Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm not sure who suggested the Polk Audio Melee headphones but I got some from eBay with 15 of my bonus eBay Bucks (they were free) and they do sound really good for cheap headphones.  I don't care about the mic abilities so I'm using them strictly as wired headphones and they sound good.

They are slightly heavy (but really not bad) on the top of my head but there's very little pressure inward on my ears so they are pretty comfortable to wear.  I got sick of the subpar music performance of the Logitech G930 so I wanted something decent and cheap.  Good suggestion, whoever you are.

Last night, BF1 was a bust.  We just got slaughtered for an hour before we quit and switched to PUBG.  The server was full of snipers who just made it impossible to do anything.  So my apologies to Idiotekque, apparently it does happen.

Had fun in PUBG even though we got no chicken dinner.  Syntax got to #2 in a really exciting duo match by hiding under some silos.  It was him vs. a team of 2 at the end though so he tried his best, but couldn't finish it up.  I think I have a PUBG addiction.  Was playing it until 3am last night and when I crawled out of bed this afternoon it's the first thing I did...

So Im living less than a block from a Staples and notice this and lo and behold got the last one they had, someone had come in earlier today and bought like 5 of them. I got the floor model.

I decided to walk over there since its so close (I can see the back of the plaza from our new place) and I ask them to hold it so I can get the car and drive it home, dude said they couldnt hold it bc they're getting calls on them, so I just buy it then and push it home :D so thanks for the heads up on the deal and making me feel like a fool for the day!
u can't just pay and ask the store to hold it at the register while u get ur car at your local Staples? :shock:

Last night, BF1 was a bust. We just got slaughtered for an hour before we quit and switched to PUBG. The server was full of snipers who just made it impossible to do anything. So my apologies to Idiotekque, apparently it does happen.

Had fun in PUBG even though we got no chicken dinner. Syntax got to #2 in a really exciting duo match by hiding under some silos. It was him vs. a team of 2 at the end though so he tried his best, but couldn't finish it up. I think I have a PUBG addiction. Was playing it until 3am last night and when I crawled out of bed this afternoon it's the first thing I did...
lets be honest. bah was bitching while in the menus to play peanut butter campground. Your heart wasnt in it.

Okay I regret it all. Witcher 3 is great. I can't stop playing it now. I should've waited longer to comment given that my experience w/witcher 1/2 was similar in that I had a very unfavorable opinion in the beginning (I absolutely hated Witcher 2 initially) but they grew on me the longer I played. I'm still not sure I like it as much as other renowned open world games of the past few years, like skyrim or botw, but it's really good. My bad. Lost planet is better though

Lost planet is better though

I may or may not have spent most of the day playing PUBG.  Well, the small part of the day I was actually awake.  I have now officially played more hours of PUBG than I have of BF1.  So, Weiler, you're always complaining we stop playing BF1 too early for you, buy PUBG and we'll play it until midnight PST and you can stop complaining. 

I may or may not have spent most of the day playing PUBG. Well, the small part of the day I was actually awake. I have now officially played more hours of PUBG than I have of BF1. So, Weiler, you're always complaining we stop playing BF1 too early for you, buy PUBG and we'll play it until midnight PST and you can stop complaining.
I'm surprised by that considering the number of Friday nights the bros have spent reenacting WWI.

I saw you and syntax burning the midnight oil last night when I got on but I thought to myself... They got to be going to bed soon no point and booting it up but you all stayed on long enough that I likely should have. Does it do 3 man teams or is it just doubles and four man teams?

Also what do you think of the recent stream snipping bans they did? I honestly think its a bit BS. If you want to put that info out there then you should have to deal with the negatives. I know the studio got to be loving the twitch streams, its free ads, but i think protecting the streamer is... Well, BS. I don't know a single streamer's name but if I did and their in my game I feel at the moment I would just be inclined to not kill them as I wouldn't want even the prospect of a ban to happen.

