Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Some great prices on Mad Max, but being a WB and Avalanche game, the odds are stacked in favour of a 75% discount and an MSRP drop. Just Cause 2 was $7.50 on Steam in Winter 2010, despite only being released in Spring 2010.

But then again, publishers on Steam have become stingier at times than they used to be.

There's no region locked version in the Steamdb as far as I can tell. And they haven't even given those of us who did pre-order that damned car yet AFAIK. I don't think there was any difference for the pre-order keys either. I would guess at some point soon they will give everyone who has the game registered the ripper and then not for those who buy/activate after.
Ripper skin was added yesterdayish. Popped in when the community features (screenshots, playtime tracking) actually started working. One of those valvetime things, apparently.

I just tested the Arkham Knight patch and well, it did seem to improve things for me just a tad. I set things at low textures and low shadow quality (same as before) and textures look slightly better now.

I set the game to run at 30 FPS, though, so I'm used to low framerates. I have no idea how well the game runs on more powerful hardware. My CPU is an i7 3770, but my video card is a 2 GB R9 270x so that's keeping things kinda slow.

Oh and the game now warns me my video card driver is outdated... when it really isn't. But I'm not installing a beta Catalyst driver...
I just tried a quick-look Batman: AK PC, to see how performance is.'s a bit better for me, I guess.

At 1080p; Maxed-out settings for the first set of Graphics Options; and all of the GameWorks Stuff OFF: 30 FPS no problem w/ the 30 FPS cap. Beats the former 25-30 FPS that I had before w/ the 30 FPS cap.

Now use the same settings and throw on a few of the GameWorks Stuff on (except the first two options, which will take the card over 4GB VRAM); and with 60 FPS cap: meh. Performance is wild; ranging anywhere from 27 frames to 60FPS. It's all over the damn place, with crazy rises + drops. Sometimes in the 40's, or 50's, or at max of 60 FPS. Not consistent at all.

With the 30 FPS cap back in place - ahhhh, much better. 27-30 FPS. Looks great, running consistent.

I got the same outdated vid-card driver message, as well. I have the NVidia 353.30 driver in for my 4GB 960. I'll have to look & see if the newer driver improves things any better for this game, when I feel like it. Not really in any rush, since I don't have some brand-new game that I really want to run + look better.

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There's no region locked version in the Steamdb as far as I can tell. And they haven't even given those of us who did pre-order that damned car yet AFAIK. I don't think there was any difference for the pre-order keys either. I would guess at some point soon they will give everyone who has the game registered the ripper and then not for those who buy/activate after.
There are for the non pre order version at least. RU + CIS.
Ripper skin was added yesterdayish. Popped in when the community features (screenshots, playtime tracking) actually started working. One of those valvetime things, apparently.
Ah okay that's good to know. I'm going to try to get some more time in over the 3 day weekend.

I kind of agree with eulogywerd about Metal Gear being like that long toed hot chick and find myself wanting to get back into Max more instead, shitting horse notwithstanding.

Anyhow, the ripper skin is nice and all but if someone can get a good deal on the game now I wouldn't let that one car skin be a deal breaker.

I see.

Sometimes I forget you get all MysterD savant about who activates where from what store even if you have no intention of buying it.
Actually I don't have any intentions, but my spanish trader friends has it. So he asked me about it. We looked into GG (It seems the locked one and no ripper car, so no pre order) and he looked into GMG and nothing also.

So no idea where is now the cheap pre order version getting sold for 17$ (less)
At that point I believe the FoxyPie'ing becomes Drabelincoln'ing

Well, regardless of where they came from, I just joined the Mad Max Club. Also broke my G2A cherry with Cities Skylines Deluxe. Bougth a global key, mine is marked Korea, but we'll what that means (think it just means I get to DL the Korea language pack too).

Also, Fakeybro'ed Lego Worlds and will Fakeybro Rocket League once GMG misses me again and sends me another 30% off voucher.

And then I think that'll be the end of my game buying for a long, long time (meaning whenever another shitty zombie game comes out).

Seriously. What is this, You guys are out of control.

I'm going to include "must have a harpoon" onto my list of must-haves for any future day one purchases. That's just not getting old.

I need to try taking out a convoy. I'm too scared to have a go at the moment.
Dunno if this was mentioned or not but it seems like Steam is finally getting with the times and adding an eroge to their library.


