Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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At least they've patched the game and fixed a major graphics issue for AMD users, so it's showing some progress.
Oh whatever. They didn't even try to make an actual PC game. It's just shovelware in an emulator. No amount of patching will fix that.

There's no excuse for putting up two screens like that and then not using half the damned screen.




That's Hope from FF13.

I was saying "We can only Hope (that FF15 turns out well)".
Oh okay. I have no idea. I stopped playing FF at X/X-2 and the only console JRPG that really got my attention and I thought was well done in the last decade was Xenoblade.

Also, that's a girl? I couldn't tell. It looks like their usual male characters honestly.

Oh okay. I have no idea. I stopped playing FF at X/X-2 and the only console JRPG that really got my attention and I thought was well done in the last decade was Xenoblade.

Also, that's a girl? I couldn't tell. It looks like their usual male characters honestly.
That's okay. Was hoping those who played FF13 got what I was saying. :)

Play on words w/ the picture/character's name, more or less.

Hope is a young boy in FF13.

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Is that the character from the new game? Their character designs this century all seem to have this creepy Asian person who got eye fold surgery, bleached their hair and put in blue contacts look.
No, that's a bratty kid party member from FFXIII. Apparently his character arc is going from angry and depressed to learning to be hopeful again.

His name is Hope. I imagine this is part of why he starts out angry and depressed.
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Oh whatever. They didn't even try to make an actual PC game. It's just shovelware in an emulator. No amount of patching will fix that.

There's no excuse for putting up two screens like that and then not using half the damned screen.



Oh okay. I have no idea. I stopped playing FF at X/X-2 and the only console JRPG that really got my attention and I thought was well done in the last decade was Xenoblade.

Also, that's a girl? I couldn't tell. It looks like their usual male characters honestly.
If you liked the older FFs and still have a Wii/Wii U, The Last Story might interest you. It was developed by Sakaguchi, who helmed FF up through IX. Still in my backlog, so I can't personally vouch for more than the first hour, which I saw played by a friend and seemed well written.
If you liked the older FFs and still have a Wii/Wii U, The Last Story might interest you. It was developed by Sakaguchi, who helmed FF up through IX. Still in my backlog, so I can't personally vouch for more than the first hour, which I saw played by a friend and seemed well written.
I bought it actually even though I don't have a Wii (I'm weird, but hey I got a special edition with extra crap). Last I checked, which admitted was some time ago, Last Story ran like ass on Dolphin. Xenoblade, which I also bought, runs really well.

I don't know, I guess I didn't want to be a pie-rat plus I kind of miss extra crap since we don't get it on the PC much so I bought those games without a Wii. I have upgraded my PC since then and I imagine Dolphin has been through a number of updates as well so I should check back on Last Story I suppose.

I might end up getting a Wii U for Xenoblade Chronicles X, but since it's unrelated to the first one and from the early screens I saw kind of looks like an MMO :p I think I will take a wait and see approach for that one.

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Hope is a young boy in FF13.
This is why FF is dead to me. Ever since X-2, all they've cared about is fashion and completely androgynous characters. He's got an Ellen hair cut and a floral neck warmer with a corduroy jacket, otherwise known as the "utterly foolish" look.

Remember when characters wore armor in FF games? Yeah, well, FF14 gives you the ability to change the appearance of an piece of armor. My gf runs around in a sundress with sandals on. Not to mention that there's legitimate bondage armor in the game you can get from completing quests.

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You guys aren't missing much by skipping Azure Striker, even if the PC port was good. I thought the game was boring. It felt like a lame auto targetting Mega Man.

What's everyone doing for this week? I'm still on the fence about whether to grab MGS5 or Mad Max.
Game-wise, tackling more of my backlog.

Working on Telltale's GoT - 2 episodes done so far.

Still need to make my way back to Risen 3 whenever.

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Oh whatever. They didn't even try to make an actual PC game. It's just shovelware in an emulator. No amount of patching will fix that.

There's no excuse for putting up two screens like that and then not using half the damned screen.


There are multiple display modes; the other one only shows the one screen with the special attacks listed in the corner. Most of the screenshots in the store page show that view.

