Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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That's a lot of GB for one mode.

BO is my least favorite mode. DM and Zombies are better.
I'm guessing you own the entire game...?

So, at 86GB or so, is BO4 downloading only Blackout?

Or is it also downloading DM and Zombies too, but just not unlocking it?


If DM and Zombies is missing, how much is the full game install? Over 100GB?

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I used to complain about huge installs because of how long they take (although Steam is pretty slow regardless of connection) but now I complain about needing more storage so I can have half of my backlog installed at once.  FWP.

I'm just happy if reCaptcha loads without having to refresh the page 10 times on my satellite connection.

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I'm guessing you own the entire game...?

So, at 86GB or so, is BO4 downloading only Blackout?

Or is it also downloading DM and Zombies too, but just not unlocking it?


If DM and Zombies is missing, how much is the full game install? Over 100GB?
Its ~80gb installed for the full thing, so yes, its downloading the whole game

I used to complain about huge installs because of how long they take (although Steam is pretty slow regardless of connection) but now I complain about needing more storage so I can have half of my backlog installed at once. FWP.
My only issue with big installs is bandwidth because of those thieves - Xfinity. 86GB is almost 10% of my monthly allotment.

That was an issue before I got fiber as well.  Cox is the same way, I think all of the big cable companies pull that crap now.  You can get unlimited but it is another $50 per month and they slowly raise their prices constantly.  The fiber I have now is $79.99, the Cox package I had was the same price or very close to it but vastly slower and with a 1TB cap.  They had a bandwidth meter for a while so it was obvious they were going to add a cap and I noticed that I very rarely went over it and when I did, it was usually a perfect storm of a lot of general usage - streaming, phones via wifi, etc., on top of installing some new big games.  Some PS4 games are huge too.

When they sent me an email saying they were adding a cap and I had a one month grace period to get used to it before it would be enforced, I downloaded everything I could possibly think of just to spite them.  I forget now but I think I was just under 4TB.  

I still haven't found a usage meter (monthly or otherwise) on Google but I wouldn't be shocked to find out I use over a TB a month or more. Both wife snd I use wifi in the house for our phones... She never watches regular TV. Just netflix or VUDU for the most part. I watch a fair amount of regular TV but most of the time I'm streaming hulu when asleep... I watch a fair amount of games via NHL.TV too. Some Saturdays I'm streaming games for 12 hours straight.
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If only fiber was offered where I live - I'd drop Crapcast in a heartbeat.  That 1 TB cap is like a bare minimum for me.  I come so close to going over every month and then the last week, we have to stop normal activities and be super careful of our internet usage.  It's no way for a civilized family to have to live.  Or my family for that matter.

I find these US (and AU) internet discussions fascinating (and a little foreboding): 10 years ago we had slow expensive internet and tiny caps here compared to the US and AU, where common plans were faster with no (or much higher) caps. Now the US and AU have (relatively) slow and expensive plans with caps, while prices have been dropping here and caps slowly disappearing.

The limiting factor with Steam downloads for me is my PC: Steam takes longer to decompress and move the files than it does to download them.


Anyone else have issues with unauthorized access to steam account?  Today was 2nd time in a little over a month, had to change PW again.


go to and enter your steam username and password and it will check if you have been pwned.

Played some Blackout mode for Call of Duty 4: Black Ops 4 during this Blackout Free Weekend.

So, I've never done Battle Royale Games before. Let's just keep this in mind here.

Are all BR games built & built like this? Are PUBG and BF5 with their BR Modes like this?

It feels like I'm running & driving around, only to eventually get shot out of nowhere from a camper, get killed while going for loot, or run into one player just to gun him/her down in a small shootout. It seems takes a bit to really get to the action. COD combat, when you get to it, feels as smooth and responsive as one would expect from a COD title; COD titles have never messed this up.

I don't know if it's me, but it feels like either the map's flat-out too big or there's non enough players tossed on one map to get all the action going. Maybe I'm used to the usual non-stop COD action and all, but this Blackout feels slower-paced and doesn't seem like there's many players around for shootouts...until maybe the end, if there's still some players kicking around and the circle got ultra-tight and small.

Game runs well enough and all on Medium at 1080p at 50-80 frames per second and all.

Gonna have to keep giving this a shot, to see if I really like this...and/or can really get into this. Not really sure, if this mode really is my cup of tea...or not.

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Played some Blackout mode for Call of Duty 4: Black Ops 4 during this Blackout Free Weekend.

So, I've never done Battle Royale Games before. Let's just keep this in mind here.

Are all BR games built & built like this? Are PUBG and BF5 with their BR Modes like this?