Okay I regret it all. Witcher 3 is great. I can't stop playing it now. I should've waited longer to comment given that my experience w/witcher 1/2 was similar in that I had a very unfavorable opinion in the beginning (I absolutely hated Witcher 2 initially) but they grew on me the longer I played. I'm still not sure I like it as much as other renowned open world games of the past few years, like skyrim or botw, but it's really good. My bad. Lost planet is better though
Seriously, this game has me by the sensitive bits. I have been playing it almost daily for over a month now. I might be 2/3 the way through, still haven't even touched the expansions, so I'll probably be playing for another 50 hours at least. Applying the mod that removes the point requirement for the different tiers of skills has made it more enjoyable for me.

In PUBG news, GMG sent me another 27% off coupon. I almost never get in on games like this when they're new and popular, might just say fuck it and get it to see why some people are depriving themselves of sleep to play it.
lets be honest. bah was bitching while in the menus to play peanut butter campground. Your heart wasnt in it.
Nah, it was just a terrible night. Whatever team we were on kept getting pinned at spawn. We even tried playing a different mode and got rolled in that as well.

Does it do 3 man teams or is it just doubles and four man teams?
Just solo, duo or squad. Supposedly it will try to fit a random into a three man squad but more often we just play one person down. Doesn't really seem to significantly affect how we do though -- generally once things go south, they do regardless of three or four guys.

I don't pay attention to streamers but I guess a lot of people do because developers fall all over themselves to suck the guys off. The PUBG dev response is that they could track the guy trying repeatedly to get onto a server with the streamer and basically cheating. I guess them banning him doesn't bother me too much. Better than Dead By Daylight where the dev famously said that they wouldn't ban exploiting streamers because the promotion was too valuable to them.

I don't pay attention to streamers but I guess a lot of people do because developers fall all over themselves to suck the guys off. The PUBG dev response is that they could track the guy trying repeatedly to get onto a server with the streamer and basically cheating. I guess them banning him doesn't bother me too much. Better than Dead By Daylight where the dev famously said that they wouldn't ban exploiting streamers because the promotion was too valuable to them.
Wanting to play against people famous in the game (and more importantly be on TV!) is a very true phenomenon also... I just don't see trying to join someone in particular's lobby as proof that he cheated. (Then again I don't really get the whole watch others play video games thing.)

The above, the talk of paid crates, and having not yet played it has me questioning why I jumped on the 27% off code from GMG the other day. (Ugh, and no control support... I thought I had checked on that. Guess my days of not using the keyboard are going to have to end.)

Edit: Seems it does have limited controller support as I took the time to setup my orbweaver (Somewhat? I guess... Seems like there is way too many keys it wants to bind) but when I got into the game, after it sort of crashed on me, it gave me the option to jump out of the plan with a controller prompt and do everything I would seem to need to know how to do but... Whoever laid out the control scheme has never played a 3PS on a controller. Anyhow, I survived to 64, didn't kill anyone, found some loot... *shrug*

Anyhow, I'll have to dig around the settings to see if there is someway to disable the gamepad. I got no desire to unplug my controller every time I want to play this and the gamepad setup as it is is just far too broken to get use too.

Anyhow, I can see the excitement of the title... Knowing someone is around is a different kind of excitement than your normal MP shooter.

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Wanting to play against people famous in the game (and more importantly be on TV!) is a very true phenomenon also... I just don't see trying to join someone in particular's lobby as proof that he cheated. (Then again I don't really get the whole watch others play video games thing.)

The above, the talk of paid crates, and having not yet played it has me questioning why I jumped on the 27% off code from GMG the other day. (Ugh, and no control support... I thought I had checked on that. Guess my days of not using the keyboard are going to have to end.)
People sure love to get in an uproar about stuff. They ban one popular streamer for team killing and people pitch fits, then they ban someone else for killing a streamer and people pitch fits. Pretty sure both are temp bans too so who the hell cares. If they have evidence that the guy knew the streamer was there and planned it all out then boo hoo take your ban and stfu.

If streamers don't want this to happen they should use a delay, it's their own fault. On one hand you have an idiot showing his position to thousands of people in real time, on the other you have an idiot maliciously using that info to take him out. What if you were playing and watching the stream simultaneously and happened to notice you were in the same game? I imagine most people would seek the streamer out.
Seriously, this game has me by the sensitive bits. I have been playing it almost daily for over a month now. I might be 2/3 the way through, still haven't even touched the expansions, so I'll probably be playing for another 50 hours at least. Applying the mod that removes the point requirement for the different tiers of skills has made it more enjoyable for me.