Anyone splitting a Fight the Dragon 4 pack? I'd host but stupid Washington state sales tax. :roll:

And yeah yeah, it'll be in a bundle next week, thanks for the sacrifice, etc etc.

It was $2.99 then by itself and I guess $2.00 in a 4 pack so if I split one now 50 cents more at $2.50. I know this is CAG and all but I'll live. Seems like everyone who wanted it got it then though. Bleh.

I'm up for $2.50 but not $3.30 (including sales tax) if I buy it myself.

In today's harrowing episode of "Tales from the Mexifornian Walmart", I stopped by to check out a bunch of copies of Shadow of Mordor they had in the clearance bin. I scan it and the machine says "please contact an associate." So I do and she confirms that she can't sell me any one of those copies because they're not in the system.

She goes to see a manager and when she comes back she says the price is $40. I blink. "So it's regular price, even though they were cheaper when they were in the shelf and they should be cheaper now that they're in the clearance bin." "Yep!"

They also had a CE Witcher III strategy guide, still sealed. Same deal. Wargh. >:|

What were some of the cheapest prices people paid for the Mad Max pre-order? Was $27 the low from a "trustworthy" website?

*shady G2A references do not apply*

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In today's harrowing episode of "Tales from the Mexifornian Walmart", I stopped by to check out a bunch of copies of Shadow of Mordor they had in the clearance bin. I scan it and the machine says "please contact an associate." So I do and she confirms that she can't sell me any one of those copies because they're not in the system.

She goes to see a manager and when she comes back she says the price is $40. I blink. "So it's regular price, even though they were cheaper when they were in the shelf and they should be cheaper now that they're in the clearance bin." "Yep!"

They also had a CE Witcher III strategy guide, still sealed. Same deal. Wargh. >:|
It should be called Bordermart with the way they hiked up that price illegally.


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In today's harrowing episode of "Tales from the Mexifornian Walmart", I stopped by to check out a bunch of copies of Shadow of Mordor they had in the clearance bin. I scan it and the machine says "please contact an associate." So I do and she confirms that she can't sell me any one of those copies because they're not in the system.

She goes to see a manager and when she comes back she says the price is $40. I blink. "So it's regular price, even though they were cheaper when they were in the shelf and they should be cheaper now that they're in the clearance bin." "Yep!"

They also had a CE Witcher III strategy guide, still sealed. Same deal. Wargh. >:|
See, this is why Trump doesn't want you over here. Causing trouble at walmart.

In today's harrowing episode of "Tales from the Mexifornian Walmart", I stopped by to check out a bunch of copies of Shadow of Mordor they had in the clearance bin. I scan it and the machine says "please contact an associate." So I do and she confirms that she can't sell me any one of those copies because they're not in the system.

She goes to see a manager and when she comes back she says the price is $40. I blink. "So it's regular price, even though they were cheaper when they were in the shelf and they should be cheaper now that they're in the clearance bin." "Yep!"

They also had a CE Witcher III strategy guide, still sealed. Same deal. Wargh. >:|
That's why they get paid the big bucks. :p

What were some of the cheapest prices people paid for the Mad Max pre-order? Was $27 the low from a trustworthy website?

*G2A references do not apply*
$20 if you went extra shaderyscheistery. I don't remember where exactly, just search Google for shady as fuck key sellers or try G2A, Kinguin, CDkeys etc etc.

There's consolidated search engines for shady key sites too. Probably your best bet if you are going that route.

*Edit: Saw your edit. If you want shady but pretending to not be shady, then yeah probably $27 at Funstock. Not sure if they are still selling it at that price.

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$20 if you went extra shaderyscheistery. I don't remember where exactly, just search Google for shady as fuck key sellers or try G2A, Kinguin, CDkeys etc etc.

There's consolidated search engines for shady key sites too. Probably your best bet if you are going that route.

*Edit: Saw your edit. If you want shady but pretending to not be shady, then yeah probably $27 at Funstock. Not sure if they are still selling it at that price.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I made a late edit before refreshing the page.

Hmm. I kind of want to pre-order something, but I suppose I have a day or so to decide.

What were some of the cheapest prices people paid for the Mad Max pre-order? Was $27 the low from a "trustworthy" website?

