Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Stray PC version got some stutter-issues -in-game.


- Stray seems to be fine on consoles (PS4 & PS4 Pro at 1080p30fps; PS5 at 4K60fps)...

- ...but PC version seems to have those awful Shader Compilation Stutter issue (SCS).

- SCS has plagued other Unreal Engine 4 games, such as GhostWire: Tokyo & Deathloop.


Kotaku -

Digital Foundry on this:

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Buh-uh-ombs away!
Beeeeee Seventeen Bawwwwmerrr

Also, where is this idea that the Steam Deck is "competing" with the Switch coming from? These are two very different products that just happen to have a similar form factor. Steam never claimed this was their "Switch killer". Other than clickbait media, who is saying this?

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Beeeeee Seventeen Bawwwwmerrr

Also, where is this idea that the Steam Deck is "competing" with the Switch coming from? These are two very different products that just happen to have a similar form factor. Steam never claimed this was their "Switch killer". Other than clickbait media, who is saying this?
Neck Beards?

It's $300 not $200 (the Lite is awful and almost everyone hates it), but a $100 difference is part of what killed the Xbone and the Saturn so you're not wrong regardless. The Switch also has a huge lead in adoption time-wise, dedicated first-party output (aka Valve rarely makes games) and the Deck was always going to be a niche device that only accounted for a segment of Steam users (cause laptops and desktops exist).
So I think it's safe to say anyone expecting comparable sales numbers between the two is dumb.
Thats a bold statement. The lite has/still does sell like hotcakes, and parents/kids/mega casual gamers have bought enough to justify it.

You don't have to like it, but to say its awful and everyone hates it is kinda nutty. GAMERS might dislike they're probably not the ones buying it. I have one I shell swapped and use it for travel and its great, what's not to like for something to play indies on? Sure I have an oled I use more...but I picked up my lite for 75$ busted and replaced the screen/shell/thumbsticks, came out less than MSRP, and I really dig it. To each their own I spose.

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TMNT: Cowabunga Collection.

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Collection is coming soon.
- It's going to PC via Steam, Switch, PS5, PS4 & Xbox Series X/S.
- It'll have 13 of the classic TMNT games from Arcade, NES, SNES, Genesis, GameBoy, etc.
- Release Date = August 30th, 2022.
Game list, according to Steam Store's Page:
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles* (Arcade)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time* (Arcade)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (N)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (N)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project (N)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (N)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SN)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters* (SN)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist* (SG)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (SG)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of The Foot Clan (GB)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From The Sewers (GB)
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (GB)

*Online Titles
TMNT (Arcade)
TMNT Turtles in Time (Arcade)
TMNT The Hyperstone Heist
TMNT Tournament Fighters

Release Date Trailer:
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I doubt they think they look good. It's probably more about the effort it would take to get a haircut.
The least amount of effort would be to get a military haircut like myself. I just get up and wet down what hair is there and I am off to work lol. Minimal effort except needing to see the barber religiously.

Posting here in case people ignore the groupees thread.

Just happen to see this today on groupee's homepage.  Get your stuff while you can.

"There has been some major disruption with our technical team based in Ukraine and we are not currently able to offer bundles. That may change, we can guarantee users will be able to download their assets through the end of July 2022. We will keep you informed about the future of Groupees here and on social media. Thank you."