Haters can GTFO.

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Dunno if this was mentioned or not but it seems like Steam is finally getting with the times and adding an eroge to their library.


Haters can GTFO.
I mentioned it a couple of days ago. It's yuri genere, so no penis allowed yet, which is sad.

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Anyone happen to know if more stat wipes are on the board for KF2?
They haven't done any and have announced that they will not be doing any stat wipes.

Just to confirm this confirmation, found the video I was thinking of where the Tripwire president said no stat resets on the PC Gamer show at E3:

skip to 5:35

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I hate to pull a MysterD on you, but, uh, 70%<75%.
Right. Makes more sense to wait a year to save $3 so you can spend it on shitty bundles full of crap you'll never play.

I must be getting old. I'd rather have one good game for $20 than thirty crap games for $15 :oldman:

That comes across a little more argumentative than intended. I get that the "Fakey" thing is all in fun. My personal line is 50%+ off for a new title I'm going to immediately play and so the prices for Mad Max fit that bill.

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If you have been following the Jimmy Kimmel Drama, you have to see the next video.

Just from 4:10m or so till the end of the Oculus Rift thing.
It was quite funny, if you ask me. :) Especially the part w/ the parents.

Honestly, I could careless about what Kimmel thinks about gaming - he's quite out of touch w/ gamers.

Plus, I got too much of a backlog to worry about what Kimmel, Ebert (RIP), and others might even think on the matter.

More thoughts on Kimmel, Ebert, etc:

I don't expect Kimmel to be in touch w/ gamers, as this really isn't part of his generation - which is just like how I never expected Ebert to be able to "get" gaming. I expect from Ebert (RIP) his excellent knowledge of movies + his actual opinions on them - that's it; never cared what he thought of games too much. I expect + hope for razor-sharp jokes from Kimmel that are dark in subject matter & can cut like a knife from Kimmel - and in here, I thought he delivered that.

My thoughts on Let's Play:

I'm not really one to watch many Let's Play in full; I'd rather play it.

But, they certainly have their uses - using them for walk-throughs when you're stuck; watching others & seeing how others behave/react in game; in case you want to see some of a game you're not sure if you can afford it; or you want to see some of a game you don't feel like dropping big money on (especially if it's new); or see other endings or paths you never took in a game; etc - so yeah, I can see how some might dig absolutely dig them. :)

If there's a game I'm interested in and it ain't out yet; or it just came out - yeah, then I might be interested in checking out Previews or Quick-Looks from Giant Bomb and other gaming-media like that. But, usually - after I've seen a bit of it, I might want to get away from possible spoiler-turf & then be more inclined to want to actually sit down myself and play the game.

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I've never understood Let's Play videos.  I mean, I've heard the reasons and get what people are saying but I've never been able to watch them and the whole thing seems absurd to me.  But then there's lots of popular things that I don't have any interest in: Big Bang Theory, Siracha, craft beers, Reddit... it's all just one big ole world out there.

Right. Makes more sense to wait a year to save $3 so you can spend it on shitty bundles full of crap you'll never play.

I must be getting old. I'd rather have one good game for $20 than thirty crap games for $15 :oldman:

That comes across a little more argumentative than intended. I get that the "Fakey" thing is all in fun. My personal line is 50%+ off for a new title I'm going to immediately play and so the prices for Mad Max fit that bill.
I have a friend that does this, never buys bundle shit.. only buys games that he actually plays. I wish I could be like that. I think in the end you'd waste the least money and play the shit you buy.

I've never understood Let's Play videos. I mean, I've heard the reasons and get what people are saying but I've never been able to watch them and the whole thing seems absurd to me. But then there's lots of popular things that I don't have any interest in: Big Bang Theory, Siracha, craft beers, Reddit... it's all just one big ole world out there.
I think the thing for me is - I want to get an idea about a game. I think previews, trailers, and things like that can really give me the idea. Sometimes, a Let's Play can be decent for that - if there's not much other media available for a certain game.

A Let's Play can often be for the entire game. Naw, I don't want to ruin my entire game experience by watching a whole thing of a Let's Play, unless I've already played the game.

