Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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Fallout companions depend on my mood.  People complain about the combat AI but, honestly, it's a Bethesda open world game and if you can't win a fight with your eyes closed you probably need medical help.  So I either leave them at home or take someone along depending on whether or not I want the virtual company for my trip.  If nothing else, some of the perks are worth traveling with them and enhancing your status with them to unlock the perks.

I always need a Fallout companion. Need as many companion as I can with me to pack-rat + carry all the stuff that I pick-up to either sell, store in my stash, and/or use for scrap for upgrading stuff.

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I always need a Fallout companion. Need as many companion as I can with me to pack-rat + carry all the stuff that I pick-up to either sell, store in my stash, and/or use for scrap for upgrading stuff.
In fallout 4's "survival" mode companions are terrible mules. Not sure about all of their capacity, but dogmeat is only 25. Better to use lone wanderer perk and get carry capacity buff + other damage benefits.
Speaking of the 480. I see the 8GB 480 hitting around $175 and I see Nvidia's similarly priced card is a 3GB 1060. Is the Nvidia architecture so much better that a 3GB card from them can compete with a 8GB AMD? Or what gives with that?
Where are you seeing rx 480 8GB at ~$175? looking for one and its been $210+

That is actually not that bad of a deal. Is the DLC even worth it? I haven't even finished vanilla Fallout 4 yet.
DLC is alright, honestly though the only piece of dlc I really thought was good was Far Harbor. 25 dollars is about fair for the dlc as a whole, though. Fifty is way too much for what you get

I enjoyed FO4 but I have no idea how you can spend over 700 hours on the game in a year

Well, of course. Trump threw a lot of traditional norms and civility out the window during the election and won. People feel that the standard political system has failed them and that disregarding civility is the way you get things done. I don't think that they give a shit what people outside their sphere think of them protesting or that people may tut-tut and tell them they're they're being silly or immature.

I say let them protest. Let them protest every day. Let Trump know NOW where the nation is so he knows the stakes.

During the election, you had people talking about a Clinton victory with "Second Amendment Solutions" and "We'll have to assassinate that bitch" and Trump still won. Now it's "Well! I never! People holding signs... how DARE they! Why, back in MY day, we'd simply retire to the reading parlor and discuss our grievances over brandy..."
Well at least trump never called shillary a hermaphrodite like Jefferson called Adams in the 1800 campaign. We're making progress.

Blow it out your ass

Racist attacks prove why people voted for Trump? Trumps win has emboldened racists (on both sides). Your attempt at normalizing this shit is not only wrong but a disservice to all non-whites and all people who abhor this shit.

Trump is not going to change a fucking thing. He's filling his team up with lobbyists and the only difference between Obama's Washington and Trump's will be we're going to be further to the right than we've ever been in history. All sides are going to suffer because of the election of this orange demagogue.

And she won the popular vote.
Not if you discount the 6 million illegal immigrants who voted for shillary illegally . Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to be a legal citizen to vote?
In any modern 3D Fallout games I have to say fallout new vegas was the best.
Both in modding and vanilla gameplay.
Fallout: New Vegas took that great RPG/FPS mixture of a foundation Bethesda built - and basically went to town with it, content-wise. In FO:NV, we had much better writing; narrative; dialogue; actual roleplaying + decisions to make here than Fallout 3 ever dared. Also, the humor from Fallout 1+2 returned, which was missing for the most part in Fallout 3.

Pretty much, FO:NV (when it came out) only lacked the freshness + revolution that Fallout 3 delivered, since FO3 set the excellent standard here for all the future FO games to be built upon.

Fallout 4 is great, but a different kind of great. The combat + Quickloot here is just leagues above what FO3+FO:NV had going on. This stuff makes FO3+NV look+feel clunky-as-hell, TBH. Boston is an absolutely fantastic setting + Bethesda did a great job w/ making this a sandbox that I just want to keep on exploring. Nobody does open-world sandboxes like Bethesda, TBH - as they pretty much out-class everybody alone in this realm. I do wish there were more pre-built Towns/Cities, though - as they seemed to really take a backseat to the Build-A-Settlement mechanic.

I was disappointed as can be that pretty much they streamlined the hell out of it. RPG elements got streamlined - where they rolled everything pretty much into the Perk system. Decision-making got weaker - i.e. not many choices in most cases, TBH. Actual role-playing here got even smaller, where I began asking questions of "Ummmm, why are most options here often different shades of good (i.e. nice good or sarcastic good)? Where's the evil and neutral choices? Even FO3 did a better job at this!"

