters in FC4. They were either quirky in a forced way (Pagan Min, warlord man, British druggies, Rabi Ray Rana) or utterly forgettable (everyone else). I did enjoy the subplot with the CIA guy.

Assassins creed is the best of the series. MysterD refutes all of his complaints about it in his argument against it.
AC2 became more than an open-world stealth game, from the jump of the game - and pretty much set the tone for the rest of the series. First thing you're pretty much doing - punching people in the face, as a Young Ezio, getting into fights. The tone was set pretty early: this was going to be more than a stealth game.

All AC sucks. Repetitive gameplay with half developed, mediocre elements all around. Boring ass missions like "blend into these dudes and follow these other dudes while they talk about stuff" and "sit on this bench and eavesdrop." and "walk super fucking slow and talk to this guy for ten minutes." Easiest combat in any video game I can think of, and impressive in how disengaging it is. Mediocre stealth elements with no incentive to ever actually use stealth since you can press X to win in combat, and take on 93042 guards simultaneously because the guards are super polite and take turns to attack you. Typical Ubisoft Fill-a-Map philosophy. Dumbest protagonist ever. I will say that in Mysterds defense AC1 was particularly horrid when it comes to the repetition of the side missions. I played all of AC1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations and kept falling into the trap that I somehow thought the next AC game I played would be the one that clicked; I played like 10 hours of AC Black Flag last year and gave up, I thought that if any AC game would get me interested it'd be that one, but nah. I'm really not sure what people see in the series.

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I hated basically all the characters in FC4. They were either quirky in a forced way (Pagan Min, warlord man, British druggies, Rabi Ray Rana) or utterly forgettable (everyone else). I did enjoy the subplot with the CIA guy.
Well, I meant that Longinus was amusing to me since he was pretty obviously Kouassi from Far Cry 2 and we were discussing FC2. I enjoyed the callback while playing.

The Brits were annoying (that whole quest line was obnoxious) but the rest didn't really "bother" me as much. I mean, I didn't like them but I wasn't supposed to. But to each their own.

I played like 10 hours of AC Black Flag last year and gave up, I thought that if any AC game would get me interested it'd be that one, but nah. I'm really not sure what people see in the series.
Black Flag was a lot of fun. I mean, until they wanted you to play Assassin's Creed and not just Pirates! 2013 Edition. Then it sucked.

All AC sucks. Repetitive gameplay with half developed, mediocre elements all around. Boring ass missions like "blend into these dudes and follow these other dudes while they talk about stuff" and "sit on this bench and eavesdrop." and "walk super fucking slow and talk to this guy for ten minutes." Easiest combat in any video game I can think of, and impressive in how disengaging it is. Mediocre stealth elements with no incentive to ever actually use stealth since you can press X to win in combat, and take on 93042 guards simultaneously because the guards are super polite and take turns to attack you. Typical Ubisoft Fill-a-Map philosophy. Dumbest protagonist ever. I will say that in Mysterds defense AC1 was particularly horrid when it comes to the repetition of the side missions. I played all of AC1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations and kept falling into the trap that I somehow thought the next AC game I played would be the one that clicked; I played like 10 hours of AC Black Flag last year and gave up, I thought that if any AC game would get me interested it'd be that one, but nah. I'm really not sure what people see in the series.
Agreed. Ass Creed is probably the most overrated video series of all time. No idea why it did as well as it did for so many years.

insert X game sucks, don't know why anyone thought it was good. with as much human diversity in this world it hard to please everyone but if a game manage to sell millions an spawn even one sequel or more it has to been doing something right regardless of opinion of series.

i enjoy enjoyed assassin creed series Thu i did start to get burned out with the yearly rinse repeat X theme. am still looking forward to a new one to see what they try next, maybe been jaded with certain  expectation is making it were you cannot enjoy things as much as the masses. it happens to me with highly praised books an movies that i thought were a bore an wonder why anyone enjoyed them.

All AC sucks. Repetitive gameplay with half developed, mediocre elements all around. Boring ass missions like "blend into these dudes and follow these other dudes while they talk about stuff" and "sit on this bench and eavesdrop." and "walk super fucking slow and talk to this guy for ten minutes." Easiest combat in any video game I can think of, and impressive in how disengaging it is.

Mediocre stealth elements with no incentive to ever actually use stealth since you can press X to win in combat, and take on 93042 guards simultaneously because the guards are super polite and take turns to attack you. Typical Ubisoft Fill-a-Map philosophy. Dumbest protagonist ever. I will say that in Mysterds defense AC1 was particularly horrid when it comes to the repetition of the side missions.

I played all of AC1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations and kept falling into the trap that I somehow thought the next AC game I played would be the one that clicked; I played like 10 hours of AC Black Flag last year and gave up, I thought that if any AC game would get me interested it'd be that one, but nah. I'm really not sure what people see in the series.
I think where later AC's got better w/ side-quests - especially w/ AC2 + beyond - was they began basically filling the map w/ more different types of side-missions + they weren't really required to advance the main quest's story. Also, AC1 really didn't have many side-mission types - so, it was the same side quest mission types over and over.