*shady G2A references do not apply*
50% off @ Funstock with AUG-COUPRED-PRE30 voucher. Probably trustworthy. Maybe. My key was delivered instantly.

Just tried, it's still active. Also, it's about 50 cents cheaper today ($26.92) due to the goddamned exchange rate. I'd demand a refund if I wasn't so lazy. Also if I hadn't already activated my key. Also if I hadn't pre-loaded.

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The main thing keeping me from getting ARK is it running like shit on my system.  7 Days to Die is what comes to mind in that it's a great game, constantly being updated, etc. but as it gets better it also runs like shit sometimes due to poor optimization.  So I'm better off saving for a better GFX card and jumping into the hype train later on when hopefully it glitches cheaper in a third world country and they find a way to import so us Americans can take advantage of it.  

Yeah, no way would it run well on my system, looking at how it runs on a Gtx 980 Ti. Ark looks like the perfect Youtube/Twitch game, seeing the number of daily Ark videos that have popped up. And what's with the hype surrounding early access games. Seems more people rush to buy them at fairly high prices, compared to fully released games that aren't just based on "potential."

I wonder how many off these early access games will fail, and subsequently end up in a Bundlestars bundle, like what happened to theHunter Primal or Plantery Annihilation. Although I think the odds are highly in Ark's favour, the risk is not lack of updates but rather a lack of vision about what the ultimate development goal is.

It's because people just buy whatever popular Youtuber #6,482 is playing and they don't really care if it's done or not.

It also skews towards games that are more interesting to watch which is why a ridiculous low budget slapped together game like Five Nights at Freddy's got mainstream popular and 4x simulation games are still niche.

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EA games sort of go by flavor of the month and ones that are actually released in a playable state and have a large fan base.  So every now and then you have a popular EA title that stays relatively high priced because of that.   Think Day-Z Standalone, Rust, ARK, and a few others.  For the most part, most EA games don't sell well, drop in price, and/or get bundled because they aren't very good or die like most MP games tend to do.  

So Metal Gear isn't getting a pre-load because I guess the Japanese have their finger up their ass again and don't realize that's a thing.

It's supposed to go live tomorrow about 5am PST or 8am EST, if reports are to be believed.

So Metal Gear isn't getting a pre-load because I guess the Japanese have their finger up their ass again and don't realize that's a thing.

It's supposed to go live tomorrow about 5am PST or 8am EST, if reports are to be believed.
At least those who purchased physical version with DVD don't have to worry about downloading it.


Dat next gen compression technology. (Stolen from someone's twitter)

At least those who purchased physical version with DVD don't have to worry about downloading it.

Dat next gen compression technology. (Stolen from someone's twitter)
Meanwhile in the civilized world where we left discs for PC games behind in the 90s we have to download the whole enchilada on release.
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So you think they'll rate it as mediocre?
Probably will depend on if IGN got a big check in the mail from WB and/or Avalanche.


EA games sort of go by flavor of the month and ones that are actually released in a playable state and have a large fan base. So every now and then you have a popular EA title that stays relatively high priced because of that. Think Day-Z Standalone, Rust, ARK, and a few others. For the most part, most EA games don't sell well, drop in price, and/or get bundled because they aren't very good or die like most MP games tend to do.
EA games go cheap b/c they eventually sell the base-game low b/c they extort you for premium pricing on DLC.

Sometimes, w/ even crazy Point systems.

Oh, wait - wrong EA. ;)

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*Edit: Saw your edit. If you want shady but pretending to not be shady, then yeah probably $27 at Funstock. Not sure if they are still selling it at that price.
GMG had that MADMAX-SAVE50-MADMAX code going which might still work. It says SAVE40 on their website but I think the SAVE50 version was only ever emailed and not "public" per se. That assumes you didn't already use the code for glitchy pre-orders when that was a thing.

Of course, that's still $30 but if you want your soul to be Rapture-ready, that's the best deal.

At least those who purchased physical version with DVD don't have to worry about downloading it.


Dat next gen compression technology. (Stolen from someone's twitter)
Holy crap. How long does it take to un-compress the files?

Or do you have to just download a huge difference?

bread's done