The least amount of effort would be to get a military haircut like myself. I just get up and wet down what hair is there and I am off to work lol. Minimal effort except needing to see the barber religiously.
Definitely takes way more effort to manage some luscious locks than it does to maintain a short haircut. I’ve just been cutting my own hair since the pandemic. Gives me something to do while I hang out in the bathroom. Only tough spot is getting the backside. Does the Steam Deck’s screen have a reflective surface? Maybe I’ll pick one up if it can double as a hand mirror.
The limited selection of online titles is mildly baffling. Why not make every multiplayer game online-compatible?
If I were feeling particularly optimistic, I'd say because they want to focus on working on online matchmaking for the best* version of the multiplayer games so it ends up working well unlike Capcom's attempts in these sort of collections.
In reality, I think it's just to cut down on the work under the guise of keeping the casual consumer from having a hard time picking what version to play online and keeping online player count for each game high rather than having it spread thin across multiple versions.
Thats a bold statement. The lite has/still does sell like hotcakes, and parents/kids/mega casual gamers have bought enough to justify it.
That's fair. I was thinking of the market that would be honestly deciding between getting a Deck or a Switch, which is """gamers""" (I think your opinion is the minority in terms of that group at least), but you're right.
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Letting all members know I posted a group of giveaway keys in the Groupees thread. All should be Steam keys and may or may not work, but you can request a bunch, so go check out that forum as well for the giveaway.

Idk where else to post this and don't want to make a new thread. But the google play store has an offer you can use where your biggest purchase today gets you 10x the normal amount of points. Easy way to get platinum status if you happen to be a gacha whale (or if you want a game that hasn't been ported to PC, like the first Dragon Quest Builders)
That's fair. I was thinking of the market that would be honestly deciding between getting a Deck or a Switch, which is """gamers""" (I think your opinion is the minority in terms of that group at least), but you're right.
Again, Its not my main system, but I enjoy it. However, unlike most "gamers" I don't whine when something has a scratch or complain if there is like some super minor nitpick thing and everything needs to be perfect/sealed/so I can put it on a shelf and never use it.

I also consider myself "Pretty good" at fixing things, so I can replace thumbsticks when they start to drift.

But yeah the switch lite has justified its position among casual gamers and kids, and sold out along with everything else during console pandemic shortages.

Do I think its a "Great system that can't be matched?" heck no, but again, as my "I don't really care about you - switch" its great. I wouldn't take my oled the places I take my lite, and for that, I enjoy it.

So I played and beat Stray. Steam shows my time at 6.6 hours the in game save always showed less time so I don't think it stops counting while its loading. I'm never a speedy runner so I figure most would finish it quicker than me. I did have some frame rate issues but it was never in a critical moment. The worst was during a puzzle about 2/3 through the game, it was really surprising how bad it is in that segment but it didn't hinder from completing the puzzle.

For a game about a cat they did a decent job on changing up the gameplay. There's sections were your chased, stealth section, and surprisingly, some combat. The puzzles weren't overly hard, I figured out the solutions for them all on my own, so that could either be a good thing or a bad thing.

Of course, even as an admitted cat lover, I don't think the game would hold up without having a decent story and Stray nails that in spades. Excellent story, it really nails it. (I easily feel like I got my money's worth but if the story doesn't grab you I can see the 30 bucks being spent better elsewhere.)
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So I played and beat Stray. Steam shows my time at 6.6 hours the in game save always showed less time so I don't think it stops counting while its loading. I'm never a speedy runner so I figure most would finish it quicker than me. I did have some frame rate issues but it was never in a critical moment. The worst was during a puzzle about 2/3 through the game, it was really surprising how bad it is in that segment but it didn't hinder from completing the puzzle.

For a game about a cat they did a decent job on changing up the gameplay. There's sections were your chased, stealth section, and surprisingly, some combat. The puzzles weren't overly hard, I figured out the solutions for them all on my own, so that could either be a good thing or a bad thing.

Of course, even as an admitted cat lover, I don't think the game would hold up without having a decent story and Stray nails that in spades. Excellent story, it really nails it. (I easily feel like I got my money's worth but if the story doesn't grab you I can see the 30 bucks being spent better elsewhere.)
So I started stray last night and I'm really really enjoying it so far. Thought it would be a great first steam deck title and... Yeah it plays great on the deck, running the game with high everything and haven't experienced any hitches or stutters - interesting a I'd heard the PC version has a stuttering issue.

