Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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If my desktop smells like something is burning and I haven't opened it up in maybe five years and then it starts making noises that sound like an animal dying inside, I probably have a fan issue, right?
Not yet. I don't know which one is doing it. The damn case has like four or five on the outside, two on the processor heatsink, and two on my SLI setup. I've just left it powered off and haven't felt brave enough to venture into the jungle that is a 25-year-old's lack of interest in cable management.
Not yet. I don't know which one is doing it. The damn case has like four or five on the outside, two on the processor heatsink, and two on my SLI setup. I've just left it powered off and haven't felt brave enough to venture into the jungle that is a 25-year-old's lack of interest in cable management.
This is what you do: Get a laundry basket, turn it upside down and place it over the computer. Then, on top of the laundry basket, you place a new computer. That should fix the problem.

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This is what you do: Get a laundry basket, turn it upside down and place it over the computer. Then, on top of the laundry basket, you place a new computer. That should fix the problem.
Nope, that still doesn't address the burning issue. Oxygen feeds fire and the laundry basket has holes on the side. Best solution is to tape all the vents with duct tape and run it until the fire dies inside.

So, for everyone that is dmy, isn't naming files with dates confusing when you sort?

Seems everything would be jumbled... everything that happened on the first of every month would be first, then second of every month... etc. Or am I not missing something?

Everyone should just follow ISO 8601.
I use year-month-day because it seemed most logical for sorting. I didn't realize there was an ISO for it.

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If my desktop smells like something is burning and I haven't opened it up in maybe five years and then it starts making noises that sound like an animal dying inside, I probably have a fan issue, right?
Does it look anything like this?


Why is it so difficult to remove the batteries from the Steam controller? I think it eats the batteries as long as the contacts are touching the battery. What a pain in the ass. I need to invest in some good rechargeable batteries for this thing.
Definitely get rechargeables.

Too bad they didn't add AA recharger to controller. I doubt it would've cost much more.

My mouse has integrated and it's very easy, just plugin usb cable when out of juice. No need to take battery out everytime. (Though at least it isn't as tight as steam controller so it comes off very easily).

Last night the bros played Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.  I think it was in a Humble Monthly and I ignored it at the time because it said local MP only.  Works just as well online as long as you have voice chat since it's crucial.  One person is trying to defuse a bomb, the other people are telling that person what to do by consulting the bomb manual.  We had a decent turn out though some people were having connection issues and had to drop.  Plenty of explosions and they have leaderboards so you have a reason to keep defusing the same level.  Damn you LN/Stephen!  We will best you one day.

Tonight is Squids from Space which is about Squids who are from Space.

Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition

6th March 2018
Really hope they make the 4K and 8K texture packs and any other languages packs optional.

I don't need 155GB of space or more eaten up by this one damn game, ugh.

Gonna take a while to download that space-hog in full, too.

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Does anyone know if EA had a spring sale last year?
I wanted to grab the sims 4 + DLC and BF1 for myself whenever it comes up again.

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Really hope they make the 4K and 8K texture packs and any other languages packs optional.
I don't need 155GB of space or more eaten up by this one damn game, ugh.
Gonna take a while to download that space-hog in full, too.
Don't worry by the time 2025 rolls around and the game is $5 so you will buy it our hdds will be plenty big enough for 8k textures.
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Really hope they make the 4K and 8K texture packs and any other languages packs optional.

I don't need 155GB of space or more eaten up by this one damn game, ugh.

Gonna take a while to download that space-hog in full, too.
  1. It's called Final Fantasy XV because it takes XV percent of your ISP data cap.
  2. It's called Final Fantasy XV because it takes XV days to download and you can't get a refund.
  3. The worst part is, you wait for that huge download and then it turns out it's still Final Fantasy XV.
Dare I even open-up this possible can of worms?

So, what's so bad about FFXV?

It's mechanically sound. Really fun combat. I was never bored during my 90 hours.

However, everything else was clearly unfinished and cut. Nearly anything and everything they ever showed never made it into the game.

What's left of the story is as barebones as can be without being entirely incoherent, and that's the real kicker. There's a good story here, but we'll never get 85% of it. Lots of actual gameplay and scenarios were cut as well. For example, the entire world changes near the end of the game, and originally it was going to be explorable with missions and monsters and such. What we got was a quick cut and some dialogue before another quickcut to the final area. Another is a big leviathan battle that was teased from early trailers. The actual fight feels like an alpha scenario to test the mechanics.

Game is fun. Ridiculously unfinished and it still irks me that no major outlet calls them on it ever. Squeenix must've paid their enforcers good for that.

Edit: also I hear the dlc is crap, but hey, they're "supporting" the game so whoop de do.

