Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Nope. Hades was 15% off. Epic is running a promo directly from Epic, nothing to do with the devs, taking an additional $10 off any game over $14.99. this additional discount brought it down to $16.99. Devs didn't like that so they raised the price to counteract. It's a shitty move. The epic discount has nothing to do with the dev pricing.
Exactly this.

The dev's think selling the game at $7 is "devaluing" it, but alas, it has nothing to do with Epic was fronting the discount. The developers are being scummy AF and raising the price l o l

Great devs

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Exactly this.

The dev's think selling the game at $7 is "devaluing" it, but alas, it has nothing to do with Epic was fronting the discount. The developers are being scummy AF and raising the price l o l

Great devs


Glad I payed $6 for the PreOrder hehe
I believe you said you were from Argentina so I assume English isn't your first language but "payed" is a pet peeve of mine. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

The correct word is paid.

Payed is a word that has various nautical meanings such as "sealed joints of a ship with tar".


I fully expect people to start purposely using the wrong word from now on just to mess with me.

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Nope. Hades was 15% off. Epic is running a promo directly from Epic, nothing to do with the devs, taking an additional $10 off any game over $14.99. this additional discount brought it down to $16.99. Devs didn't like that so they raised the price to counteract. It's a shitty move. The epic discount has nothing to do with the dev pricing.
OIC. I figured the $10 off $14.99+ came at checkout but apparently not. This is Epic fronting the majority of these discounts. Most of this stuff is not on any dev sale at all.

Well I spent 3 hours tonight dusting and working on cable management that I've been postponing for the last five months. So I didn't buy anything and the joke is on them, harr!

This is like when shady sellers raise their prices when there's an eBay coupon.
Perfect analogy. It's 100% greedy devs.
I almost feel bad for Epic (in this situation specifically). They lower their cut, and these devs/publishers still want as much as they can get away with.
That said, this sale is them crawling back to consumers after screwing them over in favour of the aforementioned greedy devs/pubs, so fuck 'em.
Guarantee the Ubisoft games don't come back until the sale is over either.
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Has anyone else suddenly got a "Steamworks Common Redistributables" in their library list that now updates each time you launch steam? The latest update on my pc is 460.7 MB. What is this and why is this suddenly in my client and updating constantly. I went a year fine without seeing it.

Perfect analogy. It's 100% greedy devs.
I almost feel bad for Epic (in this situation specifically). They lower their cut, and these devs/publishers still want as much as they can get away with.
That said, this sale is them crawling back to consumers after screwing them over in favour of the aforementioned greedy devs/pubs, so fuck 'em.
Guarantee the Ubisoft games don't come back until the sale is over either.
I don't feel bad for Epic. This was kind of a dick move on their part, as it puts a bunch of games at their lowest price ever.
If they devs that were partnering with them were interested in devaluing their games, they'd have put them on deeper discounts on Steam or worked with Humble to get a specific focus on them.

But now? Their games are devalued, the "lowest ever" price is recorded on them, and they had no say in it.

Many of them wanted to hold the line on their prices, and didn't want to drop bellow specific thresholds.

It'd have been different if the way it was managed was the Epic gave everyone a reusable $10 voucher that could be applied to anything that was $14.99 or above. But they didn't do that... they reduced the price of the games, which is bad optics for the devs, devaluing their games.

For a company that says it's trying to be a "better partner" for developers, this was a pretty unilateral and disrespectful move towards your business partners.

Are the devs being a little greedy now, given that the damage has been done? Yeah, a bit. But this was all foisted on them, with what sounds like almost no warning.

It really is all about those optics: When there's an ebay coupon, you don't see ebay going around and advertising all of the prices for that much less on their site. That's where Epic screwed up... all of the benefit of this goes to them and none to their partners. That's not a good look. That said, I'm hardly weeping for the various devs that took money for their exclusives and are now up in a huff because their games are starting to be devalued before they even release.

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There are probably quite a few people in this thread who own 5,000 games they haven't played.

But anyway, congrats. :)
Oh I know, but I haven't played a game on PC since Windows 95 and truly they were my uncle's PC games . I have NEVER played a single Steam game and even worried my controllers won't even work for Steam, but who knows? I will hopefully soon.