Regardless, I still got over 110 hours with Fallout 4 - and I think it's great; a different kind of great, mind you. FO4 seems to lean way more in the FPS/RPG hybrid (with more emphasis on FPS) than say the RPG/FPS hybrid that FO3+NV had going on there - and I think that seems to be why many people are not in love w/ FO4 like they were say with especially FO:NV.

Now, if we can just get Obsidian to do a new Fallout game w/ their typical Obsidian hallmarks (writing, narrative, story, dialogue, choices galore, dark humor) and Fallout 4's engine+combat, I'd certainly be very happy.

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The complaints about political posts stem from the fact that this is literally all people hear about, all day long, on every bit of their social media, and almost every time they interact with another human being. It's exhaustion. People have had this shit stuffed down their throats for over a year, and now that Piece of Shit 1 won instead of Piece of Shit 2, they just want one place to come to get a running joke or CAG meme and decompress. Understandably, some feel the need to vent, but literally every site you go to is this shit. So the underlying message of apathy/annoyance is really that people could be venting anywhere else.
Speaking for myself, as that's all I can do, I'm avoiding all media, social and otherwise, except for this place. So tell me where the hell else I'm supposed to go to vent? My wife feels the same way and there's only so much of me one can take at a time.

Edging back toward on-topic...

I light of current events, I have installed Duke Nukem Forever. I want to be prepared for the new future.

Everyone says it's not going to be as bad as everyone says.

I hope it's better than the first half hour.

And I'm all out of gum.
Well, Blade likes it a lot. Personally, I had a real struggle getting past level, um, 6? I agree with the toaster review to a certain extent--it's very uneven and much of the humor falls flat, especially for a game that was in the oven for so long.

Voltron of ignorance.
I love this phrase! :rofl:

Trump isn't even in office yet. If you want to protest (not riot) when he actually does something, go ahead. But for now, I see this as nothing but acting out because they lost the election. You better hope nothing happens to Trump because Pence is a die hard bible thumping evangelical who will do exactly what you think Trump will. I actually look for Republicans to try to impeach him ASAP so they can get Pence running the show, since Pence can be controlled.

Trump is a Democrat who pretended to be a Republican so he could get their votes. The most hilarious time was when he was carrying the Bible around in Iowa. Anybody could see that was fake. I have no idea how he will govern.
Hm. No, Trump is a Trump. He's not going to govern like a Democrat. The country will be moving further to the right in terms of policy because he will surround himself with actual Republicans and let them do what they want about most things. He only gives a rat's ass about fiscal policy and he'll be pushing fiscal policies that enrich himself and his family. Yes, as a country, we'll probably survive, assuming that he doesn't engage us in some kind of foreign policy nightmare that leads to World War III (and no, I'm not kidding--it could happen).

re: politics

All of the racially and politically motivated beatings as well as the destruction of property proves why so many people supported Trump in the first place. A lot of people want to bring back traditional values. People are tired of lawlessness. They also believe in social contract; you know, treating people decently and behaving in a proper manner. All of the "don't assume my gender" stuff and people wearing pajamas to nice restaurants has really started to bother some people. And I don't blame them at all. People think they can do whatever the f they want these days. We got the candidates we deserved. Also, for some reason people today think they are owed certain social welfare or political reform without having to actually work for it. How about doing something good and actually helping people instead of all the protesting and Facebook blogging? It's the generation of spoiled, entitled, self-absorbed brats that got us into this Trump mess in the first place.
Hm. Maybe that's partially true. I'm confident that a lot of dumb-ass millennials who refused to vote for Hillary because she said mean things about Bernie Sanders share some of the blame for this mess. But, seriously, re-read that sentence there for a second. That's a perfect description of Trump himself.

The sandwich tasted pretty good.

Bacon,lettuce,turkey and tomato
I had order side of bacon and soup to go along with it.

The bacon ended up coming in a huge basket.
I'd hate to think about what the bathrooms at that place look like.

I got a 100 dollar steam card ready to use, but I'm trying to hold off until black Friday

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Why Black Friday? I'm pretty sure Steam's sale isn't scheduled until the tail end of December. Why not wait? Sure it won't be fantastic but it's better than paying regular Steam prices for stuff.

Fallout: New Vegas took that great RPG/FPS mixture of a foundation Bethesda built - and basically went to town with it, content-wise. In FO:NV, we had much better writing; narrative; dialogue; actual roleplaying + decisions to make here than Fallout 3 ever dared. Also, the humor from Fallout 1+2 returned, which was missing for the most part in Fallout 3.

