Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Borderlands TPS is fucking amazing. The ending is GREAT. Haven't enjoyed an ending like that since Wind Waker.
It definitely explains a few things and it leaves you with a few questions. It made me dislike one of my favorite characters a bit though. At any rate, it's light years better than the BL ending.

A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone?  Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.? 

Currently with Verizon if that matters.

A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
Besides telling you welcome to the 21st century 15 years late?

And Mexicans
And Native Americans, don't forget the Native Americans (including their casino with an awesome gumbo restaurant, mmmm...),

Oh also people who find hiking when its 100+ degrees out enjoyable o_O

A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
Depends on budget, flagship androids look and sound pretty nice, I don't have much experience with them though. I'm bias towards Windows Phone but Verizon barely gives them a look, they might have like one of them at most (also depending on why you don't want an iphone, may not want WP either).
Besides telling you welcome to the 21st century 15 years late?
Pfft, phones are always getting bigger and bigger. Soon everyone will want one of these, I'm actually ahead of the curve.


The Verizon chick kept pushing me towards signing up to their Edge program, which seemed good if you could buy a phone somewhere other than through them. Anyone know of a place (other than ebay) that has decent deals on used/new smart phones?

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Pfft, phones are always getting bigger and bigger. Soon everyone will want one of these, I'm actually ahead of the curve.


The Verizon chick kept pushing me towards signing up to their Edge program, which seemed good if you could buy a phone somewhere other than through them. Anyone know of a place (other than ebay) that has decent deals on used/new smart phones?
dude that looks like one of the five dollar walkie talkies me and my next door neighbor used when we were 5 and pretended to be spies

A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
I'm personally a fan of HTC models. I've used Samsung's Sx and LG's Gx models and did not care for either. I'm still rocking a HTC One M7 (Sprint) because for me, it's the perfect size, have had zero complaints and is still being updated.
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The UnderGarden Steam Key: G9JZE-H9PKG-20DGA

Professional Farmer 2014 Steam Key: 4625I-MCEIE-GNIYV

Agricultural Simulator 2013 Steam Key: 44CH5-AQP56-EW58E

Towtruck Simulator 2015 Steam Key: EP4RE-G4CQ9-I8J46

Warehouse and Logistics Simulator Steam Key: GRRR6-V0IVL-Z62GM

why the yellow comic sans? :whistle2:$

A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
I bought a Moto X about a year ago and I've been pretty happy with it. I mainly use it as a phone and MP3 player, though. If you're looking for a "phone," you might want to check out the HTC series that Neuro suggested or the Galaxy S series.

So... Germany?
Mein leben!


The Verizon chick kept pushing me towards signing up to their Edge program, which seemed good if you could buy a phone somewhere other than through them. Anyone know of a place (other than ebay) that has decent deals on used/new smart phones?
I have heard good things about although I have not tried them myself. Like ebay you have to keep an eye out for the better deals but I think they are buy only, no auctions.

I have a Galaxy S3 and I think it's fine. My wife has a Galaxy S4 Mini and complains about every other day.  It really just depends on you and what you want to do with it.  The steam app works fine on my S3 BTW (on-topic).

A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
I have an xperia z3 and love it to death. Nice big screen, sleek and the battery lasts me a full 2 days without charging. Never had issues with it

I'd highly recommend it

To be a true CAG you need an Android phone to take advantage of Amazon's frequent freebies and Humble Bundle's cheap Android bundles.

I have a Samsung S4 Active and love it. I've had IPhone's in the past and I'd never go back now.


A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
It really depends on what you're looking for. I've personally been spending way too much time lately researching Android phones for my upgrade that I've been delaying. I'm super picky and I can never find the perfect phone for me so instead of just getting something good enough I wait, since whatever I get I'm stuck with for 2 years since I can only afford subsidized phones.

Anyway, personally I believe the "best" Android phone out right now is the LG G4. I feel like it has the least amount of issues with it as well as the most important features. The screen is incredible and so is the camera. It has an SD slot for expandable storage and a removable battery. The biggest downsides are sub-par video recording, no fingerprint scanner (there is supposed to be more of a focus on fingerprint technology when Android M releases in a few months), no current way to root the phone, and some people are having issues with the touchscreen not responding well. There are supposedly some fixes for the touch screen issue, or you could just keep returning them until you get a good one. It also has a 5.5 inch screen which is slightly bigger then some phones. You just missed a couple of great offers on the G4 that made it even more attractive, up until yesterday LG was giving anyone that bought it a free extra battery, battery charger, and 32 gig SD card. Best Buy also had a $100 gift card if you bought it (the Best Buy offer might still be good for another couple of days).

