Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Stuff like this is why I luv (but not Muff Luv) dis thread.

Anyway, Tremor restocked Subject 13 from that Garfield bundle so I watched bits of a Rick Springfield concert like 12 times and then got enough for Subject 13, so like in 4 days when the Tremor dude gets his ass around to giving me the key I will have more chances to not win the Agatha grandma game.
You got one less chance to win now.

This guy on steamgifts insta-won it

I'm not even sure you need to distinguish that as PC games... Obviously, no mods but console games anymore are release and then patch too.
Even more so true with PC games though, as we've had some really crummy PC ports that were released which still needed optimizations and/or higher-end hardware to run decently - i.e. Batman: Arkham Knight, MKX, ACU, etc etc.

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Even more so true with PC games though, as we've had some really crummy PC ports that were released which still needed optimizations and/or higher-end hardware to run decently - i.e. Batman: Arkham Knight, MKX, ACU, etc etc.
I'm pretty sure ACU had issues on every platform... At least this gen. I cannot even remember if they released it on 360 or PS3.

If you want to see a proper PC game you should try that the Division Open Beta next week. ;)

And in VRAM News: VRAM Put to the Test (conclusion page)

The takeaway quote for me:

As expected, the GTX 960 and R9 380 simply aren't powerful enough to warrant anything bigger than a 2GB memory buffer.
Basically, the tests showed that when the extra VRAM made a significant difference, it was while using graphical settings at which the cards couldn't give playable framerates. Once the settings were set in the playable range, the extra VRAM didnt do much if anything.

And in VRAM News: VRAM Put to the Test (conclusion page)

The takeaway quote for me:

Basically, the tests showed that when the extra VRAM made a significant difference, it was while using graphical settings at which the cards couldn't give playable framerates. Once the settings were set in the playable range, the extra VRAM didnt do much if anything.
y u shaming mysterd

y u shaming mysterd
To our credit, I do think a lot of people were telling MysterD the 960 wasn't worth it at 4GB.

Endorlight is free on Indiegala.  I didn't have it and it is a well reviewed game that looks sort of fun.

And in VRAM News: VRAM Put to the Test (conclusion page)

The takeaway quote for me:

Basically, the tests showed that when the extra VRAM made a significant difference, it was while using graphical settings at which the cards couldn't give playable framerates. Once the settings were set in the playable range, the extra VRAM didnt do much if anything.
For example, Assassin's Creed Syndicate at 1080p using the R9 380 and GTX 960 on "Ultra High" settings, frame rates went from the low 20s on 2GB models to high 20s for the 4GB models.
You're still getting better framerates on the 4GB models, even if it ain't that much more on "Ultra High". For the extra $20, you might as well drop the extra $20 to be at 4GB instead of 2GB. It's not like you're talking say $50-100 difference here b/t 2GB to 4GB - when you're talking that kind of money ($50-100 more), you'd be flat-out better off with a 4GB 3.5GB 970.

I often go Custom w/ my settings - I'm running a mix of stuff w/ some stuff High and some other stuff on Very High and can get 40-50 FPS with AC:S on my 4GB 960. I'm absolutely fine with this.

If there's ever a point when cards will flat-out require more than 2GB just to actually even boot a particular game or games you want to play - all over a measly $20, you're flat-out screwed.

At 1080p using the highest possible visual quality settings, the 4GB model was 41% faster, though it averaged just 31fps with 25fps minimums, not exactly smooth performance then. Backing off the quality settings a bit allowed for a massive boost in performance and now both the 2GB and 4GB models delivered the same 68fps average with minimums of over 50fps.
41% performance boost, to me, is a big-deal. Framerate and performance is life.

I would say 25-31 FPS is the typical console-quality performance and I consider playable (in most cases). It's not rocking the boat of having crazy dips and rises of 10 frames per clip on the rise + fall, so it should be smooth. It's basically similar to the performance I had for Batman: AK at 1080p with High settings when it first launched, before they patched it a few times - which I was fine with, but not entirely thrilled with.

And even in some cases, we have games completely locked at 30 FPS on the PC. Some games, even if you work-around the 30 FPS lock - the game's performance (Batman AK); hit-detection/collision-detection (Dark Souls 1); speeds + playability (NFS: Rivals); and other things go out the window b/c of how it was synced + hard-coded by the dev's.

Sure, 60FPS is always better - but, these day and age, especially with lackluster optimizations on PC version and/or some games being visually amazing - you're not always going to get that kind of performance at highest settings on new games unless you break your bank on $400+ cards for 1080p and above. Not everybody can or will even want to go that route for dropping that kind of money.


To our credit, I do think a lot of people were telling MysterD the 960 wasn't worth it at 4GB.
Yet, the games I have running at 1080p at often High or above settings are running very well at often 30+ FPS, IMHO.

4GB 960 is certainly tons better than my aging 1GB 560 Ti was pumping-out & would pump-out for performance. As great as the 1GB 560 Ti was for me, it was aging and getting behind the times.

My 560 Ti couldn't even run AC:U or W3 at 30FPS at 1080p (which is my requirement); hell, even at res's below that, in some cases (especially with ACU - no supported-res would even go over 15 frames). My 4GB 960 is certainly doing very well with those two games w/ 1080p at 30FPS+ at High or above settings - amongst many other games, as well.