In PUBG news, GMG sent me another 27% off coupon. I almost never get in on games like this when they're new and popular, might just say fuck it and get it to see why some people are depriving themselves of sleep to play it.
You could do what we suggested to Weiler, buy it full price on Steam, demo it an hour to 90 minutes, and then refund. If you love it, buy it on GMG with the coupon, if not, you will at least know whether you liked it or not. It should usually hook you within an hour or two so you should know. It's not one of those slow burn 15-20 hour tutorial games.

Does it do 3 man teams or is it just doubles and four man teams?
Just solo, duo or squad. Supposedly it will try to fit a random into a three man squad but more often we just play one person down. Doesn't really seem to significantly affect how we do though -- generally once things go south, they do regardless of three or four guys.
A 3 man squad can join a match without a 4th random being added to the mix. The auto-balance option needs to be disabled, before everyone hits ready to load the match.

You could do what we suggested to Weiler, buy it full price on Steam, demo it an hour to 90 minutes, and then refund. If you love it, buy it on GMG with the coupon, if not, you will at least know whether you liked it or not. It should usually hook you within an hour or two so you should know. It's not one of those slow burn 15-20 hour tutorial games.
That's a hell of an idea... Wish I had thought of that. Frankly, its the way I sort of think so I'm surprised I didn't... Granted, I don't really ever use the Steam refund option.

Anyhow, tonight... What a complete clusterfuck. I guess my new Sound Blaster Omni sound card has been using its built in mic(s) instead of my headsets mic... Granted, that doesn't explain why it was working and then it cutout... I disabled the in game chat but it still didn't restore discord but he game was set to push to talk so it really shouldn't have effected it and again not sure if it did as I couldn't even get it back to working after gaming without trying a bunch of shit. Right now my headset's mic works when its plugged into the front of my PC or in behind but in the mic spot on my new sound card. No dice. Updated/rolled back firmware, reinstalled software, disable/enable crap to no end... Just no fucking dice.

I found an old mic cable I used for the PS3, cause I used a TB x41 on the PS3 at one time, and now its ran to the back of my PC... So now I guess I have a 80 dollar headset amp. I'll think on rather or not I want to return it... I still want to be able to swap from speakers to headset via device/software without having to pull out my headset mic each time. Also there something to be said about not trying to fix what isn't broken... but we'll see. I'm more than a little annoyed with Creative right now.

PUGB... Holy shit the cluster fuck of all cluster fucks last night... I have no idea whats going on with my keybindings. I had rebound reload to F so I could use my orbweaver but that was like the only binding that wouldn't work. I used the first aid via the orbweaver. I moved my character via it, I looted with it, etc. etc. etc. The only thing I didn't do was reload the weapon. I even tried the normal keyboard, and my mouse which happens to have F mapped to one of its extra buttons. None of them would reload. Anyhow, the way I got my weapons loaded was by plugging my controller back in, hitting the corresponding button, and then going back to the mouse and keyboard. (I'll try it again a little later and see if I can get my weapons to reload the proper way if the controller was never plugged in and if that doesn't work... I'll bind the Orbweaver to the game instead of the other way around. One of those ideas have got to work... Right? if it doesn't work that basically just leaves it that God is telling me to stick with a controller?

As for the game itself... I think its more potential than great right now. I can see why its in early access but I can also see why its fun (and frustrating) to play but, man, it does no hand holding at all. They literally just kick you out of an airplane without even telling you good luck! :D

Anyhow, the controls fell a little stiff. (granted, that could just be me cause I'm not use to keyboard and mouse) Also aiming down the sights does not come close to aiming from the hip. There is a huge correction to make between the two. (Most games just give you an improved view of what your aiming at while in PUBG you need to aim again cause your not looking at the same thing anymore.... Granted, it could have been the lack of an looted sight that was doing me in.)

So, yeah, I feel I should apologize for sucking (which I knew I would) but since I lived the longest I feel you all should apologize for not carrying me farther.