The other heavy weight is the Galaxy S6. It has no SD card slot, no removable battery, costs more, and has a major issue with RAM management. If you are heavy into multi-tasking you're going to have a bad time. Expect it close apps running in the background for no reason. For me that was an instant deal breaker. People were blaming it on the S6 running an older version of Android, but when the patch came to upgrade it to the newer version, the problem still persisted. It may get fixed eventually, but who knows? The screen and camera are really good though (equal to or better then the G4 depending on your taste), and the video recording quality is much better. The camera app itself isn't as good as the G4's though, the G4 lets you control everything manually if you want aside from aperture. The S6 doesn't let you control shutter speed and has less options. It does have a fingerprint scanner and a heartbeat sensor. It's also more powerful, but either phone is plenty powerful to run anything you can throw at it. It also looks "better" then the G4, so if you're into staring lustfully at your phone you might like it more.

Personally I'm going to wait until October/November to take a look at the new Nexus or possibly the new Note. There is also rumors LG will release another flagship phone later this year. I would also avoid the HTC M9. The camera is terrible and the processor they use in it overheats which leads to extreme throttling.

If you have any specific questions let me know. Like I said I've spent way too much time researching phones over the last 2 moths or so.

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I'm personally a fan of HTC models. I've used Samsung's Gx and LG's Gx models and did not care for either. I'm still rocking a HTC One M7 (Sprint) because for me, it's the perfect size, have had zero complaints and is still being updated.
I've loved my M7 myself, but the new M9 isn't as good. Also the camera is ass.

If i were buying a phone today on Verizon, I'd go with either the Droid Turbo (huge battery) or the LG G4.

The other heavy weight is the Galaxy S6. It has no SD card slot, no removable battery, costs more, and has a major issue with RAM management. If you are heavy into multi-tasking you're going to have a bad time. Expect it close apps running in the background for no reason. For me that was an instant deal breaker. People were blaming it on the S6 running an older version of Android, but when the patch came to upgrade it to the newer version, the problem still persisted. It may get fixed eventually, but who knows? The screen and camera are really good though (equal to or better then the G4 depending on your taste), and the video recording quality is much better. The camera app itself isn't as good as the G4's though, the G4 lets you control everything manually if you want aside from aperture. The S6 doesn't let you control shutter speed and has less options. It does have a fingerprint scanner and a heartbeat sensor. It's also more powerful, but either phone is plenty powerful to run anything you can throw at it. It also looks "better" then the G4, so if you're into staring lustfully at your phone you might like it more.
I've had the S6 Edge since it came out a few months ago and I haven't had those issues. I multitask plenty too. I don't really miss the SD card. I got the 32 GB version which is the default and more than fine for me. The only complaint I have is battery life could be better, but eh that's pretty much every phone.

I really like the thumbprint scanner and use it to securely unlock my phone. Camera is quite good too for a phone. Overall I've been really happy with it. Of course it being the latest and greatest of the moment it's not cheap. Well unless you sign your life away for two years to one of the carriers and get it for 'free'. I use T-Mobile though and call it what it is and payments in installments.

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I've had the S6 Edge since it came out a few months ago and I haven't had those issues. I multitask plenty too. I don't really miss the SD card. I got the 32 GB version which is the default and more than fine for me. The only complaint I have is battery life could be better, but eh that's pretty much every phone.

I really like the thumbprint scanner and use it to securely unlock my phone. Camera is quite good too for a phone. Overall I've been really happy with it. Of course it being the latest and greatest of the moment it's not cheap. Well unless you sign your life away for two years to one of the carriers and get it for 'free'. I use T-Mobile though and call it what it is and payments in installments.
I'm glad you're not having issues with it, but a lot of people are. There are youtube videos showing it also.

Here is one of the G4 beating it:

The big problem is that it has overaggressive RAM management (the speculation is that it is due to the way they optimized Touchwiz), it loads things fast initially, but doesn't do a good job of keeping apps loaded in the memory. I've read lots of complaints from people about it closing their music app that is running in the background while they use the phone for other stuff.