Glad to hear the game isn't too long. I'm far from the fastest gamer and usually add an hour or two to what howlongtobeat says so I imagine I'll probably be around your timing. So far though it's great. Story seems really cool, love the aesthetic and the gameplay seems pretty good. I'd heard Stray was a game for cat people - I'm not much of a cat person, always been a dog guy but even still I'm loving it so far
So I started stray last night and I'm really really enjoying it so far. Thought it would be a great first steam deck title and... Yeah it plays great on the deck, running the game with high everything and haven't experienced any hitches or stutters - interesting a I'd heard the PC version has a stuttering issue.

Glad to hear the game isn't too long. I'm far from the fastest gamer and usually add an hour or two to what howlongtobeat says so I imagine I'll probably be around your timing. So far though it's great. Story seems really cool, love the aesthetic and the gameplay seems pretty good. I'd heard Stray was a game for cat people - I'm not much of a cat person, always been a dog guy but even still I'm loving it so far
The Shader Compilation Stutter Issue has been a problem w/ a lot of DirectX-based games on UE of late on Windows - including Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo. Digital Foundry has done videos on this stuff for all of those games - and also Stray.

I don't know if it was easier for the dev's to use DXVK to try to solve this and/or if they really made sure they built & tested Stray big time around Steam Deck so that version on Linux OS/Steam OS just wouldn't have those shader issues.

The Shader Compilation Stutter Issue has been a problem w/ a lot of DirectX-based games on UE of late on Windows - including Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo. Digital Foundry has done videos on this stuff for all of those games - and also Stray.

I don't know if it was easier for the dev's to use DXVK to try to solve this and/or if they really made sure they built & tested Stray big time around Steam Deck so that version on Linux OS/Steam OS just wouldn't have those shader issues.
Huh interesting. I'll have to look into this a bit more. I had no issues with Deathloop when I played that a while back on my actual PC, but Ghostwire I found so stuttery I actually gave up on trying to play it. And here I thought UE had it all figured out lol

Huh interesting. I'll have to look into this a bit more. I had no issues with Deathloop when I played that a while back on my actual PC, but Ghostwire I found so stuttery I actually gave up on trying to play it. And here I thought UE had it all figured out lol
Here's Digital Foundry on Deathloop and Ghostwire.

And it worries me when CDPR is moving to UE for their next real Witcher game and likely other future titles, when we all know UE has issues like these.

Heck, historically, Unreal Engine has had issues on PC versions w/ texture pops (Singularity, Alpha Protocol, Deathloop...for starters) and stutters on PC in other titles too (Original Gears of War PC port) upon its original release.

EDIT - Shadow Warrior 3 also has these stutters b/c of Shader problems.

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In an ideal world, every game would give you the option of pre-compiling shaders the first time you run it to help avoid these issues. I know at least a couple COD games do it. I think Forza Horizon does it. Monster Hunter: Rise does it. Such a better alternative to stuttering.

I'd heard Stray was a game for cat people - I'm not much of a cat person, always been a dog guy but even still I'm loving it so far
I honestly think most people who are cat or dog people are really just pet people who haven't been exposed to the other enough. Obviously, allergies and previous bad experience can get in the way.

Anyhow, I don't think think Stray is just for cat people. I think most people would enjoy it.

I know at least a couple COD games do it. I think Forza Horizon does it. Monster Hunter: Rise does it. Such a better alternative to stuttering.
Speaking of Forza Horizon. The new Hot Wheels expansion has so far been just as awesome as the Hot Wheels expansion from FH3. (Which, I honestly think is the best expansion in the history of Forza.)
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I honestly think most people who are cat or dog people are really just pet people who haven't been exposed to the other enough. Obviously, allergies and previous bad experience can get in the way.
Had both. Still cat person. I don't dislike most dogs, but they're are too much maintenance for me to just get one (daily walks, training, baths, etc.). And they also don't live as long. My almost 16-year old cat still acts like a kitten.

Edit: To be a responsible owner. I'm not about to just get a dog and throw it in a small yard or something.

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Why is Bethesda advertising Redfall so heavily when it doesn’t release until 2023?

Is it because Microsoft realized they have nothing coming out for the Holiday 2022 timeframe and want to sell us on hopes and dreams for 2023? 😜
Why is Bethesda advertising Redfall so heavily when it doesn’t release until 2023?