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You're still getting better framerates on the 4GB models, even if it ain't that much more on "Ultra High". For the extra $20, you might as well drop the extra $20 to be at 4GB instead of 2GB. It's not like you're talking say $50-100 difference here - when you're talking that kind of money ($50-100 more), you'd be better off with a 970.

If there's ever a point when cards will flat-out require more than 2GB just to actually even boot a particular game or games you want to play - all over a measly $20, you're flat-out screwed.
I often go Custom w/ my settings - I'm running a mix of stuff of some stuff High and some other stuff on Very High and can get 40-50 FPS with AC:S. I'm absolutely fine with this.

41% performance boost, to me, is a big-deal. Framerate and performance is life.

I would say 25-31 FPS is the typical console-quality performance and I consider playable (in most cases). It's not rocking the boat of having crazy dips and rises of 10 frames per clip on the rise + fall, so it should be smooth. It's basically similar to the performance I had for Batman: AK at 1080p with High settings when it first launched, before they patched it a few times - which I was fine with, but not entirely thrilled with.

Sure, 60FPS is always better - but, these day and age, especially with lackluster optimizations on PC version and/or some games being visually amazing - you're not always going to get that kind of performance at highest settings on new games unless you break your bank on $400+ cards for 1080p and above. Not everybody can or will even want to go that route.


Yet, the games I have running at 1080p at often High or above settings are running very well at often 30+ FPS, IMHO.

4GB 960 is certainly tons better than my aging 1GB 560 Ti was pumping-out & would pump-out. As great as the 560 Ti was for me, it was aging and getting behind the times.
For anybody who has played BO3, would it be worth it at that price for someone who mainly likes SP and the zombies? The COD games tend to be shitty on the SP and the zombie stuff can be cool, except usually you need to buy $100 of DLC to get the full experience.
So been sitting for an hour for tires so I guess I can put up my thoughts about blops3 now. All the others are correct about the sp it is not good but if you want to get the most out of it play it on realistic and die with one shot so it will frustrate you until the end but it will make you better at mp because you will have to headshot enemies quick. As far as zombies it is pretty fun solo and coop played a couple of rounds and the maps are large and interesting. I have played every cod and mw2 is my favorite of all time for mp. Blops3 mp (even though you didn't ask) is now up there with mw2 mp it has some great characters and one of the best run n gun (my favorite class) classes in any cod game. I can usually stay in the top three if I have a ok team or a good team take the number one spot. You can ask brut with all my winner circle screenshots in my activity feed.

tl;dr Blops3 sp crap, zombie good and mp great.

Done: Holy mysterd post I will spoiler this post when I get home on cell now.

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So been sitting for an hour for tires so I guess I can put up my thoughts about blops3 now. All the others are correct about the sp it is not good but if you want to get the most out of it play it on realistic and die with one shot so it will frustrate you until the end but it will make you better at mp because you will have to headshot enemies quick. As far as zombies it is pretty fun solo and coop played a couple of rounds and the maps are large and interesting. I have played every cod and mw2 is my favorite of all time for mp. Blops3 mp (even though you didn't ask) is now up there with mw2 mp it has some great characters and one of the best run n gun (my favorite class) classes in any cod game. I can usually stay in the top three if I have a ok team or a good team take the number one spot. You can ask brut with all my winner circle screenshots in my activity feed.

Holy mysterd post I will spoiler this post when I get home on cell now.

Thanks for everyone's thoughts on CO BO3 - back up to $39.99 on Amazon so my decision is made for now.
Would've been a better deal if BO3 was $10.

Even if it's still $24 at Target - eh, I can wait. I still have to get around to playing COD: Ghosts.

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I still have to get around to playing ANY Call Of Duty game.
I've played 2, 3, some of the MWs, and Black Ops, but I honestly don't remember which is which. They're all severely overrated by 720p 30fps Mountain Dew and Doritos consoletards, gamer grrls, and guys named Chad or Chazz working at GameStop because they're not good at regular sports and their SAT scores were too low to get into college.

I still have to get around to playing ANY Call Of Duty game.
I've played 2, 3, some of the MWs, and Black Ops, but I honestly don't remember which is which. They're all severely overrated by 720p 30fps Mountain Dew and Doritos consoletards, gamer grrls, and guys named Chad or Chazz working at GameStop because they're not good at regular sports and their SAT scores were too low to get into college.

I haven't bought anything in a good while so I bought this.  It was a terrible decision.



Cobi Treasure Deluxe


Quest Run

Gun Monkeys (seriously?)

Keebles (again?  And it's single player?  WTF?)

No risk of me buying a second after that dog show.

I'll wait for the $50 mystery bundle.  That one will be awesome!

edit: holy crap, I didn't even get to make a Gun Monkeys joke before someone got Gun Monkeys!

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I haven't bought anything in a good while so I bought this. It was a terrible decision.



Cobi Treasure Deluxe


Quest Run

Gun Monkeys (seriously?)

Keebles (again? And it's single player? WTF?)

No risk of me buying a second after that dog show.
You could have bought 2 UT Packs for that.

bread's done