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The Samsung Galaxy line is the flagship Android line in terms of marketing and market share.  For every Galaxy owner out there, there's probably four people who have no idea that the LG line of phones exists, much less brands like HTC.

I have an LG G2 I bought for a mighty $180 off eBay (new) back in March.  For the cost, I've been perfectly happy with it and the only thing I use it for is light internet browsing, Twitter, GPS and some Pandora -- things any phone should be capable of.  Of course, my previous phone was a Galaxy S2 so the secret is to own a phone so obsolete that even buying a new phone two years out of date is a major upgrade.  Point being though that you may not need a $600 phone depending on what you're going to do with it.

I'm glad you're not having issues with it, but a lot of people are.
lol way to dismiss.

Well if you read and watch something on the internet, it must be true right? I mean other people said so so that beats my first hand experience.

Anyway, I think it may be something like the whole 30fps argument where some people claim they can notice the difference and others don't. It may well be doing what they say in the background but for practical usage for me I just don't notice it and have not found any problems multitasking. Others may notice different or they may be running benchmarks and going ZOMG and freaking out at numbers. I don't know. I just know for me I'm happy with it.

So I'm glad you're glad other people have posted youtube vids and made you not buy it. Whatever works for you. I didn't mean to step your your internet Android researcher expertise. Just gave my personal experience is all.

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I will never buy an LG product again. We've had their TVs and phones in the past and they always breakdown sooner than you expect.

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Androids have more virii than with compared to an iPhone.  So you might wanna wrap that phone up:


Also, have you looked at the Apps for Androids?  I mean... how much Chinese shovelware does one need?

So.... maybe I'm "stuck" with my iPhone but (shrug) I've not had any issues with any of the different gens I've had.  Which I can't say about my old Windows phones.  The other half, however, had nothing but issues with her Androids and has come over to the right... better... more expensive... side.


Androids have more virii than with compared to an iPhone. So you might wanna wrap that phone up:
Android does account for 97% of all mobile malware, but it comes from small, unregulated third party app stores predominantly in the Middle East and Asia. By contrast the percentage of apps carrying malware on Google’s official Play Store was found to be just 0.1% and F-Secure acknowledges rigorous checks mean “malware encountered there tends to have a short shelf life.”

Well, I can probably restrain myself from downloading pirated apps off so I think I'll be okay. The chance of me picking up malware by downloading Audible and Xfinity TV Go is pretty much zero.

I think how well a device works for you is largely dependent on how you work your device. My wife and I owned identical Galaxy S2 phones before upgrading and mine retired like a champ whereas hers always gave her trouble. But she also had her's loaded with a hundred goofy apps, stuff to change all the icons and fonts, a billion photographs with sepia filters, etc. If you asked both of us how our phones performed, we would have given very different answers.

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Malware on Android sounds like the same "issue" as viruses on PC with Mac being the safe alternative. Don't download junk you that isn't proven to be safe and you'll be fine. Same positives too, there are a hell of a lot more options on Android than iOS, the occasional timed exclusive game withstanding.

Not that I care much, the only smartphone I have is one I can't actually use as a phone as my provider doesn't support it.

Google Play scans everything. And if you want to side load any app, including other app stores, you have to opt into doing that in the settings and get a huge warning in doing so.

If course if you get some Chinese knock off iFrone on eBay and it has its own custom store app then anything goes.
The Samsung Galaxy line is the flagship Android line in terms of marketing and market share. For every Galaxy owner out there, there's probably four people who have no idea that the LG line of phones exists, much less brands like HTC.

I have an LG G2 I bought for a mighty $180 off eBay (new) back in March. For the cost, I've been perfectly happy with it and the only thing I use it for is light internet browsing, Twitter, GPS and some Pandora -- things any phone should be capable of. Of course, my previous phone was a Galaxy S2 so the secret is to own a phone so obsolete that even buying a new phone two years out of date is a major upgrade. Point being though that you may not need a $600 phone depending on what you're going to do with it.
I agree with this approach. My smart phone is the galaxy s3, so my phone is a few generations old, but its more than capable of doing what i want it to. Really all i use my smart phone for is a couple apps and surfing the web on the go, and when i bought it it was probably around 250 or so. Really i don't understand why people upgrade the second a new phone comes out for 600 bucks or whatever, i can't imagine one phone being that substantially better than the previous one but whatever

I just wanted to say that my iphone made my breakfast this morning and shut my wife up.  Can a android phone do that?  