So in regards to me, and solely me.... I feel not many others have NEVER played a single Steam game on his/her computer, but yet has bought games for Steam. Are you guys out there? I'm sure there are, but wouldn't' be in abundance like the other people who have actually played the platform before (not just unplayed games).

I will soon buy PS3 games on sale but have never owned a PS3, but I hope to obtain one soon. But I've been stopping myself.

Steam is unique to me because I've literally never used Steam to play a game. Shrug. One day. I do want to go watch Ace Ventura now, thanks! Firing that movie up now

But for example, I'm sure folks buy random titles for certain systems they dont own due to the fact its a good price and can make the purchase, but that's still not the same to me as purposely buying games constantly without ever playing the system (game service) ever before in your life.

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Just realized I had uninstalled Steam smh. i shall play for my first time tonight!  Thanks ace ventura gif guy!  Arcana Heart 3 Love Max here we go!!!!   How sick PS4 controller so compatible with Steam. 

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I don't feel bad for Epic. This was kind of a dick move on their part, as it puts a bunch of games at their lowest price ever.
If they devs that were partnering with them were interested in devaluing their games, they'd have put them on deeper discounts on Steam or worked with Humble to get a specific focus on them.

But now? Their games are devalued, the "lowest ever" price is recorded on them, and they had no say in it.

Many of them wanted to hold the line on their prices, and didn't want to drop bellow specific thresholds.

It'd have been different if the way it was managed was the Epic gave everyone a reusable $10 voucher that could be applied to anything that was $14.99 or above. But they didn't do that... they reduced the price of the games, which is bad optics for the devs, devaluing their games.

For a company that says it's trying to be a "better partner" for developers, this was a pretty unilateral and disrespectful move towards your business partners.

Are the devs being a little greedy now, given that the damage has been done? Yeah, a bit. But this was all foisted on them, with what sounds like almost no warning.

It really is all about those optics: When there's an ebay coupon, you don't see ebay going around and advertising all of the prices for that much less on their site. That's where Epic screwed up... all of the benefit of this goes to them and none to their partners. That's not a good look. That said, I'm hardly weeping for the various devs that took money for their exclusives and are now up in a huff because their games are starting to be devalued before they even release.
Actually, that's exactly what Ebay does and the point of the coupons. Drive customers to your site. Absorb the loss for traffic. This whole "devaluing" games BS is just something us extreme cheapasses care about. All the whiny steam fan boys aren't going to buy Hades for $6.99 on Epic. If they want to whine about exclusivity they can pay their full retail on Steam. It was a dumb dick move by the devs so fuck that game and fuck those devs. Bundle or no buy for me.

Such a bullshit response. Didn't even address the original $16.99 sale price.

Steam has their own trophy achievement thing, wow! And what the hell big screen mode crap makes this feel very much like a console. WHY DIDNT NOBODY SHOW ME THIS! YOU CAN CHANGE THE PS4 CONTROLLER LIGHT WHAT THE ENTIRE fuck

Steam has their own trophy achievement thing, wow! And what the hell big screen mode crap makes this feel very much like a console. WHY DIDNT NOBODY SHOW ME THIS! YOU CAN CHANGE THE PS4 CONTROLLER LIGHT WHAT THE ENTIRE fuck
I think that Sega Genesis Collection ($7.49 on Fanatical) is my 50th game purchase for Steam but yet to play a single game on Steam. Just really LMAO but crying on the inside at the same time.
Oh I know, but I haven't played a game on PC since Windows 95 and truly they were my uncle's PC games . I have NEVER played a single Steam game and even worried my controllers won't even work for Steam, but who knows? I will hopefully soon.
are you a time traveler from the past?

are you a time traveler from the past?
Huh? Are you reading them out of order? Those PC games on Windows 95 were Doom, Command & Conquer, Tiger Woods, The Sims, etc but all played with keyboard and mouse. You can say I exaggerated because everyone has played a game on Windows XP, and technically yes I have too, but I never seriously played any games on Windows XP like as I did as a kid on Windows 95.