Is it because Microsoft realized they have nothing coming out for the Holiday 2022 timeframe and want to sell us on hopes and dreams for 2023? 😜
My guess is that Redfall is far closer to completion than Starfield, so there's more to show off. Tbf, Redfall is also far smaller in scope.
Nobody has anything coming out lately.   We have an Onlyfans, Fortnite, Youtube, "mobile gaming", crypto investing, Jake Paul, Kardashian-based economy now where everyone wants to get rich quick. 

That's when the whores come in. 

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Nobody has anything coming out lately. We have an Onlyfans, Fortnite, Youtube, "mobile gaming", crypto investing, Jake Paul, Kardashian-based economy now where everyone wants to get rich quick.

That's when the whores come in.
And its all on the verge of collapse just as it should be.
Nobody has anything coming out lately. We have an Onlyfans, Fortnite, Youtube, "mobile gaming", crypto investing, Jake Paul, Kardashian-based economy now where everyone wants to get rich quick.

That's when the whores come in.
Switch has some banger releases this month with Live A Live and Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

Some notes from MysterD:

-> Finished-up Resident Evil 3: Remake a few days ago. It was good and shorter (at around 7.5 hours) than a much-longer RE2 Remake, but doesn't live up to RE2 Remake.

-> Finished-up Guardians of the Galaxy game earlier today from PC Game Pass, which took about almost 31 hours. Loved it. A blast of a game and a good time.

-> Some 5 1/2 hours or so into Sniper Elite 5 from PC Game Pass. Feels like some of the Splinter Cell games & Hitman games rolled into one, but tossed all into a WW2 setting. I'm really liking it, so far.

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Had both. Still cat person. I don't dislike most dogs, but they're are too much maintenance for me to just get one (daily walks, training, baths, etc.). And they also don't live as long. My almost 16-year old cat still acts like a kitten.
Pretty much the same. I work overnights, and sleep pretty shity in general, so there's no way I could have a dog that needed/wanted out every few hours so we have cats. Four to be exact.
Well, we have 3 and our youngest cat has his own cat... He really needed a playmate as our two older cats (both girls) never really wanted to play with him.

I fully admit that four sounds like it way too many cats but it's actually been easier with 4 than 3. Much calmer in the house.
We also have four cats. 

More accurately, two cats (sisters), a cat-dog and a idiotcat.

My mom had upwards of high-teens, maybe twenty, at the time of her death. She had trouble saying no. Let me say that trying to get that many cats re-homed in short order isn't exactly enjoyable.

But, yeah, cat person here.

Oh, also grew up allergic to cats.

Oh, and game sales suck, so buy pizza.

Had both. Still cat person. I don't dislike most dogs, but they're are too much maintenance for me to just get one (daily walks, training, baths, etc.). And they also don't live as long. My almost 16-year old cat still acts like a kitten.

Edit: To be a responsible owner. I'm not about to just get a dog and throw it in a small yard or something.
As someone who's owned both multiple dogs and cats, Dogs can live quite a while depending on the breed and medical issues. My dog Vicious a collie terrier mix and lived to be 19 years old before she passed away from natural causes. jack daniel russell terriers I owned Reggie and Macy were 14 and 16, black lab Maggie was 13. Youngest that passed was my chow mastiff pitt mix at around 9 due to neurological issues and he still lived quite long given that mastiffs typically don't.

This is coming from a person who has been bitten by dogs twice.

I like both but I definitely agree that if you aren't home often then that's unfair to own a dog than a cat which can mostly take care of itself. Now if you have a fenced in yard and doggy door then owning a dog wouldn't be as bad. I still remember my one dog I'd put on hulu or netflix for since he'd get anxiety from me being gone at work or thunderstorms and the tv being on calmed him down.

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Well, my preorder for the 512 GB Steam Deck finally came in... Not sure what I'm going to go through with the purchase. I remember reading the parts in them now aren't as good as they were at release.
Sniper Elite 5.


