Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Looking over all these "haul" lists, I note a severe lack of HuniePop.

I will ASSUME you bros already have it.
Knew I forgot a GMG sale.



On another note. I recently played ADOM and BoI:R with afterbirth. Man BoI:R feels way faster on the PC (maybe cause of the expansion) than the PS4/Vita versions I was playing of BoI:R. It's taking me a bit to get used to but the game plays well with an Xbox 360 pad. I see it as an upgrade to the vanilla version though it still has quirks now and then. It is harder than just the vanilla game.

ADOM is alright. It feels extremely old school. Heck me knowing all the keybindings still helps because the game uses the same keybindings as the ASCII version. It is fun and all but feels a bit archaic now. Also it may just be me but that moving animation is not smooth and slows down the gameplay a bit. I may see if there is a way to turn that off. I'd say it's fun for people who like rogue type games, but others can wait on it just like the upgraded graphics for Nethack. Both these are very old school, but still fun.

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I know some of you mooks bought it, so is the Catgirl game any good? The thing about Huniepop was, silliness and naked girls aside, it was actually a pretty fun game to play.
Well it's a visual novel. There's no actual gamey portion so no This Ain't Your Grandma's Match 3 or anything like that. It's just basically looking at kitty titties. Though there's no actual hentai, just ecchi (ask Nitrosmob to explain the difference; he's the resident expert).

The main character is female so it's got the whole lesbian thing going on.

Really it just seems like another fanservicey pandering vn. But I don't actually own it. I just researched it for the shits and grins.

And that's just a figure of speech. You have to clarify that when talking about anime stuff.

takes off sunglasses

You're supposed to say something punny. THEN take off/put on the glasses. Jeez.

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Little late, but here is my haul.

I must say that was the worst sale ever. I was tempted to buy random games, just to spent something. 

I am still left with wallet money, which never happened before. Also, when going through my wishlist, like 90% of all games there was cheaper before.

Grow Home - GamersGate

Talos Principle - Coupon

AC: Black Flag

Never Alone - Nuuvem

Shadow of Mordor - PutinGate

Watch Dogs - glitch

Legend of Korra

And due to the shi*y sale I jumped on Humble Monthly bandwagon.

Every sale is the worst ever. Until the next which is inevitably even worse.

And if you're primarily buying games by fooling a site into getting Russia or Brazil prices or a glitch or a rare stacking coupon then of course no mere regular Steam sale will ever meet your standards.

Not saying it was the best sale ever but I think some people also have unrealistic expectations.
I was pretty happy with it. I wish that I raised more from the sale of my 112 holiday trading cards but I'll live.

Hoping to beat Guild of Dungeoneering which releases in a couple of weeks' time. Love both games.


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Every sale is the worst ever. Until the next which is inevitably even worse.

And if you're primarily buying games by fooling a site into getting Russia or Brazil prices or a glitch or a rare stacking coupon then of course no mere regular Steam sale will ever meet your standards.

Not saying it was the best sale ever but I think some people also have unrealistic expectations.
You are mistaken. It was objectively the worst sale ever yet. Not saying I didn't buy a bunch of stuff, because I did, but they weren't even trying this year. There was no game, no gimmick, no competition, no flash sales, and no fun. Just a bunch of stuff with some lower prices for a long time. To me, Steam sales are events, and this year (judged as an event), it really sucked. Also, the discounts were not on par with prior sales, thus forcing me to fakey some stuff I otherwise would not have.

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You are mistaken. It was objectively the worst sale ever yet. Not saying I didn't buy a bunch of stuff, because I did, but they weren't even trying this year. There was no game, no gimmick, no competition, no flash sales, and no fun. Just a bunch of stuff with some lower prices for a long time. To me, Steam sales are events, and this year (judged as an event), it really sucked. Also, the discounts were not on par with prior sales, thus forcing me to fakey some stuff I otherwise would not have.
I'm pretty sure to make that sort of claim you'd actually need numbers and a well defined and agreed upon metric for what "success" is.
(Be that sales, total of unique user interactions, etc).