If you're going to do repetition, there has to be some kind of carrot there for the player to grab - some kind of reward + incentive to make the player want to do so. Diablo games, ARPG games, and others are usually King at this stuff - b/c the constant flow of rewards, upgrading, leveling up, learning new skills, and things of that sort can make gameplay way more interesting. It certainly improved things in AC: Syndicate, where I could constantly upgrade each Frye + some of their own special abilities, keeping me wanting to do the side stuff, even if I didn't have to.

Problem is w/ AC side missions - in sort of the games, some of the new types sucked; i.e. go see AC: Revelations. I didn't care for the tower defense + 1st person Portal-like missions. While, it's cool they tried something different - it just was poorly executed. Tower defense could've been more interesting, if you didn't fail the mission and flat-out have to start over; there should've been auto-saves in there for when you finished an important section of that mission.

If we're talking AC combat, I think it got quite a bit better w/ AC: Unity + AC: Syndicate. You can string together combos and whatnot, so it feels a bit more free-form than it did before.

I loved Black Flag. Things Black Flag + Syndicate got right was finally stopping us from constantly running around + platforming everywhere. That got tiresome. Black Flag w/ free form ship traversal and Syndicate w/ constant new ways to travel (by buggy, stage coach, using the Batman like rope to travel across areas like crazy) keep traversal fun and interesting for me.

Problem is - some of the new mission types sucked sometimes; i.e. go see AC: Revelations. I didn't care for the tower defense + 1st person Portal-like missions. While, it's cool they tried something different - it just was poorly executed.

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insert X game sucks, don't know why anyone thought it was good. with as much human diversity in this world it hard to please everyone but if a game manage to sell millions an spawn even one sequel or more it has to been doing something right regardless of opinion of series.
Selling a lot makes it successful, not necessarily good. The Kardashian franchise has a long running show, multiple spin-offs, merchandise, games, etc so it obviously hits some need in its demographic but you could still legitimately debate whether it's "good" or not. Sales don't automatically equate to merit, especially in the world of video games where some of the most successful games are essentially Skinner boxes designed to keep you playing by triggering your reward impulses over and over.

And just having a sequel is meaningless, or else we'd be talking about how great Wyatt Derp is :)

The only good Assassin's Creed is Black Flag since it's not really an AC game. Except for the parts that are like an AC game, which are the worst parts of the game. The best parts of any game are the parts that don't remind me of Assassin's Creed.
You are actually mad about that for some reason? ROFL wow dude. Thought we were having a friendly conversation about games. I even commended you on your '07 list.
No the ignore list post was about the nucklehead in the Digital Movie trade thread that wanted to trade half off coupons for VUDU codes of movies he didn't have... Its not a well moderated thread, though its been better of late, that stupid stuff like that gets one added to the ignore list... Cause you know if they cannot read the rule about listing only (or at least including them) movie codes that they sure as hell or going to post/bump their own thread much sooner than once every three days.

Besides, adding people who post in this thread to an ignore list is a great way to miss out on a glitch because you don't receive ANY notifications for this thread if they are the most recent person to post... You also have to dig the thread out which gets to be tedious as likely more of a hassle than what you are trying to avoid.

Honestly, if Tebow never made my ignore list... I got to assume that everyone is safe. *shrug*

Edit: Coreection: It's the Steam/origin/etc PC game code thread... (and I called it. Back to post again today.)
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We played Town of Salem last night.  I'm still not entirely sure HOW to play, but I played it and even won a round where Fox unknowingly colluded with me and allowed me to frame some guy for murder and have him executed.  Did you know that the game is big in Turkey?  Me neither!  But it is because I guess the Turks are huge into New England religious panics.

After a couple rounds of accusing of Goodwives of murder, we tried to play BF1 but that had an eleventy-gorillion megapixel update so we played some RSS Terror Hunt instead.  Unlike last time, we actually did decent and won nearly every game except one where Jimbo and Fox died right away because they're terrible counter-terrorism guys.  They might be terrorists themselves for all I know.

Tonight we're playing A Valley Without Wind because Fox wants us to suffer for our sins.

All AC sucks. Repetitive gameplay with half developed, mediocre elements all around. Boring ass missions like "blend into these dudes and follow these other dudes while they talk about stuff" and "sit on this bench and eavesdrop." and "walk super fucking slow and talk to this guy for ten minutes." Easiest combat in any video game I can think of, and impressive in how disengaging it is. Mediocre stealth elements with no incentive to ever actually use stealth since you can press X to win in combat, and take on 93042 guards simultaneously because the guards are super polite and take turns to attack you. Typical Ubisoft Fill-a-Map philosophy. Dumbest protagonist ever. I will say that in Mysterds defense AC1 was particularly horrid when it comes to the repetition of the side missions. I played all of AC1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations and kept falling into the trap that I somehow thought the next AC game I played would be the one that clicked; I played like 10 hours of AC Black Flag last year and gave up, I thought that if any AC game would get me interested it'd be that one, but nah. I'm really not sure what people see in the series.
That game you know the one I'm talking about. Maybe it's boring and repetitive. Overstays its Tebow's Mom.

