Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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So Polygon did an article on unauthorized resellers and a couple of things spring to mind after reading it. First off, what the hell is a "games scholar"? Second, hypocrisy much in this quote from a Reddit mod:

SquareWheel, an IT professional who wished to remain anonymous, offered his thoughts after years tracking the gray market games industry as a moderator of the /r/GameDeals subreddit.
We've been following the situation with unauthorized resellers for years, and have been steering our users away from them and towards official sellers. In this case "official" means they work directly with publishers, or through an intermediary like Nexway or Ztorm.

We've seen a lot of confusion over this subject, and so I'm glad to see more articles going out to try and educate buyers. People often don't realize how these sites operate, and everything going on behind the scenes.

I am biased though. Having worked with a lot of these sites, I'd like to try and convince you that it's best to take a direct stance on these sites, and not sit in the middle in the name of equal balance. I understand the draw towards neutrality, and as you say the sites were cooperative. But it's my belief and experience that unauthorized resellers are damaging to all parties other than themselves.

You asked for opinions, so here's mine.

It's clear how unauthorized resellers are damaging to developers. Keys are most often bought in regions where the game is cheaper, and then sold back to users in more expensive regions. This happens with both physical and digital copies. The result is that the developer and publisher are paid less money for their work.

The only way to combat this is for publishers to start region locking their games. This leads to support requests as well as unhappy users, but is an effective tool. There's parallels to the piracy/DRM debate.
I really don't give a crap if people do it but if they are going to get high and mighty about it and be all 'Won't somebody PLEASE think of the developers' then they're actively promoting people in expensive regions buying games sourced from cheap regions themselves with all the Nuuvem deals they allow posted which I know some of their mods buy and which they let people actively discuss buying when they aren't in South American and technically are breaking Nuuvem's terms of use and contracts with the publishers.

I mean people are going to do it anyway so whatever, but don't be a dumbass and announce it on a high profile site and if said high profile site is going to proclaim to be so moral and high minded then maybe they should follow their own advice and not promote that. Or maybe they should just stop trying to be so high and mighty.

You can't have it both ways and I don't care how much they try to pretend it's a legitimate deal they are posting for South Americans they know damned well most of the people there aren't from South America.

Anyway, I called him on his shit on Reddit which will inevitably lead to 1,000 down votes.

So Polygon did an article on unauthorized resellers and a couple of things spring to mind after reading it. First off, what the hell is a "games scholar"? Second, hypocrisy much in this quote from a Reddit mod:

I really don't give a crap if people do it but if they are going to get high and mighty about it and be all 'Won't somebody PLEASE think of the developers' then they're actively promoting people in expensive regions buying games sourced from cheap regions themselves with all the Nuuvem deals they allow posted which I know some of their mods buy and which they let people actively discuss buying when they aren't in South American and technically are breaking Nuuvem's terms of use and contracts with the publishers.

I mean people are going to do it anyway so whatever, but don't be a dumbass and announce it on a high profile site and if said high profile site is going to proclaim to be so moral and high minded then maybe they should follow their own advice and not promote that. Or maybe they should just stop trying to be so high and mighty.

You can't have it both ways and I don't care how much they try to pretend it's a legitimate deal they are posting for South Americans they know damned well most of the people there aren't from South America.

Anyway, I called him on his shit on Reddit which will inevitably lead to 1,000 down votes.
That quote will bite him in the ass when everything is region locked and he won't have enough blue coins to buy anything worth a shit.

There's always GOG.

Buying cross-region is the same as piracy -- you're stealing money from developers and publishers.

It is an undeniable fact that every pirated copy would have been full MSRP sale.

When you're pirating, you are committing an act of terrorism against America.

We need strict region locking to prevent terrorism, and restore millions of full MRSP purchases to feed a vibrant American economy.  

...and waterboarding of could-be terrorist pirates.

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Buying cross-region is the same as piracy -- you're stealing money from developers and publishers.

It is an undeniable fact that every pirated copy would have been full MSRP sale.

When you're pirating, you are committing an act of terrorism against America.

We need strict region locking to prevent terrorism, and restore millions of full MRSP purchases to feed a vibrant American economy.

...and waterboarding of could-be terrorist pirates.

These waters are too muddled for me to wade through. Show me a cheap game, I'll buy it. Change the whole system, I'll live with it. Masturbate in public, no comment. Gaming is a hobby that I enjoy, but could live without and to my benefit, too, probably.

Edit: Jesus... at that pic agentghost. The horror. I feel it turning me to stone through the screen.