This is my first selfie with my iphone


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It really depends on what you're looking for. I've personally been spending way too much time lately researching Android phones for my upgrade that I've been delaying. I'm super picky and I can never find the perfect phone for me so instead of just getting something good enough I wait, since whatever I get I'm stuck with for 2 years since I can only afford subsidized phones.

The other heavy weight is the Galaxy S6. It has no SD card slot, no removable battery, costs more, and has a major issue with RAM management. If you are heavy into multi-tasking you're going to have a bad time. Expect it close apps running in the background for no reason. For me that was an instant deal breaker. People were blaming it on the S6 running an older version of Android, but when the patch came to upgrade it to the newer version, the problem still persisted. It may get fixed eventually, but who knows? The screen and camera are really good though (equal to or better then the G4 depending on your taste), and the video recording quality is much better. The camera app itself isn't as good as the G4's though, the G4 lets you control everything manually if you want aside from aperture. The S6 doesn't let you control shutter speed and has less options. It does have a fingerprint scanner and a heartbeat sensor. It's also more powerful, but either phone is plenty powerful to run anything you can throw at it. It also looks "better" then the G4, so if you're into staring lustfully at your phone you might like it more.
The older Galaxys did have SD slots, though, too, if I'm not mistaken. Sounds like you're better off with a 3 or 4.

Androids have more virii than with compared to an iPhone. So you might wanna wrap that phone up:

Also, have you looked at the Apps for Androids? I mean... how much Chinese shovelware does one need?

So.... maybe I'm "stuck" with my iPhone but (shrug) I've not had any issues with any of the different gens I've had. Which I can't say about my old Windows phones. The other half, however, had nothing but issues with her Androids and has come over to the right... better... more expensive... side.

Yay, another iPhone v. Android debate. . . sigh.

For the record, I think we can all agree that Windows phones suck.

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Honestly, if you get a virus nowadays (whether on mobile or desktop) then you probably deserved it. People dumb enough to expose themselves to malware should buy a baby-proof Mac so you don't hurt yourself. And thank you for removing yourself from the PC master race gene pool.

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A bit offtopic, but doesnt anyone have any tips/suggestions for someone upgrading to a smart phone? Like what phones are worth it (not going with iphones) and what carriers etc.?

Currently with Verizon if that matters.
I say if you can wait, see what the new nexus phone from google will be (I rock a nexus 5). heard this year nexus will be two models like the iPhone & everyone else. also I think nexus phones work with all carriers

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If you want a good, cheap phone, then you should just get the Amazon Fire Phone. It's GSM unlocked and usually goes on sale for $189 and comes with a year of Amazon Prime for free. You'll be able to try out any carriers with a SIM card since it's unlocked--T-Mobile is doing A LOT to become the best mobile carrier in the US right now, giving away lots of free stuff and free unlimited upgrades. It runs Fire OS, based on the Linux kernel, and it uses the Amazon Appstore where tons of apps are free. And it has great HD resolution for watching Prime shows or Netflix/Hulu. The downsides are that it doesn't have a very good internal browser (kinda like Windows phones) and it doesn't use Dolby Atmos speakers.

But it's a great introductory phone, and it's basically $90 unlocked. You can't even get an S2 on ebay for $90 used.

I have a Note 3 which is probably overkill for most people but I love it. Awesome specs. Runs like a champ except occasional weird errors after weeks of never powering down with heavy app use and tethering that a restart clears right up.

Paid a buck under contract and as long as the glitch with best buy online keeps working to where I can keep my unlimited data with Verizon I will keep upgrading to last year's model when my contract is up. The trick is to wait just a few months after whatever company releases their next flagship device. The old model gets great sales.

It looks like I will be switching to LG at some point as Samsung is fuck ing stupid and removing sd card slots. Note 4 will probably be my last Samsung, assuming the rumored LG Note doesn't release and have a great promo when I am ready. I am pretty sure the Nexus models don't have sd slots and I think the Droids might have started to phase them out as well. Cause, yeah, the cloud works so well with data caps.

Thankfully I don't have to worry about that. Unlimited all the way. Averaging over 100 gigs a month and I am sure Verizon hates me.
bread's done