Or maybe they were going for a 2deep4u satire on the current video game trend X or Y. In which case they are

fuck ing hipsters reading beat poetry and drinking PBR at some overrated corner hippie hotspot. Who knows really.

All I know is I played about 100 hours of the game you like and it sucks. I'm not sure what non-mental midgets think of it, but if they like it they must in reality be mental midgets themselves.

Also, the 5 sequels to the game you like. After sinking 100 hours in each of those...they suck too. I thought the company producing those would give up their money-printing scheme and try something new and introduce a basket-weaving mini-game or sitar-playing like Guitar Hero or something. I guess businesses just want to make money or something... fuck free-marketeers!!!!

I'll give the 6th sequel a try....because, you know, it will probably be different.


Complainey Complainerson

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$19.99, PC / PS4 / Xbone. There's already comments saying 20 bucks for six NES games is a ripoff.

Considering DuckTales 2 sells for well over $150 on its own, I think the price is fair.

$19.99, PC / PS4 / Xbone. There's already comments saying 20 bucks for six NES games is a ripoff.

Considering DuckTales 2 sells for well over $150 on its own, I think the price is fair.
I'm not even sure if I knew DuckTales had a sequel... I'll wait for a sale but I don't see anything wrong with the price. (Unless they did the bare minimum to port them and they run like shit.)

Also Town of Salem sounds intresting... or at least more fun than the normal bundle fodder that makes most bro nights.

$19.99, PC / PS4 / Xbone. There's already comments saying 20 bucks for six NES games is a ripoff.

Considering DuckTales 2 sells for well over $150 on its own, I think the price is fair.
If the NES classic can come in @ $60, including hardware, $20 for 6 NES ports does seem like a rip. Not sure what they can add besides leaderboards. I think the cartoon graphics hold up, but maybe the HD-ification would be worth the cost.

We've played Town of Salem multiple times.  It's a pretty fun game with a big group.  

Also, I know Blade was looking for HDs and it's not as smoking as the 2TB drives were last year, but Newegg Flash has 3TB Hitachi Ultrastars:

Refurbished: HGST Ultrastar 7K4000 HUS724030ALE641 (0F17731) 3TB 64MB Cache 7200RPM SATA III 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Enterprise Internal Hard Drive - OEM


Again, not as much of a no brainer as they would be for $30, but still a decent price.  

$19.99, PC / PS4 / Xbone. There's already comments saying 20 bucks for six NES games is a ripoff.

Considering DuckTales 2 sells for well over $150 on its own, I think the price is fair.

We won't be buying it until it's $5 anyway. RIGHT CAGS?

(Ready to shame anyone buying it at full retail price)

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$20 seems fine even if it's $5 more than the Mega Man Legacy Collection which had the same number of games and was made by the same developer. Don't believe any of these games have shown up in collections or virtual shops in the past so for that reason alone it probably gains a bit of value.

We played Town of Salem last night. I'm still not entirely sure HOW to play, but I played it and even won a round where Fox unknowingly colluded with me and allowed me to frame some guy for murder and have him executed. Did you know that the game is big in Turkey? Me neither! But it is because I guess the Turks are huge into New England religious panics.

After a couple rounds of accusing of Goodwives of murder, we tried to play BF1 but that had an eleventy-gorillion megapixel update so we played some RSS Terror Hunt instead. Unlike last time, we actually did decent and won nearly every game except one where Jimbo and Fox died right away because they're terrible counter-terrorism guys. They might be terrorists themselves for all I know.

Tonight we're playing A Valley Without Wind because Fox wants us to suffer for our sins.
Y U NO Play Premyem BF1 last night? The new maps are cool. I was medic whoring and racking 16-25K a round following roving packs of point cappers. Who needs to fire a gun in anger?

Y U NO Play Premyem BF1 last night? The new maps are cool. I was medic whoring and racking 16-25K a round following roving packs of point cappers. Who needs to fire a gun in anger?
I was surprised how good the new maps were too. Got to play 3 of the 4 last night, usually in these dlc packs you get 1-2 good ones and the rest are garbage. Played the fire hill, fort, and poppies ones and all of them were pretty good, I have a feeling the last one is the throwaway map though since its supposed to be very similar to some of the others

yeah, it's for a 1070, but there was a typo or something that made it a 1080. Amazon and their typos, the last one almost took the internet down. Probably can return it and whine about the error to get some Amazon credit though.

If you can play BF1, you can bro-fist, slack-sack  :nottalking:

Besides, I already made clear that I am retired from BF1.  Hit lvl 10 Medic, beat the scoreboard, there's no more mountains for me to climb.  See you in BF2 after time loops around and it's 2005 again.

If you can play BF1, you can bro-fist, slack-sack :nottalking:

Besides, I already made clear that I am retired from BF1. Hit lvl 10 Medic, beat the scoreboard, there's no more mountains for me to climb. See you in BF2 after time loops around and it's 2005 again.
you retired as bf1 medic, there are 3 more classes to master. Where is my ammo syntax?

bread's done