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not at all for me (or most adults, I'd imagine) but i'm willing to bet kids think it looks like the coolest thing ever and nintendo makes a ton of money off it
I was pretty sour on it on reveal, but I’m starting to come around on it. I consider this something of an overpriced test run. Provided that it all works as well as the advert implies, just imagine the sort of neat things you could do with the tech and some sturdier equipment. I’m looking forward to seeing how it pans out. I’m not about to shell out $70, but then I’m neither a parent nor the proper demographic.
Dare I even open-up this possible can of worms?

So, what's so bad about FFXV?
I feel like chiming in too...

I remember the first reveal of Versus XIII. I remember being swept up by Shimomura's music. I remember the second trailer. Desperately wanting to immerse myself in it. I remember not caring about XIII, Versus XIII was what I needed in my life. I remember when they revealed it was rebranded as XV. I had spent my years waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I was still in high school when it was announced, and it came out after I had moved three states, went through three year + relationships, met my (at that time soon to be) wife... It was a completely new era.

I played the game. I platinum'd the game on the PS4. I spent about 95 hours in the game. The best way to describe it is that it is not my favorite Final Fantasy game, nor is it the game that I hoped for, but the time I spent with Noctis and friends came at the right time. After distancing myself from friends from the past, it reminded me of the power of friendship.

The world is not what it should have been. Two city "hubs", smaller towns dotted across the world, and a faux-open world design didn't do the game what it really needed to shine. A massive desert region didn't do the world justice. A lack of interaction with Insomnia was crippling. Shimomura's score has some amazing tracks, but also isn't consistently astounding. Having the ability to listen to past Final Fantasy tracks while in the Regalia (car) was a neat feature, though. Also, the in-game modeling of food is insane. Seriously, they professionally photographed the dishes, and then modeled them as accurately as possible. There is a team out there whose main purpose at Square Enix for a time was to digitally create meals that looked photo-realistic.

The story... I can't... I don't hate it. At all. There was a lack of structure and some portions were given too much breathing room and some portions felt rushed, incomplete, and lifeless. In the end, though, I found my time, my journey with these characters, made me feel like I was the fifth member of their group. I felt invested in seeing what would happen, what did happen, and what will eventually happen.

In the end, I am buying this on PC the day it comes out. This is not a game that everybody will enjoy, to a point that I think there is a venn diagram of people who WILL or HAVE enjoyed it... Anyway, I hope that game you an overarching idea on how the game made me react.

Labo looks stupid, there I said it...

Probably the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time.

Who at Nintendo thought that was even a smidge of a good idea x.x
The same was said about the Nintendo Switch, handheld, 5 hour battery life, handheld's were supposedly a thing of the past and the PS Vita proved that. And here we are 9 months later and 10 million units sold. Never count out Nintendo and I don't even own the Nintendo Switch.

Why is it so difficult to remove the batteries from the Steam controller? I think it eats the batteries as long as the contacts are touching the battery. What a pain in the ass. I need to invest in some good rechargeable batteries for this thing.
lmao, the steam controller uses AA batteries? Woof I suspected it was a garbage product but didn't realize things were that dire.

The same was said about the Nintendo Switch, handheld, 5 hour battery life, handheld's were supposedly a thing of the past and the PS Vita proved that. And here we are 9 months later and 10 million units sold. Never count out Nintendo and I don't even own the Nintendo Switch.
People didn't shit on Switch

They did shit on amiibos though.

Labo looks cool, but not "video games" cool, more like "Something to convince kids to try putting something together rather than watching logan paul all day"

Last night, the Bros set out to defend and/or conquer the Earth in Squids From Space and it was good times.  A third person, sorta top-down, shooting game you have a team of soldiers and a team of alien squids fighting to grab resources and steal one another's commander.  The more resources you can grab, the better your arsenal becomes with more weapon choices and battle mechs opening up.  A couple people compared it to Fat Princess but I've never played that so I dunno.

The game was fun, looked good and ran seemingly bug free for the most part.  The soldiers seemed more powerful than the squids although, in some defense, that might also be a lack of familiarity with the squid arsenal.  Soldiers were easy: assault rifles, shotguns, Jeeps, etc whereas the squid forces had an variety of odd lasers, beam weapons and flying saucers that weren't just reskins but unique weapons with special properties.  Credit for the effort but it was a steeper learning curve to play that side.  The developer ("the"? "one of"?) jumped into our game and played a few rounds with us, probably happy that someone was actually playing his game.

Tonight we're playing ATV: Drift & Tricks, the game for people tired of two-wheel racing and who want a QUAD experience!  No word on whether the dev will join us.

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bread's done