Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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No nazis = no buy.
I know that Germany is very sensitive to the Nazi thing, but could you imagine what people in the U.S. would do if they were told they couldn't acknowledge the Confederacy's existence?

I've never fully understood the rationale. There are only a handful of people who were even alive during that time period. I wasn't personally responsible, so why should I assume that I have to hide the history? Seems weird.

Kinda like how cats like to bury their poop. It's still there, it still stinks.

Which reminds me.. time to clean a litter box.


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tebow said:
u all haters this the best sale since summer sale whe flash deals start with u people getting mad cause didnt get ur games because it was 4 6 8 flash this the best big sale since then. please no repeat sale finally happen no rage sale yup no stupid people voting for stupidness and jarateing me off this event may not have thing but cards is cards and we all wining like the group not fighitng. tho the bad parts is some dialy was same price as regular summer sale lol tho wonder why it was there lol it aint no daily out of that it was the best
I don't remember people "jarateing me off" last sale. I'm sure I would remember that. :whistle2:k
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I doubt it is possible to still do this? I never took the effort to look into the Java script thing.
For 100M in 3 hours?

There's a better chance of GabeN knocking on your door and hand delivering you the entire Steam library on Bernoulli disks.

Not saying it's impossible, but...

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Also, I have to say while I was mesmerized by that absolutely idiotic, script driven, non-clicker game that every time we landed on a x00 level, I had this clip in my mind....
It really is kind of sad that a handful of people have been able to ruin the clicking game for thousands of people. Trolls gonna troll though I guess. I'm glad I got my 100 million badge before the trolls started flocking to the YOWH rooms. I've tried to help a few other rooms get there and it has been almost impossible unless you were in the first batch of coordinated rooms created for the day. In almost all the rooms created later in the day it's been constant x00 boss nuking as well as wormhole spam to prevent even getting to a x00 boss.

It really is kind of sad that a handful of people have been able to ruin the clicking game for thousands of people. Trolls gonna troll though I guess. I'm glad I got my 100 million badge before the trolls started flocking to the YOWH rooms. I've tried to help a few other rooms get there and it has been almost impossible unless you were in the first batch of coordinated rooms created for the day. In almost all the rooms created later in the day it's been constant x00 boss nuking as well as wormhole spam to prevent even getting to a x00 boss.
Sadly, these trolls are likely the ones that got carried to the badge the previous days.

Not sure why they even want to bother sitting in the rooms all day to do so - just to screw others out of it so that their precious badge feels more important/exclusive to them? Like anyone cares a week or 2 from now.

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It really is kind of sad that a handful of people have been able to ruin the clicking game for thousands of people.
True. Though Steam never could think through a sale promotion to save their lives and, in the grand scheme, you only got cheated of a jpg. Better than when the exploiters and cheaters would get actual games and stuff out of their efforts.

Sadly, these trolls are likely the ones that got carried to the badge the previous days.
Many were. There was a 4chan thread posted in the chat I was in that had their auto-nuke script and specific room numbers to target. The mentality that was on display was shockingly sad.
I know that Germany is very sensitive to the Nazi thing, but could you imagine what people in the U.S. would do if they were told they couldn't acknowledge the Confederacy's existence?
I'm from EU, so probably I can't. However, I had some history lessons about American Civil War, so I see what your point is. ;)

I've never fully understood the rationale. There are only a handful of people who were even alive during that time period. I wasn't personally responsible, so why should I assume that I have to hide the history? Seems weird.
I totally agree. That's why I think censoring swastikas is bigger problem than including it in various media.

I wouldn't be suprised if it was censored in Israel, because many of Jews lost someone from their family in nazi concentration camps, so it could be considered improper (and actually it is unavailable there). I find interesting that I've heard some jokes from young Jews about the holocaust and working in nazi camp. I was a bit confused at first, but I understood they have bigger problems in their country now to be offended just for the sake of it.

The people moved on, sadly, the governments didn't.

I don't remember people "jarateing me off" last sale. I'm sure I would remember that. :whistle2:k
Brings a tear to my eye, seeing people who grew up in a world without spuf.

Also can't believe I logged in just to rep tebow. Glad to see there's still a forum out there where he hasn't been banned. Also kinda glad it doesn't allow the posting of pictures. Those two things are probably related.

I'm honestly surprised the room I was in made it. When I went to bed, we were moving 1M an hour, which put us well short. Must have had an early morning surge and/or the auto-nukers started focusing on reddit rooms.
Yeah, there were so many trolls in that room I was worried. But I guess we powered through it.

Quick question - can anyone comment on what, exactly is included with the Saint's Row IV Game of the Century Edition?  Is it truly all the DLC for the game, or just a subset released up to some date?  (Obivously Gat out of Hell is NOT included.)


Yeah, there were so many trolls in that room I was worried. But I guess we powered through it.
Sadly, my room isn't going to make it. So close yet so far. That's like 2nd 90M room for me now.

And the saddest part is that during the night when the trolls were asleep/gone, it was doing 2-4M jumps constantly, resulting in like 30M levels in an hour or two, that actually got my hopes up. However, once the trolls woke up, it barely made 10M in the 8 hours since...