Longer-winded thoughts

Even then, if I've already played through the game and decided to check out a Let's Play - I still might not be inclined to watch the whole thing; especially if it's a long-game. Some games, they rely on plot-twists; player experiencing + feeling game mechanics first-hand; experiencing a game fresh on a first-playthrough yourself; and things of that sort. These are some things that I think watching a video ahead of time might & could actually potentially spoil.

I mean, hell - it would probably not feel + be the same, if I watched the major plot-twists to games like Bioshock 1 + Infinite before-hand, instead of experiencing it first-hand for the first-time in the game itself. Experiencing them for the first-time in-game, they were jaw-dropping for me.

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The only time I watch gameplay is in a "first look" preview or in "what the fuck am I supposed to do/I'm lost" type situation. If you sit around watching someone else prattle on while they play for a hour(s) I consider you a fakeassgamer and I realize what that's an acronym for.

Like South Park, I want to reclaim!
While it wasn't a Let's Play, I remember when I first saw a Quicklook on the original Dead Island.

From the previews I read - I expected a open-world game; zombie-killing; and some ARPG elements in first-person. The original backwards trailer, in my head gave me additional thoughts - I expected also a heavy mixture of "Story + Character Driven" game.

The Giant Bomb Quicklook gave me a double-take and made me say - well, throw out the "story + character driven" thing, for the most part. This is a first-person ARPG with a focus on melee combat; and an open-world where you slaughter zombies. Basically, an inverted Borderlands 1 w/ zombies.

I watch gameplay videos and gameplay trailers sometimes, but usually just long enough to get a feel of what it actually is.

I also understand watching action packed videos like EVO fights, but I can't stand SC2 tournaments. They're just issuing micro commands 500 times a minute and switching views. I also get speed runs.

When it comes to Let's Plays, I just don't like the people enough to care. Most have voices I can't listen to for an extended amount of time. There are a couple short ones that I enjoyed, but almost all of them were Borderland exploit instructional videos.

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Right. Makes more sense to wait a year to save $3 so you can spend it on shitty bundles full of crap you'll never play.

I must be getting old. I'd rather have one good game for $20 than thirty crap games for $15 :oldman:

That comes across a little more argumentative than intended. I get that the "Fakey" thing is all in fun. My personal line is 50%+ off for a new title I'm going to immediately play and so the prices for Mad Max fit that bill.
Right, because you've completed your backlog already and there's no way Mad Max can wait, amirite?

Just joshing you guys, hope you're all having fun in the apocalyptic wasteland. I'm looking forward to picking it up myself when it's around $5, as that's about my buy point for open world games.

Dev pulls controversial “Slave Tetris” minigame from Steam after backlash
by Eric David | Sep 3, 2015

There does not seem to be any way that the phrases “Slave Packing” and “minigame” could be used in the same sentence without sounding horribly wrong, and Danish studio Serious Games Interactive learned this lesson firsthand after sparking widespread outrage with a Tetris-like minigame that tasked players with packing as many people into the bowels of a slave ship as possible.

The game at the center of this controversy is Playing History 2: Slave Trade, a sort of educational game for students to learn about the horror’s of the slave trade.
“Travel back in time to the 18th century and witness the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade firsthand,” the Steam page for the game says. “In this episode, you will be working as young slave steward on a ship crossing the Atlantic. You are to serve the captain and be his eyes and ears – reporting any suspicious activities is your duty. But what do you do, when you realize that your own sister has been captured by the slave traders?”

According to the game’s description, its target audience is student between the ages of 11 and 14. The game itself is a cartoony point-and-click game where players pick up items and navigate through dialogue options as they learn about how the slave trade functioned between Africa, the American colonies, and Europe.

The bulk of the gameplay is rather tame, if a little too cheery, but the feature that set off the most outrage was a minigame that takes place when the player has to load a slave ship as full as possible by playing a Tetris-like minigame called “Slave Packing,” with the usual Tetris pieces replaced by contorted slaves.

After people reacted strongly to the minigame, the developer made the decision to remove it from the game entirely.

“The game and trailer has been updated. Slave Tetris has been removed as it was perceived to be extremely insensitive by some people,” the developers said in an update on Steam. “This overshadowed the educational goal of the game. Apologies to people who was offended by us using game mechanics to underline the point of how inhumane slavery was. The goal was to enlighten and educate people – not to get sidetracked discussing a small 15 secs part of the game.”