Fallout 4 is great, but a different kind of great. The combat + Quicklook here is just leagues above what FO3+FO:NV had going on. This stuff makes FO3+NV look+feel clunky-as-hell, TBH. Boston is an absolutely fantastic setting + Bethesda did a great job w/ making this a sandbox that I just want to keep on exploring. Nobody does open-world sandboxes like Bethesda, TBH - as they pretty much out-class everybody alone in this realm. I do wish there were more pre-built Towns/Cities, though - as they seemed to really take a backseat to the Build-A-Settlement mechanic.

I was disappointed as can be that pretty much they streamlined the hell out of it. RPG elements got streamlined - where they rolled everything pretty much into the Perk system. Decision-making got weaker - i.e. not many choices in most cases, TBH. Actual role-playing here got even smaller, where I began asking questions of "Ummmm, why are most options here often different shades of good (i.e. nice good or sarcastic good)? Where's the evil and neutral choices? Even FO3 did a better job at this!"
This is why I'm waiting for 4 to get really cheap. I'm disappointed by what I've read about this streamlining business, and I have a feeling that it will sour me on the series.

This is why I'm waiting for 4 to get really cheap. I'm disappointed by what I've read about this streamlining business, and I have a feeling that it will sour me on the series.
I think the questing in FO4 is often nowhere as interesting as FO3, NV, and Oblivion. Oblivion+ its DLC's/Expansions had so many memorable quests + locations, I don't even know where to begin. A lot of Skyrim's great quests came from the side-quests factions (especially the Guilds + Dark Brotherhood) + the DLC's (both Dragonborn + Dawnguard were excellent).

FO4 just lacks...interesting quests, choices & real RPG'ing. All of this seems to be majorly cut-back. Don't get me wrong, there are some interesting quests. But a lot of quests seem to be in the "Go here, kill this", "Go here, defend that", "Go here, make a decisions of different shades of good," and "Go here, find this." This doesn't feel like Fallout 1+2+3+NV; this feels more geared towards an offline-like MMO w/ lots of one-off quests, TBH.

But, my God - combat + Quickloot is a major improvement here in FO4 over FO3+NV. No comparison. It's obvious they took lessons from Id Software (like they said) - as combat feels similar to one of their FPS games. It's MAJORLY improved.

What Quickloot does is it lets you avoid hopping into Inventory screen (that's b/t you and your dead enemy) and just take loot like you would in a ARPG. You can get close to a dead enemy; the Quickloot box pops up w/ their loot; you roll the mouse wheel up and down (through it, if you want); and just hit the proper key to quickly take anything without even pausing the game to access their Inventory. Click-click-click; take and go all while still in the game's real-time combat + game-world. This Saves opening Inventory menus when you don't need to. Keeps you immersed in the game more, especially if you're in the middle of a shootout.

SIDE NOTE: If you don't like Quickloot, you can still freeze time and open the regular Inventory b/t you and your dead enemy, if you want.

Though, there is a Quickloot Mod for NV - and I highly recommend you pick that up:

Now we just need a Quickloot Mod for FO3...

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I know you're all still a little raw from last week's election, but just remember that there really were some winners to come out of all of this.

Me, actually. I had Trump at 9/2 on Betfair.

MysterD cares more about the looting system in Fallout games than I care about anything.

Rainbow Siege Six was fun and, if I thought people would ever actually play it, I'd buy a copy.  I may buy a copy and wind up mainly playing the solo stuff anyway 'cause that's the sort of person I am.

MysterD cares more about the looting system in Fallout games than I care about anything.

Rainbow Siege Six was fun and, if I thought people would ever actually play it, I'd buy a copy. I may buy a copy and wind up mainly playing the solo stuff anyway 'cause that's the sort of person I am.
Yeah, RSS was fun last night even though I was hoping for a bigger turn out with the free weekend. Solo/Lone Wolf can be fun and since you play alot of solo Homefront I think you'll be fine with it, but it is a little harder and more random than Home front.
Yeah, RSS was fun last night even though I was hoping for a bigger turn out with the free weekend. Solo/Lone Wolf can be fun and since you play alot of solo Homefront I think you'll be fine with it, but it is a little harder and more random than Home front.
I was going to be there, but the wife got standby tix for SNL and I chose that instead.

Farage and Trump have a bromance. They enjoy each others company. Believe this is from yesterday when they had a meeting.