Subjectively, I found this sale underwhelming. The comic wasn't near interesting nor clever enough to bring me back daily, the Alternate Reality Game is not my thing and thus just felt wasted. Thanks to returns, there are no flash sales, daily sales or anything that drives me to visit the store at any point other than the very beginning or very end of the sale. Plus, it just was endlessly THERE. When there are no shifting of prices, there's no real reason for the sale to go on as long as it did.

Allowing refunds is a very consumer friendly action and I'm very happy they did it. I just hope they get their act together and realize they need to do something to reinvigorate their sales.

I'm surprised they didn't have a Gem auction all year... it seems just like the sort of thing that makes for an interesting annual tool to clear out the market of all those cards that have gone there to rot and die.

They also need to reexamine the smash value of cards. When the math is obvious that you should always try to sell cards, they're all just going to the market to rot and die... because there is no reward at the end of the tunnel that is worth buying up 3 cent cards to turn into badges. Either make more compelling rewards than "You gain 3 more friend slots", or make some way to make gems MEAN something. (More gem auctions, used as a currency for SOMETHING)

As a whole, gems are just woefully underused. They're a great tool to create rarity in their cards, make the cards have a non-trivial value, and if those cards sell in the market, the game maker gets a cut. The all should be more motivated to do things to get that market more thriving.

It's probably a difficult thing to balance, but I'm surprised they put it out there, did the one auction and have basically left the entire thing to die.

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Every sale is the worst ever. Until the next which is inevitably even worse.
Not saying it was the best sale ever but I think some people also have unrealistic expectations.
Discounts were objectively lower in previous sales since they had the limited daily/flash deals and publishers didn't want to put up a daily-level discount for ten days. I don't think that "finding a single game I want to buy at better than 50% off" is an unrealistic expectation.

By and large, people have moved to stuff like false-region purchases because deals have gotten worse. You didn't see so many people trying to buy stuff from Russian stores a couple years ago. We had VPNs and stuff back in 2013, there just wasn't the drive to do it.

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It was a boring and disappointing sale. I spent more time cleaning up my wishlist (deleted around 200 games....adding about 30 or so through steam recommendations when getting cards) than buying games. At the end I went more for the lower end of my list and possible stuff I would play right away. While we may have all hated the techniques before, it got some of us excited with whatever the games were on sale for at that price. There was still some good prices here and there, but yeah just no pizzaz. I'm glad the cards were easy to get this year at least. Also was it weird that in the inventory the cards were not showing on the side your badge level and first I didn't know there was a badge.

I'm not much into Putin/Brazil purchases as some here, but it was alright. Not great and not terrible. Still got some discounts on what I got, and with me just buying less I have a better chance of playing these games. 

It was a boring and disappointing sale.
Yep this pretty much. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed things like waiting for the flash sales etc. until they were gone. There was nothing to anticipate and just nothing going on with it. The discounts were mostly lukewarm, albeit there were some good deals on things I already owned, but there was nothing to get excited about. The sale was over for the most part on the first day outside of contemplating what or what not to buy for the duration.

It IS objectively the worst sale yet.


* Shit 50-60% discounts that belong in midweek/weekend deals.

* No kind of promotion.

* No daily/flash deals.

I don't know what kind of metrics you want to see but there really is no argument.

This is cag. we're a bunch of high maintenance a-holes with extremely unreasonable expectations. that being said, i am curious to know how well valve did this sale. i'm guessing if you they did a graph, alot of sales occurred at the beginning with the filthy casuals picking shit up at the start. People like us were like, "Let's see if there are better deals on other sites during the sale." And when there weren't, all the smarts bought their shit at the very end. The dailies and flash sales are what kept losers like us checking in every day, so without it nobody gave a fuck except to sell their cards. i wonder what valve will do with information and make any adjustments to future sales...

Therein lies the problem.  Steam has gotten so popular it's the casuals who go: WOWEEEE 20% off Shit Hipster Indie Game!!!!!!