Yeah, that was one disaster of a round you joined us in. The mic issue wasn't so bad, you could at least hear us, but the controller issues were the main culprit since you couldn't eject/land with us. I got murdered after stealing someone's buggy and you saw how us bros can't shoot the side of a wall. I was impressed by your skills with the controller. I was spectating you and saw you zero in on that one guy with the quickness. Hopefully, the next time it'll be more entertaining.

I would troubleshoot that card to make sure you didn't get a dud, but also check the Voice settings in Discord and default settings in Windows too. When I use the Razer surround program it automatically defaults the sound output to my Nessie mic when it's plugged in, so I have to go in an change it, otherwise I don't hear anything. Not sure if you're running any programs like that or if the Creative program does that itself. I had seen that card before and was curious as to how that mic worked. I don't have any speakers hooked up to my PC so I don't think I'd need those features. I game with my headphones. Play music on my bookshelf speakers. I can't remember when the last time I had surround speakers on my gaming rig, though if I ever de-clutter and reorganize my office, I can imagine it being nice to have a surround system installed again.

Hopefully, the next time it'll be more entertaining.
Oh, I'm sure it will be... I did at least get back into the game long enough to fix the reloading issues, so some binding on my Orbweaver later in the week, making a reference card to help me remember whats what, and some testing/practice this week and I suspect I'll be good to go for next weekend.

Sound Card, I certainly what I suspect. There not much doubt in my mind that it either doesn't do what I want it to do (which doesn't make allot of sense) or its got some sort of issue... It just works too perfectly fine in every other way/configuration. The "funny' think is that the dual mics it has built in aren't responding anymore either. Oh, well, I got it from Amazon so getting it fixed should be easy enough.

I'm just running on about 2-3 hours of sleep right now so I'm just not in the mood to mess with it more... I messed with it long enough last night to realize that Creative's tech support is crap and non existent on the weekends.

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Wanting to play against people famous in the game (and more importantly be on TV!) is a very true phenomenon also... I just don't see trying to join someone in particular's lobby as proof that he cheated. (Then again I don't really get the whole watch others play video games thing.)
They say they have other tools which helped verify it but declined to discuss because doing so helps people avoid those tools. I guess I ultimately don't care because I don't plan on lobby hopping or chasing streamers around. Agreed with people who said it was dumb not to use a delay but that doesn't excuse cheating (I assume the EULA has a blanket statement about use of 3rd party applications to track people, etc). I can't summon any energy to care about it though -- if they reverse it with a full apology tomorrow I won't care about it then either.

A 3 man squad can join a match without a 4th random being added to the mix. The auto-balance option needs to be disabled, before everyone hits ready to load the match.
We've set it to allow a random and had no one join. I think it's dependent upon the number of players and "solo" squad people to fill the ranks as much as anything.

Only got to play one round with Inmate last night and we wound up in completely different drop locations so it barely qualified as "playing with". Don't worry about the general messiness of that game, I've done the same from having a controller dongle plugged in so I couldn't drop to not knowing how to gain distance while diving, etc. It's definitely a learning curve. I like the game though I'm not "in love" with it. It's a good fun concept but needs some work. It's probably the least stable game I've played in a long time even with Early Access. Ark and Rust might have been unoptimized messes but they didn't regularly crash or force me to reboot. Good thing those microtransaction loot crate keys are coming out though!

I've been having decent luck with PUBG in respect to its stability beyond one crash. Its really unoptimized tho. I dont push it past low settings and thats kinda sad. It definitely needs a lot of work but the fun factor is there big time. I also am not "in love" with it, but I do admit its starting to grip me more and more. 

I played my first solo run yesterday and had a surprisingly fun go at it. I finished top 15, but I also had the experience of a lot of squad games prior to get the basics down. I'm starting to learn the map more and am more confident picking landing spots and general navigation. I'm finally getting kills somewhat regularly as well. Gunplay has a higher than usual learning curve compared to the AAA shooters. Had a game with Fox and GBK were we were one of the last 2 teams standing, but we got pinned down in a house on the coast with a Kar98 outside and then some dude cleaned us all up. That was the most annoying finish yesterday, but still had fun playing it. I like how it varies from being a treasure hunt to absolute madness and suspense at any time. I get annoyed a bit with the Run Lola Run type of games where you have to just keep moving because of your initial drop zone, but the game relies a lot on luck and I imagine that helps even the playing field in some respects.