Finished-up Sniper Elite 5 from PC Game Pass. Took me around 14h34m to finish this one. I've had numerous Sniper Elite games backlogged - yeah, pretty much ALL of the ones before this - but it took a Sniper Elite game being both very recent & on PC Game Pass; and a friend who likes the series to recommend it to me to check it out. This game has be pondering a few things, but one thing really entirely I've been pondering is this: why the heck didn't I play this series sooner? 

Rest of long-winded review under Spoiler Tags.


So, Sniper Elite 5 feels like what would happen if you took some games, threw them in a blender together: Splinter Cell series of game (third-person action/shooter/stealth game); Hitman games (third-person action/shooter/stealth game with a very sandbox-y & big open areas with multiple objectives, which include killing certain specific targets); some Wolfenstein & Call of Duty type of objectives sometimes (i.e. blow up a Tiger Tank or a few with a Panzerfaust, in a few missions; destroy U-Boats somehow; destroy research facilities somehow; etc etc.); Dishonored series & Thief series (action/stealth game, where you have a bunch of missions & maps one after another, but each map is its own chapter and is a big open sandbox with both main & side objectives); and then there's also the World War 2 (WW2) setting.


Like Hitman & those games of that sort - after every level, you are scored & rewarded (or not) for your actions, what you did, and given a graph on how you played: Lethal or Non-Lethal; and/or Assault or Stealth style - and of course this also in turns ties into the game's RPG-like and RPG-lite system. This game has some elements of its own to bring to the table, also having some RPG-like & RPG-like character upgrade elements where they can upgrade skills & abilities; and even can customize a lot of your weapons and whatnot (adding mods to guns, that can give them each pro's and con's when you take them on). 

In this game, you play as elite soldier & expert sniper Karl Fairburne, who takes on the project to find out more about Project Kraken in 1944 over in France. Karl is here to defeat, dismantle, and destroy the Nazi Regime that are trying to takeover France, while working along-side the French Resistance and the Americans that are over in France. The story's solid and nothing spectacular or anything, but the voice-acting is good and it certainly gets the job done here. Everything here is presented really well, including also the cut-scenes and whatnot b/t the missions too.


When you make really nice kills and/or sniping kills in this game, you are often seeing them in a Death Cam / Kill Cam sort of thing - the game slows down and follows the bullet from your gun to the enemy and you can see the enemy killed in X-Ray vision style and where it hit them. You can even speed up and slow down the cam, too. Very similar to the bloody & violent kills seen in the modern Fallout games (since Bethesda's Fallout 3) - it's very hard for me to get tired & sick of this Kill Cam, as you're often seeing these kills in detail and in a cinematic way in this glorified Kill Cam. I should note - you can also control the cam and/or skips the kills while in-game "on the fly"; and/or change the settings on how a lot of these settings work in detail in the Options (i.e. you can even or enable/disable the Death Cam entirely and/or even enable/disable the X-Ray part of it too), in case you want to customize the Kill Cam or remove it from executing entirely. Heck, if you want, there are even settings to make it handle more or less frequently, if you'd like. It's all up to you, which is great - as I'm sure there's some who might tire of these cinematic kills.

The combat and everything is smooth as butter and feels great with the keyboard & mouse, feeling very fluid. Everything animates well here too. Gunplay and combat feels really good here; everything plays well technically. Even w/ the controller, this all feels good too - just, I prefer the mouse for aiming and whatnot. You can climb things, mantle over walls and objects, climbs through open windows, and other stuff you'd expect in a Hitman-like and Splinter Cell-like game here. You can hide bodies in boxes, move bodies, sneak in tall grass areas, sneak around, crawl around, and/or whatever. If you want, you can play it like a shooter - but, you get better rewards and scores by aiming for a stealth approach and/or just killing the enemies the game wants you too in the main or side objectives. The game and is entirely just really well designed, well put together, and everything - and I have very little complaints here about any of the stuff. Simply put, this game's very good and awesome - and I'm still wondering why I didn't get into this series sooner, even while having most of this series backlogged. This is a big surprise somehow on how good this Sniper Elite 5 game actually is.