By and large, people have moved to stuff like false-region purchases because deals have gotten worse. You didn't see so many people trying to buy stuff from Russian stores a couple years ago. We had VPNs and stuff back in 2013, there just wasn't the drive to do it.
Um, what? Wasn't 2013 still the golden age of Russian traders? There were a ton of people taking advantage of that. False region purchases are nothing new, now we just buy it from a storefront instead of some random dude on steam.
Um, what? Wasn't 2013 still the golden age of Russian traders? There were a ton of people taking advantage of that. False region purchases are nothing new, now we just buy it from a storefront instead of some random dude on steam.

JakeNome, wherever you are, we remember you.


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Um, what? Wasn't 2013 still the golden age of Russian traders? There were a ton of people taking advantage of that. False region purchases are nothing new, now we just buy it from a storefront instead of some random dude on steam.
I never (ok, very rarely) bothered with Russian traders because, well, I'd have to deal with other people. Going to VPN-style shenanigans eliminated the 3rd party. Granted, I'm going through the prism of my own experience but I know a number of people who were happy to install Hola but would never do the "Ok, so I need two keys and a refined metal for this game from this other guy..."

A couple years ago, the most we did directly cross-region was the occasional "Oh, hey, it's 15¢ cheaper at the address"

A couple years ago, the most we did directly cross-region was the occasional "Oh, hey, it's 15¢ cheaper at the address"
Oh the days of proper regional pricing. The day Alice Madness Returns was a daily at 66% off, I did twelve trades via CAG. Because it was 30% cheaper over here. Twelve. I was knackered.

I bet none of you even played it either.

This is cag. we're a bunch of high maintenance a-holes with extremely unreasonable expectations. that being said, i am curious to know how well valve did this sale. i'm guessing if you they did a graph, alot of sales occurred at the beginning with the filthy casuals picking shit up at the start. People like us were like, "Let's see if there are better deals on other sites during the sale." And when there weren't, all the smarts bought their shit at the very end. The dailies and flash sales are what kept losers like us checking in every day, so without it nobody gave a fuck except to sell their cards. i wonder what valve will do with information and make any adjustments to future sales...
If they had been smart enough to at least have some kind of event that involved the cards or gems or whatever, they could have made more money on the commission. Since there was no reason to hang onto the cards, they dropped in value pretty quickly.

That stats article seems off. The data changes in different places with no explanation. ARK is listed as only having a million sales and 14 million in revenue in one graph, but it's listed as selling over 2 million copies in another chart still with the same revenue. Something is fishing.
That stats article seems off. The data changes in different places with no explanation. ARK is listed as only having a million sales and 14 million in revenue in one graph, but it's listed as selling over 2 million copies in another chart still with the same revenue. Something is fishing.
something is fishing alright!


The whole argument that Steam no longer wants to do daily/flash sales because they allow limited refunds is probably true -- but how fucking sad is that?

The last I heard, places like Amazon, Newegg, and Walmart all ran frequent/daily sales... and still offer refunds.

This last Winter sale is a shining monument to how fat and lazy Valve has become in the market that they pioneered. Providing any customer service, to them, appears to be nothing more than a nuisance, and they provide only what is required to keep the roar to a minimum. So they create an entire sale centered around their unwillingness to provide customer service.

Even Indie Gala tried harder with their scratch off. GMG, Bundlestars, and fucking Amazon DVG offered prices similar, and sometimes better, to what Steam had on display.

It was a big time fail, and big enough that I subjectively think Steam will notice. If it hits them hard enough in the pocketbook then -- and only then -- will we get a better effort in upcoming sales.

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Reason they don't do dailies is because there could be glitches and they don't want to fix their system!

I think we can all agree, only reason to buy from steam is wallet money.

and if you preorder, refunds, but we don't do that here ever.