Its worth playing for sure, but its the definition of early access right now. The optimization is almost non-existent and they better get that shit in order before leaving early access.

Picked up PUBG and I'm enjoying it so far :). Seems like this game has alot less bugs than H1Z1 and definitely more graphically-defined. Bullet drop is the only thing I need to get used to but my skills will develop overtime

I'll grab Witcher 3 around $10.  I enjoyed 1 but there was a lot about 2 I didn't like (some had to do with the switch to a new engine) including the combat (which usually kills any interest in a game for me especially when it's a combat oriented arpg) and pseudo-Diablo loot/craft system.  Never finished it.

I'll grab Witcher 3 around $10. I enjoyed 1 but there was a lot about 2 I didn't like (some had to do with the switch to a new engine) including the combat (which usually kills any interest in a game for me especially when it's a combat oriented arpg) and pseudo-Diablo loot/craft system. Never finished it.
if that turned you off from 2 you won't like 3

I've been having decent luck with PUBG in respect to its stability beyond one crash. Its really unoptimized tho. I dont push it past low settings and thats kinda sad.
Really? I'm doing Medium, but I had it on High I think and honestly, I did it hoping it would eliminate crashes on spawn island, but it's just about the same.

Bullet drop is a bitch. And the various weapon add-ons make a significant difference, especially things like the SMG grips or stocks.

Picked up PUBG and I'm enjoying it so far :). Seems like this game has alot less bugs than H1Z1 and definitely more graphically-defined. Bullet drop is the only thing I need to get used to but my skills will develop overtime
Yep, the bullet drop is something I still haven't gotten used to. I mean, I suck at shooting in general, but in PUBG I suck even more than usual and the fact you don't shoot that often makes it so I can't get a real feel for the physics. The attachments also make it hard because it makes such a big difference on the same gun. With so much of the shooting being distance shooting, you're almost as good as dead if you don't have some type of scope by the end.

With so much of the shooting being distance shooting
Shows what you know. I was crouching in the doorway of a shed today when some random dude came worming past the door on his belly :lol: :twoguns:

I've heard people recommend just jumping early and mixing it up right away to get some gun experience but I've never been able to sell out a run like that. I might make it to #1 with my one kill under this rock!

Shows what you know. I was crouching in the doorway of a shed today when some random dude came worming past the door on his belly :lol: :twoguns:

I've heard people recommend just jumping early and mixing it up right away to get some gun experience but I've never been able to sell out a run like that. I might make it to #1 with my one kill under this rock!
Yep, that's the same predicament I've been in. I want to get some action going, I don't want to get right into it. It's not as easy as just jumping into the action, because even when you try, you have to get a gun quick to actually get some experience, otherwise you'll just get killed while running around trying to find one. Even then, the action I tend to get if I do that is with pistols or shotguns, which really isn't the type of experience I'm looking for.

Initially, I thought the allure of the game was the chicken dinner, but I've come to realize that while it's the ultimate goal and nice, the experience is more satisfying than the ending, especially in squad play.

You could do what we suggested to Weiler, buy it full price on Steam, demo it an hour to 90 minutes, and then refund. If you love it, buy it on GMG with the coupon, if not, you will at least know whether you liked it or not. It should usually hook you within an hour or two so you should know. It's not one of those slow burn 15-20 hour tutorial games.
or maybe, fall back on 30 years of gaming experience and know what types of games you like/dont like. Getting burned on $8 games like rocsuck league or dead by first light are one thing. $20 forget it. $15 on rainblow 6 siege was the last straw. Peanut butter bordom ground isnt the first major hit ive avoided, I hate counterstrike too. Say no to bro shaming!

I've been having decent luck with PUBG in respect to its stability beyond one crash. Its really unoptimized tho. I dont push it past low settings and thats kinda sad. It definitely needs a lot of work but the fun factor is there big time. I also am not "in love" with it, but I do admit its starting to grip me more and more.
Really? I'm doing Medium, but I had it on High I think and honestly, I did it hoping it would eliminate crashes on spawn island, but it's just about the same.
I've been pushing a mix of Medium to High settings and have been getting a somewhat stable 55-60 fps. Although I have turned Foliage down to 'Low' because it was recommended a while ago. I'm not entirely sure if that's necessary now.