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Buying cross-region is the same as piracy -- you're stealing money from developers and publishers.
I'm thinking more like smuggling. Bringing tobacco out of the Carolina colonies to England without paying the taxes.

Who know who else was a smuggler? Han Solo. And that guy was a fucking hero.

Why stop at region-locking? Why not country-based locks? Or state-level locks? I mean, do we really expect someone in rural Mississippi to be able to pay the same price as someone living in Manhattan?

Better yet, why not require a submission of your prior year's tax forms to determine what you're "able to pay"? Maybe give each person a pin-number based on that ability to pay and then tie the game code to the pin number? That way video game publishers can be sure to get what their game is really worth.

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Some spanish guy got in contact with nuuvem and they said to him, they will replenish those keys on monday or tuesday.

Btw, If you have ever checked nuuvem forums you will notice people post in english sometimes. And I've heard their support reply in english if you don't know brazilian portuguese.
Thanks, looks like they added the missing keys today, so I'm good now.

Eu tenho uma febre jogo açambarcamento ea única cura é menos restrições de compra! Ou talvez eu preciso de um novo hobby.

Oh yeah, I just checked if it was region locked back in Nov when the whole spat between the dev and the pub effectively killed further development on Spintires. It was region locked then.
Ah, I bought it from the original Brazil way back when so I didn't know it was a region locked game all over. I should probably go play it more. Got stuck in the mud the first time...and well...that stopped being fun.

Spintires não está disponível na minha região na Nuuvem! Nãããão! Minha bunda está com dor! Maldito seja Reddit! Dane-se para o inferno!

Você já não sabe disso? idiota

Você deve obter algo para aliviar a dor burro!

Eu tenho uma febre jogo açambarcamento ea única cura é menos restrições de compra! Ou talvez eu preciso de um novo hobby.

(and yes, I know the difference b/w Spanish and Portuguese)

I have no idea what this says! Does anyone here speak French?!
Spintires não está disponível na minha região na Nuuvem! Nãããão! Minha bunda está com dor! Maldito seja Reddit! Dane-se para o inferno!

It looks like "Spintires now is de-spooned, nah, minute rogaine on Nuuvem! Nowwwwww! Minute bundle is communication door! Matilda segues Reddit! Dance pair of fire!

Granted, my French is a bit rusty so a word or two may be in the incorrect form of conjugation and what not, but you get the gist.

<snipped> I mean, do we really expect someone in rural Mississippi to be able to pay the same price as someone living in Manhattan?

They already have something for this, it is called State + County + City Sales Tax. (For those not smart enough to avoid them)

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By the way... according to itad Sega Genesis Classic Game Pack %5BDownload%5D -93% off - $2.62 [Steam] seems historical lowest price yet.
Currently unavailable
We don't know when or if this item will be available again.
Edit: It's back...

Well there is this one too.

93% off SEGA 48-Game Mega Arcade Pack (Steam) - $4.88 [customspoiler=Includes][/customspoiler]

And it's about time that Amazon got a sort filter for DRM, even if it's only for Steam. Now you just have to hope they have the item pages tagged correctly.

And on the Nuuvem front...

80% off Euro Truck Simulator 2 Collector's Bundle (Steam) ~ $4.95 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Go East DLC
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Force of Nature Paint Jobs DLC
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Halloween Paint Jobs DLC
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Ice Cold Paint Jobs DLC
  • Euro Truck Simulator
  • Bus Driver
  • Scania Truck Driving Simulator
  • Trucks & Trailers
78% off RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum (MAC) (SteamPlay) ~ $2.72
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I'm ready for the paczki!!!  


about the only thing I saw in the amazon sale that interests me is hell yeah but its still a little expensive for what it is and has been in a bundle before.

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25% off Tales from the Borderlands (Telltale DRM) - $18.74
Stepping over the pile of shit that is Telltale DRM for a moment, their business model is so weird. It's like do you want a small part of the story now for a crappy discount or the full story later at a much better discount. Oh gee I don't know...

I guess Early Access is essentially the same thing, appealing to people who don't mind paying more for far less with the promise of a payment on Tuesday for a hamburger today.

I'm ready for the paczki!!!
It's got to be a bitch getting that thing up over your boobs.

Our office manager brought in a box of paczki today so cheers to her!

I guess Early Access is essentially the same thing, appealing to people who don't mind paying more for far less with the promise of a payment on Tuesday for a hamburger today.
I bought Besiege partially based on my approval of their EA pricing scheme -- start inexpensive and raise the price towards your eventual MSRP as you add content to justify it. Plus, it's just a fun toy for six bucks.

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bread's done