Yes, but they dont play like a normal fps. Generally how they all play out is that you have a large map, as you've seen, with various interesting locations that usually have good loot, and then sporadic random lower level loot. The interesting ones tend to have more action at the beginning of the game since some people will cluster there to try to get good stuff at the start, so they are the first ones to live/die. Or you take the slow and wait it out approach and go to the middle of nowhere and work back in.

Either way once you are kitted out you end up following the circle and as it closes in you get in to more and more firefights (or more hiding in bushes), hopefully building up with any more loot you need.

They all basically follow that same progression

(btw bf5's isnt out until march or later)

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Played some Blackout mode for Call of Duty 4: Black Ops 4 during this Blackout Free Weekend.

So, I've never done Battle Royale Games before. Let's just keep this in mind here.

Are all BR games built & built like this? Are PUBG and BF5 with their BR Modes like this?

It feels like I'm running & driving around, only to eventually get shot out of nowhere from a camper, get killed while going for loot, or run into one player just to gun him/her down in a small shootout. It seems takes a bit to really get to the action. COD combat, when you get to it, feels as smooth and responsive as one would expect from a COD title; COD titles have never messed this up.

I don't know if it's me, but it feels like either the map's flat-out too big or there's non enough players tossed on one map to get all the action going. Maybe I'm used to the usual non-stop COD action and all, but this Blackout feels slower-paced and doesn't seem like there's many players around for shootouts...until maybe the end, if there's still some players kicking around and the circle got ultra-tight and small.

Game runs well enough and all on Medium at 1080p at 50-80 frames per second and all.

Gonna have to keep giving this a shot, to see if I really like this...and/or can really get into this. Not really sure, if this mode really is my cup of tea...or not.
1. Don't be a coward.

2. Git gud.

The worst part about a game like Stardew Valley is trying to play it again after not playing it for a while.

I can't remember how anything works.

The worst part about a game like Stardew Valley is trying to play it again after not playing it for a while.

I can't remember how anything works.
I mean, that's true of so many games, so many types of games.

Try loading up a Civilization save of a game you abandoned sometime in the Renaissance.


Happens all the time for RPGs I forget about. I'm like Skills? Characters? Is there a story up until now function (every game needs this!)? Crafting....what are the ingredients? By the time I figure out a few things I'm already getting a massive headache. I then am like forget it and restart the game. I then get up a point and give it up again. I think I've restarted Mana Khemia about 5-6 times hah. I haven't played in a while, but I get pretty far and get bored. Doesn't change the fact that I wish we got more Mana Khemia games. I get a bit tired of the Atelier so and so series.

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I'm trying to start back up on a Kingdom Hearts 2 save from three years ago. I was about 2/3 through it when I moved on for whatever reason. Totally lost.
I have a story about a KH2 save. I played it way back when it was new but stopped for maybe 3-4 months. I was like OK I need to finish this and struggled a lot in fights and such around a small area. Little did I realize that was the save that was maybe about 10 minutes from the final boss. Hilarious when I think about it now.

I'm having that problem with Shadowrun Returns, been a bit interested in getting back into it, but can't get myself to play it as I know I'll have no idea what my characters are/do, where I am, or how the hell to play and it's probably like the middle of the game. 

On the counter, I find sometimes an extended break is good in some management games. Football Manager it always feels like it works out as I come in with a whole new look at the team

I fell like this with Darksiders. I remember enjoying playing it when I first had it. But something got me sidetracked from it. Now I'd just need to completely re-start the game.  Also, though I loved the first two games, I wasnt feeling Danganronpa 3 so I fell off. I think it was just a state of mind thing, but if I was to go back now, I'd have no idea what I was supposed to be doing. 

I have trouble deciding what game in the backlog to go to next and I just go back to Rimworld. 

I always rename all of the colonists and this time I started with a few friends I have gamed with for years in MMOs and such, then started using people from this thread.  Motoki was a transhumanist who was shot in a raid and it messed up his back plus he lost an eye and one arm.  We didn't kill the raider who shot him and he was good with animals so I captured him and when I successfully talked him into joining my cult colony, I named him JohnnyCap.  Seemed appropriate.   Then an insect infestation happened and I sent him to defend one path with some tanky animals and the insects ripped him apart.  My polar bears named Coke Zero and Cocaine Cola lived though, that is what matters.

Now the colony is advanced enough that I am making bionic parts and for ages I had been buying up any artificial body parts or spare organs that traders offered.   Since I had a surplus of replacement parts I decided to have spoderman, my  best doctor, go all in on Neo Motoki.  He now has a bionic spine, two bionic eyes and Archotech (better than bionic) arms and legs.  Of course he will most likely snap and kill everybody in the colony at some point now but eh, whatever.