I guess I've been lucky but I haven't had a game crash on me yet. Are you talking about during the initial rampage island when people are queuing in? Or once on the main island after parachuting down with the crashes? The only thing that's annoyed me so far is when 3 or more players are within a close distance and firing I get awful lag and frame drops sometimes. I've only died to this once thankfully. Maybe I need to just drop everything down to medium settings.

Another thing that's plagued me recently was when I decided to upgrade my AMD drivers (17.7.2) and PUBG ran like garbage. With the same settings I was getting 17-19 fps so I had to drop back to 17.7.1. So this pretty much speaks to the optimization issues PUBG still faces.

Yep, the bullet drop is something I still haven't gotten used to. I mean, I suck at shooting in general, but in PUBG I suck even more than usual and the fact you don't shoot that often makes it so I can't get a real feel for the physics. The attachments also make it hard because it makes such a big difference on the same gun. With so much of the shooting being distance shooting, you're almost as good as dead if you don't have some type of scope by the end.
Bullet drop is brutal, I still don't have a handle on ARs at distance. I find Sniper rifles are easier to handle especially when holding down shift for increased stability. Shotguns are great for house clearing, I think that's where I've made most of my kills sadly.

Have you tried using the crossbow? Haha, man. Now that's an "I'm bored, let's see what this thing can do" change it up type of weapon. I've only managed one kill with it and the guy was running away from me in a field.

I've heard people recommend just jumping early and mixing it up right away to get some gun experience but I've never been able to sell out a run like that. I might make it to #1 with my one kill under this rock!
I've started to mix it up more lately and pick new spots to explore. My go to spot for most rounds are the apartment buildings next to the school in the middle of the map. Usually you can find a good assortment of shotguns, ARs, and SMGs. It's also somewhat close to a few vehicle spawn spots. Plus with being in the middle you don't have to travel too far after the first circle of death closes in. It's not the best spot, but I think it's a relatively safe area and gives you a better chance to survive a bit longer.

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Initially, I thought the allure of the game was the chicken dinner, but I've come to realize that while it's the ultimate goal and nice, the experience is more satisfying than the ending, especially in squad play.
Yeah, I thought the same thing at first, but the more I've played the more I just view a top 10 finish as my goal. Once you get there anything can happen. Plus luck seems to be a big part of the game as well.

And hey, you might even win while crouched in a bush, chucking grenades in buildings, and/or next to a rock.

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My general crashes or lock-ups are usually after matches.  I'll get back to the screen with the church interior and the AKM leaning against the wall and my character won't pop in and the game gets unresponsive.  Sometimes I can get to Task Manager and use the keyboard to force close it, sometimes I need to hard reboot the system.  I've only actually crashed out of a running game once or twice.  Though the other night I started rubberbanding so hard that it took me around ten tries to enter a door.

My general crashes or lock-ups are usually after matches. I'll get back to the screen with the church interior and the AKM leaning against the wall and my character won't pop in and the game gets unresponsive. Sometimes I can get to Task Manager and use the keyboard to force close it, sometimes I need to hard reboot the system. I've only actually crashed out of a running game once or twice. Though the other night I started rubberbanding so hard that it took me around ten tries to enter a door.
Do you have Win10?

My crashes in PUBG are like 99% of the time on spawn island during the initially load and usually I can tell when it's going to happen.  It happens if too many people are shooting or moving in the same area I'm in, so I usually just gun it to the water and chill there.  My audio starts distorting when it's getting close to happen as well.  I've rarely had it crash in game, but it did the other day after Syntax and I had looted and loaded up and started running to the zone.  Was pretty frustrating.  

Heads up to all my Zgolderbros - Razer ZGold top off bonus ends today so stock up on that ZGold if you need to. 

Gamersgate still doesn't have a Far Cry 5 pre-order up and the bonus z gold must be used within 30 days, so keep that in mind.


And if you need something to spend your bonus Zgold on:

Prey (2017) is $32.65, which is like CDkeys pre-order pricing, plus additional 15% off for paying with Zgold, plus 5% bonus in blue coins, plus you get zsilver which you can hoard for years and one day get some overpriced Razer keyboard or something.  

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bread's done