Ah well, I picked the wrong room to jump into midday. One of the other choices I had when I jumped in looks like it is going to fail at 99M.. some comfort there at least, I won't feel as bad as them :D/

Quick question - can anyone comment on what, exactly is included with the Saint's Row IV Game of the Century Edition? Is it truly all the DLC for the game, or just a subset released up to some date? (Obivously Gat out of Hell is NOT included.)

It includes all paid DLC.
Anyone else having issues adding to the cart on the web store? How am I supposed to spend the rest of these GabenBux if I can't add anything to my cart?!?!?!  :whee:

Sadly, my room isn't going to make it. So close yet so far. That's like 2nd 90M room for me now.

And the saddest part is that during the night when the trolls were asleep/gone, it was doing 2-4M jumps constantly, resulting in like 30M levels in an hour or two, that actually got my hopes up. However, once the trolls woke up, it barely made 10M in the 8 hours since...

Ah well, I picked the wrong room to jump into midday. One of the other choices I had when I jumped in looks like it is going to fail at 99M.. some comfort there at least, I won't feel as bad as them :D/
With a little under two hours to go, we're currently sat at 979k.

I would absolutely love it if we failed at 999k.

No he means room 5. I'm still in it and it's not quite halfway there. They updated the script and it's helping but it's likely too little too late.
No, I meant 470/SG#1, the room that JohnHarker and I were in with others. That room was initially listed as official, then it was called out as being a "fake" room, then Steam shit the bed and we lost about 200 scriptors in the process. We were behind almost everyone for a while there.
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Observation- summer sale cards expire in 105 minutes and yet I still see plenty in people's inventories.

Shouldn't you be selling/crafting? Shit's gonna be worthless, yo.
No, I meant 470/SG#1, the room that JohnHarker and I were in with others. That room was initially listed as official, then it was called out as being a "fake" room, then Steam shit the bed and we lost about 200 scriptors in the process. We were behind almost everyone for a while there.
Oh I thought he was replying to Foxhack for some reason. It's early. :p

Anyway I feel like I should get a Bon Jovi badge if my room makes it halfway there.
Observation- summer sale cards expire in 105 minutes and yet I still see plenty in people's inventories.

Shouldn't you be selling/crafting? Shit's gonna be worthless, yo.
This year, I invested in pumpkins. They've been going up the whole month of October and I got a feeling they're gonna peak right around January. And bang! -- that's when I'll cash in.

About to be an hour left, quick, everyone make your panicked last minute impulse buys!
I got lucky and received my refund for Risen 3 a few hours ago, so I used those wallet funds to buy Ikaruga and Metro Redux bundle. My total haul ended up being paid for with nearly all steam wallet (from card money) and around $5 paypal.

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Anyone want to make a deal where I give you all my monster cards (1 foil) and you give me... something? Anything really? I can't sell them and I think gems are worthless (right?)

Anyone want to make a deal where I give you all my monster cards (1 foil) and you give me... something? Anything really? I can't sell them and I think gems are worthless (right?)
How many do you have? If it's enough to buy something you want I could try to sell them for you and then gift you something with the proceeds. A DLC or something depending on how much.

Final haul for my steam sale, a couple last minute panic purchases but eh I'll return them if I need to


Europa IV 




Xcom Complete Pack

Mount & Blade Warband

That 74 cent indie pack with 4 games

Small Bastard Deluxe -> Free, sold a COH Key from a bundle and bought a random steam key

Overall a decent sale, discounts were meh on most games with a couple gems

While amusing, someone needs to be ashamed of this. Presumably whoever actually felt enough pride in this to sign their name on it,

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Damn... my rooms always fell short in that stupid monster clicker game. No 100 million badge, which means I won't be invited to the amazing wormhole club parties. Congrats to those of you that did make it to the top. Now I'll just have to live vicariously through you guys and see how the other side lives.

Damn... my rooms always fell short in that stupid monster clicker game. No 100 million badge, which means I won't be invited to the amazing wormhole club parties. Congrats to those of you that did make it to the top. Now I'll just have to live vicariously through you guys and see how the other side lives.
Yeah, I only made it over the 1 million hill myself, probably should have gotten a script and joined those rooms but I never got around to it.

Thank you for playing the Monster Summer Sale Game!
We hope you had as much fun playing it as we did making it.
Here are some of the totals worth noting:

4.97 million of you defeated 180 million monsters, activated 362 million abilities, used 322 million items, and "clicked"* your mouse buttons 97 billion times.

.4.97 million of you defeated 180 million monsters, activated 362 million abilities, used 322 million items, and "clicked"* your mouse buttons 97 billion times.

Also... Batman pre-load time for me! :whee:

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Final haul:

Shadow of Mordor GOTY Upgrade

Hatoful Boyfriend

Sakura Spirit


Dino D-Day

Phantom Breaker

Legend of Korra

...and redeemed a couple gifts from past sales that I had stored for no real reason.

bread's done