So, basically the dev is sorry if you had a problem and didn’t understand what they were trying to do there. #sorrynotsorry
I've never understood Let's Play videos. I mean, I've heard the reasons and get what people are saying but I've never been able to watch them and the whole thing seems absurd to me. But then there's lots of popular things that I don't have any interest in: Big Bang Theory, Siracha, craft beers, Reddit... it's all just one big ole world out there.
I was with ya until "craft beers".



32% - Dying Light Ultimate Edition - 90.44 R$ ~ 24$

33% - Dying Light - 66.99 R$ ~ 18$

0% - Dying Light: Season Pass - 34.99 R$ ~ 9.50$

Season pass has not discount, but it is said if you buy it before the new expansion comes out, you will receive that expansion as a bonus for previous season pass owners.


Seems to be Row.(From Spain)

I can see without VPN/Proxy. In case you are interested make sure to see if it's Row before purchasing it.

EDIT proof Ultimate Edition is Row


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So Nuuvem has some decent deals on:

Dying Light Completeish

War of the Vikings

NBA2K6 Pre-order


Any of these region locked?  I know Motoki mentioned buying Statis (which is tempting for me, but Daedalic).  I wish the Dying Light Season pass was discounted, but no luck there.  

So Nuuvem has some decent deals on:

Dying Light Completeish

War of the Vikings

NBA2K6 Pre-order


Any of these region locked? I know Motoki mentioned buying Statis (which is tempting for me, but Daedalic). I wish the Dying Light Season pass was discounted, but no luck there.
They don't seem to be, I can see them just fine.

But why is War of the Vikings 14.99 BRL... and the Valhalla Edition is $300 BRL? What the hell kind of bonus stuff does that edition have?


Daily Deals
60% off Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - $11.99 (61% off DLC)

Weekly, Midweek and Weekend Deals
Ending 9/7
33% off Killing Floor 2 (Steam) - $20.09
33% off Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition (Steam) - $26.79

Up to 66% off Immanitas titles
Up to 75% off Team 17 titles
Current Voucher: 23% off SAVE23-WITHGM-GSEP15 (Expires 9/7 1700 UTC)

33% off Dying Light Special

Up to 75% off Ubisoft Adventures

Weekend Promo: Strategy* Selection (*with a touch of action) - Up to 80% off

Up to 50% off Evolve Weekend
10% off code: 10newsletter

32% - Dying Light Ultimate Edition - 90.44 R$ ~ 24$

33% - Dying Light - 66.99 R$ ~ 18$

0% - Dying Light: Season Pass - 34.99 R$ ~ 9.50$

Season pass has not discount, but it is said if you buy it before the new expansion comes out, you will receive that expansion as a bonus for previous season pass owners.


Seems to be Row.(From Spain)

I can see without VPN/Proxy. In case you are interested make sure to see if it's Row before purchasing it.
I can see w/out VPN + w/out Proxy, also.

Is The Following even part of the Season Pass always?

Or do you only get that expansion free b/c you have SP ahead of the expansion's release?

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I can see w/out VPN + w/out Proxy, also.

Is The Following even part of the Season Pass always?
Or do you get that expansion b/c you have SP ahead of the expansion's release?
You get the expansion because you own the season pass previously. Only in that case. If not, you will have to get expansion + season pass separated in the future.

"Season Pass holders get The Following for free, everyone else buys it separately for an as yet unknown price. There's no release date given."

You get the expansion because you own the season pass previously. Only in that case. If not, you will have to get expansion + season pass separated in the future.

"Season Pass holders get The Following for free, everyone else buys it separately for an as yet unknown price. There's no release date given."

Thanks for clarifying that.

I wonder what the expansion will go for by itself, once released.


It says $15 for The Following by itself in that article in USA, from the update listed up top of the article.

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New daily deals up on Humble:

2K Deals up on Humble:

Dammit - WWE2K15 PC still is not at 75% off yet on Humble...or anywhere else, for that matter.

It's only at 66% off. :(
Has Humble bundled any 2K coupons yet?

You get the expansion because you own the season pass previously. Only in that case. If not, you will have to get expansion + season pass separated in the future.

"Season Pass holders get The Following for free, everyone else buys it separately for an as yet unknown price. There's no release date given."

Thanks for the info. Think I'm going to have to take a trip to the land of thongs and twerking soon. And after I get back from the strip club I'll probably buy the season pass from Nuuvem.

bread's done