Meh at the Super Bowl.   Both teams I would have any interest watching lost today.

Yeah, at least I won't have to root for them like I did for the Falcons.

Panthers fan.

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[font='comic sans ms', cursive]Bout time they made it back![/font]

Dumb OT rules.
Nothing wrong with the OT rules in playoff football... Regular season I feel one could argue otherwise but we had a chances... and just didn't get it done. (Typical Chiefs we beat ourselves.)

But the Saints lost, and did so with a major screwing by the refs. It was glorious.
Every team has to overcome poor refereeing so I'm not buying that the refs cost them the game. If they had preformed better on 5-10 plays before that play they wouldn't have even needed points... and after that play if Brees hadn't panic in OT and thrown it up for grabs they could have won too.

Anyhow back to normal postseason behavior. Go Patriots!
Nothing wrong with the OT rules in playoff football... Regular season I feel one could argue otherwise but we had a chances... and just didn't get it done. (Typical Chiefs we beat ourselves.)

Every team has to overcome poor refereeing so I'm not buying that the refs cost them the game. If they had preformed better on 5-10 plays before that play they wouldn't have even needed points... and after that play if Brees hadn't panic in OT and thrown it up for grabs they could have won too.
Although I agree the Saints played a pretty inconsistent game, had that penalty been called there's a 90% chance they would have won the game outright just by running time off the clock (or they would have gone ahead by a touchdown). And I think the issue is moreso that it was a blatantly obvious PI to the point where the Rams cornerback even said so himself.

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Although I agree the Saints played a pretty inconsistent game, had that penalty been called there's a 90% chance they would have won the game outright just by running time off the clock (or they would have gone ahead by a touchdown).
Likely more then 90 percent. The loss is still on them as they wasted chances to win. Brady never let the Chiefs have the ball in OT. Brees had the same chance but fucked it up.
Nothing wrong with the OT rules in playoff football... Regular season I feel one could argue otherwise but we had a chances... and just didn't get it done. (Typical Chiefs we beat ourselves.)

Every team has to overcome poor refereeing so I'm not buying that the refs cost them the game. If they had preformed better on 5-10 plays before that play they wouldn't have even needed points... and after that play if Brees hadn't panic in OT and thrown it up for grabs they could have won too.

Anyhow back to normal postseason behavior. Go Patriots!
Not buying they lost because of the ref call?

That was probably the most blatant fuck up on refs this year and we need to hold them to a higher standard than people do since they make 100's of thousands a year...

It's their damn job.

But alas, football is joke nowadays anyways.

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That was probably the most blatant fuck up on refs this year and we need to hold them to a higher standard than people do since they make 100's of thousands a year...

It's their damn job.
They should all be reviewed... Those that seriously fucked it up should be fired.

As for not buying it... No, not really. I'm not blaming the refs for the Chiefs losing though they got fucked over on a roughing the QB call on a incomplete 3rd down that gave New England life on their last drive in regulation.

You have to overcome adversity to win. The refs are adversity.

Amen on football being a joke.
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Likely more then 90 percent. The loss is still on them as they wasted chances to win. Brady never let the Chiefs have the ball in OT. Brees had the same chance but fucked it up.
I agree with that, too. Payton should have run the ball before the PI which would have run the majority (although not all) the time off of the clock. The Saints were fortunate enough to win the toss for OT and could have won right there with a touchdown but their interior offensive line failed and Brees threw an extremely ill advised pass off of his back foot that got intercepted. They had chances... but still... that no call was so egregiously bad its a black mark on the league.

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They should all be reviewed... Those that seriously fucked it up should be fired.

As for not buying it... No, not really. I'm not blaming the refs for the Chiefs losing though they got fucked over on a roughing the QB call on a incomplete 3rd down that gave New England life on their last drive in regulation.

You have to overcome adversity to win. The refs are adversity.

Amen on football being a joke.
Chiefs made more mistakes, but were the better team. Patriots were much better coached though.

The Chiefs left 2 mins on the clock for Brady when they scored so quickly. That's a mistake they should have learned from during their first meeting earlier in the year. The big mistake was Dee Ford lining up offside during the interception that probably would have ended the game and sent the Chiefs to the Super Bowl.

I've been on the Fire Bob Sutton train for years. The defense has declined under him every year and this year was the worst. He can't make adjustments, his defense is poorly coached and looks confused most of the time. The winning drive in OT that the Patriots had was proof of that. Instead of doubling Edelman and Gronk, he plays his passive defense and allows them to run slants for first downs. Tony Romo up in the booth knew exactly what the Patriots were going to do, but Sutton couldn't figure that out or make adjustments to stop it.

bread's done