I've bought games since about January of this year for Steam and never played a single game through Steam. What does time traveling have to do with playing games on Steam? And I just reinstalled steam tonight and looked up whether or not to use my xbox or ps4 controller, I also found info on the their trophy system. I don't get what youre confused about.

Buying Steam games from Fanatical doesn't require you to open and play them on steam.

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It was douchey not to ask them first/give them a way to opt out ahead of time (at least they can opt out at all) but the devaluation argument is a meme.
More people are buying games than ever because of the discount and the devs are getting paid like it's a full price sale, how is that not good for them?
It's not like the EGS version of a lot of these games were selling like hotcakes.
Devaluation would only theoretically happen if this became a regular thing anyway (doesn't look to be), but even if it did, as long as the devs are getting compensated accordingly, who cares? Because mayyyybe the Steam version might not sell as well at full price? Besides the discount clearly being toted as an Epic exclusive sort of deal, EGS has a better revenue split anyway, and since when did Steam compensate devs for sale prices?

People who really want it at a discount will get it on EGS (which will count as a full price sale) and people who don't want to deal with EGS will get it on Steam anyway, regardless of the price.

Notice how it's only a few titles that have had any issue with this. Supergiant didn't even remove the game from sale like the others (which means the others at least believe the devaluation meme though I would argue Ubisoft is just trying to keep people mostly buying their games on Uplay directly since the revenue split is better for them on there) and just bumped up the price instead (meaning they clearly were just unhappy with leaving money on the table).
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Steam has their own trophy achievement thing, wow! And what the hell big screen mode crap makes this feel very much like a console. WHY DIDNT NOBODY SHOW ME THIS! YOU CAN CHANGE THE PS4 CONTROLLER LIGHT WHAT THE ENTIRE fuck
Just wait until you get card drops and sell them on the market.

Free money!

Hey TrumpCat, this whole mess is your fault.

You promised to drain the PC gaming swamp. Instead now we have a trade war between Valve Corporation and the People's Republic of Epic.

You also promised to build a wall around the Steam store, but there's still no wall and Steam is overrun with asset flips and other low effort garbage games.

The Mooby report provides evidence that you colluded with Yanni Cappuccino and Groupees LLC to undermine the bundle curation process, and as a result Humble and other bundle sites have gone to shit.
Huh? Are you reading them out of order? Those PC games on Windows 95 were Doom, Command & Conquer, Tiger Woods, The Sims, etc but all played with keyboard and mouse. You can say I exaggerated because everyone has played a game on Windows XP, and technically yes I have too, but I never seriously played any games on Windows XP like as I did as a kid on Windows 95.

I've bought games since about January of this year for Steam and never played a single game through Steam. What does time traveling have to do with playing games on Steam? And I just reinstalled steam tonight and looked up whether or not to use my xbox or ps4 controller, I also found info on the their trophy system. I don't get what youre confused about.

Buying Steam games from Fanatical doesn't require you to open and play them on steam.
Pop Quiz, Hotshot.! : what is 1x1?
Pop Quiz, Hotshot.! : what is 1x1?
So you guys just like not making sense about stuff that is already detailed? I thought I was bored tonight but good Lorde, can't get any worthy replies or explanations for inconsistencies because you misread something and made an incorrect comment/assumption? Lol.

Let me be the stupid one who has never played Steam before tonight, that is not a "brag". 50 games on Steam could equal less than 100 dollars easily, nobody is bragging about amount of games. It's the fact I have never loaded one up to play, not hard to comprehend. But that is now over, I have now played Arcana Heart 3 Love Max and some Melty Blood tonight, thank you thread.


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Why are they raising the retail price?
It was all a big fat mess, first they released a big update for the game, that's their reason to increase the price, but people were asking a mere hours before the sale about a price increase and they said that they would people know before increasing the price.

Then the sale started, they didn't tell people about the price change and it changed mid-sale so we have this mess.

And now they reverted to the old price but without any additional discount.

I believe they "deserve" to increase the price of the game after the big update but they failed miserably with the timing and the lack of communication.