I feel like we're all living is some dopey sci-fi movie about parallel dimensions, and we're the comic relief dimension where crazy stuff has happened.

I dont understand how one can live so ostentatiously. It looks like an extremely uncomfortable place to live where you're not allowed to touch anything. I do well, but give me a comfy couch instead of something that looks like its from the Palace of Versailles.

Oh, but a gold bidet. Cool? 

No wonder Trump is so angry all the time. Relaxing at home looks like a job unto itself.

I can't believe they didn't show a picture of my solid gold, climate controlled, litter box. Losers.

At least they showed my solid gold scratching post. That's the best, the very best, scratching post ever known to cat. Everyone says this. Trust me.

I just love scratching the shit out of it. Imagining it's a poor person's leg.


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MysterD cares more about the looting system in Fallout games than I care about anything.

Rainbow Siege Six was fun and, if I thought people would ever actually play it, I'd buy a copy. I may buy a copy and wind up mainly playing the solo stuff anyway 'cause that's the sort of person I am.
My problem is it is on sale the same time as Squad. I regret not buying the Siege starter pack for $15.

I dont understand how one can live so ostentatiously. It looks like an extremely uncomfortable place to live where you're not allowed to touch anything. I do well, but give me a comfy couch instead of something that looks like its from the Palace of Versailles.
That's just it. To most people, it looks like a place where they would be reluctant to kick up their feet. When you've got ridiculous amounts of money like that, it's all disposable and you can afford to have people clean, repair, or replace it when it looks slightly worn. You can live like a pig and the house always looks the same.

I, myself, prefer a mansion with more modern architecture and style. :whistle2:

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No, you're actually better off that you didn't. All the operators cost an astronomical price for those who own the starter pack. Like 12000 Renown for the first one.

Totally worth the extra 10 to get at least the base set of ops at an easily obtainable amount of renown

Also on squad, just remember its still EA, you'll have plenty of other times to get it at this same price(probably again in 2 weeks and then another month). R6 is already a full fledged game that they just keep expanding. I grabbed squad since some friends have it, its interesting and good, but we have plenty of other stuff to play that none of us have spent much time in it.

The other thing in r6's favor is the player base. Just on steam numbers it has 40k people currently, and thats without including the uplay numbers so it probably more than doubles once you add them in. Squad on the other hand is at ~10k, where it usually hovers. I wouldnt expect it to increase much until its out of EA

So make of that what you will, just MHO

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I regret not buying the glitched RSS base game for $15 on Amazon but it was gone/fixed before I jumped on it.

Anyway, I'll probably get it.  I put over 200 hrs into HF:R and most of that was soloing the Co-Op mode so I apparently have a high tolerance for that sort of thing even if we don't Bro-Op it often.

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Eh, like Fox said, if people gave it a week it would go the same way as burger pictures or talk about shoes or any other dumbshit thing that occupies our time.

Anyway, we played Mean Greens last night and it was fun. I don't know if it's appreciably different than other third person shooters but it captures the toy army man theme perfectly with bright colors, fun environments and a lot of crisp detail. No classes, each person can cycle through all the weapons and my only complaint would be that each map is game-style specific so you'll only play the fish tank for Capture the Flag, only play the strategic games town in Team Death Match, only play the craft table in Free-For-All, etc. Also, although we had enough for 3v3 teams, it seems like it'd be more fun with more people so y'all should come play it Wednesday night.
Mean greens is a better than average bro night game, so hopefully we can get a nice turnout. Make sure to get reds on your team, he is Weiler Rocket league good, a real game changer.

In other bro news, I think we should find another game for dangerous golf night, 3 of us tried it and multiplayer is that in name only as its only a scoreboard, You are just playing solo. Hardly worth the stupid 10-12 gig the game takes.

Fallout 4 is great, but a different kind of great. The combat + Quickloot here is just leagues above what FO3+FO:NV had going on. This stuff makes FO3+NV look+feel clunky-as-hell, TBH. Boston is an absolutely fantastic setting + Bethesda did a great job w/ making this a sandbox that I just want to keep on exploring. Nobody does open-world sandboxes like Bethesda, TBH - as they pretty much out-class everybody alone in this realm. I do wish there were more pre-built Towns/Cities, though - as they seemed to really take a backseat to the Build-A-Settlement mechanic
Fallout 4 world hasn't reached that "exciting exploring," moment yet for me at all, FO3 had that but 4 I'm just ehh on the world so far (granted still under 10 hours in). The streamlining isn't as bad as people made it out, though I could see it losing shine later in the game.

bread's done