Maxed-out at 1080p at Ultra settings and cranked-up, this game looks really good, to say the least; all rans within Vulkan here, BTW. Not only that, I had no problem with it sitting at 60fps with it locked at that and it extremely rarely dipped even below 60fps on my desktop PC loaded with i7 10700KF; 16 GB RAM; 8GB VRAM on the RTX 3070; 1 TB SSD; and 2TB HDD. Sure, this game was eating up anywhere from 6-8GB VRAM on the regular - but I didn't have much trouble at all with this game. Load times were barely even there, even sticking it on the regular HDD, not the SSD. The game looked really good and ran great, basically. Seriously, what more could I ask here out of a game that looks & runs like this? It ran great and ran like a top with very little problems. Had one crash the entirely time...and that was going from one mission to the next, when it was loading that. Definitely impressed with all of this.

So, I played this on Sharpshooter, which is the game's Normal difficulty mode. I should note that there are also lots of options to even make the game's difficulty more customizable, besides the 5 presets here - as you can also customize things such as the damage you take, damage you can give out, whether bullets and shots have wind applied or not; and more options - which is excellent. I'm seeing more & more games w/ this customizability & approach recently, such as say Thief (2014), Sniper Elite 5, Pathfinder: Kingmaker & Guardians of the Galaxy - and I do hope this trend continues.

When it comes down to, after 14 1/2 hours or so of playing this one on Sharpshooter difficulty (Normal difficulty mode), Sniper Elite 5 is completed and in the books. Another one to add to my piled of completed games and time well-spent here with this game. I've been missing the Splinter Cell series for a while (c'mon Ubisoft, can we get another one?) and always really enjoyed the Hitman games - but to find a game similar to those, have its own twist on them, and sticking it into WW2 for a setting, and also executing everything so good & well - well, what's there to say here? If you like those kind of games like the games from those franchises like Splinter Cell, Dishonored, Hitman, Thief, and/or other action/shooter/stealth games of those sort - you're definitely going to like this one. I don't know why I've been living and crawling under a rock for so long and sleeping on this series here, as Sniper Elite 5 is a big surprise to me and is a really good game - and I'm still wondering why the heck I'm so late to this series.
This game's awesome and is most definitely worth playing.

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I hate dogs.

Evolve: Stage 2 returns w/ P2P Server support.
2K and Turtle Rock have brought the peer-2-peer servers back to Evolve: Stage 2.
Sources: - -
- 2K and Turtle Rock have brought back peer-2-peer support for Evolve: Stage 2 (the F2P version of Evolve).
- Player count on Steam has jumped from 18 on July 20 to 713 players at time of writing (on July 27th).
- Drop crates are also working again too.
- Though, this game still remains delisted from purchasing over on Steam...
- ...Could Evolve be coming back & become listed again?
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Evolve: Stage 2 returns w/ P2P Server support.

2K and Turtle Rock have brought the peer-2-peer servers back to Evolve: Stage 2.

Sources: - -

- 2K and Turtle Rock have brought back peer-2-peer support for Evolve: Stage 2 (the F2P version of Evolve).
- Player count on Steam has jumped from 18 on July 20 to 713 players at time of writing (on July 27th).
- Drop crates are also working again too.
- Though, this game still remains delisted from purchasing over on Steam...
- ...Could Evolve be coming back & become listed again?
Thought they pulled the plug on this one. Don't see it making a 'comeback' (if it ever was successful in the first place).

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Thought they pulled the plug on this one. Don't see it making a 'comeback' (if it ever was successful in the first place).
They did pull the plug, on both P2P (Peer-2-Peer) support and main-server support. And they just brought the P2P servers back, putting back in P2P support.

More MP games need to do stuff like this, so the community can do what the heck they want w/ the game - you know, like what was done in the old days in mid-90's to early 2000's games like Q3A, UT, etc before throwing corporate-owned ded-servers & central servers everywhere.

bread's done