Basically, they realized a ton of people were gonna get it for $5 less than they wanted because of the sale's timing, and so they panicked and changed the price early instead of sticking to their word.

Doesn't change anything I already said. They were just pissed about money being left on the table.
Steam has their own trophy achievement thing, wow! And what the hell big screen mode crap makes this feel very much like a console. WHY DIDNT NOBODY SHOW ME THIS! YOU CAN CHANGE THE PS4 CONTROLLER LIGHT WHAT THE ENTIRE fuck
yup, its almost like steam has this insane boatload of features that they try to use to entice customers in to their ecosystem and not want to leave. I can only imagine the uproar if someone tried to steal people away just by throwing money at people who make the content on their store to try to lure customers away from all the nice features of a long standing garden

Nope, that would never happen, remember valve is a bag of dicks and steals money from publishers

And speaking of Epic and Ubisoft, purchases of Ubisoft games on the Epic Store were disabled a few days ago, because of Uplay integration issues.
Take with a grain of salt and all that, but I did see someone mention that the issue they were having with Ubisoft games was that if someone was given a refund from Epic they had no way of removing the game from that person's Uplay account.

Buying games from Epic... soon half of you will be playing Fortnite and I'll have to put you all on ignore.    Anyway, someone linked this to me earlier and now I can not unsee it.  Not the mama!

So they need to make pizza-making a professional sport, I think. I wanna see it in the 2028 Olympics.

If they make pizza-eating a professional sport, you might see me in the 2028 Olympics.

On Topic: I havent yet put money into the EGS (though my kids beg for Fortnite VBucks), but I might get the last season of TWD.

Take with a grain of salt and all that, but I did see someone mention that the issue they were having with Ubisoft games was that if someone was given a refund from Epic they had no way of removing the game from that person's Uplay account.
I still see people on the Division subreddit having issues with getting their games to work in regards to epic. If the price is the same (or even just close) I really recommend just getting it from uplay.
I still see people on the Division subreddit having issues with getting their games to work in regards to epic. If the price is the same (or even just close) I really recommend just getting it from uplay.
I already do this in regard to Steam and Uplay. I'm assuming they still force you to run both Steam and Uplay at the same time for steam purchased Uplay games. So I said screw that, if I'm going to be forced to run Uplay anyway, I'm just going to get the game from Uplay and save myself the extra client running in the background.

So does Epic Store still not have a shopping cart? Starting a store wide sale with no shopping cart is kinda nuts. Everybody's cards are going to lock-up on them if they try going on a shopping spree to take advantage of all the deals.


I believe you said you were from Argentina so I assume English isn't your first language but "payed" is a pet peeve of mine. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

The correct word is paid.

Payed is a word that has various nautical meanings such as "sealed joints of a ship with tar".


I fully expect people to start purposely using the wrong word from now on just to mess with me.
Fair enough, the worst thing is that I knew when I typed it that it looked funny and wrong, and didnt care, sorry ;)

I've never payed attention to grammar. If I can understand what someone is trying to say then I'm good. Only time I would even think of saying something is like at work or something if I thought it might help someone to correct it. Pet peeves are just stupid. Maybe your spouse or family puts up with that crap but the rest of the world doesn't owe you anything.
I'm really curious as to how this strategy is working out for developers such as Supergiant Games selling noteworthy games like Hades exclusively on the EGS.   I wonder how their profits are looking.  We'll inevitably find out soon if this strategy is even viable for new releases.

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I'm really curious as to how this strategy is working out for developers such as Supergiant Games selling noteworthy games like Hades exclusively on the EGS. I wonder how their profits are looking. We'll inevitably find out soon if this strategy is even viable for new releases.
Yeah...distributing the game on one platform will never be as profitable as distributing it on many platforms, especially if the platform is as shit as the EGS.

I've never payed attention to grammar. If I can understand what someone is trying to say then I'm good. Only time I would even think of saying something is like at work or something if I thought it might help someone to correct it. Pet peeves are just stupid. Maybe your spouse or family puts up with that crap but the rest of the world doesn't owe you anything.
People can make whatever errors they want.

I wasn't rude about it, at least I don't think so.

bread's done