My Steam sale haul: King's Quest Episode 1, Pinball FX 2 Earth Defense table. I got Apotheon off my wishlist courtesy of that fortuitously-timed Humble Eye Candy.
My sale thoughts:
I agree with most here that Steam doesn't seem to be trying very hard. Even the annoying summer clicker game showed them putting forth some effort. Giving away sale cards just for looking at a queue is essentially throwing in the towel. However, the gaming press stories about the sale strongly imply that there hasn't been an economic hit on Valve for this. I have mixed feelings about the elimination of flash sales. On the one hand, it's hard not to argue that some titles would have gotten steeper discounts if timed sales were still a thing, but on the other hand, the lazy American in me sort-of appreciated not being run ragged trying to keep an eye on the sales (like one of those mad GOG insomnia things). Glitches didn't seem to occur, which is, again, unsurprising, and they're probably a thing of the past if Valve has permanently disposed of flash sales. So this sale essentially represented any other Steam seasonal sale--discounts on a wide variety of items, but no amazing deals. I agree with others who suggest that more people (like us) probably took advantage of regional pricing than in past years too, because better deals were available in that case. I'm not prepared to prognosticate on the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is how things are from here on in.
I think the sale was eh... at best.


You got other people I talk to... and they were like ZOMG BESTUST SALE EVAR!!!!!!!! And then point to games they got for 17 bucks being such a ridiculously good deal.  Until I point out the fact that Steam has had it for 11 bucks.

And this wasn't like 1 or 2 people.. this was quite a few different conversations.

It makes me shake my head.

Speaking of which:

Has FX Pinball put out anymore humbles?  I remember they had 2 of them but I only bought into one.  Just curious if some of the newer tables have gotten bundled recently (and if I missed it).  I refuse to pay that much for a table.

My sale thoughts:

Sale sucked.

Spent $80

Shantae is surprisingly sexual for what I had thought was a kids game.

Yay, more titties and pinball

Another successful sale for the books. Can't wait for the summer shit show.

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My Steam sale haul: King's Quest Episode 1, Pinball FX 2 Earth Defense table. I got Apotheon off my wishlist courtesy of that fortuitously-timed Humble Eye Candy.

My sale thoughts:
I agree with most here that Steam doesn't seem to be trying very hard. Even the annoying summer clicker game showed them putting forth some effort. Giving away sale cards just for looking at a queue is essentially throwing in the towel. However, the gaming press stories about the sale strongly imply that there hasn't been an economic hit on Valve for this. I have mixed feelings about the elimination of flash sales. On the one hand, it's hard not to argue that some titles would have gotten steeper discounts if timed sales were still a thing, but on the other hand, the lazy American in me sort-of appreciated not being run ragged trying to keep an eye on the sales (like one of those mad GOG insomnia things). Glitches didn't seem to occur, which is, again, unsurprising, and they're probably a thing of the past if Valve has permanently disposed of flash sales. So this sale essentially represented any other Steam seasonal sale--discounts on a wide variety of items, but no amazing deals. I agree with others who suggest that more people (like us) probably took advantage of regional pricing than in past years too, because better deals were available in that case. I'm not prepared to prognosticate on the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is how things are from here on in.
Give it time - Origin and UPlay will save us with some incredible sales soon, since Steam dropped the ball there.

Here's an article on Gamasutra that may be of interest to some.

The developer of Bombernauts and Closure creates a wishlist of things he'd like to see from Steam in 2016. There are lots of specific ideas and observations, but in general it says:

1. Make user reviews more useful (maybe gamify them or the rating of user reviews)

2. Hire more customer/developer relation staff (maybe spin off Steam from Valve to avoid the oddball hiring practices)

3. Less predictable / boring sales (in addition to seasonal events, try more genre-specific or curated sales)

4, Better curation (both official and an improved user-curation system)

5. Better developer tools (affiliate links, trackable discount codes, etc)

Steam Winter Sale Haul: ORION: Prelude, Chip's Challenge 1 & 2 Bundle, Metal Slug, Life is Strange season pass, Kerbal Space Program, The Dark Eye - Chains of Satinav, Koi-Koi Japan [Hanafuda playing cards]

Gifted to Friends: ORION: Prelude (3 gifts), Grandia II, Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, Metal Slug

Least amount of games I've purchased for myself in a Steam Winter sale. Prices just weren't as good as previous sales. Personally think they should have kept the flash sales in. 

bread's done